Many Celebrities Seem To Improve With Age - Are They Doing Peat-like Diets / Lifestyles?


Jun 23, 2015
After seeing pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio's changing face over the years (look it up, from pictures of him at age 23 to his 30's, his bone structure seems to have significantly widened), I wonder if a lot of celebrities are Peating / doing something similar / taking some kind of hormones. Obviously plastic surgery could be a factor, but there are certain things that just seem too drastic. For example, look at these pictures of Megan Fox. A few major things I noticed

1. Her eyes are brighter (stronger metabolism?)
2. Her pupils are smaller (lower serotonin? or might just be the lighting difference lol)
3. Her bone structure seems wider / more developed (although she is only 19 in the first picture)
4. Here eyes are squintier (could just be being more comfortable in her position / being in front of cameras, but could also be stronger metabolism / lower serotonin?)
5. Her eyes look less tired


Look at these pictures: 8 Celebrities Over 40 Who Look Better with Age
I know it could be color contacts / lighting but it really doesn't look like it, at least half of those pictures the person has brighter / lighter eyes in the older picture.

Look at all these as well: Connie Britton, Jennifer Lopez (Very pronounced eye change!!!!), Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Richie, Patrick Dempsey and Jada Pinkett Smith all seem to have brighter / lighter eyes in later pictures. Also many of them seem to have more developed / wider bone structures, despite their early pictures being in their twenties. What do people think might be going on here?


Jul 28, 2013
Some of those 8 actually look much worse for age. Plastic surgery is common, perhaps nearly universal, in Hollyweird. Botox, face lifts, lip injections, nose jobs. Megan Fox should have stopped in 2007, or even 2005. In 2005 she looked real, in the 2012 picture she looks somewhat plastic and artificial.
Constricted pupils are one sign of drug abuse. Adderall and cocaine are commonly used for weight control; drug abuse is rampant in La La Land.
HGH and other prescripton drugs are abused - anything they think makes them appear youthful.
Most celebrities are not intelligent enough to understand or follow Ray Peat, although there are exceptions.


Jun 23, 2015
Some of those 8 actually look much worse for age. Plastic surgery is common, perhaps nearly universal, in Hollyweird. Botox, face lifts, lip injections, nose jobs. Megan Fox should have stopped in 2007, or even 2005. In 2005 she looked real, in the 2012 picture she looks somewhat plastic and artificial.
Constricted pupils are one sign of drug abuse. Adderall and cocaine are commonly used for weight control; drug abuse is rampant in La La Land.
HGH and other prescripton drugs are abused - anything they think makes them appear youthful.
Most celebrities are not intelligent enough to understand or follow Ray Peat, although there are exceptions.

I've noticed that cypro makes my pupil smaller, and that adderall and MDMA do the opposite to other people. I don't think that celebrities found this stuff on their own, but that when they reached a certain amount of fame, they were somehow contacted by someone who taught them this stuff and told them to keep it secret. Like, for example, say I had powerful evidence that I improved my appearance, energy level, etc. and I somehow had a connection to Megan Fox - if I could get in her ear and get money for it, why wouldn't I do it?

I'm sure there are plenty of celebrities who have gone down very different paths - paleo, vegan, drug addiction, whatever. But some of them seem to not only age extremely gracefully, but also develop much more wide / attractive bone structures / confidence / energy levels / etc. Of course there are drugs that can imitate confidence in the short term, but for someone like Leo DiCaprio to have it so consistently now, I feel like his health is probably actually very good.


Oct 11, 2015
what do you think Ray does with all his time? He's a hollywood consultant


Jun 23, 2015
what do you think Ray does with all his time? He's a hollywood consultant

Haha probably. I think I'm just wondering.... if they are doing something I don't know about that could help me LOL. Sorry if this just seems like a superficial post to gossip... idc what they do for any reason other than selfish ones LOL


Apr 11, 2015

Those chicks get plastic surgery or botox.. Many of the guys do as well

Right now the only celebrity I can think of that's aging well without having work done is Keanu .. But you never know..



Oct 5, 2014
After seeing pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio's changing face over the years (look it up, from pictures of him at age 23 to his 30's, his bone structure seems to have significantly widened), I wonder if a lot of celebrities are Peating / doing something similar / taking some kind of hormones. Obviously plastic surgery could be a factor, but there are certain things that just seem too drastic. For example, look at these pictures of Megan Fox. A few major things I noticed

1. Her eyes are brighter (stronger metabolism?)
2. Her pupils are smaller (lower serotonin? or might just be the lighting difference lol)
3. Her bone structure seems wider / more developed (although she is only 19 in the first picture)
4. Here eyes are squintier (could just be being more comfortable in her position / being in front of cameras, but could also be stronger metabolism / lower serotonin?)
5. Her eyes look less tired


Look at these pictures: 8 Celebrities Over 40 Who Look Better with Age
I know it could be color contacts / lighting but it really doesn't look like it, at least half of those pictures the person has brighter / lighter eyes in the older picture.

Look at all these as well: Connie Britton, Jennifer Lopez (Very pronounced eye change!!!!), Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Richie, Patrick Dempsey and Jada Pinkett Smith all seem to have brighter / lighter eyes in later pictures. Also many of them seem to have more developed / wider bone structures, despite their early pictures being in their twenties. What do people think might be going on here?

I only like the one from 2005. The other ones I find them unnatural and disgusting. Something like aliens or reptilians.


Aug 15, 2015
I have seen women at my work whose looks change on a daily basis based on a number of things:
1- make-up
2- hormonal status (even men can have this)

When it comes to celebrities, their outside looks are very important for their careers. I am not surprised if their handlers know secretive health tips such as Peat health views that are looked down upon by the conventional health community. Marilyn Manroe was pretty much eating peaty food and probably other actors/actress in that era were eating the same kind of food. Maybe those Hollywood handlers call it among themselves the "Monroe lifestyle" or something. The vegan diet craze that many celebrities follow can restrict the harmful amino acids probably and with weekly cheating you can get away with the vegan diet.


Feb 25, 2016
One hormone replacement doctor I called where I live bragged about celebrity clients on the phone, with a notable one (and the only one he name dropped) being Middle Eastern royalty. He said his thing was checking every hormone, metabolite, and even neurotransmitters, and balancing it out, but he wasn't above using (imo...) higher levels of certain things, he bragged about how he was 72 and had a testosterone level of 1200, which, I dunno, may not be healthy, may be is, whatever.

As far as HGH goes, even Sylvester Stallone got arrested going into Australia for not declaring his HGH and testosterone. I know Peat doesn't have particularly great views on HGH, but it's being used for anti-aging purposes (maybe wrongly, as I'll explain in a moment...) Not in bodybuilding quantities mind you, whereas bodybuilders might take, say, 8-20iu per day, an anti-aging dose is generally about 1iu, so it puts you at teenage levels again. The problem I think is naturally, growth hormone is more pulsative, and as far as say, IGF-1 levels, localized IGF-1 release in muscle cells for example, is a good thing, but circulating IGF-1 is a bad thing, as then it can circulate to cancer cells/organs/etc much easier, but if you're injecting IGF-1, it's going to circulate. For short periods, this can be OK to even inject it, as you can say, heal an injury faster, but chronically I don't think HGH administration is smart, and unlike testosterone which has been used, studied, etc, since the 1930s, growth hormone really only came out in the 1980s, so it's only got about 25-30 years of use behind it.

Anyway, to me Megan Fox looks uglier as time goes on in those photos, and has a wider manly looking jaw and bone structure the more old she gets. And quite a few of the other photos, the people do look worse, and it's not really 1:1 either for those photos, as one "before" is a relaxed picture with less makeup/etc, and the other is one with makeup galore. Anyway, can't see how anyone would think the "after" Megan Fox pictures look better, the first she clearly looks happier and more youthful, but different strokes for different folks.

The problem with HGH is, it more or less gives you a "cave man" appearance. The extreme cases are acromegaly. But it makes your face instead of a youthful type of square jaw look, just a cave man blocky look and makes your head bigger as well. Look at some pro bodybuilders, for example, Jay Cutler, and see pictures of him at 15 and now, total caveman look. Obviously that's using giant amounts of the stuff, but as a trend you can see this with diets and peoples as well. Take Asians vs Europeans, Asians in the short term when they're younger tend to be less "manly" looking, and the women with smaller breasts, etc, but it's more that their diet just has very little things in it to play with hormone levels like a Western diet. My Vietnamese barber for example is over 50 and looks 30 or less, and doesn't take any special supplements, etc. The higher protein content of a Western diet, along with things containing IGF-1 and estrogens like dairy, meat, etc, can in short term make you look jacked or as a girl, give you big boobs, etc, but long term it's not good for you I think.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014

Those chicks get plastic surgery or botox.. Many of the guys do as well

Right now the only celebrity I can think of that's aging well without having work done is Keanu .. But you never know..



Jan 10, 2016
Constricted pupils are one sign of drug abuse. Adderall and cocaine are commonly used for weight control; drug abuse is rampant in La La Land.

"Pinned" is slang for being on opioids, referring to pupils being closed tight. The stimulants you mention actually tend to do the opposite and dilate pupils.

I remember eight years ago during the election laughing about how obvious it was that Cindy McCain was loaded up on pain killers half the time.


Feb 9, 2013
The average person on the street is aging much better than the celebs in Hollywood. The appearance of wider bone structure, brighter eyes etc. is all smoke and mirrors... don't underestimate the power of makeup and lighting. Coloured contacts and contacts that enlarge the diameter of the pupils are very common and harder to detect than you think.

Also, the majority even in their 20s get injectable hyaluronic acid fillers (Restylane) which can significantly alter the shape of the face. (For example Megan Fox has obviously abused injectable fillers.) Not to mention the Botox + actual surgeries. Anyone who is not getting cosmetic work done is the exception not the rule in Hollywood.

I doubt the female celebs are following anything like Ray's work. Remember they have to be underweight to have a job in that business. So, majority are operating on some kind of calorie restriction/exercise program which takes a massive toll on the skin/health by the 30s and 40s. If they appear to have energy/vitality I think it's because they don't have to work as hard as normal people and they are ACTORS.

Another thing that is an obvious sign they're not healthy is loss of the outer 1/3 of the eyebrows (known symptom of hypothyroidism). This is again the norm not the exception, even on young women in their 20s. Once you start to look for it, you will be shocked.


Oct 5, 2014
The average person on the street is aging much better than the celebs in Hollywood. The appearance of wider bone structure, brighter eyes etc. is all smoke and mirrors... don't underestimate the power of makeup and lighting. Coloured contacts and contacts that enlarge the diameter of the pupils are very common and harder to detect than you think.

Also, the majority even in their 20s get injectable hyaluronic acid fillers (Restylane) which can significantly alter the shape of the face. (For example Megan Fox has obviously abused injectable fillers.) Not to mention the Botox + actual surgeries. Anyone who is not getting cosmetic work done is the exception not the rule in Hollywood.

I doubt the female celebs are following anything like Ray's work. Remember they have to be underweight to have a job in that business. So, majority are operating on some kind of calorie restriction/exercise program which takes a massive toll on the skin/health by the 30s and 40s. If they appear to have energy/vitality I think it's because they don't have to work as hard as normal people and they are ACTORS.

Another thing that is an obvious sign they're not healthy is loss of the outer 1/3 of the eyebrows (known symptom of hypothyroidism). This is again the norm not the exception, even on young women in their 20s. Once you start to look for it, you will be shocked.
+1 on everything you said.
Nov 26, 2013
That's what happens when you stop doing drugs... you start looking better... Fox had surgery by the way...


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Being that I have helped produce many popular TV shows and Hollywood movies that certainly everyone on this board has seen, I can tell you that a lot of those celebs spend much of their youth consuming blow and vodka waters.

Hollywood has preselected many people who have great genes. If they dont age well, you dont see many of them after a few years. Celebs believe every fad the rest of world does. The only difference is many of the fads started with them (Where does Mark Sisson live again? Thats right, Malibu). Granted, trying to eat and exercise on the whole in Hollywood is much higher than typical America, which plays a part. Surely drinking water and avacado salads is healthier than fried chicken with fries and a mountain dew.

Also, take into account that looking awesome is their job. Esp looking good in front of a camera. They work with professional make up artists all the time. And so do their friends. They know all the right angles to be shot from. Most are consumed with their looks esp if they are promoting their latest project. They are often hired for their particular looks and that is how they will get jobs in the future.

Many of the pictures you see can be accounted for due to angles and makeup. That being said, many do flirt with botox and plastic surgery as they age. They also know that having a tan is much more attractive and healthier looking than looking like theyve been hibernating in an office under florescent lights all year.

There's a saying in LA, its a place where the women are pretty and the men are even prettier. So its not just the women im talking about. Many of the manliest men you see on the screen are the same way. Their image is everything.
Nov 26, 2013
That's what I'm saying... good genes start shining through as soon as you settle down and quit the drugs.


Oct 11, 2015
That's what happens when you stop doing drugs... you start looking better... Fox had surgery by the way...

P-p-put down the estroban dear. Y-yes. All of it. Mhm. Yes, it's going to be alright. Mhm. We're going to get you some help. I know some great doctors than can help you. Mhm. Come here. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. L-look at me. Nobody can hurt you now. Look at me...Nobody can hurt you now. Mhm. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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