Is There Any Hope For Me To Take Aspirin?


Jul 9, 2013
Peata said:
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

This is the third day I've taken aspirin dissolved and my stomach is doing better. I still don't like the sour, bitter aspirin taste (which I can taste no matter what I mix it in) - it's kind of a peppery flavor. But today I dissolved 2 aspirin in 1 c. water with 1/2 t. baking soda and 1/2 package of an energy drink mix. I sipped it slowly, and my stomach is only very mildly irritated. That's a big step up from the mild/moderate irritation I got the two days prior.

I throw my aspirin in a glass, add water and then open a cascara capsule and dump the contents in there as well. Stir. Let sit for a few minutes then stir again and drink the top liquid. I think the two complement each other nicely for flavors - it's a bitter / lemony taste to me.


Jun 12, 2013
I'm doing well with aspirin now. I make sure I've eaten before I take it. I dissolve it in 1/2 c. water with some baking soda, salt, 2 t. sugar, and some lemon juice. I'm up to 3.5 aspirin tablets.

For whatever Peaty benefits it gives, I actually *need* it for my neck. I hope this neck issue works itself out sometime. I tried chiropractic for a couple years and it didn't help. Excersise didn't do much either. Massage helps. Aspirin helps.

I take Pioneer D & K2 daily with the aspirin. It's a chewable tablet. Might not be perfect as far as additives, but works fine for me.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This may or may not apply to you but I will say it incase it may be helpful to you or others. I had chronic neck pain for years and it turned out to be referred pain from my GI tract. After a few month on a Peat inspired approach it finally resolved! I do take aspirin of course but even if I forget to take it I'm still pain free. Now I just have to figure out this bum knee. That's still a vast improvement.


Jun 12, 2013
My pain is on right side, from base of skull down side of neck to shoulder blade. Does that sound similar to what you had?


Feb 7, 2013
Blossom said:
Now I just have to figure out this bum knee.
When you figure that one out, please lemme know. ;)
I've developed knee pain (right knee) that has me practically hobbled all of a sudden.
Years ago I injured it but it hasn't given me any problems for years, other than a bit of weakness. Not sure what is going on with this.


Nov 1, 2012
Do you think that random arthritic type pain could be indicative of a need for more thyroid? Or more nutrients? My pain is random in hips and sometimes stiffness in lower back.


Dec 13, 2013
More protective substances like progesterone, aspirin, and gelatin can be useful for arthritis. If you are slightly hypothyroid, then taking some thyroid would probably help out. You might also want to try epsom salt baths if you have arthritis.

Although I pointed out a long time ago the antithyroid effects of excessive cysteine and tryptophan from eating only the muscle meats, and have been recommending gelatinous broth at bedtime to stop nocturnal stress, it took me many years to begin to experiment with large amounts of gelatin in my diet. Focusing on the various toxic effects of tryptophan and cysteine, I decided that using commercial gelatin, instead of broth, would be helpful for the experiment. For years I hadn't slept through a whole night without waking, and I was in the habit of having some juice or a little thyroid to help me go back to sleep. The first time I had several grams of gelatin just before bedtime, I slept without interruption for about 9 hours. I mentioned this effect to some friends, and later they told me that friends and relatives of theirs had recovered from long-standing pain problems (arthritic and rheumatic and possibly neurological) in just a few days after taking 10 or 15 grams of gelatin each day.

For a long time, gelatin's therapeutic effect in arthritis was assumed to result from its use in repairing the cartilage or other connective tissues around joints, simply because those tissues contain so much collagen. (Marketers suggest that eating cartilage or gelatin will build cartilage or other collagenous tissue.) Some of the consumed gelatin does get incorporated into the joint cartilage, but that is a slow process, and the relief of pain and inflammation is likely to be almost immediate, resembling the antiinflammatory effect of cortisol or aspirin.

Experiments have shown that progesterone relieves anxiety, improves memory, protects brain cells, and even prevents epileptic seizures. It promotes respiration, and has been used to correct emphysema. In the circulatory system, it prevents bulging veins by increasing the tone of blood vessels, and improves the efficiency of the heart. It reverses many of the signs of aging in the skin, and promotes healthy bone growth. It can relieve many types of arthritis, and helps a variety of immunological problems. ... ries.shtml


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

Pure aspirin powder for animals. Same as human aspirin but doesn't have fillers/binders. I used it for a while without a problem. I read somewhere that the dosage is 325 mg per 1/32 tsp, but I don't have a scale so I didn't verify that claim. I take a 1/4 tsp dose in hot water neutralized by baking soda three times per day, or estimated 7800 mg. Sodium aspirinate is less potent, so dosage varies. Don't have any stomach irritation from it.
Uh, I think you're a little off on your dosages, Ben. Else, I was taking around 30 grams of aspirin/day.


Aug 24, 2013
I was taking very small amounts of aspirin over the summer, just nibbles here and there, and I don't know if it had much effect. Then by Fall, I was taking 1/2 to 1 aspirin daily. Not a lot to most on here, but I was trying to be cautious.

I was also drinking too much Coke. 3 - 4 cans per day. I know this amount wasn't good for me, but it was just something I indulged in at the time. I've since stopped drinking that much.

One day in the middle of October, I had the worst stomach pains of my life. It felt like the lining of my stomach had been dissolved away. I stopped eating/drinking anything that could be aggravating the problem, and my stomach healed. I can't remember how long this took, days to a week or so...?

So since then if I've had pain, like in my neck, I'll take an aspirin or two and it seems fine. Don't notice the stomach problem. This isn't daily use though.

A couple days ago, I decided to try daily aspirin again. I used BC powder. My stomach hurt some - slight burning feeling.

I didn't take any aspirin yesterday, stomach fine.

Today I tried it again with some juice, and my stomach hurts a little.

I also take a K supplement when I take the aspirin, btw.

Can you think of a way I might be able to take aspirin without the stomach issue?
Or does it mean I just can't take it or shouldn't be taking it?
Should I go to safety coated? I thought there was some reason it wasn't recommended - because it just dissolves further in the digestive tract and can cause problems there, maybe.
If I can't use aspirin, is there something else I can take/drink that will work in a similar manner to aspirin?
Glycine is supposed to help aspirin absorbtion and protect against its gastrointestinal effects.
Acetylsalicylic acid tablets with glycine improve long-term tolerability in antiplatelet drug therapy: results of a noninterventional trial. - PubMed - NCBI

Just don't take pure glycine without food. That can cause nausea.


Jun 12, 2013
Glycine is supposed to help aspirin absorbtion and protect against its gastrointestinal effects.
Acetylsalicylic acid tablets with glycine improve long-term tolerability in antiplatelet drug therapy: results of a noninterventional trial. - PubMed - NCBI

Just don't take pure glycine without food. That can cause nausea.
Thanks, but since that post, I've been able to take aspirin fine most all of the time. I took it with glycine sometimes, other times in the form of Alka Seltzer (so with baking soda). Anymore, I can just take it without one of the protective substances. For a while I was taking 6 - 8 aspirin some days without problem.


Aug 24, 2013
Thanks, but since that post, I've been able to take aspirin fine most all of the time. I took it with glycine sometimes, other times in the form of Alka Seltzer (so with baking soda). Anymore, I can just take it without one of the protective substances. For a while I was taking 6 - 8 aspirin some days without problem.
That's great! Yeah I noticed someone revived an old thread after I posted. :)


Oct 11, 2016
Anyone find products like Yves describes making? I would buy a quality aspirin like that :)


Jun 20, 2021
I'm doing well with aspirin now. I make sure I've eaten before I take it. I dissolve it in 1/2 c. water with some baking soda, salt, 2 t. sugar, and some lemon juice. I'm up to 3.5 aspirin tablets.

For whatever Peaty benefits it gives, I actually *need* it for my neck. I hope this neck issue works itself out sometime. I tried chiropractic for a couple years and it didn't help. Excersise didn't do much either. Massage helps. Aspirin helps.

I take Pioneer D & K2 daily with the aspirin. It's a chewable tablet. Might not be perfect as far as additives, but works fine for me.
A take 1/4 ginger powder in a bit of warm water just before taking Aspirin. Aspirin I dissolve under the tongue till it becomes a paste, swallow with water, swish the mouth,swallow, then eat meals. Hope this will help.
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