Medical Martial Law: Is There An Exit Strategy? Anywhere?

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I understand what you're saying. But even till we die, we'll just be on an eternal quest, on the same journey but each step we take the promised land gets farther and farther away.
We can just console ourselves with the thought that the journey is what's important, and the destination is only secondary.
We have peaked as a civilization. We have nowhere to go but down. Let things take their own natural course and ride out the storm.
We'll enter the modern dark age soon. People are mostly sheep. They will submit. They will just be too happy to be branded and IDed. Look at your friends and family and neighbors. See what I mean?

You're only seeing one side of it. The yin but not the yang. Yes the masses are stupid now. People on the whole did seem to have more common sense and self-reliance 25 or 50 years ago, but that's just my perception, I was a lot dumber 25 years ago so I am just seeing that in relation to who I was then. A lot of things are a lot better now than they were before. All the power of unlimited information we have now. The ability to go online and meet 1,000's of like-minded people. Decades ago we would have to mail letters to be having this conversation between people all over the world. I could go on, there are 1,000 aspects that are better now than 50 years ago, and many others that are not as good, but as a whole I know a lot of people who ARE very aware, they just don't say much. But when things get serious enough they WILL start speaking. So resistance is never futile, but giving up is. Sink or swim. Also think of all the incredibly stupid things people did in the past century. WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, people were being drafted and killed and killing others and not even questioning it. I think we've evolved quite a lot in some ways as a culture. Definitely a net positive gain.
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Mar 29, 2016
It's good to have that optimism but I go out a lot even in this time of lockdown and quarantines. I've been to places and I've seen people are the same everywhere. People are sheep. People are easily manipulated by fear. The internet doesn't change their perception. People would rather spend their time watching their teams play or movies than discover the truth offered by independent journalists . When they watch news, they prefer being on blinders like mainstream media. Just ask yourself how many people come to this forum to enable their health to improve. 99% would rather see their doctor for answers. And this is free choice. No one is coercing them.

If people are just like that, why do they deserve anything more? Why bother hoping they come back to their senses when there's none to begin with? Why take the cause when these people are just going to abandon you?

In the end, it's a choice of whether you want to detach from it, or whether you want to join the other side and game the system for your benefit. Sheep are just going to be sheep. They will be fleeced, and that's just the start.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I'd rather try to exist within the system and move it forward in some small way rather than take off to the hills and live like a hermit... The majority are clueless for sure but I'm only focusing on at least the ones with some basic awareness. Definitely not going and preaching to Walmart shoppers. Anyhow we live on a beautiful planet with a lot of good people, just have to find them amongst all the craziness.


Aug 17, 2016
I understand what you're saying. But even till we die, we'll just be on an eternal quest, on the same journey but each step we take the promised land gets farther and farther away.

We can just console ourselves with the thought that the journey is what's important, and the destination is only secondary.

We have peaked as a civilization. We have nowhere to go but down. Let things take their own natural course and ride out the storm.

We'll enter the modern dark age soon. People are mostly sheep. They will submit. They will just be too happy to be branded and IDed. Look at your friends and family and neighbors. See what I mean?
I see it. No one makes eye contract in Chicago anymore. The polite city with friendly people is just a memory.
I think, oh, it's just that it's not sunny and it's still cold. No one wants any engagement whatsoever with any other person.
If I try to smile in a "what a cute dog" kinda way, they turn and go the other way.
And, of course, on every new walk each day there are more 5G towers and cameras and floodlights.
What a shock and awe scam.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I lived in Glen Ellyn outside of Chicago during my first 2 years of high school '85 - '87, and loved that area then and the people and the culture. But by the mid-90's it had gone way downhill. Now it's one of the most expensive, crime ridden, corrupt, crowded, dirty places you could find in the US. Though I haven't been back in 15 years and I'd bet there are still some nice neighborhoods here and there. Moved to San Diego in '93 and it's 50x nicer. People do say hi and smile when you walk down the street... I don't go around in those stupid masks 24x7 and whenever I see other people not wearing a mask we kind of share that look like we know was' up.


Mar 29, 2016
The strategy is to change the things you can, and to let those you can't be. When the changes come, skirt the edges of compliance. The authorities know full compliance is a fool's errand, and will be happy with enough.

Enforcement has many holes. Probe those holes and get away with no vaccination. Live a life free of man-made chronic sicknesses.

Those who do have the edge. A sharper intellect. A more robust strength and stamina. Will dominate sports. Not like the current crop of injury-prone NBA players - raised on vaccines, SSRIs and pharma drugs.


Mar 29, 2016
I see it. No one makes eye contract in Chicago anymore. The polite city with friendly people is just a memory.
I think, oh, it's just that it's not sunny and it's still cold. No one wants any engagement whatsoever with any other person.
If I try to smile in a "what a cute dog" kinda way, they turn and go the other way.
And, of course, on every new walk each day there are more 5G towers and cameras and floodlights.
What a shock and awe scam.

First time I went to Chicago, in the heyday of United Airlines, with Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue as its signature, it was quite a city and the people had a radiance. And that was the post office!

I have that beautiful memory of that city which surpassed the Queen City Cincinnati, because Chicago was open to the idea of trains when it was new, and Cincinnati was stuck to steamboats.


Jun 20, 2015
Resistance is futile. We better just head to the hills. Organizing is useless. Name one instance where we are having success. Zilch.
It's good to have that optimism but I go out a lot even in this time of lockdown and quarantines. I've been to places and I've seen people are the same everywhere. People are sheep. People are easily manipulated by fear.
Fear makes people unable to think, and they will more easily accept that their rights are taken away. Social isolation makes people more fearful. But this diffuse fear can go in all directions. It's unpredictable: It can make people neurotic and feel helpless, or it can create a tinderbox that can go off every minute.

There is a lot everyone can do. Soothe the fear of others. Lessen the social isolation. Just being kind to a stranger can go a long way. You can try to make people question things by pointing out discrepancies, but be gentle.

Interesting lecture in German: Warum schweigen die Lämmer?


Mar 29, 2016
You can try to make people question things by pointing out discrepancies, but be gentle.

I find that easier with common folk - the fish monger, the butcher, my vegetable dealer.

Hard with very 'educated' people.


Aug 22, 2013
I find that easier with common folk - the fish monger, the butcher, my vegetable dealer.

Hard with very 'educated' people.

My very “progressive” area are the loudest and fully supportive of the lockdown, even before there were any cases. I’m just baffled how these supposedly intelligent people just believes the narrative and refuse to tolerate questions on the inconsistencies?

But there is an FB group in the state against the quarantine and there are over 330k members. It’s helped me regained some hope.


Nov 14, 2016
Most people have an overwhelming trust in the competence of the medical establishment. The consensus of doctors on any given issue is proof enough that they can't be wrong.

If you try and suggest to any of these people that all of this is bogus you'll be met with incredulity. If you talk about it enthusiastically you're motives will start to become questioned, you'll be seen as suspicious and labelled as disruptive, so you can be ignored, dismissed or even turned on.

Even if you just stick to the data, it won't matter. They can't believe it is possible.


Jun 20, 2015

There are no data that did justify the draconian measures in the first place. Originally the medical martial law was explained with the need to prevent that the hospitals run out of beds. The last weeks the hospitals have been ghost towns, but the German authorities still pretent that there is a state of emergency. The German CDC only tests symptomatic suspected cases. No study in a representative cohort done by them. The number of undetected cases is probably between 5 and 20 times higher. Still the government and the CDC pretend that hunting down the contacts of the confirmed cases is the way to go, and they would like to use a tracking app.

The health minister had rushed through a lot of legal changes. One thing he tried to get rid off (unsuccessfully) was our right "to not get treatment". The federal state of Saxonia had planned compulsary hospitalisation in psych ward for people that do not follow quarantine rules, but eventually backed off. The regulation who is considered a suspected case is wishy-washy (much room for misuse of authority?). Local elections in some states get postponed until further notice because of the corona.

So today chancellor Merkel announced the next steps...

Germany is going to reopen schools and smaller shops. There are plans to make face masks mandatory. "Social distancing" shall continue until we have a vaccine or treatment.

So Germany basically has become an authoritarian police state, and this is only the beginning. People need to wake up!

By the way, below are the latest Covid-19 figures downloaded from ECDC.

blue = numbers reported that day
orange = average of the last 7 days (to smooth curve a bit)

Germany has continuesly increased the number of tests. We are currently at a capacity of more than 100,000 per day, and they are going to increase the capacity even further.

Falling numbers and empty hospitals? State of emergency??

Germany 2020-04-15.GIF


Jan 9, 2019
The article charlie posted from is greatly overexaggerated. I found the actual interview on another site and listened to it, all that Adams said was that they are going off of real data, not models. He in no way implied they are steering away from any of Fauci, Gates and the big pharma mafia's policies. And he said something to the effect that they are waiting for a vaccine and it will be important.

We need to start educating people on how this is all a power-grab and psyop to bring MANDATED VACCINES, digital ID certificates, contact tracking surveillance, etc. into existence.

unfortunately you are right. He didnt really say what people wish he did.


Jan 9, 2019

There are no data that did justify the draconian measures in the first place. Originally the medical martial law was explained with the need to prevent that the hospitals run out of beds. The last weeks the hospitals have been ghost towns, but the German authorities still pretent that there is a state of emergency. The German CDC only tests symptomatic suspected cases. No study in a representative cohort done by them. The number of undetected cases is probably between 5 and 20 times higher. Still the government and the CDC pretend that hunting down the contacts of the confirmed cases is the way to go, and they would like to use a tracking app.

The health minister had rushed through a lot of legal changes. One thing he tried to get rid off (unsuccessfully) was our right "to not get treatment". The federal state of Saxonia had planned compulsary hospitalisation in psych ward for people that do not follow quarantine rules, but eventually backed off. The regulation who is considered a suspected case is wishy-washy (much room for misuse of authority?). Local elections in some states get postponed until further notice because of the corona.

So today chancellor Merkel announced the next steps...

Germany is going to reopen schools and smaller shops. There are plans to make face masks mandatory. "Social distancing" shall continue until we have a vaccine or treatment.

So Germany basically has become an authoritarian police state, and this is only the beginning. People need to wake up!

By the way, below are the latest Covid-19 figures downloaded from ECDC.

blue = numbers reported that day
orange = average of the last 7 days (to smooth curve a bit)

Germany has continuesly increased the number of tests. We are currently at a capacity of more than 100,000 per day, and they are going to increase the capacity even further.

Falling numbers and empty hospitals? State of emergency??

View attachment 17456
do we have any up to date info on the percentage of asymptomatic positive people?


Mar 29, 2016
All this boils down to science being corrupted into dogma, corrupted by pharma companies driven by a public (the very same victims) that demand increasing rates of return on their complicit investment in criminal public corporations traded in the stock market. The profits and capital appreciation in these legal yet criminal entities fund the universities and scientists who provide false testimonies to subvert facts and science.

To break this stranglehold one needs to question the very structure on which public corporations are built on. It was once useful when it generated pools of capital to fund enterprises that improved on the quality of life and society in general. It has now been turned into gunpowder to destroy society.

You can't expect the legal system to correct these imbalances as the system is weighed down by relying on 'expert' testimony that is biased, yet the system trusts such expertise as it doesn't base its trust on good scientific arguments but on titles conferred by institutions bought by these criminal public corporations.

When these institutions have outlived their purposes and can no longer be trusted to make decisions for the public good, it is time to drop the curtains. Civilization cannot run on its own but has to be enforced by totalitarianism.

This is the age we're in. It's not living up to its potential as the Age of Aquarius. It is simply bringing us back to the Dark Ages.


Feb 13, 2016
I used to love reading dystopian novels in my teens. I have Fahrenheit 451 in my hands right now and @yerrag you remind me of Montag

I don't think there's any way to actually fight billionaires who have planned this out for decades and turned the governments of the world into their pawns

Imo only way is to break away with close friends and family and start a small self sufficient society before it's too late


Mar 29, 2016
I used to love reading dystopian novels in my teens. I have Fahrenheit 451 in my hands right now and @yerrag you remind me of Montag

I don't think there's any way to actually fight billionaires who have planned this out for decades and turned the governments of the world into their pawns

Imo only way is to break away with close friends and family and start a small self sufficient society before it's too late
I should watch that movie then. More and more, with less and less hesitation, that seems to be the only option left.

Technology is not liberating. A disappointment. People's minds are wired to seek out what's convenient and false islands in a sea of truth. Give them access to truth and they will ignore it and be lulled into the sweet sirens in treacherous straits.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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