

Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
As someone whose battled self esteem and depression issues for much of my adult life, I struggle with drive and motivation still. Is it just in our makeup to be inclined toward capitalizing on opportunities, being assertive, goal oriented etc. ? I'm quite content to observe the world pass me by, but I know it's wrong. I'm a hermit with no job prospects or no future vision. This isn't healthy but I seem to not care much what direction my life goes. I'm not even motivated to earn money and create a legacy. I used to think oh it's all chemical imbalance but that's bull ***t if you ask me. I've always been a low energy type of person and I wonder if that's personality or thyroid or low brain chemistry etc. I just can't figure it out and I feel conflicted.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
A couple of times I saw men who were not quite suicidal, but extremely depressed, talking about quitting their job and just giving up, and they both happened to be sitting in a dark corner of the room with a glass of wine, wanting to retreat, even within the room as well as from life in general. And, thinking about the old bayonet studies and such, I put a pinch of pregnenolone in their wine; and within about 15 minutes, in both cases, they were grinning and talking about projects and went back to work and were just as happy as they could ever be.

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After learned helplessness has been created in rats, supplementing with T3 reverses it (Massol, et al., 1987, 1988).
Possibly the most toxic component of our environment is the way the society has been designed, to eliminate meaningful choices for most people. In the experiment of Freund, et al., some mice became more exploratory because of the choices they made, while others' lives became more routinized and limited. Our culture reinforces routinized living. In the absence of opportunities to vary the way you work and live to accord with new knowledge that you gain, the nutritional, hormonal and physical factors have special importance.
Supplements of thyroid and progesterone are proven to be generally protective against the cholinergic threats, but there are many other factors that can be adjusted according to particular needs. Niacinamide, like progesterone, inhibits the production of nitric oxide, and also like progesterone, it improves recovery from brain injury (Hoane, et al., 2008). In genetically altered mice with an Alzheimer's trait, niacinamide corrects the defect (Green, et al., 2008). Drugs such as atropine and antihistamines can be used in crisis situations. Bright light, without excess ultraviolet, should be available every day.
The cholinergic system is much more than a part of the nervous system, and is involved in cell metabolism and tissue renewal. Most people can benefit from reducing intake of phosphate, iron, and polyunsaturated fats (which can inhibit cholinesterase; Willis, et al., 2009), and from choosing foods that reduce production and absorption of endotoxin. And, obviously, drugs that are intended to increase the effects of nitric oxide (asparagine, zildenafil/Viagra, minoxidil/Rogaine) and acetylcholine (bethanechol, benzpyrinium, etc.) should be avoided.



Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA

So, obviously boosting cholinesterase has advantages. Should I simply avoid the enzyme blocking phosphate, iron and PUFA ? Or avoid Choline foods altogether? I love my Liver, Shrimp, Eggs though. I know raising acetylcholine makes me quite miserable, but choline (I only get it from food) helps the liver process fats right ?


Apr 30, 2015
Either a crisis igniting the adrenal glands or thyroid will get you moving.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Well, I've gotten blood tests for Thyroid before. I know some say they are useless, but my TSH was around 1.17. Not bad, but not what Peat thinks it should be at .4
Do I simply go on Nutrimeds NDT ?
Do I boost my Thyroid with those nutritional (Iodide, Selenium, Ashwaganda) support complexes ?
Do I try to obtain real T3 and T4 w/o a script ?
Or do I try boosting adrenal gland function first with herbs, glandular etc. ?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thanks! :snowman

Where do you buy your T3, btw?
I don't, I just read Travis' posts.

So, obviously boosting cholinesterase has advantages. Should I simply avoid the enzyme blocking phosphate, iron and PUFA ? Or avoid Choline foods altogether? I love my Liver, Shrimp, Eggs though. I know raising acetylcholine makes me quite miserable, but choline (I only get it from food) helps the liver process fats right ?
No, I guess that you have to block the enzyme travellinase, which sabotages trips. Westside is so intelligent that he knew all this before we existed. He knew that travelling expands your possibilities, he knew that having an interesting life (from those experiences) naturally attracts cool partners to your life, and that being around interesting women also supports your potential, and that having supporting and honest people around makes all the difference.

Manipulating with foods is just a way to cope with the situation. Supplements can be very helpful to deal with the initial discomfort and to adapt properly.

When travellinase is elevated, the brain comes up with all of the excuses to avoid stuff. Since nowadays you can live reasonably well without doing much, it's easy to conform with less and to prolong the situation for more that you should; if you had the stress haunting you for not being able to afford doing such thing, you would need to find a solution for it fast before it messes you up. I know it's all about keeping stress low, but sometimes avoidance behaviors perpetuate the limitations to the point where you don't even realize that you're constricted anymore. I know you're aware of the problem, but they often occur as a progression, it affects our will to react because we slowly settle for less.
Even solving the adversities of a trip can show you that you can swim much longer that you thought, and possibly restart a positive cycle.

With that said, some people report a lift from methylene blue that they can't get from any other substance.
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Oct 5, 2014
A person’s vitality is drawn forward by meaningful work, that is, we grow to meet the demands of an important opportunity. (Ray Peat)

One such difference is known to everybody: inanimate machinery gets worn out by use, while live machinery improves by use and is impaired by inactivity.
‪Albert Szent-Györgyi‬, The Living State (#106)

..This phenomenon, accordingly, is called "the staircase." What does this mean? It means that function generates function, motion generates motion, life generates life, while inactivity begets inactivity, makes motion and life fade away.
Albert Szent-Györgyi, The Living State (#107)


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA

I am inclined to agree and I know this is self perpetuating. Interesting viewpoint indeed.


Manipulating with foods is just a way to cope with the situation. Supplements can be very helpful to deal with the initial discomfort and to adapt properly.

When travellinase is elevated, the brain comes up with all of the excuses to avoid stuff. Since nowadays you can live reasonably well without doing much, it's easy to conform with less and to prolong the situation for more that you should; if you had the stress haunting you for not being able to afford doing such thing, you would need to find a solution for it fast before it messes you up. I know it's all about keeping stress low, but sometimes avoidance behaviors perpetuate the limitations to the point where you don't even realize that you're constricted anymore. I know you're aware of the problem, but they often occur as a progression, it affects our will to react because we slowly settle for less.
Even solving the adversities of a trip can show you that you can swim much longer that you thought, and possibly restart a positive cycle.

+1 Solid, sound advice
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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