Manufactured citric acid is a powerful inflammatory/allergy agent


Sep 7, 2018
I just found this reply from Melrose to a product processing enquiry I had a few years ago for their organic coconut oil. Note the use of citric acid at step 4 of the production process. I suspect this is standard processing for all/most commercial coconut oil and wonder if the amount remaining in the end product is enough to cause problems. Thoughts @haidut ?

The refined organic coconut oil is processed using the method approved for organic products.
It includes the following steps:
1. The coconuts are broken and the coconut meat is allowed to dry
2. Dried coconut meat is hydraulically pressed to extract the oil
3. Oil is mechanically filtered
4. Citric acid is added to remove the gums from the oil
5. Coconut oil is bleached with activated charcoal
6. Coconut oil is filtered to remove the gums and charcoal
7. Coconut oil is deodorised with steam under vacuum (below 40C)
For the unrefined coconut oil, step 7 is omitted to ensure the products retains the coconut smell and taste.
Mar 10, 2021
Should one be concerned with citric acid if it's listed as a last ingredient in tonic waters? How much is too much? And I assume they are all MCA, regardless of brand.
I wouldn’t trust myself to guess right how much toxic mold will my body will appreciate….

“Excessive citric acid, for example, might activate dormant cancer cells (Havard, et al., 2011), and has been associated with malignancy (Blüml, et al., 2011). Nutritional research has hardly begun to investigate the optimal ratios of minerals, fats, amino acids, and other things in foods, and how they interact with the natural toxicants, antinutrients, and hormone disrupters in many organisms used for food.” -Ray Peat


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I wouldn’t trust myself to guess right how much toxic mold will my body will appreciate….

“Excessive citric acid, for example, might activate dormant cancer cells (Havard, et al., 2011), and has been associated with malignancy (Blüml, et al., 2011). Nutritional research has hardly begun to investigate the optimal ratios of minerals, fats, amino acids, and other things in foods, and how they interact with the natural toxicants, antinutrients, and hormone disrupters in many organisms used for food.” -Ray Peat

Arent some b vitamin supplements sourced from the same mold or fungus source citric acid is from??! Can you clarify regarding b vitamin supplements


Feb 22, 2014
Arent some b vitamin supplements sourced from the same mold or fungus source citric acid is from??! Can you clarify regarding b vitamin supplements
I would contact the manufacturer to ask them this question. If they are knowledgeable and honest, they should be able to tell you. Does all of the aspergillus get used in in the process of making citric acid, as in soap-making where all of the lye is used up to break down and saponify the fats, making soap?
Mar 10, 2021
Arent some b vitamin supplements sourced from the same mold or fungus source citric acid is from??! Can you clarify regarding b vitamin supplements
I don’t take supplements, because one never knows what is really in them. I also don’t take them because when one vitamin is added other ones may be needed to offset the added one. I don’t have time for that precarious balancing act. I gave them all up and have been much better for it. I just eat the food and let my body sort those things out.


Jan 9, 2019
I was recently reading this article as i wanted to see if Dr. Sircus mentioned any improvements to blood zeta potential as @StephanF turned me on to.

What I ran into further down the article is "citric acid therapy" for cancer and when reading its supposed mechanism I became concerned that this is exactly why Dr. Peat recommends AGAINST citric acid, it seems to inhibit mitochondrial respiration and though that may hinder cancer cells it is also hindering healthy cells, is it safer than the main stream therapies? probably, but likely still not consequence free. mitochondrial disfunction seems to be a causal, if not THE casual factor of cancer in the first place.

The bit about "citric acid cancer therapy" is below:
"Dr. Alberto Halabe Bucay says, “All that I am trying to do is very simple: That patients with cancer take citric acid orally, as I recommended: 10 to 15 grams of pure citric acid with each meal (one small table spoon each 8 hours), and antacids like omeprazole or sucralfate. Today, more than 80 patients with cancer, most of them with terminal cancer, have improved after taking citric acid orally.”

Dr. Bucay claims that, “Citric acid inhibits glycolysis, which is the principal source of energy for the mitochondria. This is achieved by administering citrate to cancer patients, as the citrate inhibits the phosphofructokinase enzyme, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme of Krebs cycle, thus, the mitochondria will be forced to limit their metabolism and, secondarily, will lower the reproduction capacity of the cell in general."


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I was recently reading this article as i wanted to see if Dr. Sircus mentioned any improvements to blood zeta potential as @StephanF turned me on to.

What I ran into further down the article is "citric acid therapy" for cancer and when reading its supposed mechanism I became concerned that this is exactly why Dr. Peat recommends AGAINST citric acid, it seems to inhibit mitochondrial respiration and though that may hinder cancer cells it is also hindering healthy cells, is it safer than the main stream therapies? probably, but likely still not consequence free. mitochondrial disfunction seems to be a causal, if not THE casual factor of cancer in the first place.

The bit about "citric acid cancer therapy" is below:
"Dr. Alberto Halabe Bucay says, “All that I am trying to do is very simple: That patients with cancer take citric acid orally, as I recommended: 10 to 15 grams of pure citric acid with each meal (one small table spoon each 8 hours), and antacids like omeprazole or sucralfate. Today, more than 80 patients with cancer, most of them with terminal cancer, have improved after taking citric acid orally.”

Dr. Bucay claims that, “Citric acid inhibits glycolysis, which is the principal source of energy for the mitochondria. This is achieved by administering citrate to cancer patients, as the citrate inhibits the phosphofructokinase enzyme, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme of Krebs cycle, thus, the mitochondria will be forced to limit their metabolism and, secondarily, will lower the reproduction capacity of the cell in general."
If you mix citric acid with baking soda or an antacid, the chemical reaction will produce a salt like sodium citrate. This strengthens the Zeta Potential. The acid is neutralized.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Isn't this exactly what you 'don't' want?
Dr. Bucay claims that, “Citric acid inhibits glycolysis, which is the principal source of energy for the mitochondria. This is achieved by administering citrate to cancer patients, as the citrate inhibits the phosphofructokinase enzyme, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme of Krebs cycle, thus, the mitochondria will be forced to limit their metabolism and, secondarily, will lower the reproduction capacity of the cell in general."


Jan 9, 2019
Isn't this exactly what you 'don't' want?
Dr. Bucay claims that, “Citric acid inhibits glycolysis, which is the principal source of energy for the mitochondria. This is achieved by administering citrate to cancer patients, as the citrate inhibits the phosphofructokinase enzyme, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme of Krebs cycle, thus, the mitochondria will be forced to limit their metabolism and, secondarily, will lower the reproduction capacity of the cell in general."
Yes, thats why i mentioned it
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