Knee Problems Mines Meniscus


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
So I have been on the fence about getting some surgury on my knee for quite some time between 2 and 3 years since the acute injury hapened where i tore my medial meniscus with a bucket handle tear. Origionally i went for an MRI which confirmed that, so then followed an appoiontment with the specialist within that time frame it began to feel better and the specialists advice as the injury was still new and had healed a lot since the day of the injury was to see how it would go if it does not "lock up" or cause pain leave it as i can always have the surgury later.
I was 25 and extremely optimistic that it would heal and to some degree and it certernly has. Although 3 years on and still the clicking and nagging slightly irritable knee feeling/ sensation continues.... I just dont think the wait it out anymore approach is getting me anywhere
And i now look in hindsight and ask should i have just done the surgury to begin with and all this time of chronic irration would have been a thing of the past..?.. or would it?... i mean its barable i still work a very active job and lifestlye.. run/surf ect you name it i still do it, but always with the slight feeling of weakness and somethings just not quite right down there in my right knee.

I would just like to know any of your info on this prodicament of mine and expecially anyone here that may have/had personal experiance with this sort of injury and if they went down the surgury route and if that has been a good choice or not? i belive it is just an athroscopic "clean out" that is preposed for me and my injury.


Dec 7, 2018
A bucket handle tear is a dislocated tear, which means surgery is usually needed in order to er place the dislocated fragment in the anatomical position.
If I were you, I“d get another MRI to see if there is still a meniscal dislocation. In this case I“d get an arthroscopy in order to have the menicus replaced .


Dec 14, 2019
The Land of Oz
I wonder if is a part mental thing because you know you have an injury? If you are surfing, running, working etc without pain there may be no physical need to have the op. As Lotte says though if you get another MRI and if there is still an issue the scope should be able to trim it up nicely.

BTW I am 56 now and have had three knee reconstructions on my right knee at 19, 22 and 25 which involved cartilage tears. I gave up football (Aussie Rules) after the first one but still competed in a triathlon in my mid 20's and played tennis until only a few years ago. Now it is cycling/weights and walking and apart from some clicking and a little pain under the kneecap when I am lying down the knee feels good. Good luck whichever way you go.


Oct 14, 2016
So I have been on the fence about getting some surgury on my knee for quite some time between 2 and 3 years since the acute injury hapened where i tore my medial meniscus with a bucket handle tear. Origionally i went for an MRI which confirmed that, so then followed an appoiontment with the specialist within that time frame it began to feel better and the specialists advice as the injury was still new and had healed a lot since the day of the injury was to see how it would go if it does not "lock up" or cause pain leave it as i can always have the surgury later.
I was 25 and extremely optimistic that it would heal and to some degree and it certernly has. Although 3 years on and still the clicking and nagging slightly irritable knee feeling/ sensation continues.... I just dont think the wait it out anymore approach is getting me anywhere
And i now look in hindsight and ask should i have just done the surgury to begin with and all this time of chronic irration would have been a thing of the past..?.. or would it?... i mean its barable i still work a very active job and lifestlye.. run/surf ect you name it i still do it, but always with the slight feeling of weakness and somethings just not quite right down there in my right knee.

I would just like to know any of your info on this prodicament of mine and expecially anyone here that may have/had personal experiance with this sort of injury and if they went down the surgury route and if that has been a good choice or not? i belive it is just an athroscopic "clean out" that is preposed for me and my injury.
No that was a good call. You need movement to create fluids (not block) which strengthens/reinforces the area for everyday life. From Canada: Check out she has a video of 3-20 minute movments to help. Failing that you can contact them. Or there is another site I found which is similar in though process.Wake Your Body Up! – Finding Centre

Ivan S

New Member
Dec 6, 2019
Hey. I have buckle handle meniscus tear. I lived with it for 4-5 years, but it never healed completely, I could do "normal" things, but as soon as I would do some intensive activity, it would bother me. I've done meniscus sewing surgery: Meniscus tear: Sewing the tear back together | Dr. David Geier - Sports Medicine Simplified
After surgery surgeon told me meniscus was dislocated. Downside of that kind of surgery is that recovery time is lengthy (2-6 months to return to full activity) and for 1-2 months you have to wear orthosis. After I removed orthosis, my knee felt really good.

The problem for me was I went to physio-therapy and got injured again as they forced me too much too early ;(
Tear in my case happened in red-white area, which has less capacity to heal (which means, I should have start with therapy later and with physios which would not force me). I thought I would have to go to another surgery (basically, either sew meniscus again or remove broken part), however, things get better once I stopped with therapy. Now I don't have "clicking" sound in my knee, but it's still not completely healed.

In my opinion, if broken meniscus part is dislocated, it will never heal. The sooner you have surgery, the better. Sewing meniscus is really good option because even if it does not succeed, you'll have whole meniscus and will be at point 0 but with meniscus in place (if it was dislocated).
Also, as you have read, having good physio therapist is crucial for successful recovery.

I recommend walking as the best activity for this kind of injury and for recovery after surgery. Start with 10-15 mins and gradually increase it.
I used some supplements like glucosamines (with various benefits, I guess just some brands are good ... in general, the best I've tried also contain other substances like curcumin, boswella, etc), horsetail grass, arnica ... and now I'm using Georgi's Estroban and Mangoli (and I just started to use Energin).
Everything helped in some portion, although, it's hard to tell how much supplements helped and how much walking and resting helped.

Hope this helps! :)


Aug 17, 2018
I'm not sure to what degree this is going to help you but perhaps something to think about. It's a long story but here is the short version: I retore ACL, some meniscus tear along with cartilage damage some years ago.

In Spring of this year I decided for stem cell therapy (consists of prolotherapy, stem cell and prp). Three months later (perhaps I could start sooner but didn't know) I started running. I wasn't able to run for many years.

I'm not saying my knee is completely healed but would look into alternatives.


Oct 14, 2016
I did not see the reply, my apologies. In Toronto, fitness healer Charlene Sullivan has physio within her gym.
Check out her 3 short videos (original and basic but very effective) if you end up purchasing the videos, do them 3x a week at the least and see results within a couple of weeks. (could be sooner) If you have more issues, maybe you can do a quick call with her to go over any questions. Though best in person as Charlene manipulates the areas as well. She is the best away from mainstream health physio and fitness. She also has livestream classes with library. This may be a good option as you will benefit from only her classes (my opinion) and cost is very low $ 40 month. (not contracts) Try that for 1 month, do her recovery and any knee classes she has done and see the results. That will speak for itself. Give her a call first if you are serious with recovery. It does work, I am 62 years old, and have no issues and I do lots of classes, and keep up with the young ones with
no problem. Pendotion
It seems the Feet/Knees/Back videos are not available now. But have a look in the link above. for info and then give her a call. You will not regret it. I send everyone to her and all get fixed up with no surgery, no crazy physio for a year or more!

All classes require a 'Live + Replay' account to access. Call for activation details. (647) 247-5575

Good luck.


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Oct 14, 2016
I'm not sure to what degree this is going to help you but perhaps something to think about. It's a long story but here is the short version: I retore ACL, some meniscus tear along with cartilage damage some years ago.

In Spring of this year I decided for stem cell therapy (consists of prolotherapy, stem cell and prp). Three months later (perhaps I could start sooner but didn't know) I started running. I wasn't able to run for many years.

I'm not saying my knee is completely healed but would look into alternatives.
Also noticed that you can get the original video.......


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