LDL > Heart Disease Hypothesis valid after all?


Apr 17, 2017
Are you honestly linking an obscure article/ blog post and expect it to count as evidence or prove something?

People with high cholesterol live the longest

This statement seems so incredible that it takes a long time to clear one´s brainwashed mind to fully understand its importance. Yet the fact that people with high cholesterol live the longest emerges clearly from many scientific papers.1 But let us take a look at heart mortality,the risk of dying from a heart attack if cholesterol is high.
Consider for instance the finding by Dr.Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with high cholesterol.2 Supporters of the cholesterol campaign consistently ignore his observation, or consider it as a rare exception, the result of chance among a huge number of studies finding the opposite.
But it is not an exception; there are now a large number of findings that contradict the lipid hypothesis. To be more specific, almost all studies of old people have shown that high cholesterol is not a risk fact for coronary heart disease. This was the result of my search in the Medline database for studies addressing that question.3 Eleven studies of old people came up with that result, and a further seven found that high cholesterol did not predict all-cause mortality either, and more such studies have been published since then.
I have mentioned it before, but it is worth repeating, that more than 90 percent of those who die from a heart attack or a stroke have passed the age of 65. You may also recall that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women, nor for a number of other population groups.
But there is more comfort for those who have high cholesterol. At least fifteen studies have found that total mortality is inversely associated with either total or LDL-cholesterol, or both. This means that it is actually much better to have high than to have low cholesterol if you want to be very old.
Many studies have found that low cholesterol in certain respects is worse than high cholesterol. For instance, in nineteen large studies of more than 68,000 deaths, reviewed by David R. Jacobs and his co-workers from the Division of Epidemiologyat the University of Minnesota, low cholesterol predicted an increased risk of dying from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.4 Most gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases have an infectious origin. Therefore, a relevant question is whether it is the infection that lowers cholesterol or the low cholesterol that predisposesto infection? You have probably already guessed what the directors of the cholesterol campaign have said, but is it true?
To answer that question David Jacobs´ group followed more than 100,000 healthy individuals in the San Francisco area for fifteen years. At the end of the study those who had low cholesterol at the start of the study had been admitted more often to hospital because of an infectious disease of the respiratory system or because of another type of infection.5,6 This finding cannot be explained away with the argument that the infection had caused cholesterol to go down, because how could low cholesterol be caused by a disease they had not yet encountered? Isn´t it much more likely that low cholesterol in some way made them more vulnerable to infection, or that high cholesterol protected those who did not become infected? Much evidence exists to support that interpretation.
Young, unmarried men with a previous sexually transmitted disease or liver disease run a much greater risk of becoming infected with HIV virus than other people.7
Similar results came from a study of the MRFIT screenees. Sixteen years later four times more among those with the lowest cholesterol had died from AIDS compared with those who had the highest.8
Heart disease may lead to a weakening of the heart muscle. A weak heart means that less blood and therefore less oxygen is delivered to the arteries. To compensate for the decreased power, the heart beat goes up, but in severe heart failure this is not sufficient. Such patients become short of breath because too little oxygen is delivered to the tissues, the pressure in their veins increases because the heart cannot deliver the blood away from the heart with sufficient power, and they become edematous, meaning that fluid accumulates in the legs and in serious cases also in the lungs and other parts of the body. This condition is called congestive or chronic heart failure.
There are many indications that bacteria or other microorganisms play an important role in chronic heart failure, and also that the risk of heart failure is much greater in people with low cholesterol.9–13
Furthermore, children born with very high cholesterol, so-called familial hypercholesterolemia, are protected against infection. But if inborn high cholesterol protects against infections, inborn low cholesterol should have the opposite effect. Indeed, this seems to be true.
Children with the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome have very low cholesterol because the enzyme that is necessary for the last step in the body’s synthesis of cholesterol does not function properly. Most children with this syndrome are either stillborn or they die early because of serious malformations of the brain .Those who survive are imbecile, they have extremely low cholesterol, and they suffer from frequent and severe infections. However, if their diet is supplemented with pure cholesterol or extra eggs, their cholesterol goes up and their bouts of infection become less serious and less frequent.14
There is no contradictory observation that can´t beexplained away by the believers. One of the most striking aberrations appeared in two recent studies from the US. The first one came from the medical departmentat the University of California in LA.15 A total of 137,000 patients from 541 hospitals in the US had been admitted because of an acute heart attack. In all of them, their cholesterol was analysed within the first 24 hours of admission. To their surprise, the authors found that their cholesterol was lower than normal. To be precise, their mean total cholesterol was 174 (4.46 mmol/l) and the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol was also much lower than normal.
It is not possible to explain away the result by using the argument that it was a result of chance, considering that this is the largest study of the cholesterol levels of heart patients, which has ever been published. The researchers were of course surprised. One explanation could be the well-known fact that cholesterol goes down in patients with an acute myocardial infarction, but they rejected it, because this happens first after two-three days and the reduction is only fifteen percent at most.16,17
Did the authors, three of whom were supported by eight drug companies, realize that they had stumbled upon something important? That high cholesterol may not be the cause of heart disease?
Of course not. What they concluded was that cholesterol must be reduced even further.
A few months later a research group from Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Institute in Detroit came up with a similar result.18Again, LDL cholesterol measured within the first 24 hours of admission was lower than normal, not higher. To be precise, in half of the 500 patients LDL-cholesterol was lower than 105 (2.69 mmol/l). They thought that something had gone wrong and were convinced that those whose LDL was below 105 had a much better chance to survive than those whose LDL was higher, because this is what all of us have been told by the American Heart Association and the drug companies repeatedly.
Three years later it appeared that among those with the lowest LDL-cholesterol twenty-six patients had died, but only twelve among those with the highest LDL-cholesterol. The authors considered their finding very salient. They warned their readers against feeling a false sense of security in patients with low LDL. Although more of those with low LDL were on statin treatment, they wrote , ”these patients may in fact need more aggressive risk modification.”
Recently I published a paper together with 15 international colleagues, where we reviewed 19 studies of elderly people (>60 years) who had been followed for several years. None of these studies found that LDL-cholesterol (the “bad” one) predisposes to cardiovascular disease; on the contrary, most of them showed that those with high LDL cholesterol lived the longest.19
There is a logical explanation. What very few know is that LDL, the molecule that transport cholesterol in the blood, partake in the immune system by adhering to and inactivating all kionds of miocroorganisms and their toxic products. You can read more about that in two papers that I have published together with Kilmer McCully, he who discovered the association between homocystein and atherosclerosis.20,21

  1. Kozarevic D et al. Serumcholesterol and mortality: the Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study.Am J Epidemiol. 1981Jul;114(1):21-8.
    Rudman D et al. Antecedentsof death in the men of a Veterans Administration nursing home. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1987 Jun;35(6):496-502.
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    Harris T et al. The low cholesterol-mortality association in a national cohort. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992;45(6):595-601.
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    Chyou PH, Eaker ED. Serum cholesterol concentrations and all-cause mortality in older people. Age Ageing. 2000;29(1):69-74.
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    Ulmer H et al. Why Eve is not Adam: prospective follow-up in 149650 women and men of cholesterol and other risk factors related to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. J Womens Health 2004;13(1):41-53.
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    Relation of plasma lipids to all-cause mortality in Caucasian, African-American and Hispanic elders. Age Ageing. 2008;37:207-13.
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  2. Krumholz HM et al. Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 years..272, 1335-40, 1994.
  3. Ravnskov U. High cholesterol may protect against infections and atherosclerosis. 96, 927-934, 2003.
  4. Jacobs D et al. Report ofthe Conference on Low Blood Cholesterol: MortalityAssociations. Circulation 86, 1046–60, 1992
  5. Iribarren C et al. Serum total cholesterol and risk of hospitalization, and death from respiratory disease J Epidemiol 26, 1191–202, 1997.
  6. Iribarren C et al. Cohort study of serum total cholesterol and in-hospital incidence of infectious diseases. Epidemiol Infect 121, 335–47, 1998.
  7. Claxton AJ et al. Association between serum total cholesterol and HIV infection in a high-risk cohort of young men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 17, 51–7, 1998.
  8. Neaton JD, Wentworth DN. Endotoxin and immune activation in chronic heart failure: a prospective cohort study AIDS 11,929–30, 1997.
  9. Rauchhaus M et al. The endotoxin-lipoprotein hypothesis Lancet 356, 930–3, 2000.
  10. NiebauerJ er al. Endotoxin and immune activation in chronic heart failure: a prospective cohort study Lancet 353, 1838-1842, 1999.
  11. Vredevoe DL et al. Skin test anergy in advanced heart failure secondary to either ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol 82, 323-8, 1998.
  12. Rauchhaus M et al. The relationship between cholesterol and survival in patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 42, 1933-40, 2003.
  13. Kalantar-Zadeh K et al. Reverse epidemiology of conventional cardiovascular risk factors in patients with chronic heart failure J Am Coll Cardiol 43, 1439-44, 2004.
  14. Elias ER et al. Clinical effects of cholesterol supplementation in six patients with the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) Am J Med Genet 68, 305-10, 1997.
  15. Sachdeva A et al. Lipid levels in patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease: an analysis of 136,905 hospitalizations in Get With The Guidelines. Am Heart J 2009;157:111-7.
  16. Gore JM et al. Validity of serum total cholesterol level obtained within 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 1984;54:722-5.
  17. Sewdarsen M et al. Plasma lipids can be reliably assessed within 24 hours after acute myocardial infarction Postgrad Med J 1988;64;352-6.
  18. Al-Mallah MH et al. Low admission LDL-cholesterol is associated with increased 3-year all-cause mortality in patients with non ST segment elevation myocardial infarction Cardiol J 2009;16:227-33
  19. Ravnskov U et al. . Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review BMJ Open 2016;6(6):e010401
  20. Ravnskov U, McCully KS. Vulnerable plaque formation from obstruction of vasa vasorum by homocysteinylated and oxidized lipoprotein aggregates complexed with microbial remnants and LDL autoantibodies. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2009;39:3–16.
  21. Ravnskov U, McCully KS. Infections may be causal in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Am J Med Sci. 2012;344(5):391-4.
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May 4, 2019
LDL deniers tend to live longer and healthier lives:



Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Are you honestly linking an obscure article/ blog post and expect it to count as evidence or prove something?

You posted an anecdote from a person who's a slave of the medical system and is in her first year of practice and expect it to count as evidence or prove something?.


I’m glad you made this thread, it raises a number of important points. I think the cholesterol issue has been debated exhaustively on the forum and I am satisfied there is enough information for you to make the right decision for you. The other reason this thread is important is that it highlights how a young medic can be co-opted by the pharmaceutical industry. She presents herself as an independent professional whilst having strong links to the vaccine industry. Secondly, that tweet was deliberately planted to convince the public that somehow this young 27 year old was at risk of heart disease due to high cholesterol. Danielle Belardo claims “the only risk factor” was high cholesterol. This medically incorrect statement is misinformation. The young woman's LDL is within the ‘acceptable normal’ range. If the woman is hypo, I suspect she may be, running is suppressing her thyroid even more. Even so I propose that none of this is causing her chest pains. I suspect this is a cover up for a recently vaxxed woman who has heart damage as a result. Of course this is speculative. I admit to my own biases. However, based on the number of athletics suffering heart issues of late......I don’t need to finish this sentence.
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Feb 26, 2016
How could he be right and the entire medical and scientific community / research wrong?
RP uses medical biology to get at his general critique of state politics.

Here’s how: hear me out.
Today I watched a doco on the Three Mile Island Nuclear meltdown. 1979. The first nuclear reactor disaster in the US. The state Lt. Governor’s statements to the public on the day of the radiation leak & declaration of emergency?

“Everything is under control. There is and was no danger to public safety.”

Later the same day the authorities give a press conference giving the impression that the radiation leak is limited, controlled, & no threat. The town was evacuated. Truth: It was a reactor meltdown releasing radiation into the atmosphere. people who lived there are now experiencing an. . .cough. . .epidemic. . .cough of cancer. The responsible parties (Met-Ed) figure that if class action lawsuits drag on for 20 years then the plaintiffs will either die first or lose interest. Ever heard of them? No. Probably not.

If you believe that one marginalized guy, living without a job while speaking out against the prevailing force of cultural political power, can’t be right & the cultural messaging wrong, then I have some books about dissident life you can read. It’s more common than you think.

But the great power of the state propaganda machine prevents that from being taken seriously. It paints dissenters as cranks & ignoramuses. Sometimes they end up in prison. Or just politically smothered.

It’s to RP’s great credit that he’s been able to do as much as he has with such meager resources to get the word out.

Believe it. Treacherous crimes on a huge scale by powerful forces are never punished. They are rewarded. But even people who just have bad luck (illness, economic depression) always pay the price.


Feb 26, 2016
Technical correction: there wasn’t an actual meltdown. There was the release of a radiation cloud, steam, & water.


Feb 3, 2020
I have a mixed feeling about this.

Lower total LDL equates to lower potentially oxidized LDL, but if oxidative stress is still high, even that low amount can cause atherosclerosis.
But nowadays almost all people are under enormous amount of (oxidative) stress, so it might be smart to keep LDL in check.

A physiological amount of LDL (50-80 mg/dl) has no detriments for the body in regards to hormone production etc AFAIK.

And I think that level is possible to reach, if one eats a low fat diet, which is also proven to improve and reverse insulin resistance. (another risk factor for CVD)


Jan 25, 2014
Are you honestly linking an obscure article/ blog post and expect it to count as evidence or prove something?
Uffe Rasnakov is anything but obscure. He's been an MD since 1961, and has been an independent researcher since 1979.

He published his book criticizing the Diet/Heart Hypothesis in the early 90s. He has published several scientific papers criticizing the Diet/Heart Hypothesis since 1990.

Again, what has your extremely young Twitter Doctor done, in the form of research in her five years of being an MD?


Aug 9, 2019
It’s not about the anecdote l. It’s literally the heaps of RCT’s and meta-analysis studies that support the hypothesis.
In her Instagram page, she also has other cases of middle-age folks on Keto who develop heart issues.

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRMmBtrnXO/?utm_medium=copy_link

You posted an anecdote from a person who's a slave of the medical system and is in her first year of practice and expect it to count as evidence or prove something?.


Sep 8, 2016
Anyone who claims the Joe Rogen covid protocol is bunk should be ignored for they they have not read the massive amount of research about ivermectin, HCQ, aspirin, zinc etc.

However, I cannot figure out why the DR Esselstyn diet of no meat, no dairy, no oils, plant based diet with no more than 10% fat in calories worked to reduce heart attacks on patients that had previous heart problems. All the patients who followed the diet lived another 20+ years those who did not follow the diet died within 5 years. All patients who followed the diet lowered their LDL to the 70s. While I know that current research shows that only apo-b and lp(a) have a strong correlation with heart attacks why does the DR Esselstyn diet work?


Dec 10, 2016
I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore…So many of Peat’s theories and those propagated on this forum go against pretty much all of modern science.
LDL that high at that age if definitely something that needed to be investigated but reducing oxidative stress in the arteries is probably a better way to fix the issue than reducing cholesterol synthesis.

Checkout this study Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation.

@CLASH goes through the study on The Men Elite podcast starting at 41:10

View: https://youtu.be/fQU9zCQ2pbQ


Aug 9, 2019
Anyone who claims the Joe Rogen covid protocol is bunk should be ignored for they they have not read the massive amount of research about ivermectin, HCQ, aspirin, zinc etc.

However, I cannot figure out why the DR Esselstyn diet of no meat, no dairy, no oils, plant based diet with no more than 10% fat in calories worked to reduce heart attacks on patients that had previous heart problems. All the patients who followed the diet lived another 20+ years those who did not follow the diet died within 5 years. All patients who followed the diet lowered their LDL to the 70s. While I know that current research shows that only apo-b and lp(a) have a strong correlation with heart attacks why does the DR Esselstyn diet work?
AFAIK, a plant-based diet is the only one clinically shown to be able to reverse atherosclerosis.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
What is missing regarding heart disease is bacteria from infected gums or teeth or root canal treated teeth.

These bacteria can easily enter the blood stream 24/7 and form biofilms on the arterial walls and heart valves, if the Zeta Potential of the blood is weak, and cause inflammation, leading to cardiovascular disease.

Strengthening of the Zeta Potential literally charges up the blood particles including bacteria. Due to the electrostatic repulsion, the bacteria cannot attach themselves to the arterial walls to form biofilms. Or if there were biofilms already, those would be dissolved.

Read about the Zeta Potential and it’s connection to cardiovascular health here:

You can order Zeta Aid here:

Then the ingestion of small amounts of chlorine dioxide will kill these bacteria, since chlorine dioxide is a gas and will easily penetrate these biofilms. I rinse my mouth with three activated drops of ‘MMS’ and then swallow it in the evening. My dental cleaning is always painless and my gums are very healthy. But I do have several root canals. And I am taking Zeta Aid religiously.

Somewhere I read that if biofilms cause inflammation of the arteries, that the body increases the cholesterol to ‘patch up’ the inflamed portions of the blood vessels. Not sure if that is true. That would mean that increased cholesterol is the body’s response to inflammation of the blood vessels and medical science has it backwards.

Bacterial biofilms:

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