IV ALA HAS RUINED ME AND I HAVE A BRIEF DUE THURSDAY--Advice On How To Treat Potential Mercury Redistribution Caused By IV ALA Use?

Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Good advice.

I've always found when I jump the gun and tried doing many things all at once, I end up falling flat on my face. Besides, it's hard to know where you went wrong and where you can pick back up. So, it's just easier to just solve one problem at a time.
I agree


Dec 2, 2022
We started with three (3) tablespoons of ACV mixed in a liter of purified alkaline water from Costco. WOW did it expel some candida. The second time we did it it did not have nearly the same impact which to us meant that the first use got rid of most all of our candida, what comes out is NASTY looking white biofilms. The second time we used it both of us also had some blood come out which we believe is due to the fact that it removed candida that was latched onto our GI tracts and the tract was a little raw due to now being free from that nasty Candida. That first night was atrocious as I had reoccurrence of numerous instances of severe childhood trauma in my sleep and my fiance had to hold me all night as I was screaming. The second time had none of this. I know it sounds crazy but I almost wonder if candida--which are living organisms--have some affiliation with demonic activity, or otherwise with holding onto negative trauma. If this is the case, I flushed these candidas and their baggage down the toilet. LOL.

Congratulations !

You are definitely not done with all the candida. Let your bowel rest for about a week, and repeat the process.
Make sure to turn upside downs and on your right side so that the solution reaches the cecum.

Also, take a tablespoon of espom salts in 300ml of water to entirely flush your bowels before you do the enema.
Your gut needs to be pristine clean so that the ACV meets all the candida there is to meet.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Hey guys, I am improving very very slowly, something is happening. I am still unable to do any legal work or otherwise obtain the drive, energy, and cognition needed to resume my work. I understand the OSR/Emeramide takes time to work and this is only the fourth day. However, I also need to be open and prepare for the worst possible result; which is that the OSR/Emeramide does not take me all the way back to the pre-IV ALA state because it removes the source of the problems but doesnt fix the damage caused by the source.

I need to ask you guys something very important, but first, I need to explain something that sounds crazy AF. Even prior to the IV ALA when I just suffered from the 2020 Hellcurse mycotoxin fiasco, I could still learn about almost any subject, and I could still analyze and formulate solutions to some of the most complex medical/legal problems. However, there was always one subject that I could never learn about no matter how hard I tried to study it; fatty acid oxidation/Krebs Cycle/Pyruvate. I am not exaggerating you guys/gals. Ever see the movie Liar Liar with Jim Carrey? Remember the scene where he tried and tried to call the pen red that was right in front of him but could not do it even though it was right in front of his face? "This pen is RRRRRRRRRREEEEE, The pen is blue." Well that is what I have going on with this one subject and one only. No matter how hard I try I cannot ever learn anything about it even though it is right in front of my face and I am reading it. Like it will never stick.

A highly respected naturopath and PhD in Meridian Idaho who specializes in parasitic infections told us during a visit that this phenomenon could be caused by the mycotoxin's self-protecting properties. Like how some parasites infiltrating the brain force their host to go to the water so they can burst out of the brain and into the local water source, the mycotoxins impacting my brain keep me from learning about this one subject so that I cannot undo the damage. The doctor told us that mycotoxins differ from most parasites in that mold/mycotoxins are the only type of parasites that want to kill their host. The rest of the parasites want to keep their host alive and functioning but mold just wants to destroy you.

So while I am waiting for the OSR/Emeramide to do its thing, I am preparing for the worst case scenario, which it that it will not take me all the way since it does not undo the damage caused by mycotoxin/mercury, but just removes the source of the problem. I have come across a medical study that focuses on the harmful impacts of intravenous ALA use (although it mentions NOTHING about Mercury redistribution, making me question its thoroughness). It states:

"ALA inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase.19 This is the enzyme that disables the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Consequently, ALA speeds up the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl Co A."

Vigil, M., Berkson, B. M., & Garcia, A. P. (2014). Adverse effects of high doses of intravenous alpha lipoic Acid on liver mitochondria. Global advances in health and medicine, 3(1), 25–27. https://doi.org/10.7453/gahmj.2013.011 (retrived from Adverse Effects of High Doses of Intravenous Alpha Lipoic Acid on Liver Mitochondria

I felt just like Indiana Jones when he says "why did it have to be snakes, I hate snakes" I say "why did it have to be fatty acid oxidation, I hate fatty acid oxidation problems." Can you guys shed any light on this area of health research based on what the study is saying? If the ALA also caused some issues in FAO, how can I go about addressing it based on what this study describes? Keep in mind that anything you try to explain to me about FAO I will not grasp cognitively, so you will have to be kind of simplistic in your answer and provide what you think the solution may be. I can learn about anything else, just not FAO for some reason.

You guys are great and I thank you in advance, I am optimistic that I will beat this thing and that we are on the verge of a major breakthrough.

Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Congratulations !

You are definitely not done with all the candida. Let your bowel rest for about a week, and repeat the process.
Make sure to turn upside downs and on your right side so that the solution reaches the cecum.

Also, take a tablespoon of espom salts in 300ml of water to entirely flush your bowels before you do the enema.
Your gut needs to be pristine clean so that the ACV meets all the candida there is to meet.
We have it planned for tomorrow:)


Mar 20, 2021
We have it planned for tomorrow:)
You and your fiance do this together? Ah, young love...😉

Unfortunately I can't comment on your earlier questions about the Krebs cycle and mycotoxins, other than to say that I do take Ivermectin a couple times a month.... And I notice right away clearer thinking and alertness...

Yesterday I completed an ACV enema and at the very end I got out the same whitish filaments that you were talking about a few posts ago... Over the past week or so I had eaten some stuff that didn't agree with me like oat- based no-bake cookies, and some other crap that kind of bloated me out and slowed me down so I thought it would be a good time to try it out....

I would really like to know what that white stuff is. The rest of everything was clear and there was no fecal matter present.... It kind of resembles the white fibrous material that surrounds orange or grapefruit segments, but I haven't had any citrus at all in over a month...


Feb 20, 2021
Ivermectin dose? Typical for many uses and species seems to be 200 ug per kg body weight.
Reading a recent article re the effect of IVM mediated by Bifidus in the gut.
mote growth of another gram-positive bacterium, Bifidobacterium. However, a study by Lazarenko et al. (2012) showed that certain Bifidobacterium spp. can have protective affects against S. aureus infection in mice, thereby acting in an antagonistic relation with S. aureus. Thus, both IVM and Bifidobacterium act against S. auereus, and it is unlikely that IVM would also act against Bifidobacterium.


Mar 20, 2021
Ivermectin dose? Typical for many uses and species seems to be 200 ug per kg body weight.
So I use horse paste Ivermectin, and the syringe has markings on it so you can squeeze out the amount according to your bodyweight. A full syringe treats 1,250 lbs.... for $5.99 US dollars.

I'm sorry I don't have more exact info....


Feb 20, 2021
So I use horse paste Ivermectin, and the syringe has markings on it so you can squeeze out the amount according to your bodyweight. A full syringe treats 1,250 lbs.... for $5.99 US dollars.

I'm sorry I don't have more exact info....
That is the same 200 ug per kg.
The scamdemic stimulated a lot of interest and research in IVM.
This was a new take:
The article links to an earlier trial by the same team with 100% success based on a combination of drugs including IVM. It was not used as prevention, nor at first symptoms or positive test.
>Our study on IVM combination therapy initiated therapy around Day 10, as patients typically presented to the study hypoxic at Day 9 (mean time from the symptom onset to treatment initiation was 9.2 days). This timing resulted in successful treatment, with all 24 severely hypoxic patients, recovering without hospitalizations (Hazan et al., 2022a). In short, IVM should typically be administered at the point of an SpO2 drop, the cytokine storm onset, and/or approximately Days 10–14.
>Our study on IVM combination therapy initiated therapy around Day 10, as patients typically presented to the study hypoxic at Day 9 (mean time from the symptom onset to treatment initiation was 9.2 days). This timing resulted in successful treatment, with all 24 severely hypoxic patients, recovering without hospitalizations (Hazan et al., 2022a). In short, IVM should typically be administered at the point of an SpO2 drop, the cytokine storm onset, and/or approximately Days 10–14.
Clipboard dysphoria


Mar 20, 2021
That is the same 200 ug per kg.
The scamdemic stimulated a lot of interest and research in IVM.
This was a new take:
The article links to an earlier trial by the same team with 100% success based on a combination of drugs including IVM. It was not used as prevention, nor at first symptoms or positive test.
>Our study on IVM combination therapy initiated therapy around Day 10, as patients typically presented to the study hypoxic at Day 9 (mean time from the symptom onset to treatment initiation was 9.2 days). This timing resulted in successful treatment, with all 24 severely hypoxic patients, recovering without hospitalizations (Hazan et al., 2022a). In short, IVM should typically be administered at the point of an SpO2 drop, the cytokine storm onset, and/or approximately Days 10–14.
>Our study on IVM combination therapy initiated therapy around Day 10, as patients typically presented to the study hypoxic at Day 9 (mean time from the symptom onset to treatment initiation was 9.2 days). This timing resulted in successful treatment, with all 24 severely hypoxic patients, recovering without hospitalizations (Hazan et al., 2022a). In short, IVM should typically be administered at the point of an SpO2 drop, the cytokine storm onset, and/or approximately Days 10–14.
Clipboard dysphoria

That's a great study to post for others, most people think that you have to take it at the very beginning for it to be effective...
Yes, I used it last October when I had covid (I am unvaccinated, and that was the only time I've had it). Also used with positive results on my kids when they had covid.

And I have thoroughly explored all the threads regarding Ivermectin here on the forum, I support its use topically also for rosacea issues.... It is indeed a very useful substance! 😁


Mar 29, 2016
However, I also need to be open and prepare for the worst possible result; which is that the OSR/Emeramide does not take me all the way back to the pre-IV ALA state because it removes the source of the problems but doesnt fix the damage caused by the source.
I don't know with your situation, but when I had mercury chelated, which removed mercury attached to the hemoglobin in my red blood cells, it quicikly restored oxygen availability to oxygenate the tissues. My metabolism improved greatly so much so that my dance instructor, not knowing anything about my treatment, was shaking my hands one day and she said I have so warm hands, and that was in the middle of winter. I also was able to run an uphill 5k without breaking a sweat, when I used to struggle through just running 1k. I no longer had the flu after that, and for 20+ years that has been unbroken. Where I used to have 1-2x flu per year.

The only effect that stayed on which I blame a great part of is ksloids, due to the lack of tissue oxygenation brought upon by mercury toxicity (from hypoxemia, lack of oxygen transport by blood). The keloids are stubborn. But fibrosis is a tougher problem because it is structural.

So while I am waiting for the OSR/Emeramide to do its thing, I am preparing for the worst case scenario, which it that it will not take me all the way since it does not undo the damage caused by mycotoxin/mercury, but just removes the source of the problem.
What damage are you referring to?

Haven't autistic children improved from using OSR? If they improved, what reason do you have for thinking that you wouldn't? Autism is a challenge to overcome, and it's no little feat for OSR to reverse autism, considering autistic children are given up for good.

But your case of ALA causing mercury redistribution could give you cause for concern, and you have reason to be guarded in your optimism. It is why burtlancast is very angry at Dr. Cutler for leading people astray with his ALA treatment. Apparently, many people still believe in ALA treatment. as there are authors whose books are being bought who advocate Cutler's methods.
I need to ask you guys something very important, but first, I need to explain something that sounds crazy AF. Even prior to the IV ALA when I just suffered from the 2020 Hellcurse mycotoxin fiasco, I could still learn about almost any subject, and I could still analyze and formulate solutions to some of the most complex medical/legal problems. However, there was always one subject that I could never learn about no matter how hard I tried to study it; fatty acid oxidation/Krebs Cycle/Pyruvate. I am not exaggerating you guys/gals. Ever see the movie Liar Liar with Jim Carrey? Remember the scene where he tried and tried to call the pen red that was right in front of him but could not do it even though it was right in front of his face? "This pen is RRRRRRRRRREEEEE, The pen is blue." Well that is what I have going on with this one subject and one only. No matter how hard I try I cannot ever learn anything about it even though it is right in front of my face and I am reading it. Like it will never stick.

A highly respected naturopath and PhD in Meridian Idaho who specializes in parasitic infections told us during a visit that this phenomenon could be caused by the mycotoxin's self-protecting properties. Like how some parasites infiltrating the brain force their host to go to the water so they can burst out of the brain and into the local water source, the mycotoxins impacting my brain keep me from learning about this one subject so that I cannot undo the damage. The doctor told us that mycotoxins differ from most parasites in that mold/mycotoxins are the only type of parasites that want to kill their host. The rest of the parasites want to keep their host alive and functioning but mold just wants to destroy you.

I can't question your thought on this, as you experience the effects of mycotoxins on your well-being. But I can't help but be reminded of my sister who echoes the same reverence for single-celled organisms. She claims candida is very cunning, and that is why she cannot rid herself of it after a lifetime of trying and using much of her savings to eliminate it. She probably has her from many resources, and when one can't defeat an enemy, one can be swayed into believing an enemy holds superior intelligence. But for me, candida ia a fungus/mold, and maybe her difficulty is her belief in the germ theory being a hindrance to better deal with something that is pleomorphic and can change form. It comes down to knowing your enemy well so you can defeat it.

It can very well be that we are dealing with two enemies on two fronts making recovery difficult. One is the microbe and our wrong understanding of it. The other is the medical system, which messes our mind and making our mind incapable because they distract us from a solution that without blinders on, we can readily see on plain sight.


Jul 27, 2022
I already take NAC and Glycine and was taking Selenium until I read that it can render the heavy metals unable to be chelated out of brain (no idea how true this is).

Thank you, Brooks

Update on this , should ease the selenium concerns . & give some insight to the amount needed

Selenium reduces hair levels of mercury Effect of supplementation with organic selenium on mercury status as measured by mercury in pubic hair - PubMed
(so the increased excretion seen is taking mercury out of cells, not indicative of more mercury absorption)
100mcg is the supplementary dose for increasing mercury excretion from hair

they were on 40mcg dietary intake a day,
* so 140mcg total daily intake for mercury reduction * , food + selenomethionine 140mcg

selenium tends to correlate inverse, lower mercury in the brain overall


100g wheat has ~15mcg (but 80% bioavailable). (1 slice of bread is 40g but often mixed with soya flour)
100g chicken beef pork has ~ 25mcg - 40mcg

so for most people 50mcg-75mcg supplement would probably be enough

I was on 150mcg - 200mcg supplement for a while and felt more like ***t. probably because alongside binding mercury it also has an inverse relationship to iron (and zinc & magnesium i think but moreso iron). Selenium deficiency as a cause of overload of iron and unbalanced distribution of other minerals - PubMed
if u have metal toxicity that isnt iron overload it often comes with poor iron status . aluminium especially . or if not in iron markers then in pushing red blood cell markers to or under the low end. (heme iron can be helpful with some of the toxic metals because ~10mg-15mg heme iron saturates the transporter so less toxic metal re-absorption occurs)

(toxic metals act like shiitty discount brand versions of other main elements like iron calcium zinc as cofactors in enzymes instead, so when u remove them i guess u gotta ensure its replaced with the real versions. otherwise youve got a lack of function that the metals were poorly taking care of).
e.g "Lead is able to bind to and interact with many of the same enzymes as these metals but, due to its differing chemistry, does not properly function as a cofactor, thus interfering with the enzyme's ability to catalyze its normal reaction. Lead-induced mimic or mobilization of calcium and activation of protein kinases may alter the function of endothelial cells in immature brain and disrupt BBB"

but by these up to 140mcg total intake including food is all thats necessary. if not 110mcg.

.full glutathione peroxidase expression is gained at lower amounts but full selenoprotein P expression is seen ~110mcg
. selenoprotein P is linked to cognition. neurogenesis, reversing age related cognitive decline.

.in a human study, supplementing 50mcg - 200mcg for 12 months, doesn't show further benefit when the participants already ate ~110mcg selenium a day
Differential responses to selenomethionine supplementation by sex and genotype in healthy adults - PubMed
indicating 110mcg is the dose to go for total daily


In fish,
mercury content in muscle has a reverse relationship to selenium

takes between 2 - 4 weeks to get the mercury excretion effect (if typical intakes are lower than 110mcg - 140mcg total)

.Bonus is it also takes care of arsenic in the brain
Selenium in the detoxification of arsenic: Mechanisms and clinical efficacy - ProQuest .
Mice with sufficient selenium showed 48% less As in liver and 31% less As in brain when compared to Sedeficient mice.

Taurine also protects against mercury toxicity, in low doses
50mg-60mg human dose taurine human dose orally
protects at low dose in 2 studies
Hepatoprotective effects of taurine against mercury induced toxicity in rats - PubMed
& liver, low dose equiv to ~60mg human

whats interesting is its a systemic effect that comes after the toxicity. not just when taken at same time as mercury ingestion
In another group of animals, taurine (5 mg/kg body wt.) was administrated for another 15 days. Taurine administration was observed to improve the liver function in mercury intoxicated animal as indicated by the decline in increased levels of AST, ALT and ALP in serum and LPO content in liver tissue. The decreased level of antioxidant system (GSH, GPx, CATand SOD) has been promoted Results suggested that taurine played a vital role in reducing the mercury toxicity in intoxicated animals.

during the recovery period (Mercuric chloride followed by
taurine and mercuric chloride followed by glutathione), the
brain tissue shows the regeneration of cells observed in all
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Jan 29, 2021
La tua premurosa approvazione di NBMI aka OSR aka Emeramide mi ha portato a questo Youtube, e posso capire perché @Santosh lo consiglia e perché @Brooks Esq. vuole provarlo, poiché io stesso lo vedo come una risposta promettente alla mia lotta per abbassare la pressione sanguigna nel corso degli anni. Grazie a tutti per aver condiviso mentre colleghiamo i punti.

Visualizza: https://youtu.be/uKKD6XWK8Do

@Backtolife90 A proposito di un fallimento nel metabolismo dello zolfo, Haley parla dell'incapacità di convertire da solfito (SO3-) a solfato (SO4-) come un problema con persone come gli autistici.

Riguardo a me, sto pensando che quando ho usato il DMPS IV per la chelazione, il DMPS ha liberato la mia emoglobina dal mercurio in modo tale che possa trasportare completamente quattro molecole di ossigeno per molecola di emoglobina invece del mercurio che spiazza l'ossigeno nel sangue trasportando ossigeno. Ma sospetto che il mercurio sia passato dai confini idrofili dei miei globuli rossi ai tessuti idrofobi del mio fegato e dei miei polmoni. La mia ipossiemia è stata alleviata, ma come risultato si è verificato un altro problema. Il mercurio in questi tessuti attiverebbe i neutrofili per produrre attraverso la mioperossidasi, che producono ROS che necessitavano dell'uso cronico della mia albumina sierica per neutralizzare (come indicato dalla schiuma di urina) che abbasserebbe il volume del mio sangue.


@cs3000 Is 100mcg of selenium or selenomethionine per day sufficient against mercury without redistribution?


Feb 20, 2021
>authors of this article do not normally administer more than 10 mg/kg—very well below any potential lethal dose—to any patient. However, even much smaller doses might elicit hypoglycemia, so physicians must be prepared to administer intravenous sugar solution or a sweet beverage. The treated primates, including the animals that died from the lethal dose and the ones that did not die, were sacrificed and subjected to postmortem examination. All animals displayed evidence of acute hepatic necro


Jul 27, 2022
@cs3000 Is 100mcg of selenium or selenomethionine per day sufficient against mercury without redistribution?
should be significant , combined with 500mcg vit c and 50mg - 100mg taurine even better
doeses <1g vit c is more dopamine related where amounts in grams become serotonergic. also less oxalate etc without gram amounts. but majority of the effect is in first 500mg


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Feb 20, 2021
The mercury-selenium antagonism is roughly one to one. Note that in a previous Se/Hg plot of content in fish all were much higher than 1 with a single exception.
Furthermore, if there is a mercury overload it will nullify or be nullified by a roughly equal selenium dose. Without mercury overload a *chronic daily selenium dose approaching 1 gm will over time be toxic. If a person experiences some pathology at much lower dose it may be sensitivity to the particular form. Cysteine, methionine, biogenic amines in yeast.


Aug 17, 2018
Both my fiance and I started the ACV enemas last night. OMG! that was the most unique experience we have had, it makes the coffee enemas look like snake oil. White biofilm candida things came out of us all night long. I felt so funny almost like being drunk (which I attribute to the breakdown of candida producing aldehydes). One thing that was fascinating was that when I went to sleep I had the most treacherous nightmares all night where I relived all the trauma (some of which was demonic in nature) I experienced in childhood. I was screaming all night in my dreams and my fiance had to hold me all night. While before this journey I was brainwashed by western medicine, I am now open to these alternative medicine treatments and I believe that this ACV enema was getting rid of parasites like candida that were perhaps holding onto this trauma. Maybe candida is demonic? I am unsure. And this is the craziest kind of talk I have ever engaged in on the forum. But that ACV enema last night did something to both of us. We are going to try again tomorrow (skipping today to give the body time to recover) and we are fascinated to see whether additional use will provide additional benefits and passing of these biofilms. Oddly enough, you see almost nothing in standard internet searches about this enema method and we are fascinated to continue this and see what happens. How often would you recommend doing this and for how long? The OSR will be here Tuesday BTW and we are soooooo excited to see what it does, we are so optimistic that this could not only fix what the IV ALA did but could fix the 2020 Hellcurse once and for all, as heavy metals may have been the reason I could not fully recover. Thank you for your advice, my friend.
I did ACV enema this morning as well my first time and also white chunks/biofilm came out of me. I did enema before but never with ACV.

Definitely, I will repeat again. Thanks for the tip.


Jul 27, 2022
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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