Its Over


Apr 18, 2018
She is, which I don't agree with. But that doesn't mean reading up on her opinions or recommendations is necessarily a bad thing. It may help you to make up your mind what is best for you. Just because you hold opinions, doesnt mean you should not be open to those opinions being challenged.

What about dairy? I think I remember her quoting a study showing 80% of a test group of hashis patients being deficient in lactase.


May 17, 2020
Just because you hold opinions, doesnt mean you should not be open to those opinions being challenged.
yes, you are right. I have epub of her book on my phone with recipes called "Hashimoto's food pharmacology", there are dozens of great recipes, so mb she isnt that bad. I'll have to read her book about Hashis to find out I think.
What about dairy? I think I remember her quoting a study showing 80% of a test group of hashis patients being deficient in lactase.
I've been drinking 2-2.5l of goat milk, eating 350-500g of cottage cheese and 50-100g of brynza a day for 25+days. I know its ******* a lot and dumb, especially in my case. wouldnt do this anymore


Dec 17, 2018
One must be doing something terribly wrong with their body to suffer hairloss at 18.
@redsun What's wrong with Aspirin at that age? Suppresses estrogen too early, closes growth plates?

You have been here so long and just like everyone else you forget that aspirin is a drug. May not be as bad as other NSAIDs or other drugs, but in the end it is still a drug. Drugs are not meant to be taken long term just because it does this good thing or that. Doesn't matter what Peat or anyone else that is pro-aspirin says.

You cannot make an argument to utilise a drug in the long-term for its health benefits or it's mental benefits or this or that reason. In the end it is not natural and as such you cannot expect a good outcome in the long term from any drug that messes with any of the bodily systems.

Aspirin messes with many systems and as I said it likely chelates minerals. You can argue well what its doing to the systems is a good thing but its not. Never will be. Just like taking any drug will never do the whole organism any good though it may feel good or it may initially improve issues.

Doing OP a serious favor by telling the truth. A drug is a drug, and its best to take as little as possible, preferably never. Even if sick, avoid drugs and try to use nutrients like zinc and vitamin C to get over a cold for example. Because your body understands nutrients and it can regulate them normally to an extent. Even overdoing essential nutrients can be an issue if done chronically, always use lower doses or get from food if possible.


Nov 22, 2017

I disagree with @redsun I think aspirin is a fabulous tool to stop hair loss even at 18 (or especially at 18).

There are so much anti-inflammatory factors in our environments that you should not be afraid to use some aspirin daily, particularly since its good for just about everything and is so safe, and tackles the prostaglandins D2 with are involved in hair loss. I would recommend to use the aspirin powder, and dissolve it with baking soda and hot water, and taking it with meals. This may help a lot, for some reason your scalp looks inflamed to me, I maybe wrong but I feel like it is.

Where I do agree with @redsun, is that diffuse thinning at your tender age (18 is reallllly young), is easily reversible. Get some sunlight, good foods, milk for calcium (suppressing PTH), oysters and regular meat consumption to get replete in zinc and other minerals (zinc is almost always the culprit in diffuse thinning, and oysters are perfect to solve that problem. Zinc suppresses prolactin, which is always involved in hair loss.

Based on my own experience, and research I tend to recommend 3 basic things to stop hair loss:

1) Aspirin 2) Sunlight 3) Milk

And oysters are probably essential as well. These things tackle so many of the underlying problems with hair loss (i.e. elevated serotonin, prolactin, parathyroid, inflammation etc.)

It's gonna be so easy to reverse your hair loss, if you just chill, enjoy your life and implement these simple steps. (Along with good sleep and the basics of life, friendships, fun activities etc.) The title of this thread is so over dramatic, nothing is over, especially not at your age.
Last edited:


May 17, 2020
..., for some reason your scalp looks inflamed to me, I maybe wrong but I feel like it is.
i do detumescence therapy on my scalp. normally there's no inflammation like that

Based on my own experience, and research I tend to recommend 3 basic things to stop hair loss:

1) Aspirin 2) Sunlight 3) Milk

1) Aspirin - I had normal haemoglobin, but very low ferritin in January. I dont want to take risks knowing that aspirin can cause internal bleeding.
2) Sunlight - I'll try to, but can I put sunscreen on my face/neck? just dont want to turn into baked apple.
3) Milk - yes, but I'm gonna drink liter or less a day. Fe is in a weird relationship with Calcium.

The title of this thread is so over dramatic, nothing is over, especially not at your age.
It's more of a clickbait trick, I know it can be reversed, that's why I made this thread. But there is some truth to it:
Balding man would never outslay a version of himself with thick full hair, no matter how good looking he is.
The severity of looks penalty from balding hinges on other physical traits and for some people its really OVER. I.e. If you have a common flaw with some Hollywood star for example, it doesn't mean that you share the same facial structure that makes this flaw less impactful on the overall appearance.

I didn't want to drop that, but you would not understand my standpoint otherwise


Mar 26, 2014
my avatar is not what im here to discuss tho

And yet you chose it...of all the possible images you chose a deliberately provocative one


Nov 22, 2017
i do detumescence therapy on my scalp. normally there's no inflammation like that

1) Aspirin - I had normal haemoglobin, but very low ferritin in January. I dont want to take risks knowing that aspirin can cause internal bleeding.
2) Sunlight - I'll try to, but can I put sunscreen on my face/neck? just dont want to turn into baked apple.
3) Milk - yes, but I'm gonna drink liter or less a day. Fe is in a weird relationship with Calcium.

It's more of a clickbait trick, I know it can be reversed, that's why I made this thread. But there is some truth to it:
Balding man would never outslay a version of himself with thick full hair, no matter how good looking he is.
The severity of looks penalty from balding hinges on other physical traits and for some people its really OVER. I.e. If you have a common flaw with some Hollywood star for example, it doesn't mean that you share the same facial structure that makes this flaw less impactful on the overall appearance.

I didn't want to drop that, but you would not understand my standpoint otherwise

Aspirin will not cause any bleeding if you take K2 as well. And since it tackles the inflammation involved in hair loss you're not doing yourself any favour by not using it.

Balding is a often a sign of serious problems, so tackling it is not just about looks, it's about your vitality as a person. So stop focusing on looks and instead focus on your physiology, the rest will follow.

And the fact that you're low in iron is not at all a bad thing. Just eat liver once in a while and you'll be covered.


You have yeast infection, the redness and flakiness shows, you need zinc. And cut back on the cane sugar and supplements aside from some zinc for a week and see how it goes.


Nov 22, 2017
You have yeast infection, the redness and flakiness shows, you need zinc. And cut back on the cane sugar and supplements aside from some zinc for a week and see how it goes.

Oysters would be ideal, but yeah!


Nov 22, 2017
Yes oysters are great but they have a lot of copper.

Which is necessary for just about all the energy processes. Zinc/copper balance is crucial. And selenium and loads of other micronutrients. I think it quickly gets complicated to try to deal with individual micronutrients. We know very little about interactions of micronutrients.


Jan 9, 2019
You have been here so long and just like everyone else you forget that aspirin is a drug. May not be as bad as other NSAIDs or other drugs, but in the end it is still a drug. Drugs are not meant to be taken long term just because it does this good thing or that. Doesn't matter what Peat or anyone else that is pro-aspirin says.

You cannot make an argument to utilise a drug in the long-term for its health benefits or it's mental benefits or this or that reason. In the end it is not natural and as such you cannot expect a good outcome in the long term from any drug that messes with any of the bodily systems.

Aspirin messes with many systems and as I said it likely chelates minerals. You can argue well what its doing to the systems is a good thing but its not. Never will be. Just like taking any drug will never do the whole organism any good though it may feel good or it may initially improve issues.

Doing OP a serious favor by telling the truth. A drug is a drug, and its best to take as little as possible, preferably never. Even if sick, avoid drugs and try to use nutrients like zinc and vitamin C to get over a cold for example. Because your body understands nutrients and it can regulate them normally to an extent. Even overdoing essential nutrients can be an issue if done chronically, always use lower doses or get from food if possible.
I'm sorry but aspirin is no more of a drug than zinc and ascorbic acid. It's a natural compound that's been chemically mimicked. All of them can be considered drugs, isolated chemicals/ substances that influence bodily chemistry. I understand things shouldn't be taken for no reason but aspirin has a long history of use, benefit and safety. I hear a lot of "because I said so" in your responses and that's very off putting. Very, how should I say, authoritarian.


Nov 22, 2017
I'm sorry but aspirin is no more of a drug than zinc and ascorbic acid. It's a natural compound that's been chemically mimicked. All of them can be considered drugs, isolated chemicals/ substances that influence bodily chemistry. I understand things shouldn't be taken for no reason but aspirin has a long history of use, benefit and safety. I hear a lot of "because I said so" in your responses and that's very off putting. Very, how should I say, authoritarian.

I think I read somewhere that traditional foods/diet used to contain a lot of salicylate (in fruits I guess) so that people would get the anti-inflammatory equivalent of some aspirin on a daily basis.

The same idea can be applied to thyroid supplementation. Thyroid extracts/glands and other organs used to be a part of common recipes, so people would ingest grains of thyroid on a regular basis. Since we don't ever get thyroid in foods nowadays, some supplementation is wise.

Things like aspirin, ascorbic acid etc. have an overwhelming safety record.
Oct 23, 2019
@rio what's your daily caloric intake?
If you are undereating, you are in stress mode, and hair will continue to fall out (no matter how much of everything else you are taking)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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