LPR (silent Reflux) Going Up To Ears



Mar 15, 2018
Just wanted to mention, because I heard it on a video: an aloe product called Aloe Apex, by ApexHealth. It is suppose to have several patents. Anyway, as we know aloe is good for gerd, digestion, etc., and there were some good testimonials on this product. It is not cheap, surprise, but maybe worth a try. You can find info on their website, or listen to the owner talk about it on Doug Kaufman's show 'Know the Cause' (you can see it on YT videos). Their patented process supposedly makes the aloe the most potent you can get.

Yeah it's very expensive for aloe but maybe better. Do you know where can i find the testimonials or reviews of this product? Also it seems only sold at his site and no reviews. Thanks! :)


Mar 15, 2018
No , i don't think so. But i think i used 5-MTHF form of folic acid and it was not so high dose. Unfortunatelly i can't say now for sure what exactly dosage i used - just don't remember :(
400mcg seems to be the recommended dosage for a non pregnant adult. :)


Mar 29, 2016
Sorry if I didn't read the past posts, but saw the OP and thought I'd share my experience that relates somewhat to yours.

I was surprised that my health got worse about two months ago after I came back from a trip. I initially blamed it on the trip, but on further thought, I decided my health had taken a slight downturn. I became allergic again, to MSG and pollen, and that led to colds and cough, and when I got over the cold and cough, bits of phlegm were still stuck in my inner breathing passageway that I would cough every so often, especially when I talk. It isn't whooping cough, but it was something like it. I also noticed around that time that I would burp a lot, and give off odorless gas often. This was also something I have long ago overcome and was already a non-issue, until this time.

I was at that time on the 5th month of supplementing with therapeutic doses of l-asorbic acid (6.75g/day) and magnesium chloride (4.8g/day) in the hope of chelating off lead from my kidneys. My blood pressure was actually going down, and I was happy for the seemingly apparent success I was having. I noticed that my heart rate was going down as well, but I paid little attention to it.

To make a long story short, I found that my magnesium intake was too high (thanks to @Sheila), and I may have hyperchloremia. My blood was getting acidic, and it was affecting, for the most part, my metabolism. This must be why my metabolism was going down, and this had also helped lower my blood pressure. But this was not how I wanted my blood pressure to go down, as I wanted to be healthier for it, and not the other way.

I stopped my use of magnesium chloride, and in a few days I experienced relief from the quasi-whooping cough. I started feeling better, but I felt I was not feeling as healthy yet. This led me to look further into understanding acid-base balance involving our kidneys and lungs, and into how this acid-base balance is affected by what we eat, especially on lessening sulfur-rich proteins, and on increasing alkalinic minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium).

With a better control of acid-base balance, of which blood forms a major part, we can expect to see our metabolism improve. Just having better tissue oxygenation in our body from generous amounts of carbon dioxide in our blood, a very simple condition, could have enormous effects on our metabolic rate. With improved metabolism comes better health, as the increased energy it gives allows our body to repair, to heal, to regenerate, to fight infections, and to kill budding cancers.

In my case, the chloride I took led to 5 months of my body having to deal with the acid load it generated daily. It probably had the cumulative effect that eventually reached a point where my body became susceptible to allergies as well as the burping, which to me is a warning that if I don't stop what I was doing I would be having acid reflux.

Yet I wasn't satisfied and I just started taking 3 grams of baking soda a day. It helped increase my heart rate. I'm just on my third day of it. Now, this is a controversial approach I'm taking as there are warnings of overdosing on baking soda. For me, this is a therapeutic dosage to be used for a limited time, for me to recover from the insults my body has received from 5 months of accumulated chloride. It is merely to address the imbalance.

I'm not saying you should follow what I did, as I don't really know your context. I don't know your history enough to know what led to your condition. But what I'm saying is that it may help to understand the metabolic aspect of your case. If there is a metabolic issue, that needs to be addressed before you go into different drugs there. Know what the cause of your problem is before you start seeking solutions. Otherwise you will just be merely making band-aids at best, or making your condition worse, at worst.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Yeah it's very expensive for aloe but maybe better. Do you know where can i find the testimonials or reviews of this product? Also it seems only sold at his site and no reviews. Thanks! :)
The only testimonials that I have heard (they have them as sound bites from callers) is on their website, and a few were mentioned on Kaufmans's show. If anyone is interested in aloe, this looks like it is worth trying at least one bottle to see if it makes a sifference.


Dec 10, 2016
I was at that time on the 5th month of supplementing with therapeutic doses of l-asorbic acid (6.75g/day) and magnesium chloride (4.8g/day) in the hope of chelating off lead from my kidneys.
Is it possible you experienced hypermagnesemia since good kidney function is needed for high dose magnesium?


Mar 29, 2016
Is it possible you experienced hypermagnesemia since good kidney function is needed for high dose magnesium?
I have no clinical signs that would indicate hypermagnesia. I understand also that oral intake of magnesium when done excessively will result in diarrhea, and that has never happened.


Dec 10, 2016
I have no clinical signs that would indicate hypermagnesia. I understand also that oral intake of magnesium when done excessively will result in diarrhea, and that has never happened.
Okay I thought hypermagnesemia can cause a slowing heart rate and drop in blood pressure.


Mar 29, 2016
Okay I thought hypermagnesemia can cause a slowing heart rate and drop in blood pressure.
Thanks though, I'll be on the look out when I resume on a another magnesium supplementation.


Mar 15, 2018
Sorry if I didn't read the past posts, but saw the OP and thought I'd share my experience that relates somewhat to yours.

I was surprised that my health got worse about two months ago after I came back from a trip. I initially blamed it on the trip, but on further thought, I decided my health had taken a slight downturn. I became allergic again, to MSG and pollen, and that led to colds and cough, and when I got over the cold and cough, bits of phlegm were still stuck in my inner breathing passageway that I would cough every so often, especially when I talk. It isn't whooping cough, but it was something like it. I also noticed around that time that I would burp a lot, and give off odorless gas often. This was also something I have long ago overcome and was already a non-issue, until this time.

I was at that time on the 5th month of supplementing with therapeutic doses of l-asorbic acid (6.75g/day) and magnesium chloride (4.8g/day) in the hope of chelating off lead from my kidneys. My blood pressure was actually going down, and I was happy for the seemingly apparent success I was having. I noticed that my heart rate was going down as well, but I paid little attention to it.

To make a long story short, I found that my magnesium intake was too high (thanks to @Sheila), and I may have hyperchloremia. My blood was getting acidic, and it was affecting, for the most part, my metabolism. This must be why my metabolism was going down, and this had also helped lower my blood pressure. But this was not how I wanted my blood pressure to go down, as I wanted to be healthier for it, and not the other way.

I stopped my use of magnesium chloride, and in a few days I experienced relief from the quasi-whooping cough. I started feeling better, but I felt I was not feeling as healthy yet. This led me to look further into understanding acid-base balance involving our kidneys and lungs, and into how this acid-base balance is affected by what we eat, especially on lessening sulfur-rich proteins, and on increasing alkalinic minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium).

With a better control of acid-base balance, of which blood forms a major part, we can expect to see our metabolism improve. Just having better tissue oxygenation in our body from generous amounts of carbon dioxide in our blood, a very simple condition, could have enormous effects on our metabolic rate. With improved metabolism comes better health, as the increased energy it gives allows our body to repair, to heal, to regenerate, to fight infections, and to kill budding cancers.

In my case, the chloride I took led to 5 months of my body having to deal with the acid load it generated daily. It probably had the cumulative effect that eventually reached a point where my body became susceptible to allergies as well as the burping, which to me is a warning that if I don't stop what I was doing I would be having acid reflux.

Yet I wasn't satisfied and I just started taking 3 grams of baking soda a day. It helped increase my heart rate. I'm just on my third day of it. Now, this is a controversial approach I'm taking as there are warnings of overdosing on baking soda. For me, this is a therapeutic dosage to be used for a limited time, for me to recover from the insults my body has received from 5 months of accumulated chloride. It is merely to address the imbalance.

I'm not saying you should follow what I did, as I don't really know your context. I don't know your history enough to know what led to your condition. But what I'm saying is that it may help to understand the metabolic aspect of your case. If there is a metabolic issue, that needs to be addressed before you go into different drugs there. Know what the cause of your problem is before you start seeking solutions. Otherwise you will just be merely making band-aids at best, or making your condition worse, at worst.

Thanks for sharing. I think i might have "acid load" just by different causes. I think i did took some magnesium for couple days and i noticed that my stool turned very dark green as i was not eating as much leafy greens during that time, I could definitely tell it was caused by magnesium so i got kind of scared and stopped it. I have been thinking about my diet prior to the ordeal. And i have overdosed couple of things heavily.
1. I drank lots of lemon water (i would literally drink one whole lemon with 10oz water.)
2. I drank lots of ginger and raw garlic water. But i read that drinking hot beverage, eating too hot food is not good for esophagus causes cancer it should have been warm instead.
3. I've made very acidic tomato sauces at home ( i would add more tomatoes to make it even more richer)
4. I drank lots of green tea maybe like 5-6 cups at least for like 5-6 months.
I am pretty sure combo of these things had relaxed my LES and UES BADLY!! Since they weren't very strong to begin with probably. My SO had the same diet but he's fine. So, for people with healthy digestive system they can survive acidic diet for i don't know how long but for me it had an expiry date on it i guess.
I don't even know if they are going to reverse and tighten up now, So, that this horrific throat burning would go away. After reading people's posts on this forum some people saying that cause of acid reflux is inflammation. I think there are truth to it. Also agree with high cortisol production could be cause of it all too. It was kind of stressful time for me before i got sick. Acidic diet + Stress = inflammation/acid reflux.
This is kind of unrelated story but after i have been to few doctors i have noticed that lots of them DO NOT read or continue to update themselves. for example when i asked my ENT about Melatonin for acid reflux and "he said melatonin is for sleeping"...and he call himself a SPECIALIST lol

How long are you going to take baking soda water like that? with how much water? I haven't done much of research about baking soda water and its side effects but it does help with burning sensation on throat when i gargle with it.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
You may already know about it, but have been reading the benefits of using the ayurveda formula called triphala for any digestive issue. The three fruits in the formula cleanse, tone, and alkalize, the digestive system. This is a different approach than taking something directly for symptoms, but quite a few people have reported good results in the long term. The formula is safe for long term use. Also, there is a formula that has the three herbs (fruits) that are in triphala plus other herbs that help with gerd, etc. called avipattikar. Planetary herbs makes a formula with aviprattikar called Reflux Rescue. Do a search on triphala for more info, or one of triphala's components called haritaki, which by itself has unique healing properties.


Mar 29, 2016
2. I drank lots of ginger and raw garlic water.
There's plenty of sulfur in ginger and garlic. Too much of these cause you to urinate a lot. You lose thiamine and potassium with a lot of urination. With frequent urination, your sleep is also disturbed. Poor sleep quality affects your health. Your immunity is lowered. Your glycogen production is interrupted, and your glycogen stores will be lacking. Low glycogen stores means your body won't be able to supply enough sugar in between meals, and low blood sugar could cause cortisol to be increased. Low blood sugar is very stressful.

Foods rich in sulfate increase blood acidity as the sulfate can turn into sulfuric acid, which is very acidic. It's possible that the high sulfur intake from ginger and garlic could also be increasing your blood acidity. The liver and kidney have to work extra to make your blood lessen its acidity, and in the process increase urine production to discharge these acids, in the form of ammonium sulfate. This is why you may end up urinating a lot.

When sleep is disturbed, when your blood sugar is less stable and prone to running low, your metabolism is greatly affected. With lowered metabolism, your energy production is lowered. Instead of an energy surplus, you could be having a deficit. This greatly affects your body's ability to heal, to repair, to regenerate, to destroy cancer cells, and makes you susceptible to many things - germs, and allergens. You would start with an allergy that would not have occurred with better metabolism and increased energy, and this allergy becomes a trigger for infection. But the infection would not have occurred if metabolism was high and energy was available to counter it.

How long are you going to take baking soda water like that? with how much water? I haven't done much of research about baking soda water and its side effects but it does help with burning sensation on throat when i gargle with it.
I just stopped taking baking soda today after I got results of my urinalysis. The blood pH is 8, which far exceeded my target of 7.5. I have enough bicarbonates to counter say a heavy meal with a lot of protein that is rich in phosphate and sulfur. Not that I'm doing this to indulge in meat though. In fact, I eat less meat now and take in more alkalinic minerals through vegetable and fruit juicing, as well as plenty of cooked leafy greens. With this regimen, I would hopefully find it unnecessary to take in the amounts of baking soda (4g/day) I had been taking.

I have a newfound appreciation for the importance of keeping my blood pH alkaline. It is important for my heart to be efficiently pumping blood. It is also important in keeping my tissues oxygenation well for energy production.


Mar 15, 2018
There's plenty of sulfur in ginger and garlic. Too much of these cause you to urinate a lot. You lose thiamine and potassium with a lot of urination. With frequent urination, your sleep is also disturbed. Poor sleep quality affects your health. Your immunity is lowered. Your glycogen production is interrupted, and your glycogen stores will be lacking. Low glycogen stores means your body won't be able to supply enough sugar in between meals, and low blood sugar could cause cortisol to be increased. Low blood sugar is very stressful.

Foods rich in sulfate increase blood acidity as the sulfate can turn into sulfuric acid, which is very acidic. It's possible that the high sulfur intake from ginger and garlic could also be increasing your blood acidity. The liver and kidney have to work extra to make your blood lessen its acidity, and in the process increase urine production to discharge these acids, in the form of ammonium sulfate. This is why you may end up urinating a lot.

When sleep is disturbed, when your blood sugar is less stable and prone to running low, your metabolism is greatly affected. With lowered metabolism, your energy production is lowered. Instead of an energy surplus, you could be having a deficit. This greatly affects your body's ability to heal, to repair, to regenerate, to destroy cancer cells, and makes you susceptible to many things - germs, and allergens. You would start with an allergy that would not have occurred with better metabolism and increased energy, and this allergy becomes a trigger for infection. But the infection would not have occurred if metabolism was high and energy was available to counter it.

I just stopped taking baking soda today after I got results of my urinalysis. The blood pH is 8, which far exceeded my target of 7.5. I have enough bicarbonates to counter say a heavy meal with a lot of protein that is rich in phosphate and sulfur. Not that I'm doing this to indulge in meat though. In fact, I eat less meat now and take in more alkalinic minerals through vegetable and fruit juicing, as well as plenty of cooked leafy greens. With this regimen, I would hopefully find it unnecessary to take in the amounts of baking soda (4g/day) I had been taking.

I have a newfound appreciation for the importance of keeping my blood pH alkaline. It is important for my heart to be efficiently pumping blood. It is also important in keeping my tissues oxygenation well for energy production.
This makes sense now i used to urinate so much like every 25 minutes and my sleep was interrupted somehow as i noticed myself waking up middle of the nights which usually never happens. I am amazed how do you know all this did you got to medical school or something? How i wish i knew it before. lol


Mar 29, 2016
This makes sense now i used to urinate so much like every 25 minutes and my sleep was interrupted somehow as i noticed myself waking up middle of the nights which usually never happens. I am amazed how do you know all this did you got to medical school or something? How i wish i knew it before. lol

I came from the school of hard knocks. I experienced frequent urination last year and this year. First was from taking too much garlic. The second time was from taking too much magnesium chloride. Both increased greatly my acidic load, and frequent urination was a result. I'm glad I learned from it,certainly with enough help from forum members and from reading resources that that staying glued to forum posts offers. It's easy to become overwhelmed at the start, and there's a lot of time involved filling in many holes in subjects where the discussion feels like they're going way over my head. Still many holes to fill, and still getting about filling them.

My urination is now normal and I'm back to sleeping well. I don't dread heading into traffic anymore fearing I have to go again. Ray Peat has mentioned before that people should be concerned if they are urinating a lot. I didn't really understand what he meant, but now I do.


May 19, 2017
"JOHN BURKHAUSEN: Lilliah asks – there was a follow-up question to that last one. Let me just get that before I move on because I'll lose it. Hang on a second. Let me find that. This is also – hang on. Here it is. Yes, it was a undigested food question. If you tend to constantly have excessive air, chest pressure or feeling the need to burp, is that a sign of low stomach acid with undigested food causing problems or too much stomach acid? And what would you do about it? If you have any idea.

RAY PEAT: Basically no. A lot of different things can cause that. Some people can actually have reverse peristalsis. When you analyze burps, most of the time it's air that you’ve swallowed coming back, just plain, perfect air. But sometimes you find other gases such as methane coming out in burps. And Walter Alvarez – one of the interesting things he demonstrated was that it’s pretty common for people to experience very, very intense reverse peristalsis. He put some lycopodium powder in his medical students’ rectums when they went home for…

RAY PEAT: If you're low thyroid, your autonomic nervous system tends to rev up compensating for the low oxidative metabolism. It pushes it harder to increase your adrenaline, in particular. Some of the other things, histamine and serotonin, go up too. But the adrenaline tends to stop the forward propulsion of the peristalsis and then random signals, irritation from something in your intestine can probably send waves going both directions and that probably is more common when your digestive system is slightly paralyzed by very high adrenaline level."

SARAH JOHANNESEN MURRAY: And the unfortunate thing is when someone is low thyroid, they’re usually very thirsty all the time, anyway, so they crave that water and think they have to have that water, they say their body’s really craving it.

RAY PEAT: Yes, it causes the tissues to retain water, even though it’s passing through them, through the kidneys mostly, and they’re not producing much evaporation through their lungs or skin, but it tends to leak out of their bloodstream, into the tissues and produce oedema, and oedema is harmful to all of the tissues in a direct way and it turns on a whole anabolic system, shifting away from oxidative metabolism, activating lipolysis, the release of fatty acids, shifting cell metabolism towards burning fat rather than sugar, imitating diabetes and aging. So it’s a generalized shock physiology that’s involved, when cells get waterlogged.

It can start with low thyroid, but it repeats back and makes the low thyroid problem worse.

SARAH JOHANNESEN MURRAY: So that’s why you said that any leaf extract or tea made from a leaf of a plant is going to have minerals to help prevent this from happening. And if you made a cup of tea you’d sip it slowly, you wouldn’t just drink it down like a pint of water.

RAY PEAT: Yes, and the minerals, it isn’t essential that it be magnesium and potassium; calcium and sodium have many of the same functions even though each thing has its place in the mechanisms. If you’re in shock you can relieve the symptoms pretty much by taking more of any one of the alkaline minerals, potassium, sodium, magnesium or calcium. In heart failure and lung inflammation, many of the things that happen with shock or aging or any serious disease, the lungs and the heart tend to get waterlogged, and lose function. Just giving a very concentrated salt solution intravenously will relieve the symptoms very often. They’ve doubled the survival - cut the mortality rate in half by just giving extra sodium intravenously."

I recommend this article about fish oil, I used to use large amounts of it after it was recommended to me and it seemed to cause me many problems
The Great Fish Oil Experiment

While your having stomach issues I would consider maybe reducing the starch intake (white rice without iron is probably okay too) in the diet as much as you feel comfortable with and using fruits/fruit juices sugars instead. I also think making sure your getting more sodium would be helpful (I saw you use miso but chicken broth would be worth trying). Salty fat free broth with a packet of know gelatin fully dissolved in, for salt morton's canning and pickling salt is the purest and is 99c for a huge box. I think using milk/cheese as a protein source would also be helpful. I think the issue is due to inappropriate action of the muscles and diaphgrams rather than excessive stomach acid, and that thyroid (t3) and an anti-seritonin compound would be helpful and I agree with what haidut said here, maybe it'll be helpful to you;

"I think it applies to all refluxes where damage to the mucosa/lining is involved. The chemical burn theory is just too simplistic to account for that. The real question is what is causing this acid being able to go up and the answer is high cortisol from hypothyroidism. The cortisol weakens many muscles, including the ones lining the esophagus and it is not a mere coincidence that GERD and LPRD usually start in the 3rd decde of life and increase with age. This coincides with the slowign of metabolism and the increase in cortisol/DHEA and cortisol/testosterone ratios, which leads to generalized atrophy and muscle loss and weakness. A very old study showed that ingesting some pure T3 completely eliminated GERD symptoms for a few hours. If cortisol is the main cause, then things like emodin/cascara, pregnenolone, thyroid, vitamin A, zinc, etc (all substances lowering cortisol) should be therapeutic."

I would drop all supplements and teas (except some green and black tea sweetened with white sugar), I don't think any of the one's mentioned except vitamin d would be helpful. If it were me I'd do the above and probably try progesterone/dhea also. I think a lot of the medicines and supplements have contributed and that your diet is a bit high in PUFA and flourides from the tea. That is my :2cents: from reading stuff on the forum and from Ray Peat and some of my experiences (I used most of the supps you mentioned in the past)

You can look up interviews with Peat on the forum and that l-i-g-h-t site

I also think these two podcast Danny Roddy made would have some helpful info, first with Peat and the second is with haidut from the forum. There's more on youtube too

Sorry to wake up old thread but this post is pure gold. Have learned A LOT, thank you @meatbag !


Jan 9, 2019
Yes, in my case - a mix of acid and bile. It's even worse and more damaging as acid alone.
How did you get this diagnosed? Was it an invasive procedure?


Jan 9, 2019
This is odd. Hopefully they were using actual bio identical progesterone. At higher doses is seemed to work well but at lower chronic doses is CAUSED ulcers… in this context. I’m not claiming progesterone causes ulcers in general.


Jul 13, 2014
Sorry if I didn't read the past posts, but saw the OP and thought I'd share my experience that relates somewhat to yours.

I was surprised that my health got worse about two months ago after I came back from a trip. I initially blamed it on the trip, but on further thought, I decided my health had taken a slight downturn. I became allergic again, to MSG and pollen, and that led to colds and cough, and when I got over the cold and cough, bits of phlegm were still stuck in my inner breathing passageway that I would cough every so often, especially when I talk. It isn't whooping cough, but it was something like it. I also noticed around that time that I would burp a lot, and give off odorless gas often. This was also something I have long ago overcome and was already a non-issue, until this time.

I was at that time on the 5th month of supplementing with therapeutic doses of l-asorbic acid (6.75g/day) and magnesium chloride (4.8g/day) in the hope of chelating off lead from my kidneys. My blood pressure was actually going down, and I was happy for the seemingly apparent success I was having. I noticed that my heart rate was going down as well, but I paid little attention to it.

To make a long story short, I found that my magnesium intake was too high (thanks to @Sheila), and I may have hyperchloremia. My blood was getting acidic, and it was affecting, for the most part, my metabolism. This must be why my metabolism was going down, and this had also helped lower my blood pressure. But this was not how I wanted my blood pressure to go down, as I wanted to be healthier for it, and not the other way.

I stopped my use of magnesium chloride, and in a few days I experienced relief from the quasi-whooping cough. I started feeling better, but I felt I was not feeling as healthy yet. This led me to look further into understanding acid-base balance involving our kidneys and lungs, and into how this acid-base balance is affected by what we eat, especially on lessening sulfur-rich proteins, and on increasing alkalinic minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium).

With a better control of acid-base balance, of which blood forms a major part, we can expect to see our metabolism improve. Just having better tissue oxygenation in our body from generous amounts of carbon dioxide in our blood, a very simple condition, could have enormous effects on our metabolic rate. With improved metabolism comes better health, as the increased energy it gives allows our body to repair, to heal, to regenerate, to fight infections, and to kill budding cancers.

In my case, the chloride I took led to 5 months of my body having to deal with the acid load it generated daily. It probably had the cumulative effect that eventually reached a point where my body became susceptible to allergies as well as the burping, which to me is a warning that if I don't stop what I was doing I would be having acid reflux.

Yet I wasn't satisfied and I just started taking 3 grams of baking soda a day. It helped increase my heart rate. I'm just on my third day of it. Now, this is a controversial approach I'm taking as there are warnings of overdosing on baking soda. For me, this is a therapeutic dosage to be used for a limited time, for me to recover from the insults my body has received from 5 months of accumulated chloride. It is merely to address the imbalance.

I'm not saying you should follow what I did, as I don't really know your context. I don't know your history enough to know what led to your condition. But what I'm saying is that it may help to understand the metabolic aspect of your case. If there is a metabolic issue, that needs to be addressed before you go into different drugs there. Know what the cause of your problem is before you start seeking solutions. Otherwise you will just be merely making band-aids at best, or making your condition worse, at worst.
Interesting. I think magnesium chloride is also giving me hyperchloremia. I'm getting really bad headaches

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
This is odd. Hopefully they were using actual bio identical progesterone. At higher doses is seemed to work well but at lower chronic doses is CAUSED ulcers… in this context. I’m not claiming progesterone causes ulcers in general.
Wouldn't this be saying that 'low doses' do 'not' cause the ulcers?
Excerpt from the study:
The low doses of progesterone (inhibits endogenous FSH) cannot stimulate its own receptors sufficiently for ulcer formation and prevent the ulcerogenic effects of FSH by decreasing FSH concentration.


Jan 9, 2019
Wouldn't this be saying that 'low doses' do 'not' cause the ulcers?
Excerpt from the study:
The low doses of progesterone (inhibits endogenous FSH) cannot stimulate its own receptors sufficiently for ulcer formation and prevent the ulcerogenic effects of FSH by decreasing FSH concentration.
honestly i dont know, there seem to be contradictions in that study and its just confusing in general.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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