Low-dose aspirin may prevent most dementias (even Alzheimer's)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Over the last couple of months, a few studies came out arguing (again) that aspirin is not worth the risk and that people should stop taking it. It seems that Big Pharma has a schedule of pumping propaganda out every year or so against the main "threats" to its dominance - aspirin, vitamin D, caffeine, B vitamins, sucrose, calcium, etc. The list of things Big Pharma routinely bashes is suspiciously similar to things Dr. Peat writes about and recommends, and they all happen to be pro-metabolic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, etc. The study below is a gulp of fresh air in this suffocating cesspool of lies and it showed that even a low-dose aspirin (80mg-100mg daily) was able to strongly decrease incidence of most types of dementias, including Alzheimer Disease (AD). Another key finding of the study is that the aspirin had to be taken for several years in order for the benefits to be seen. This may explain the "null" studies on aspirin Big Pharma relies on to bash aspirin in the media - i.e. all of those studies were of limited duration and usually included people who are not expected to benefit much from aspirin anyways.

Long-term low-dose acetylsalicylic use shows protective potential for the development of both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in patients with coronary heart disease but not in other individuals from the general population: results from two large cohort studies - Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Low-dose aspirin prevents various forms of dementia in Coronary heart disease patients

"...The meta-analysis of both cohorts demonstrated a marginal decrease in the risk of all-cause dementia. Low-dose ASA had the greatest preventive benefit in people with coronary heart disease both in cohorts, and a significant association was seen. In particular, a 31% reduction in the risk of AD, a 69% reduction in the risk of VD, and a 34% reduction in the risk of all-cause dementia was reported in a meta-analysis. Furthermore, consumers of low-dose ASA for 10 years or longer had a considerable protective impact on all dementia outcomes, particularly VD, as compared to non-users, although no beneficial correlations were identified with shorter low-dose ASA usage. The PI concluded that the outcomes of this study suggest that persons with CHD may benefit from long-term low-dose ASA usage not just by lowering their CVD risk, but also by lowering their dementia risk. The findings of this study can only be extrapolated to primarily Caucasian populations aged 55 and older, and they must be validated in RCTs with high sample numbers and lengthy follow-up periods."


Sep 8, 2016
So what if you are older >70 and never had a CHD, why take low dose aspirin?


Mar 6, 2022
Over the last couple of months, a few studies came out arguing (again) that aspirin is not worth the risk and that people should stop taking it. It seems that Big Pharma has a schedule of pumping propaganda out every year or so against the main "threats" to its dominance - aspirin, vitamin D, caffeine, B vitamins, sucrose, calcium, etc. The list of things Big Pharma routinely bashes is suspiciously similar to things Dr. Peat writes about and recommends, and they all happen to be pro-metabolic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, etc. The study below is a gulp of fresh air in this suffocating cesspool of lies and it showed that even a low-dose aspirin (80mg-100mg daily) was able to strongly decrease incidence of most types of dementias, including Alzheimer Disease (AD). Another key finding of the study is that the aspirin had to be taken for several years in order for the benefits to be seen. This may explain the "null" studies on aspirin Big Pharma relies on to bash aspirin in the media - i.e. all of those studies were of limited duration and usually included people who are not expected to benefit much from aspirin anyways.

Long-term low-dose acetylsalicylic use shows protective potential for the development of both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in patients with coronary heart disease but not in other individuals from the general population: results from two large cohort studies - Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
Low-dose aspirin prevents various forms of dementia in Coronary heart disease patients

"...The meta-analysis of both cohorts demonstrated a marginal decrease in the risk of all-cause dementia. Low-dose ASA had the greatest preventive benefit in people with coronary heart disease both in cohorts, and a significant association was seen. In particular, a 31% reduction in the risk of AD, a 69% reduction in the risk of VD, and a 34% reduction in the risk of all-cause dementia was reported in a meta-analysis. Furthermore, consumers of low-dose ASA for 10 years or longer had a considerable protective impact on all dementia outcomes, particularly VD, as compared to non-users, although no beneficial correlations were identified with shorter low-dose ASA usage. The PI concluded that the outcomes of this study suggest that persons with CHD may benefit from long-term low-dose ASA usage not just by lowering their CVD risk, but also by lowering their dementia risk. The findings of this study can only be extrapolated to primarily Caucasian populations aged 55 and older, and they must be validated in RCTs with high sample numbers and lengthy follow-up periods."
@haidut , it means that only so low doses of aspirin provide those protection and higher doses doesn't provide effect, or higher doses would have the same as low doses effect or higher doses would provide much better effect?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut , it means that only so low doses of aspirin provide those protection and higher doses doesn't provide effect, or higher doses would have the same as low doses effect or higher doses would provide much better effect?

It means the study population used such doses. Most people who regularly use aspirin, use the low-dose only usually for prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Their doctors have scared them into not using higher doses due to "bleeding risks". So, the study consisted mostly of such low-dose users and can only draw conclusions about them.


Feb 18, 2018
It means the study population used such doses. Most people who regularly use aspirin, use the low-dose only usually for prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Their doctors have scared them into not using higher doses due to "bleeding risks". So, the study consisted mostly of such low-dose users and can only draw conclusions about them.

Are there benefits to higher doses? I’m attempting to convince my family of aspirins benefits but without referencing literature they will not take my word seriously as I am not a doctor nor in the medical field


Nov 29, 2017

I’m interested in testing out low dose aspirin twice daily. It makes sense that less may be more with this wonder molecule we just need to maintain it in our system longer for best results. I’m also beginning to think aspirin should always be dissolved in water first. Never swallowed as pills.


Nov 18, 2019

I’m interested in testing out low dose aspirin twice daily. It makes sense that less may be more with this wonder molecule we just need to maintain it in our system longer for best results. I’m also beginning to think aspirin should always be dissolved in water first. Never swallowed as pills.
I swallow it as pills with milk - works like a charm! 15 min and I feel the effects.,,


Nov 18, 2019
How much aspirin do you take daily?
Two 325 mg tablets with 6-8 oz milk. Not necessarily daily - I really take as needed. When stressful times, okay might be daily for say 4-5 days then nothing for another 3-4 days etc. I am not following a plan, more my body and what signs it shows me.

Edit: Aspirin is a regular part of my life however for the last 4 years and it has made such a difference…
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