Medical Martial Law: Is There An Exit Strategy? Anywhere?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

David G

Feb 27, 2019
Data direct from the CDC (4/10/20) shows that less than 100 people under the age of 35 have died in the entire US (population 327 Million), yet this is considered a deadly "pandemic" that the powers that be insist the entire world needs to be vaccinated against (with police force if necessary) and locked down for months. The reason that less than 1 in 1 Million people under the age of 35 have been seriously affected is because a normal healthy immune system has no trouble at all fighting off CV19 or any other flu virus. Older people are affected more because, like with any flu, they are more likely to have multiple underlying conditions resulting from having been exposed for so many years to environmental toxins, radiation (Chernobyl, Fukushima), air pollution, mercury-laden vaccines, GMOs, pesticides, processed food full of synthetic ingredients, antibiotics, etc. Follow the money. It all leads to big pharma and their revolving door agencies the WHO & CDC, Gates Foundation, etc., which also explains why known-effective low-cost treatment options are off the table.

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Dr. Fauci himself now concedes total deaths in the US will more likely be closer to 60K, less than 3% of his original estimates, and no higher than average flu death counts in previous years. Oops, guess it was just a bad flu... Big pharma and their revolving door government agencies a.k.a. vaccine salesmen however will nonetheless insist that we all remain locked down for months until they can inject everyone with a new vaccine and make another $Trillion profit on top of the $2.2Trillion corporate bailout that was already passed.
Bloomberg - Fauci Slashes U.S. Death Projection, Raising Hope for Reopening

Why Central Planning by Medical Experts Will Lead to Disaster | Gary Galles

Target Liberty: Robert F Kennedy Jr. On Bill Gates' Vaccine Megalomania

How the World Health Organisation (WHO) Created a 'Pandemic' of the Flu
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David G

Feb 27, 2019
Highly recommended video from MIT PhD, Systems Biologist, and Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Those who are not real scientists often have a difficult time in discerning genuine, unbiased scientific information and data from "consensus science" (an oxymoron) and "agenda-driven science". In large industries such as healthcare and in academia no one can publicly state doubts to official narratives for fear of losing one's job, reputation, and research funding. Need I remind people of the colossal failures of these industries in the past? For how many years did the medical industry say smoking was safe despite decades of growing evidence otherwise? How many drugs caused major issues yet continue to be pushed on the public for years before the FDA finally recalls them? One merely needs to look at the state of people's health nowadays, the exponential increases in autism and numerous chronic health issues to know that there is something not right about the mainstream medical and pharmaceutical industries. They have a singular obsession on blaming everything on a virus or on genes, pretending that the environment is perfect and has no effect on anyone, and completely ignoring all the toxic pollution, chemicals, food additives, etc. produced by giant soulless multinational corporations and the military-industrial complex (the true owners of our "democracy"). Sure they are good at some things and some MD's are better than others, but the industry as a whole is extremely closed minded and in need of a major overhaul. The above video goes into a lot of depth on these topics and how they relate to the current flu pandemic. Fortunately, real science isn't going away, and though those with ulterior motives, biases or ignorance try to marginalize it whenever possible, truth always wins in the end.

Corona virii have been around probably as long as humans and mutate all the time, there are 10,000's of variants if not more. Image below shows dozens of variants of just some of the identified SARS/Cv19 variants:

source: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19

It takes a lot of time, effort and expense to isolate and sequence a virus, thus there are far more variations in the wild that have not been sequenced. Because Cv19 are RNA virii they can mutate more easily and quickly than other virii since there are trillions of copies floating around times 1+ billion people exposed year in and year out and because RNA virii are not living organisms with cellular checks on DNA replication.

Quoting RNA Mutation Vs. DNA Mutation:
"...viral RNA genomes are much more mutation-prone than those based on DNA. This distinction is important because RNA-based viruses have repeatedly evolved resistance to drugs. ...The flu and HIV, for example, are caused by viruses with RNA-based genomes. The high mutation rate means that they can rapidly evolve resistance to new drugs. Any given population of these viruses is very genetically diverse. This makes it very difficult for scientists to develop vaccines. ...The higher mutation rates in RNA viruses ensure that they evolve more rapidly and could evolve resistance to drugs more readily than DNA-based viruses. Average mutation rates in RNA viruses are estimated to be about 100 times higher than those for DNA viruses."

Thus why there has never been a successful vaccine for the common cold or for flu virii that actually works for any significant amount of time or with significant efficacy. By the time a vaccine is developed, tested, and commercialized it is already mostly obsolete. This is also why even if you have antibodies to one cold or flu you can still get other colds/flus later on. CV19 has 30K RNA nucleobases (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, co - Nucleotide - NCBI) each of which is one of 4 amino acids thus there are essentially 4 to the 30,000th power (ie. infinite) possible variations. That being the case it is not likely that people will have significant immunity to Cv19 variants even if exposed to similar virii in the past and even if they received a vaccine. This makes it all the more clear that the big pharma and medical establishment's singular obsession with developing a vaccine (while completely ignoring known-effective low-cost existing and widely available treatments) is clearly much more about the $Trillions in profits they could make than about saving lives.

Who Profits From the Pandemic?

The exit strategy is for all of us to spread this information as far and wide as possible, clearly, concisely, and using reputable sources.
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Jun 16, 2017
Up to 1 million dollar fine and 3 years in prison for breaking 14 day quarantine:

"Canadian police are to begin visiting homes to enforce the government’s COVID-19 quarantine, the RCMP said on Friday, warning that “recklessly” failing to comply could result in a $1-million fine and three years in prison."

More at link: Coronavirus: Police to verify Canadians complying with quarantine order, RCMP says
That's rough.

Tomorrow there will be a protest in a city relatively close to mine. It's a protest to show opposition against the lockdown. I'm very tempeted to go, since our government is seemingly trying to take us back to 1993, when we had the hugest inflation ever. If a certain law gets approved, then each individual state will be able to spend as much money as they "need" to contain the "pandemic", and they will be able to print money as they did in 1993( we used to have banks like BANERJ, BANESPA, etc, which would print money for the state). What solved the inflation back then was stopping the states from spending so much tax payers' money, and from printing money like crazy. Not to mention the ridiculous corruption that will certainly eat a ton of that money. Rio de Janeiro is already in a bad situation, if that happens, things will get even worse.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
A newsletter post from FEBRUARY 10th from These guys had this figured out over 2 months ago.


This is getting tiresome. Anybody out there?

Ever since 2002, we’ve archived newsletters chronicling all the Boutique Epidemics:
Swine Flu in 2002
Avian Flu in 2006
Ebola in 2014
the fake Disney measles campaign of 2015
ZIKA in 2016
the fake flu “epidemic” of 2018
the non-existent measles outbreak of 2019, to name a few. Check our Newsletter Archive.

Boutique means made to order, manufactured, evanescent, etc. We showed how each one of these false epidemics followed precisely the same blueprint:
1. Claim a disease threat from a new bug, in an exotic location
2. Instill worldwide panic with unrelenting media
3. Offer a medical solution, usually a vaccine
4. Spend the money
5. The threat disappears never to be heard of again

We predicted the last 3 of these Boutique Epidemics in your text Vaccination Is Not Immunization. [7]

So the coronavirus came as no surprise. It’s right on schedule – epidemics are now an annual event. This one fits the first 3 criteria right off the bat.

With coronavirus we had an ally. China dreamed up the unverifiable story that what – there’s a brand new virus that suddenly appeared in Wuhan province and it’s spreading like wildfire, etc. [9]

It was the usual promo package for any made–to-order epidemic – started out with a few people who were supposedly getting flu-like symptoms in Wuhan province. There’s your exotic location. Supposedly it was a novel virus from the beginning, even though no testing was done.

Everybody who got sick with anything was classed immediately under the sexy new heading coronavirus, even though there are some 500 strains found in Man. Most are harmless. And there wasn’t even a name for the new strain until January 10, 2020, when they came up with ( 2019-nCoV).

Got that? They knew they couldn’t get away for long calling it coronavirus since that’s a family of over 500 strains. So they needed a name. The editable wiki states that from the very beginning, back in December, the new virus was recognized as a brand new strain even though they didn’t begin to claim that all these cases had the same disease until a month later! [8]

So it took a month for the coronavirus strain even to be named. That left 2 problems
1. how were original patients tested for a common virus?
2. what about all the hundreds of cases that had already been counted and recovered? Who knows what microbe had caused their illness. Did they call back when they were fine? Were they tracked?

The point is, once on the list, you never get off the list. Makes the epidemic look like it’s exploding worldwide.

So we’re supposed to believe that this virus they just named last month had suddenly decided to introduce itself into a million years of primate evolution, right now. And is causing a global pandemic, like the Black Death…

How are they counting cases of coronavirus? Standard for the creation of any Boutique Epidemic is the tried and true diagnosis by symptoms only. This way people will get on the list of the “epidemic” just by a phone call. No exam. No lab. No test. I’m sick – OK you’re in.

So how could we know that all these people had the same virus? We couldn’t. We didn’t. We still don’t.

Second, when creating an epidemic, numbers are critical. Again, one of the rules is never discuss the ones who recover. Never mention them again. Remember the 49 cases in Wuhan at the beginning of the media blitz? Guess how many of them recovered? All of them. According to the Chinese scientists. [4]

So all the scripted media we’ve seen since December with all their numbers, talking about the “spread” of the “disease” — it’s unproven market promotion

Everybody forgot that the real coronavirus is a mild and self-limiting illness, just like a cold or the flu. It’s not a serious disease. 99.99% of people get better after a few days. And with natural immunity thereafter.

But inconsequential details like these are swept aside when there’s an Epidemic to be conjured up. Corporate media obediently snapped to, counting every suspected case, adding to the grand total – the tested, the untested, the sick, the recovered, the phone-ins, the bystanders, the in-laws, those with colds and flu…… Come on down. Grand total and rising. One pandemic to go please – with extra cheese. [1]

Here’s another problem.

Tests for influenza are called RIDTs – Rapid influenza diagnostic tests They infer the presence of flu antigens by identifying antibodies. Antibodies, you’ll remember, are the part of your immune system that indentifies and neutralizes viral antigens.

Traditionally, since the 1800s, the presence of antibodies has always meant that your body is successfully fighting a virus, or else that the battle is over and you won. Then about 15 years ago a paradigm shift occurred – a marketing paradigm.

Since the advent of the Boutique Epidemics, if any antibodies are found in the patient, suddenly that means he is one of “the infected” and is in dire straits, etc. . Even if he’s already better. No media is allowed to mention this little trick..

The same goes for the coronavirus “tests.”

As Jon Rapaport points out [3], Wuhan is one of the most polluted cities in China – which is saying something. All China has the worst air in the world. [2] Not many months ago, thousands of people filled the streets of Wuhan in protest against the ungodly amounts of air pollution that were causing so much lung disease. Let’s see – what’s the primary symptom of coronavirus? [2]

The traveling medicine show continues. Now China is claiming it can come up with a vaccine in 90 days! That’s impossible. It takes years to create a new vaccine, even though vaccines are the only class of pharmaceuticals that do not require proof of safety and efficacy before they’re approved. Even with that, 90 days for a global vaccine is ludicrous. Want to be part of that experiment? Step right up.

CDC is the regulator of the vaccine industry. But they’re also the major player. [6] Of their $11B annual budget they spend almost $5B buying vaccines.

Who is the CDC relying upon to conjure up this new elixir? Inovio, the company who’s actually making this 90 day vaccine, is owned by CEPI – a global corporation. CEPI is funded by whom? Wait for it. Bill Gates, whose foundation has invested billions in other chimerical vaccines, including AIDS, which he’s never delivered. [5]

Inovio’s stock skyrocketed last week after getting a $9 million boost – in addition to the $56 million it already received from CEPI.

Bill Gates is currently being sued by the Supreme Court of India for the deaths of young girls who were forced to take his HPV vaccine without consent. You have to go to UK and European newspapers to learn about it. [10] American media’s censorship against open discussion of vaccine science is now practically airtight, and includes Facebook, YouTube, wiki, and now Google. Try searching for “vaccine dangers.”

Polarized pop media has successfully resurrected the defunct Germ Theory, that was exploded decades ago.

Common sense comes last. If you get a cold or the flu, you’ve run down your immune system. Overwork, overeating, lifestyle, etc. The only way that can resolve is to support the immune system. How? Rest, hydration, detox, stop working, get adjusted. Then your own body will cure you. There are no drugs or vaccines that cure viral illnesses, no matter what you read in everyday media or wikigooglepedia.

So here’s what’s going to happen. Same thing that always happens. Nothing. As soon as the vaccine is fully funded, the whole coronavirus “epidemic” will vanish from our radar and we’ll never hear of it again. How do we know that? Because the same thing just happened 10 times since 2002 with the other Boutique Epidemics, above. It’s a proven business model, and it works. Generates billions every time – they can resist anything but temptation..

Once that happens, bank tellers will stop wearing masks, and you won’t have to wash your hands before you pump gas any more. Just watch!

Why doesn’t everybody notice this recurrent pattern? With all the vital issues we have to worry about in the world today, coronavirus certainly isn’t one of them.

Threat from coronavirus? Of the 500 strains, they’re all benign in mammals, except very rarely – in the extremely immune-suppressed – when one of the strains might gain an ascendancy. For which there’s no evidence in the present ‘epidemic.’ These days, there is no threat, except perhaps from the experimental vaccine they’re about to bring to your local drugstore.

Now go back to the top and look at it again. Don’t speedscan like the first time. Then stop talking about it and stop watching the bubbleheaded newsreaders reading their teleprompters. No Boutique Epidemics without audience participation.

1. CDC: Rapid Diagnostic Testing for Influenza
2. CNN: China has made major progress on air pollution. Wuhan protests show there’s still a long way to go -11 July 2019
3. Rapaport, J – No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter
4. Xinhua Net – China firm to win anti-virus battle at all cost 26 Jan 2020
5. MarketWatch Inovio’s stock soars after receiving grant to develop coronavirus vaccine – 24 Jan 2020
6. O’Shea, T Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2017.
7. Newsletter Archive
8. Wikipedia: Wuhan – coronavirus outbreak
2019–20 coronavirus pandemic - Wikipedia
9. CDC: About human coronaviruses
10. The Daily Mail – Judges demand answers, cancer vaccine trial India – 11 Feb 2020


Mar 22, 2017
It's far beyond money, It's more religious. You can look on Judah in two ways, one he is a traitor, informer, second way he zoom in time salvation of human, and therefore apocalypse, final judgement and second coming of Jesus.
So as you can see Gates, Musk are from protestan culture, which has one feature: Have a lot of apocalyptic fractions
Marx,Engels creathe their Communist party on League of Just-Christian - communist apocalyptic organization. Communism Manifesto is about force (terror) people to utopia by mass terror. That is create kind a Apocalypse.
Those Surveilance systems, 5g, injections with microchip, and other crazy ways are bringing again those thoughts, that by terror they will control people. They will create kind a Apocalypse world by those things and tattos (mark of the beast). So they will zoom in time salvation of human, and therefore apocalypse, final judgement and second coming of Jesus.

Gates have also other background. His Father was Plannet Parenthood boss I think. So he was eugenics. Where come frome eugenics. From predestination dogma. Someone is born good someone bad. Someone life is worth someone not. Someone is human someone is subhuman. Some classes are good some are bad It realy ease funtcioning of colonies of western countries and soviet Russia.China. Why they should bother with subhumans? But I think this type of thinking is really in Gates mind, even if he is not conscious about that.

Revolutionst mindset is very authoritarian, thats why it needs terror (psychica/mental). People with these mindset, they dont have brakes. Like capitalists (protestants) use in 19th century England children to work till death. Like communist in Russia/Kambosia/China did the same. Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. One's sponsors other's.


Mar 29, 2016
It's far beyond money, It's more religious. You can look on Judah in two ways, one he is a traitor, informer, second way he zoom in time salvation of human, and therefore apocalypse, final judgement and second coming of Jesus.
So as you can see Gates, Musk are from protestan culture, which has one feature: Have a lot of apocalyptic fractions
Marx,Engels creathe their Communist party on League of Just-Christian - communist apocalyptic organization. Communism Manifesto is about force (terror) people to utopia by mass terror. That is create kind a Apocalypse.
Those Surveilance systems, 5g, injections with microchip, and other crazy ways are bringing again those thoughts, that by terror they will control people. They will create kind a Apocalypse world by those things and tattos (mark of the beast). So they will zoom in time salvation of human, and therefore apocalypse, final judgement and second coming of Jesus.

Gates have also other background. His Father was Plannet Parenthood boss I think. So he was eugenics. Where come frome eugenics. From predestination dogma. Someone is born good someone bad. Someone life is worth someone not. Someone is human someone is subhuman. Some classes are good some are bad It realy ease funtcioning of colonies of western countries and soviet Russia.China. Why they should bother with subhumans? But I think this type of thinking is really in Gates mind, even if he is not conscious about that.

Revolutionst mindset is very authoritarian, thats why it needs terror (psychica/mental). People with these mindset, they dont have brakes. Like capitalists (protestants) use in 19th century England children to work till death. Like communist in Russia/Kambosia/China did the same. Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. One's sponsors other's.
Please read original post.


Jun 20, 2015
"Apple and Google announced on Friday an unprecedented collaboration to leverage smartphone technology to help trace and contain the spread of coronavirus.

The collaboration will open up their mobile operating systems to allow for the creation of advanced “contact-tracing” apps, which will run on iPhones and Android phones alike."

"In the coming months, they will also build this functionality directly into the underlying operating systems."

Apple and Google team up in bid to use smartphones to track coronavirus spread


Mar 29, 2016
"Apple and Google announced on Friday an unprecedented collaboration to leverage smartphone technology to help trace and contain the spread of coronavirus.

The collaboration will open up their mobile operating systems to allow for the creation of advanced “contact-tracing” apps, which will run on iPhones and Android phones alike."

"In the coming months, they will also build this functionality directly into the underlying operating systems."

Apple and Google team up in bid to use smartphones to track coronavirus spread
Will they even ask permission?

Will they turn on Bluetooth even if disabled by user?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@Giraffe, the exit strategy is coming into focus:

"In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data.

He explained on the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.

This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccination."

More at link:


Aug 17, 2016
@Giraffe, the exit strategy is coming into focus:

"In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data.

He explained on the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.

This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccination."

More at link:
That's awesome. A chink in the armor.
Expose these ghouls!!! And dump the 'we're taking your kids into child protective services after we come to your door and decide you're sick.'

David G

Feb 27, 2019
The article charlie posted from is greatly overexaggerated. I found the actual interview on another site and listened to it, all that Adams said was that they are going off of real data, not models. He in no way implied they are steering away from any of Fauci, Gates and the big pharma mafia's policies. And he said something to the effect that they are waiting for a vaccine and it will be important.

We need to start educating people on how this is all a power-grab and psyop to bring MANDATED VACCINES, digital ID certificates, contact tracking surveillance, etc. into existence.

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Aug 17, 2016
The article charlie posted from is greatly overexaggerated. I found the actual interview on another site and listened to it, all that Adams said was that they are going off of real data, not models. He in no way implied they are steering away from any of Fauci, Gates and the big pharma mafia's policies. And he said something to the effect that they are waiting for a vaccine and it will be important.

We need to start educating people on how this is all a power-grab and psyop to bring MANDATED VACCINES, digital ID certificates, contact tracking surveillance, etc. into existence.

Yeah bummer.
I had a lilting skip to my walk after reading it, but when I came home, I decided to check Fauci's Moderna stock. It's definitely been, well, coronated. :(


Mar 29, 2016
The article charlie posted from is greatly overexaggerated. I found the actual interview on another site and listened to it, all that Adams said was that they are going off of real data, not models. He in no way implied they are steering away from any of Fauci, Gates and the big pharma mafia's policies. And he said something to the effect that they are waiting for a vaccine and it will be important.

We need to start educating people on how this is all a power-grab and psyop to bring MANDATED VACCINES, digital ID certificates, contact tracking surveillance, etc. into existence.

It sucks.

I have no trust in the ability of good people these days to counter the blatant atrocities being done by the power brokers in the world . Ron Paul is wasting his time. I've stopped donating to any good cause as it's just too little too late. And besides, good people are divided among themselves they are all ineffective. The ones in media who speak truth are also just earning a living whle doing so, but the total effect is that we're unable to turn the tide.

Resistance is futile. We better just head to the hills. Organizing is useless. Name one instance where we are having success. Zilch.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
It sucks.
I have no trust in the ability of good people these days to counter the blatant atrocities being done by the power brokers in the world . Ron Paul is wasting his time. I've stopped donating to any good cause as it's just too little too late. And besides, good people are divided among themselves they are all ineffective. The ones in media who speak truth are also just earning a living whle doing so, but the total effect is that we're unable to turn the tide.
Resistance is futile. We better just head to the hills. Organizing is useless. Name one instance where we are having success. Zilch.

Resistance is never futile. Truth eventually wins. Evil still continues but we cannot give up the fight. We need to educate people with a simple, clear message that highlights all the holes in the official narrative. This is not hard to do. Everyone is at home and online now anyway, not hard to start posting all over fb, forums, 1,000 different sites and start creating awareness about basic fundamental concepts. Be courteous, informed, confident and helpful in showing people out of the darkness. Many will follow if they see a better way. We have to be the light. Ultimately that is what our existence is for is to connect with others to move us forward spiritually as a society. This can usually only be done in small steps, 1 person at a time and it takes time. But it's worth the effort. (And when crazies, goons, and pro-vaxxers start making insults, just completely ignore them. Never stoop to their level or spend a minute of your time on them. This makes it clear to the rest who's the better person.)


Aug 17, 2016
It sucks.

I have no trust in the ability of good people these days to counter the blatant atrocities being done by the power brokers in the world . Ron Paul is wasting his time. I've stopped donating to any good cause as it's just too little too late. And besides, good people are divided among themselves they are all ineffective. The ones in media who speak truth are also just earning a living whle doing so, but the total effect is that we're unable to turn the tide.

Resistance is futile. We better just head to the hills. Organizing is useless. Name one instance where we are having success. Zilch.
I agree. It's not working.
When ever I just pop my head somewhere else--and I mean intelligent people who tend to see through a lot of other horsepoop in other areas--they are utterly put off and think I may have lost my mind.
An old email circular re-ignited recently asking what everyone thought of what's going on in the world.
I was very tame in my answer, with mild suggestions about the power grabs and untested vaccines.
I got only one response: "Regina, is this satire or are you serious? (Sorry, I'm not sure.) "
It just falls flat.


Mar 29, 2016
Resistance is never futile. Truth eventually wins. Evil still continues but we cannot give up the fight. We need to educate people with a simple, clear message that highlights all the holes in the official narrative. This is not hard to do. Everyone is at home and online now anyway, not hard to start posting all over fb, forums, 1,000 different sites and start creating awareness about basic fundamental concepts. Be courteous, informed, confident and helpful in showing people out of the darkness. Many will follow if they see a better way. We have to be the light. Ultimately that is what our existence is for is to connect with others to move us forward spiritually as a society. This can usually only be done in small steps, 1 person at a time and it takes time. But it's worth the effort.

I understand what you're saying. But even till we die, we'll just be on an eternal quest, on the same journey but each step we take the promised land gets farther and farther away.

We can just console ourselves with the thought that the journey is what's important, and the destination is only secondary.

We have peaked as a civilization. We have nowhere to go but down. Let things take their own natural course and ride out the storm.

We'll enter the modern dark age soon. People are mostly sheep. They will submit. They will just be too happy to be branded and IDed. Look at your friends and family and neighbors. See what I mean?
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