Keeping Teeth Healthy


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
I'm wondering what members of this forum do to keep their teeth healthy.
Do you use a custom mouthwash or toothpaste ?
May 7, 2019
honestly bro, everyone on this forum besides Haidut and a few other people are quacks. you are better off typing this into google, and if you did that you would find a book, and a video called Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. It's all about the PH and bacteria in the mouth.


Jan 9, 2019
honestly bro, everyone on this forum besides Haidut and a few other people are quacks. you are better off typing this into google, and if you did that you would find a book, and a video called Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. It's all about the PH and bacteria in the mouth.

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
honestly bro, everyone on this forum besides Haidut and a few other people are quacks. you are better off typing this into google, and if you did that you would find a book, and a video called Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. It's all about the PH and bacteria in the mouth.
Why are you here if you feel this way?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In a community of collective suffering, it is a collective and can come to confront itself. Instead of anecdotal evidence I would rather give the OP some direction by a professional with credited sources than a huge list of supplements and personal anecdotes.
I respect that but you could do so without insulting 99% of the forum members.


Jan 9, 2019
In a community of collective suffering, it is a collective and can come to confront itself. Instead of anecdotal evidence I would rather give the OP some direction by a professional with credited sources than a huge list of supplements and personal anecdotes.

A lot of individuals base their anecdotal evidence off of their experience with resources much like the one you listed yourself. We also give feedback on navigating the terrain of RP suggestions. Thats why its a forum. Google filters out a lot of natural health advice and can lead you into becoming a guinea pig for pharma.
May 7, 2019
So even that the post was about teeth, it is now about indirectly calling forum members quacks and the advantages of forum discussions. Sure I'm with you guys but this post is about teeth and that's what my problem is with forums. People asking questions that are better off typed into google with ray peat at the end and wah lah the master threads. Duck duck go search is terrible for this. I went straight back to google. So the quarrel isn't really with my advice recommending kiss your dentist goodbye, the quarrel is about being a skeptic towards about what anyone has to say on this forum. That is the antiauthoritarian stance. That is the dilemma for the group of collective suffering who wants to trust one another and that's the problem with people who bring themselves under any branding, they accept trust of the brand and it's incumbents and become less of the anti authoritarian, that questions everything, because it gets tiring, at the heart of it we just want to be able to faithfully and unconditionally trust all those in our tribe, and it feels good to be trusted hence why the collective never confronts itself. How someone gets here and why, is the plan of demoralization and corrosion of trust in society. Hence the group of collective suffering known as veganism. Many people on here, including myself are not only ex vegans, but ex carnivores as well. The psychological programming is still there. Ray Peat himself is an antiauthoritarian, but for the lost that come to this forum section seeking advice and those that willingly accept and respond with thousands of messages, it becomes another collective, almost scrambling the mind without an authoritative answer on a subject, the same neuroticism builds again.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Nate75, you could still say all of that without calling everyone quacks. It’s just rude behavior and has nothing to do with being authoritarian.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
@nick30 there is a discussion of Dr. Ellie Phillips’ teeth cleaning method in this thread, This Is A Big Piece Of The Health Puzzle. I still use that method and find that it helps. There are other threads where people discuss other cleaning methods and products.


Jan 9, 2019
@nick30 there is a discussion of Dr. Ellie Phillips’ teeth cleaning method in this thread, This Is A Big Piece Of The Health Puzzle. I still use that method and find that it helps. There are other threads where people discuss other cleaning methods and products.

I like Ellie Phillips information. I find alternatives to some of her recommended products however as they can have some unsavory ingredients like SLS which always give me canker sores, dyes, preservatives and artificial flavors. I'd say her big message is to keep your toothbrush out of the bathroom and disinfect it every time along with using xylitol throughout the day. Colosys seems like a good product that she recommends.


Sep 25, 2017
I've seen members here recomending no brush...
Cavities cant heal, before toothbrush, farmes had rotten mouths but primitive Hunters not so much. So its simple: sugars and acids kill your tooth.
Brushing your teeth with fluoride, novamin etc protect them and give minor repairs If the enamel is not absent.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2019
1) If you have a SIBO problem then I believe your teeth will be stable at best and degrading quickly at worst. Making a point to clear out malicious bacteria of the small intestine will reflect itself as the bacterial population of the mouth. Peat and this community point to raw carrot, well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots but I've personally had the most moving experiences from preparing herbal teas with a medley of antibacterial pieces. Ginger, clove, turmeric, licorice root, dandelion root, boswellia, skullcap, and triphala are some that come to mind that I had good luck with in the past. I don't use them anymore as people here will be quick to remind you that they're estrogenic, but nonetheless they can be used as (very) temporary tools to help "sterilize" the small intestine. A lot of people have good fortune with oil of oregano... And I did too at once, but since past enema experiments, the kill-all (takes out both 'good' and 'bad' bacteria to a lesser extent than modern antibiotics) mechanism of oil of oregano does more harm than good for me nowadays.

2) Adequate vitamin K2 from raw cheese, pastured animal fats and egg yolks is big. Can be used as a supplement of course, but the ideal intake is found in food lest we forget the abyss of misunderstood co-factors.

3) Tooth care routines can be a big deal. Any form of sugar that isn't a whole fruit (sucrose) will leave something in the mouth for bacteria to eat and consequently damage the teeth. Commercial juices can have lactic acid among other additives that do not put them in the same harmless category as whole fruit. One solution is to rinse with baking soda after sucrose consumption especially. After meat, I find flossing to be a bigger deal than a quick baking soda spit but really baking soda can be used to alkalize the mouth at any time. Overuse might give a sensation of dry mouth.

-Adding antibacterial herb tinctures to floss such as dandelion root, oil of oregano, skullcap, etc is useful.
-Holding a teaspoon of triphala in the mouth similar to an oil pull is just as effective, if not more effective than synthetic mouthwashes like listerine (I can look up the study for this one if requested at least, lol)
-Using a sodium ascorbate rinse after brushing for 30-60 seconds can help donate electrons to the gumline according to Nadine Artemis' book on biological dentistry. I believe she cites that from Dr. Huggins. Note: this is BUFFERED vitamin C, not traditional vitamin C. Sodium ascorbate is extremely alkaline and ascorbic acid is extremely acidic.
-Using a sulcabrush with antibacterial tinctures is an added flossing measure but I don't believe it's necessary to regularly do.
-Waterpiks and water flossers are cool, also kind of a luxury from my experience. A 6 month cleaning holding the fluoride seems to replace this just fine.

honestly bro, everyone on this forum besides Haidut and a few other people are quacks. you are better off typing this into google, and if you did that you would find a book, and a video called Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. It's all about the PH and bacteria in the mouth.
Also... not cool. There's no reason to be shooting posts down because you're struggling to let other people love you. We still love you, but please spare us from spiteful wrath.


Jun 25, 2017
Electric toothbrush, Uncle Harry's Natural Toothpaste, Life Extension D + K, Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium, and Life Extension Two-per-day (or AOR Ortho-Core). Mostly stated so you can see what's in them.

I'd add calcium if there wasn't enough in diet, even if only to equalize the calcium:phosphorus ratio.


Dec 21, 2014
Being a quack and being full of ***t are 2 different things. Few of us are quacks but most (all?) of us are full of ***t in one way or another. It takes many mistakes to learn, unfortunately.

I think general stress is a major overlooked factor in tooth decay. I would also point out that even if you eat cheese or drink milk everyday, you still might not be getting enough calcium. I came to that realization after getting bad tooth decay.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I came to that realization after getting bad tooth decay.
Did the decay stop after adding more calcium? Do you supplement calcium? If so, what form?


Dec 21, 2014
Did the decay stop after adding more calcium? Do you supplement calcium? If so, what form?
I noticed my calcium:phosphate ratio was low so I started using ground eggshells. It hasn't been long enough to tell.


Jun 22, 2018
honestly bro, everyone on this forum besides Haidut and a few other people are quacks. you are better off typing this into google, and if you did that you would find a book, and a video called Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. It's all about the PH and bacteria in the mouth.

Define quack.

Because coming on a Ray Peat forum spouting and ranting about things you cannot change yourself makes you seem quacky. They’re not even Peat related.

Your attempts to save the world is a sign of neurosis and learned helplessness. Please seek help.

What? You are going to change things to the way YOU want them to be by coming on here and insulting people?

Are you mental?
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