Millennials Are Sicker Than Previous Generations


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Finally, a study that says what no doctor wants to say publicly - the younger generations are in such a poor health they are far less healthy than their parents were at the same age, and even more so their grandparents. I posted quite a few studies showing the rapidly rising rates of various diseases in the youngest cohorts, but each time such a study came out some public health official immediately countered that it is just one disease and not representative of overall health, and even that specific disease finding was probably a statistical fluke.

Some of the interesting highlights from the article are that apparently high blood pressure (BP) can be officially diagnosed as caused by vitamin D deficiency. I wonder how many of the high BP cases are caused by such deficiency because this is something much easier to fix for good by raising vitamin D levels with supplementation instead of taking toxic drugs for life that not only do not resolve the underlying issue but can cause cancer as well.
Valsartan, Losartan & Other BP Med Recalls 2018-19

Another interesting finding is that young women are on average 20% less healthy than their male peers. The very high rates of birth control and SSRI usage may be responsible for that discrepancy. I am starting to feel really bad about Millenials. Not only will they likely be the poorest generation in over a century but they will also likely be the sickest and as such with terrible quality of life. The ones that survive, that is. Now, it would be really informative if the study quantified a health gap as in between females and males but in regards to generations. I bet Millenials would be about 40% less healthy than Baby Boomers and probably at least 70% less healthy than the Greatest Generation (parents of Boomers). Those numbers are not random guesses. That's how much sperm counts have declined in males over those generations, and I see no reason why the same decline won't also apply to females across those years, especially considering the female health decline seen in this study.

The Health of Millennials | Blue Cross Blue Shield

Millennials less healthy compared to previous generations, study says

"...A new study suggests millennials are less healthy than previous generations. “In general, we’re seeing millennials getting diagnosed earlier, things they have not been diagnosed in the past,” said cardiologist Darren Sidney, who works at Trident Medical Center.The study, conducted by health insurance provider Blue Cross, Blue Shield, looked at health data from 55 million commercially-insured millennials. It showed the prevalence for nearly all of the top 10 health conditions increased from 2014-2017 for people aged 22-36. Major depression was up 31% in that time and hyperactivity was up 26%. Hypertension and high cholesterol were also among the top ten."

"...Robles said doctors determined a vitamin D deficiency caused her high blood pressure, but the diagnosis still surprised her, since she tried to eat healthily and exercises several times a week. “It was really frustrating because I was doing everything right and I couldn't fix the problem,” she said. Experts suggest millennials are missing out on early diagnoses of many health issues because they don’t visit the doctor as regularly as Generation X-ers and older generations. The study also suggested millennial women were 20% less healthy than millennial men, based on the data. The study did not, however, suggest a reason for the trends. “I hope to continue being healthy and not suffer from blood pressure for years to come,” Robles said."


Feb 13, 2016
I do everything I can to keep my metabolism healthy and even though I seem to be healthier than other millennials, I am nowhere near as healthy as my parents' generation, even when they are freely eating PUFA, starch, iron every day.

Are millennials just screwed on an epigenetic level as a result of being the first generation to be born to parents who grew up on G MO food?

My learned helplnessness has been getting pretty bad recently...


Apr 9, 2018
We sure look like it. Well, not me but you get the point.

I wonder if zoomers are going to do even worse. They seem fat and unhealthy certainly.

The far right fringe group of zoomers are the healthiest people mentally and physically within the last 50 years.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Are millennials just screwed

I would say yes, but caution with "currently". It takes even small improvements in environment to improve health and even pass that improvement on.
Particles March 2019 Excellent

Peat often cites the double-digit drop in breast cancer rates in the late 1990s up until mid-2000s. So, all it took for that double digit cancer rates drop was the drop in estrogen prescription due to the WHI study results being published. The "recovery" of breast cancer rates after 2005 coincided with Big Pharma attacking WHI results and reintroducing HRT with estrogen or estrogenic synthetic progestins.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
I do everything I can to keep my metabolism healthy and even though I seem to be healthier than other millennials, I am nowhere near as healthy as my parents' generation, even when they are freely eating PUFA, starch, iron every day.

Are millennials just screwed on an epigenetic level as a result of being the first generation to be born to parents who grew up on G MO food?

My learned helplnessness has been getting pretty bad recently...
Are there anything wrong with GMO?


Apr 11, 2019
Finally, a study that says what no doctor wants to say publicly - the younger generations are in such a poor health they are far less healthy than their parents were at the same age, and even more so their grandparents. I posted quite a few studies showing the rapidly rising rates of various diseases in the youngest cohorts, but each time such a study came out some public health official immediately countered that it is just one disease and not representative of overall health, and even that specific disease finding was probably a statistical fluke.

Some of the interesting highlights from the article are that apparently high blood pressure (BP) can be officially diagnosed as caused by vitamin D deficiency. I wonder how many of the high BP cases are caused by such deficiency because this is something much easier to fix for good by raising vitamin D levels with supplementation instead of taking toxic drugs for life that not only do not resolve the underlying issue but can cause cancer as well.
Valsartan, Losartan & Other BP Med Recalls 2018-19

Another interesting finding is that young women are on average 20% less healthy than their male peers. The very high rates of birth control and SSRI usage may be responsible for that discrepancy. I am starting to feel really bad about Millenials. Not only will they likely be the poorest generation in over a century but they will also likely be the sickest and as such with terrible quality of life. The ones that survive, that is. Now, it would be really informative if the study quantified a health gap as in between females and males but in regards to generations. I bet Millenials would be about 40% less healthy than Baby Boomers and probably at least 70% less healthy than the Greatest Generation (parents of Boomers). Those numbers are not random guesses. That's how much sperm counts have declined in males over those generations, and I see no reason why the same decline won't also apply to females across those years, especially considering the female health decline seen in this study.

The Health of Millennials | Blue Cross Blue Shield

Millennials less healthy compared to previous generations, study says

"...A new study suggests millennials are less healthy than previous generations. “In general, we’re seeing millennials getting diagnosed earlier, things they have not been diagnosed in the past,” said cardiologist Darren Sidney, who works at Trident Medical Center.The study, conducted by health insurance provider Blue Cross, Blue Shield, looked at health data from 55 million commercially-insured millennials. It showed the prevalence for nearly all of the top 10 health conditions increased from 2014-2017 for people aged 22-36. Major depression was up 31% in that time and hyperactivity was up 26%. Hypertension and high cholesterol were also among the top ten."

"...Robles said doctors determined a vitamin D deficiency caused her high blood pressure, but the diagnosis still surprised her, since she tried to eat healthily and exercises several times a week. “It was really frustrating because I was doing everything right and I couldn't fix the problem,” she said. Experts suggest millennials are missing out on early diagnoses of many health issues because they don’t visit the doctor as regularly as Generation X-ers and older generations. The study also suggested millennial women were 20% less healthy than millennial men, based on the data. The study did not, however, suggest a reason for the trends. “I hope to continue being healthy and not suffer from blood pressure for years to come,” Robles said."
If you go to a doctor you probably will get diagnosed with something. Maybe doctors are over diagnosing.. if they haven't got something wrong with their can always stir up the pot to get them on Prozac. Bit cynical but....


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Plenty of sick older generation people too. I have a coworker in his 60s that constantly harps about being old and various health issues, and even talks about dying soon probably. Sad really. 60 is not old at all if you live healthfully. He is on a battery of medications and eats the typical junk food laden American diet (Also, looks like he probably chronically restricts calories, based upon his small portion sizes he brings to work).

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
If you go to a doctor you probably will get diagnosed with something. Maybe doctors are over diagnosing.. if they haven't got something wrong with their can always stir up the pot to get them on Prozac. Bit cynical but....
I asked my Primary doctor if I could have a hormone panel done. I tried to muster up the excuse that I suspect I have PMS because I get moody sometimes. She said hormone tests tell us nothing but quickly went off about prescribing me an SSRI. She said she has patients whose husbands are so much happier now that they are taking antidepressants to manage their menstrual cycle related depression. I said no thank you and have no plan of seeing that doctor ever again.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I asked my Primary doctor if I could have a hormone panel done. I tried to muster up the excuse that I suspect I have PMS because I get moody sometimes. She said hormone tests tell us nothing but quickly went off about prescribing me an SSRI. She said she has patients whose husbands are so much happier now that they are taking antidepressants to manage their menstrual cycle related depression. I said no thank you and have no plan of seeing that doctor ever again.
I find it best to not see western medical doctors at all. I might talk to one if I break a bone, but otherwise I can read the labs myself.


Sep 25, 2018
I find it best to not see western medical doctors at all. I might talk to one if I break a bone, but otherwise I can read the labs myself.

True... my Doc didn‘t know what pregnenolone and prolactin were lool. :hilarious: He‘s good enough for me to give his OK to my bloodtests so the insurance pays them tho.


Feb 13, 2016
Are there anything wrong with GMO?

According to Dr. Peat the harm of GMO doesn't show up in the people consuming it but to their offspring. The children of people who grew up eating GMO become sterile by the third generation.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
According to Dr. Peat the harm of GMO doesn't show up in the people consuming it but to their offspring. The children of people who grew up eating GMO become sterile by the third generation.

The same thing applies to radiation too. I think now we are seeing the trans-generational effects of the massive radiation exposure many Boomers and their parents got in the 1950s. The Millenials are 2-3 generations after those people.


Dec 1, 2012
According to Dr. Peat the harm of GMO doesn't show up in the people consuming it but to their offspring. The children of people who grew up eating GMO become sterile by the third generation.

Source please.


Feb 13, 2016
Source please.

One of his interviews with Patrick from One Radio Network. It's in the beginning of either the 2nd or 3rd one, I don't remember which, but it's not the first January one and it's not the most recent one.


Dec 1, 2012
One of his interviews with Patrick from One Radio Network. It's in the beginning of either the 2nd or 3rd one, I don't remember which, but it's not the first January one and it's not the most recent one.

Thanks. I was looking for the source Ray was basing his statement on though. It is a very important discovery if true, yet I can't find a peep of it anywhere.
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