Magnesium: how to get the most out of it


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Aug 24, 2017
Too many people focus on the right form (which is important). But to get the best out of magnesium, you want to maximize magnesium retention.



Jan 3, 2022
Too many people focus on the right form (which is important). But to get the best out of magnesium, you want to maximize magnesium retention.

do you think the citric acid added to my magnesium supplement is an issue?


Apr 17, 2019
Good article. Whenever I read about the benefits of magnesium and or D3 its always really inspiring, but my experience never matches what the benefits they are supposed to provide. I've been on the magnesium and D3 carousel for 4-5 years now. It's definitely a love/hate relationship. They provide benefits like reduced anxiety, better pump from workouts, better skin, better sleep (magnesium specially) to name a few. But they also come with deal breaking side effects. Namely loss of libido (magnesium or D3 alone. And also when taken together). D3 also causes bad bloating and constipation.

I've tried more brands and doses of each than I can even remember, thinking there must be some secret I'm missing, but it never works. I've also tried the various cofactors like K2 (kuinone), the B vitamins, vitamin A, etc. Way too many to name.

Just wish I could solve the riddle.
Jul 11, 2020
Every magnesium variation you just listed are all the ones i have felt done diddly squat regardless of brand or dosage. The only magnesium forms i can actually feel do anything consistently is magbicarb for the first week or 2 then nothing, and magnesium chloride from the likes of Trace Minerals which i can feel consistently. I stopped buying all other forms of magnesium as they seem like a waste of money or there is more nuance to get them to absorb better beyond what you mentioned here(already doing most of that besides aspirin which exacerbates my tinnitus, and thyroid which i wont touch as it's too much of a can of worms)


Jul 27, 2017
Every magnesium variation you just listed are all the ones i have felt done diddly squat regardless of brand or dosage. The only magnesium forms i can actually feel do anything consistently is magbicarb for the first week or 2 then nothing, and magnesium chloride from the likes of Trace Minerals which i can feel consistently. I stopped buying all other forms of magnesium as they seem like a waste of money or there is more nuance to get them to absorb better beyond what you mentioned here(already doing most of that besides aspirin which exacerbates my tinnitus, and thyroid which i wont touch as it's too much of a can of worms)

Check this thread / message:

tl;dr: magnesium absorption studies should measure intracellular magnesium, and are flawed when they measure blood or urine. Oxide is likely best form, as it changes to chloride in stomach, and has 100% absorption from blood to cells, compared to most forms that dont change to ionic form, so dont absorb from blood to cells, and eventually go to urine. Oxide > chloride because too much chloride raises acidic load.
Last edited:
Jul 11, 2020
Check this thread / message:

tl;dr: magnesium absorption studies should measure intracellular magnesium, and are flawed when they measure blood or urine. Oxide is likely best form, as it changes to chloride in stomach, and has 100% absorption from blood to cells, compared to most forms that dont change to ionic form, so dont absorb from blood to cells, and eventually go to urine. Oxide > chloride because too much chloride raises acidic load.
Thanks for that. At least this somewhat aligns with my own experiences in relation to magnesium chelates. I think i have some Oxide knocking about so i might give that a go for a bit


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Good article. Whenever I read about the benefits of magnesium and or D3 its always really inspiring, but my experience never matches what the benefits they are supposed to provide. I've been on the magnesium and D3 carousel for 4-5 years now. It's definitely a love/hate relationship. They provide benefits like reduced anxiety, better pump from workouts, better skin, better sleep (magnesium specially) to name a few. But they also come with deal breaking side effects. Namely loss of libido (magnesium or D3 alone. And also when taken together). D3 also causes bad bloating and constipation.

I've tried more brands and doses of each than I can even remember, thinking there must be some secret I'm missing, but it never works. I've also tried the various cofactors like K2 (kuinone), the B vitamins, vitamin A, etc. Way too many to name.

Just wish I could solve the riddle.
I haven't touched vitamin D supplementation in a long time and get all my D from the sun. I always recommend others do the same if they can. If that's your experience with Mg, just eat more Mg rich foods. Lots of sun and good food. :)


Apr 19, 2020
My experience with a few forms of Mg over the years lead me to the Magnesium 'oil' spray, life-flo is great (and best price from iherb). It is a bit of a hassle in that I must be naked to do low back and hips for 20-30 minutes, and then shower off. Worth it. I have used it in conjunction with dmsodimethylsufoxide for stronger response, but not needed normally. Noticeable muscle relaxation. (Also DMSO by itself can work well for muscle strains.)

Also Epsom salt baths are excellent. One can buy a form of Mg from the Ag stores (farm supplies) here in Australia cheap, 20 kg for 23$, I think it is Mag sulfate. Works for me and the wife.

I tried a few powders to make drinks, probably Mag Citrate, and they definitely relaxed the bowels!, so ... forget that. My better half settled on Mag Bisgycinate power from Thorne. There are other brands too. Best for her.

Dosage: We both settled on 350mg +/- 50 for a daily regime. I sometimes do more if I am supplementing only 3 x week. Hope this helps.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
My experience with a few forms of Mg over the years lead me to the Magnesium 'oil' spray, life-flo is great (and best price from iherb). It is a bit of a hassle in that I must be naked to do low back and hips for 20-30 minutes, and then shower off. Worth it. I have used it in conjunction with dmsodimethylsufoxide for stronger response, but not needed normally. Noticeable muscle relaxation. (Also DMSO by itself can work well for muscle strains.)

Also Epsom salt baths are excellent. One can buy a form of Mg from the Ag stores (farm supplies) here in Australia cheap, 20 kg for 23$, I think it is Mag sulfate. Works for me and the wife.

I tried a few powders to make drinks, probably Mag Citrate, and they definitely relaxed the bowels!, so ... forget that. My better half settled on Mag Bisgycinate power from Thorne. There are other brands too. Best for her.

Dosage: We both settled on 350mg +/- 50 for a daily regime. I sometimes do more if I am supplementing only 3 x week. Hope this helps.
Yeah I tried the topical spray, but it just stayed on my skin forever and I could only applied like 2-3 sprays which covered my whole front side (10 sprays contain 200mg). So it's very inconvenient and ineffective. At least that supp.
Magnoil worked great, but I had the best results from double doses.


Apr 19, 2020
Yeah I tried the topical spray, but it just stayed on my skin forever and I could only applied like 2-3 sprays which covered my whole front side (10 sprays contain 200mg). So it's very inconvenient and ineffective. At least that supp.
Magnoil worked great, but I had the best results from double doses.
Yes I totally agree it is "inconvenient" to apply the Mag oils in a busy schedule of modern life, because of being sticky and waiting 20-30 minutes, then showering. And I must say that when I needed it the most(Back Issues...) I used it in conjunction with DMSO which of course helped absortion, but also has some effect (;)) on its own. Also for what it is worth, the time needed to breath and relax, do some cat/cow movement or gentle stretching, or take a hot bath with Epsom salts and snoooze a bit, is required sometimes to recharge. The internet will be there when we dry off and resume the verticle position... ha ha ha.

I will try some of my wife's bisglycinate if she lets me! Great article by the way. Vitamin D is so versatile, and as I recall from long ago it has been considered a prohormone by some physiologists and doctors. The Great Powers have made so many afraid of the sun, so in turn the Vit D levels are low in many people even here in Australia. Skin cancer is also an issue here but there are so many factors, like a high pufa diet. It is almost as if the paragraph header near the end of your article is a dietary recommendation of the modern world: SAD diet = Standard Australian (American) Diet.

A few causes of chronic inflammation include:
  • Activation of the immune system due to toxins in the gut (produced by certain pathological bacteria) or toxins in the diet (gluten, A1 milk, lectins, histamine, high FODMAP foods, etc.)
  • Heavy metal overload. Heavy metals, such as mercury (e.g. amalgam in teeth, fish, etc.), lead (e.g. canned food), cadmium (e.g. cocoa, vaping pens, paint, etc.), iron, copper (e.g. too much liver, copper pipes, etc.), etc.
  • Excess PUFA intake – from seed oils and junk food
  • Plastic contamination – from using plastic products and eating junk food
  • Xenoestrogen contamination – using chemical products, such as drugs, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, washing powder, washing soap, shaving cream, etc.
  • Gut dysbiosis – i.e. chronic stress, viral infection, fungal infection, mold toxicity, eating allergic foods, etc.


Nov 12, 2021
Hey OP,
What do you think of these 'Tri salts' that contain magnesium carbonate?:

Recommended here:

Is that a good form to take, and how much & how often should they be taken?



Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thank you, Juan.

I was aware of this enhancing effect on absorption, but don't know of a single case that was able to relieve a laxarium (Mg) insufficiency with extra venom, in contrast, reports of depletion induced by it is the norm. In supplementing venom D, the demand for laxarium seems to increase beyond a mitigating effect that venom might have on the pathological condition that makes someone waste laxarium. It can't fix the situation over time if it's unmanageable in the short-term.

It would be useful to find out what gets up- and downregulated with supplementation, the pathways affected can easily explain the need for more laxarium. The depletion is usually attributed to a direct consumption in the activation reactions, we fixate on cofactors since these are evident. Yet, venom D metabolites occur in very low amounts in the body, I can't picture them being responsible for depleting laxarium even if a few atoms was used up and losted in each modification of venom. It would be a sophisticated solution to put certain reactions as 'nutrostats', where the availability of a nutrient is sensed and they only proceed when there's adequacy to complete them properly.

Hey OP,
What do you think of these 'Tri salts' that contain magnesium carbonate?:

Recommended here:

Is that a good form to take, and how much & how often should they be taken?

99% here, but I would take half of their serving at a time reacted with an acid of choice.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I was aware of this enhancing effect on absorption, but don't know of a single case that was able to relieve a laxarium (Mg) insufficiency with extra venom, in contrast, reports of depletion induced by it is the norm. In supplementing venom D, the demand for laxarium seems to increase beyond a mitigating effect that venom might have on the pathological condition that makes someone waste laxarium. It can't fix the situation over time if it's unmanageable in the short-term.
Yes, that's my take on it as well. If someone's dietary intake of Mg is ok and they get more sunlight, they'll absorb more Mg, and they'll be better off because of it.
But if someone supplements a lot of D and they have lowish Mg intake, without taking extra Mg, then it might become a problem.
It would be useful to find out what gets up- and downregulated with supplementation, the pathways affected can easily explain the need for more laxarium. The depletion is usually attributed to a direct consumption in the activation reactions, we fixate on cofactors since these are evident. Yet, venom D metabolites occur in very low amounts in the body, I can't picture them being responsible for depleting laxarium even if a few atoms was used up and losted in each modification of venom. It would be a sophisticated solution to put certain reactions as 'nutrostats', where the availability of a nutrient is sensed and they only proceed when there's adequacy to complete them properly.
Agreed. It could be perhaps due to enhances utilization via other mechanisms.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hey OP,
What do you think of these 'Tri salts' that contain magnesium carbonate?:

Recommended here:

Is that a good form to take, and how much & how often should they be taken?

Looks good. You can take it as is, or mix it with carbonated water to make magnesium bicarbonate, which should have a slightly better absorption than Mg carbonate.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Yes, that's my take on it as well. If someone's dietary intake of Mg is ok and they get more sunlight, they'll absorb more Mg, and they'll be better off because of it.
But if someone supplements a lot of D and they have lowish Mg intake, without taking extra Mg, then it might become a problem.

Agreed. It could be perhaps due to enhances utilization via other mechanisms.
I can't access the referenced experiment, but the added venom was based on their feed. Consuming some of the daily quota in every meal that will contain laxarium can be different than supplementing it at once, a controlled delivery would be less disturbing and more closely resemble the way it's obtained from skin synthesis.


Why are magnesium supplements labeled the way they are?...shouldn't they be labeled with the elemental magnesium amt? Isn't that what really matters?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Why are magnesium supplements labeled the way they are?...shouldn't they be labeled with the elemental magnesium amt? Isn't that what really matters?
I agree. Elemental Mg is all that matters, and then obviously the absorption as well.


New Member
Jan 26, 2022
Looks good. You can take it as is, or mix it with carbonated water to make magnesium bicarbonate, which should have a slightly better absorption than Mg carbonate.
Interesting thread, but don't you need Magnesium Hydroxide to make Magnesium Bicarbonate with carbonated water?
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