Masculinizing Effects From Progesterone?


Feb 8, 2017
I am dosing a LOT of prog topically on scalp (health natura brand) but switching to Ona's 10% dropper soon.. it is 50mg PER DROP ! I will mix 2 drops in coconut oil and apply..


Hair is actually doing OK....

Shedding is normal...

Don't forget Finasteride's main starting building block is Prog.

Finasteride when you start it = shedding.

To the guy above me.. I think those dosages are way too low.. also I think you need to do topical on scalp.

I am using probably around 100mg topically on scalp, nightly.


Aug 11, 2016
I love progesterone, don't get me wrong. It makes my sleep so easy. So the initial shedding could be new hairs pushing the old phase ones?


Feb 8, 2017
I'm on Prog + bi-estro cream right now.

Apply both on hairline directly before bed, and the prog all over scalp with dropper.

Give it time I say


Jan 26, 2016
@Progesterone I hope you reconsider your choice. Here are some quotes from ray on estrogen:

"All of the maladies caused by estrogen excess appear to develop in the same way that it interferes with pregnancy, by driving the tissue to require more energy and oxygen than can be delivered to it. Necrosis, the death of sections of tissue, was produced acutely by extreme overdoses of estrogen, or gradually by less extreme overdoses, and if the estrogenic stimulation was milder but very prolonged, the result would usually be tumors, sometimes developing in the midst of atrophy or necrosis."

"Dozens of toxic effects of estrogen were demonstrated and never refuted, but a variety of techniques of distraction and misdirection gradually emerged, to prevent the accumulated evidence of estrogen's toxicity (and/or ineffectiveness) from interfering with the campaigns to market it for the widest possible variety of conditions."

"Cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility were known to be caused by estrogen before 1940, but at the same time the drug companies began calling estrogen “the female hormone,” and claiming that it would improve fertility."

"Estrogen steals oxygen from mitochondria, shifting patterns of growth and adaptation."

"Many people studying estrogen's biological effects observed that certain of its effects resembled the changes seen in aging, such as fibrotic changes of connective tissues, accelerated accumulation of age pigment, a tendency to miscarry, or the production of degenerative changes in various organs."

"Being aware of this pervasive increase in estrogen exposure with aging should make it possible to marshal a comprehensive set of methods for opposing that trend toward degeneration."

"Many kinds of liver impairment decrease its ability to excrete estrogen, and estrogen contributes to a variety of liver diseases."

"This idea was based on work by people such as Marion Diamond, who showed that prenatal progesterone enlarges the cortex of the brain, and that estrogen makes it smaller, and Leonell Strong, who showed that a treatment that lowered the estrogen function in a young mouse could produce cancer-free offspring for several generations."

"Estrogen activates the adrenal stress reaction by way of the hypothalamus and pituitary, by direct actions on the adrenal glands, and by a variety of indirect effects, such as the increase of free fatty acids. It activates the excitotoxic glutamic acid pathway, and interferes with protective adenosine inhibition of nerves. It has both direct and indirect ways of promoting the formation of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. These, and other estrogen-promoted factors, quickly and seriously interfere with mitochondrial respiration. Many of these effects contribute to increased intracellular calcium and free radical production, contributing to both the excitatory excess and the energy deficit."


Feb 8, 2017
@Progesterone I hope you reconsider your choice. Here are some quotes from ray on estrogen:

"All of the maladies caused by estrogen excess appear to develop in the same way that it interferes with pregnancy, by driving the tissue to require more energy and oxygen than can be delivered to it. Necrosis, the death of sections of tissue, was produced acutely by extreme overdoses of estrogen, or gradually by less extreme overdoses, and if the estrogenic stimulation was milder but very prolonged, the result would usually be tumors, sometimes developing in the midst of atrophy or necrosis."

"Dozens of toxic effects of estrogen were demonstrated and never refuted, but a variety of techniques of distraction and misdirection gradually emerged, to prevent the accumulated evidence of estrogen's toxicity (and/or ineffectiveness) from interfering with the campaigns to market it for the widest possible variety of conditions."

"Cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility were known to be caused by estrogen before 1940, but at the same time the drug companies began calling estrogen “the female hormone,” and claiming that it would improve fertility."

"Estrogen steals oxygen from mitochondria, shifting patterns of growth and adaptation."

"Many people studying estrogen's biological effects observed that certain of its effects resembled the changes seen in aging, such as fibrotic changes of connective tissues, accelerated accumulation of age pigment, a tendency to miscarry, or the production of degenerative changes in various organs."

"Being aware of this pervasive increase in estrogen exposure with aging should make it possible to marshal a comprehensive set of methods for opposing that trend toward degeneration."

"Many kinds of liver impairment decrease its ability to excrete estrogen, and estrogen contributes to a variety of liver diseases."

"This idea was based on work by people such as Marion Diamond, who showed that prenatal progesterone enlarges the cortex of the brain, and that estrogen makes it smaller, and Leonell Strong, who showed that a treatment that lowered the estrogen function in a young mouse could produce cancer-free offspring for several generations."

"Estrogen activates the adrenal stress reaction by way of the hypothalamus and pituitary, by direct actions on the adrenal glands, and by a variety of indirect effects, such as the increase of free fatty acids. It activates the excitotoxic glutamic acid pathway, and interferes with protective adenosine inhibition of nerves. It has both direct and indirect ways of promoting the formation of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. These, and other estrogen-promoted factors, quickly and seriously interfere with mitochondrial respiration. Many of these effects contribute to increased intracellular calcium and free radical production, contributing to both the excitatory excess and the energy deficit."

Interesting, thank you very much for sharing!
Nov 21, 2015
Pretty much everything Dr. Peat says is against estrogen.

I can’t believe someone would be taking estrogen on purpose at this juncture.


Aug 11, 2016


Feb 8, 2017
Pretty much everything Dr. Peat says is against estrogen.

I can’t believe someone would be taking estrogen on purpose at this juncture.

Nothing wrong with experimentation. Especially if the sides are, so far:

Better erections and libido, Better mood, Sharper thinking and mental function, More drive and motivation to workout, Better muscle pumps/feel more muscular, Way better sleep, Zero acne. In fact, if you have a blemish, and apply a tiny dab of this bi-estro stuff on it, it will be gone the next dat, depending on the size of it.

80% estriol, 20% estradiol. (bi-estro)

Although estriol is an efficacious agonist of the ERs, it is reported to have mixed agonist–antagonist (partial agonist) activity at the ER; on its own, it is weakly estrogenic, but in the presence estradiol, it is antiestrogenic.

In addition to acting as an agonist of the nuclear ERs, estriol also acts as an antagonist of the GPER at high concentrations, a membrane estrogen receptor where, conversely, estradiol acts as an agonist.[8][6][13] Estradiol increases breast cancer cell growth via activation of the GPER (in addition to the ER), and estriol has been found to inhibit estradiol-induced proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells through blockade of the GPER.[13]

Also.. women barely produce estriol, unless they are pregnant, then they produce it in LARGE amounts, along with progesterone, etc. (and their hair is at their best here)

In non-pregnant women[edit]
In women who are not pregnant estriol is produced in only very small quantities, and circulating levels are barely detectable.[3] Unlike estradiol and estrone, estriol is not synthesized in or secreted from the ovaries,[15] and is instead derived mainly if not exclusively from 16α-hydroxylation of estradiol and estrone by cytochrome P450 enzymes (e.g., CYP3A4) mainly in the liver.[16][17] Estriol is cleared from the circulation rapidly in non-pregnant women, and so circulating levels are very low, but concentrations of estriol in the urine are relatively high.[16]

Although circulating levels of estriol are very low outside of pregnancy, parous women have been found to have levels of estriol that are to some degree higher than those of nulliparouswomen.[8]

In pregnant women[edit]
Estriol is produced in quantities that are notable only during pregnancy.[3] Levels of estriol increase 1,000-fold during pregnancy,[8] whereas levels of estradiol and estrone increase 100-fold,[12] and estriol accounts for 90% of the estrogens in the urine of pregnant women.[5] At term, the daily production of estriol by the placenta is 35 to 45 mg,[12] and levels in the maternal circulation are 8 to 13 ng/dL.[3]

Also, check this out:

Middle-Aged Men, Too, Can Blame Estrogen for That Waistline

The amount of testosterone required to maintain lean mass, fat mass, strength, and sexual function varied widely in men. Androgen deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength; estrogen deficiency primarily accounted for increases in body fat; and both contributed to the decline in sexual function. Our findings support changes in the approach to evaluation and management of hypogonadism in men.


Feb 18, 2018
You can get it anywhere, amazon, iherb, etc..

It's called:

Life-flo, Bi-Estro Care Body Cream, 4 oz
Kind of want to try it because I haven't seemed to have many good results with anything that raises androgens.


Jun 2, 2017
I'm also using a pump of biestro on my scalp every night. My hair shedding has reduced dramatically. I have had absolutely zero feminizing side effects, only androgenic ones. My erections are harder and much much fuller (fiance loves it lol) and libido is incredible. I feel like a teenager again. My muscle mass has even increased. I'm literally gaining muscle from this stuff. Voice is deeper. Chest hair is actually growing in now. Beard is fuller. More confidence.

Nobody is telling anyone here to try small dose topical estriol, we're just giving our experiences from it. It has stopped my male pattern baldness and literally made me more masculine.

People here megadose many different things, I don't see that as any better than testing out a very small dose of topical estriol. I don't even believe much of it is going systemic anyways. The top of the scalp has very poor circulation.
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