
Feb 26, 2018
This seems to be the new strategy alright, hiding more controversial laws behind laws that seem ok, the trans movement are basically using this tactic and succeeding, this isn’t democracy, far from it.
I just hope the general population will get sick of it at some point. But they really think that covid is just a medical problem ,and if it wasn't for the unvaxed everything would return to normal.

Lord Cola

I just hope the general population will get sick of it at some point. But they really think that covid is just a medical problem ,and if it wasn't for the unvaxed everything would return to normal.
Looking at twitter, or other social media websites, vaxscists prefer to spend their time repeating what "experts" say than try to find the evidence behind the claims they are repeating.

Even if we make superficial progress towards ending the scamdemic, all it takes is some "expert" conjuring up scary numbers, telling them to be afraid and blame the unvaxxed, to get back to a state of extreme panic and sanctimonious rage.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I'd say to some degree, yes, the US dollar is centralized, but not to the extent that would allow for implementation of a NWO. There would need to be a singular one-world currency, or something similar, as well as the means to control all monies, electronically. Even if you didn't have a one-world currency, if all currencies were digital, the control could be centralized enough, allowing for liens on bank accounts, stoppage of certain purchases, etc.
do you think they would actually remove the dollar, meaning the dollar becomes worthless, and implement a new currency? or would they just stop all paper dollars/coins and force people to use electronic dollars only? what should be done with our dollars. wouldnt a stock in a company or even any physical goods like gold, shoes, etc retain their value no matter what the currency is

This seems to be the new strategy alright, hiding more controversial laws behind laws that seem ok, the trans movement are basically using this tactic and succeeding, this isn’t democracy, far from it.
how are the trans movement doing it, do you mean trans like lgbtq?


Jun 2, 2017
do you think they would actually remove the dollar, meaning the dollar becomes worthless, and implement a new currency? or would they just stop all paper dollars/coins and force people to use electronic dollars only? what should be done with our dollars. wouldnt a stock in a company or even any physical goods like gold, shoes, etc retain their value no matter what the currency is
I have to again stress that I am a total layman and can only echo what I've read or heard. As you say, it's not necessarily that the dollar will become useless, just that it must become completely controllable, which would mean it would become digital only. There is another theory that by the end of 2022 all this debt as a result of the "pandemic" will be wiped out and this will usher in the new digital currencies and governmental control. The theory is that this insane debt was all planned to implement the NWO. Please keep in mind that this my description of this theory is very paraphrased and may be considerably off, but I'm attempting to relay something I've only heard once.


Jun 2, 2017
I think the main takeaway is their plan on removing people's passports and drivers license if we are not compliant. The drug story is just the entry point of this law...As we saw in the last 2 years they like to pass a law and then progressively make it stricter and more far-reaching.
Hence the term gas-lighting. "Just two weeks to flatten the curve".


Aug 17, 2016
This is in line with Event 201 Before Covid. The fractional reserve fiat banking empire is imploding. As we are seeing with Turkey and the Currency Disintegrating.

World leaders who take their orders from WEF in Davos will transition to a CBDC central bank digital currency to pay off the insolvent Pensions, Social Security. $130 Trillion unfunded liabilities.

People working 40 years for a fat pension, 401k, Social security will wake up and realize trusting a promise from Corporate elites and Government Bureaucrats was terrible idea and their entire life/future retirement was a lie. The Central Bank Digital currency created out of thin air on a computer used to pay off the Pension/UBI will buy you little more than Bill gates GMO bread and Soy protein fake meat from Walmart and Amazon.

Riots will be an understament. COVID was used as a transitioning into MUCH more draconian/authoritarian government, as the elites/oligarchs know what is coming.
Ah, what timing!



Aug 10, 2018
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