Jesuits Vs Jews


Jan 6, 2019
No I haven't. It doesn't make me questioning the existence of God any less relevant.
Irrelevant, no... pointless, yes. For you are like a man with his head in the sand awaiting the day others prove him that the sky exists.

Consider this: in order to question God's existence, you have to first have a notion that God may exist -- after all, there would be no need to question a thing the non-existence of which you were completely sure of. So, if you already acknowledge that God may exist, how come you do not feel an irresistible urge to dive into the deep end and find out the answer yourself? Who better than you? Is your natural curiosity so low that you are willing to depend on someone else's proof on such a profound matter?
May 21, 2015
I'll gladly welcome anything that proves there is "God" or some higher being, but the way religions try to sell it is nonsense. A fusion of science and spiritualism that properly explains reality, I'm all ears.
I hear you. I have a lot of problems with organized religion. Satan comes as a messenger of light you know. A deeb web of lies in front of the Truth. Jesus told us to seek and you shall find etc, not BELIEVE IMMEDIATELY OR ELSE. As if faith were something we have to generate with our own willpower... Basicly Luciferianism with a Christian cover. Falling in love with your own light and being completely blind to it.

Jesus wants us to have an open mind, honest heart and humility. Not for us to know all the answers. Knowledge is tentative like Peat said. We have to acknowledge this while at the same time being aware that there are forces that want to use this against us.


Dec 11, 2018
Irrelevant, no... pointless, yes. For you are like a man with his head in the sand awaiting the day others prove him that the sky exists.

Consider this: in order to question God's existence, you have to first have a notion that God may exist -- after all, there would be no need to question a thing the non-existence of which you were completely sure of. So, if you already acknowledge that God may exist, how come you do not feel an irresistible urge to dive into the deep end and find out the answer yourself? Who better than you? Is your natural curiosity so low that you are willing to depend on someone else's proof on such a profound matter?
Yes, I understand what you mean now.


Dec 11, 2018
"A fusion of science and spiritualism that properly explains reality" would then come down to observing without and observing within. Science without, meditation within.

@damngoodcoffee and @TheSir do you meditate?
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May 21, 2015
When I feel like it. I used to be really into Osho and that kind of stuff before Christ came into my life with a stronger bang than a 4g mushroom trip. It kind of became a religious chore/struggle back in my enlightenment seeking days. The religious trap of the Adversary is extremely cunning.
I still think it's healthy to sit with your eyes closed and take some distance from all the excess mental noise every once in a while. I feel more in tuned with myself now and only do it when I feel the call for it.


Dec 11, 2018
When I feel like it. I used to be really into Osho and that kind of stuff before Christ came into my life with a stronger bang than a 4g mushroom trip. It kind of became a religious chore/struggle back in my enlightenment seeking days. The religious trap of the Adversary is extremely cunning.
I still think it's healthy to sit with your eyes closed and take some distance from all the excess mental noise every once in a while. I feel more in tuned with myself now and only do it when I feel the call for it.
Alright, thanks.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I'll gladly welcome anything that proves there is "God" or some higher being, but the way religions try to sell it is nonsense. A fusion of science and spiritualism that properly explains reality, I'm all ears.

Gödel's ontological proof - Wikipedia

The book Genetic Entropy proving evolution by mutation and natural selection is impossible

The fact that man is the only animal whose cranium has the Golden ratio

There are literally an infinite number of reasons

And it’s ridiculous to suggest that science somehow disproves the existence of God. Many brilliant scientists would disagree.

And lastly the idea that the study of the natural universe could “prove” the existence of a being that exists OUTSIDE our universe is illogical

That being said, He loves us very much and left us many clues and ways to find Him. Lao Tzu had maybe the best understanding of God outside the Old Testament prophets, since they received direct revelation

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
@Gone Peating
Have you even read my former posts...

Yeah this crime and punishment society clearly works like a charm! The Godly rulers and the obeying peasants. Got to love that order of utter hell on earth, corruption, murder by the millions, torture, rape, slavery, human trafficking.

This world ain't gonna be this authoritarian hell for all eternity. There's a change coming you know. Eden state, Paradise, New Earth. We already have the real governing system of the real "church & state" in our literal body. The real monitoring system without flaws and the real punishment through conscience etc. Who needs some earthly shadow of the real thing when you have the Most High taking care of everything. Obviously the carnal man won't get this and needs to be born again.

I would never have the audacity of locking another person in a jail or killing them or to even fine a person if they've done something I think is an offense. I guess I'm just not as Godly as the violent, psychopathic rulers.. The ones competent to cast the first stone..
"If anyone is for captivity, into captivity he is going. If anyone will be killing with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints."

Thinks aren't simple black and white. Although I could never sue someone or lock someone up (I'm into forgiveness), I still see the need for the flawed carnal justice system for the carnal man.

A fable comes to mind (which has been completely misunderstood by the masses, it's really about realizing the leaven of the Pharisees):

A Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.

The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.

Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.

"What a fool I am," he said. "Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for."

And off he walked very, very scornfully.

‘be subject to principalities and powers, obey magistrates, be ready to every good work, speak evil of no man, be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men’ (cf. Tit. 3: 1-2)

‘Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme...’ (see 1 Pet. 2:13-17).

Keep in mind that the rulers that Sts. Peter and Paul were speaking of were always trying to murder them. Our governments today are not angels no doubt, but what was it that Christ said we should do to our enemies? It doesn’t matter what they do to us, the only thing we need to worry about is whether or not we really love them.

God bless you all! Throw in some spiritual research with your health research. While the body is important it’s not the part of us that’s eternal!!


Dec 11, 2018
And it’s ridiculous to suggest that science somehow disproves the existence of God. Many brilliant scientists would disagree.
Where did I say this?

And lastly the idea that the study of the natural universe could “prove” the existence of a being that exists OUTSIDE our universe is illogical
You are asking me to blindly believe you when you have no evidence, which is faith. This is the nonsense of the organized religion I was talking about. The believers are asking us to have faith and the non believers are asking you to provide proof. If you make a claim, it's on you prove it and not on me to disprove it.

Isn't discussing God or spiritualism almost pointless when neither side can't prove anything and are asking the other side for proof? TheSir said I must find God myself and since I haven't, at the moment it's difficult to believe you. Though I agree what TheSir said, since you can't prove God's existence, the only way would be to prove it myself.
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May 21, 2015
‘be subject to principalities and powers, obey magistrates, be ready to every good work, speak evil of no man, be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men’ (cf. Tit. 3: 1-2)

‘Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme...’ (see 1 Pet. 2:13-17).
15 For thus it is the will of God, by doing good to be muzzling the ignorance of imprudent men;
16 as free, and not as having freedom for a cover over evil, but as God's slaves.
17 Honor all; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the king.
18 Domestics may do it by being subject to your owners, with all fear, not only to the good and lenient, but to the crooked also;
19 for this is grace, if, because of consciousness of God, anyone is undergoing sorrows, suffering unjustly.
20 For what credit is it if, sinning and being buffeted, you will be enduring it? But if, doing good and suffering, you will be enduring, this is grace with God.
21 For for this were you called, seeing that Christ also suffered for your sakes, leaving you a copy, that you should be following up in the footprints of Him
22 Who does no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth;
23 Who, being reviled, reviled not again; suffering, threatened not, yet gave it over to Him Who is judging justly

sidenote: Peter is speaking to the scattered Israel
Keep in mind that the rulers that Sts. Peter and Paul were speaking of were always trying to murder them. Our governments today are not angels no doubt, but what was it that Christ said we should do to our enemies? It doesn’t matter what they do to us, the only thing we need to worry about is whether or not we really love them.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly.
While the body is important it’s not the part of us that’s eternal!!
Now that's a lie. Jesus asked for food after His Resurrection as a hint. Death of the body is a part of this current wicked eon.

Romans 8
11 Now if the spirit of Him Who rouses Jesus from among the dead is making its home in you, He Who rouses Christ Jesus from among the dead will also be vivifying your mortal bodies because of His spirit making its home in you.


Jul 18, 2015
Where did I say this?

You are asking me to blindly believe you when you have no evidence, which is faith. This is the nonsense of the organized religion I was talking about. The believers are asking us to have faith and the non believers are asking you to provide proof. If you make a claim, it's on you prove it and not on me to disprove it.

Isn't discussing God or spiritualism almost pointless when neither side can't prove anything and are asking the other side for proof? TheSir said I must find God myself and since I haven't, at the moment it's difficult to believe you. Though I agree what TheSir said, since you can't prove God's existence, the only way would be to prove it myself.
How old are you? The thing we're all going through right now is going to change things... and you'll probably come out the other side understanding there's something larger out there. When I was a small kid, I knew there were problems with religion, and dismissed everything (naively) until in my 30s, you go through stuff, you study the world, you understand there is much more. As much as "science" gets all of the attention, the truth is VERY ancient religions dictate your life in ways you can't imagine. And you can't see them yet - but if you start studying them, you'll start to see it everywhere. The bible is probably one of the best tools available to anyone, but to start to see stuff you could read some jung or books on symbolism.

Trying to educate someone on this stuff is akin to explaining the pain of a divorce to a child (not calling you one), you can't really understand it with out experience. I think there's a reason they called it "gnosis." It's not a concept that can be taught through words, but must be personally experienced.
May 21, 2015
As much as "science" gets all of the attention, the truth is VERY ancient religions dictate your life in ways you can't imagine.
Yes and they aren't stupid in the sense of some ignorant uga uga cave people. They have science. And they sure as hell don't want us to know everything they know. The advanced stuff is only for the enlightened masters, not for the peasants. They have sophisticated technologies and methods for mind control of individuals and masses.

The point is, the advanced knowledge of the universe is not worth ***t if you don't have Love.


Dec 11, 2018
How old are you? The thing we're all going through right now is going to change things... and you'll probably come out the other side understanding there's something larger out there. When I was a small kid, I knew there were problems with religion, and dismissed everything (naively) until in my 30s, you go through stuff, you study the world, you understand there is much more. As much as "science" gets all of the attention, the truth is VERY ancient religions dictate your life in ways you can't imagine. And you can't see them yet - but if you start studying them, you'll start to see it everywhere. The bible is probably one of the best tools available to anyone, but to start to see stuff you could read some jung or books on symbolism.

Trying to educate someone on this stuff is akin to explaining the pain of a divorce to a child (not calling you one), you can't really understand it with out experience. I think there's a reason they called it "gnosis." It's not a concept that can be taught through words, but must be personally experienced.
Thanks for the advice. Points for the non-condescending and pleasant tone of your post.


Apr 15, 2020
Jews and Jesuits are controlled by pseudo-pleiadian archons who bow down to interdimensional quantum reptiles that can travel time and place with their thoughts. These beings are seeking true immortality, the key of which can be pieced together from the DNA of rhesus negative humans. There are about 4500 unique pieces of data hidden away in the collective genome of these individuals. All alien abductions are rh- and the rest are liars. Seek light. Buy lavender incense. Read the Bible. Read the Gita. It'll all be made clear in the end. If your ancestry comes from Europe, you are one of the Chosen ones. Your life will amount to ultimate good.
Can't tell if joking or another schizophrenic :(
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