My 98 Day Low Vitamin A Diet Experiment Combined with Drinking Hot Water Four Times a Day


Jun 11, 2018
The goal of this experiment is to follow it for at least 98 days (from 21.03.2022-26.06.2022), improve some markers I have set, do an elimination diet and to get more information about my health. I have a log where I haven´t loged in a while, but it is a source of information about my health for those who wish to have it. I will be doing a cronometer and starting with minced meat only and then adding other low vitamin A foods. I will be drinking 0,5 litres of body temperature water 4 times a day 1,5 hours before a meal and 3 hours after a meal (exept the first and last one of course). I won´t be drinking with food. Also I will be avoiding supplements and drugs as much as possible. The main markers I wish to improve are muscle function, spinal condition, eczema, gut irritation, eye condition and the prostate.

Since I had a positive experience with a low vitamin A diet I want to repeat it and am writing about it on the RPF to motivate myself. Also I must add that I think a lot of my problems are caused by a deviated septum, which affects the spine and a lot of other structures. But maybe it is exacerbated by other factors. Also I think my food intolerances and autoimmune problems are caused by vaccine injuries. The water method and minced meat idea is from a book by Elma Stuart. The low vitamin A diet idea is from Grant Genereux and his book.
After this experiment I´ll be doing an analysis and conclusions.

My health markers I´ll follow:


Jan 6, 2019
Going to be an interesting experiment ?.

Also I must add that I think a lot of my problems are caused by a deviated septum, which affects the spine and a lot of other structures.
You're partially right. Your deviated septum is likely to reflect the overall imbalance of your jaws (as the nasal cartilage sits on top of the upper jaw) and possible the whole cranium too. The rest of the spine then takes postural cues from the jaw. It's necessarily this way because the jaw surrounds the airways and maintaining the integrity of your windpipe is of utmost importance to the body.

In order to minimize the skewing influence the upper jaw has on the rest of the spine, try to keep your tongue and jaw as relaxed as possible, with your teeth apart and the tip of your tongue resting in the chin cavity below the lower front teeth (slightly shifted to the side that opposes the side towards which your septum is deviating). This oral configuration will provide you with a maximally neutral foundation for fixing your spinal alignment, lest you end up merely enforcing the existing asymmetric patterns.


May 4, 2019
Definitely IN on this thread.

I truly believe that that book written by Elma Stuart, and regular partaking of hot water, brought me back to life again. It is the simplest and most elegant solution to ALL - okay I'm kidding but at least many - health problems. Hot water is the carrot salad on steroids, it's the best gut cleaning agent there is.... it even tastes good after you get used to drinking just plain water!

I've been on the hot water train now for... 8 months I think? Been drinking it religiously every single day. I was extremely sick and frail and unwell and now am feeling just fine, can go for walks, can study etc. I am really grateful.

I think it's awesome that you made this thread so others can find this valuable information. And if I may be so bold as to give you some advice, I would make sure that you heat up the water so it's pretty hot. I am not sure if room temperature water has the same positive effect, but I wouldn't want to risk messing with the Salisbury protocol!

Cheers brother!
Dec 10, 2015
Interesting about hot water. That is drinking fluids all the time without flavor or being hot is the flavor


Apr 17, 2017
Traditional and alternative streams of medicine have often linked hot water to better health, so perhaps it's time to make the switch.
In TCM, water is cold and yin by nature, yet the stomach is the stove of our body. It’s our fire pit that we throw logs (food) into to keep us going throughout the day. If it’s not burning up, our metabolism and ‘inner fire’ (energy, libido) won’t be burning up either. Our “logs” will sit there, not digesting properly. We need fire to cook and transform nutrients to different parts of the body. Long term consumption of cold water slowly turns off the heat, resulting abnormal function of digestion, leading to malnutrition & poor immune system. Too much cold accumulation in our body also cause poor circulation, intestinal cramps, & abdominal pain.

Some of you may be thinking… okay, but what about in the summer? What if it’s hot outside? A cold drink is refreshing, don’t we need it for balance? Not quite. What happens when you have a hot pan? If you put a drop of cold water on it, steam and moisture explodes. The same thing happens in your body (as above, so below!) Putting cold water in a hot body creates moisture and dampness. What loves to grow in damp areas? Bacteria, candida, and parasites… especially in your stomach and uterus. “Dampness” in TCM actually means pathogens and parasites.
Hot water therapy is a classic Ayurvedic treatment for digestion, clearing sinuses and the respiratory tract, and more. From the Ayurvedic perspective, warm or hot water cleanses and hydrates the digestive tract, and stimulates and scrubs the lymphatic system. Warm or hot water also enhances the quality of ahara rasa, which is the first nutrient fluid in the digestive tract. Hot water strengthens the digestive fire, or agni, in the stomach (pachaka) and digestive enzymes (ranjaka) in the liver. This allows for a more efficient breakdown and assimilation of nutrients and the removal of toxic material (ama).

Ama is the accumulation of undigested food particles that irritate, inflame, and compromise the function of the intestinal lining as a protective barrier. Ama can find its way into tissues via the circulatory system (srotas). Hot water vasodilates the srotas in the body, supporting better circulation and the removal of cellular ama.


Traditional and alternative streams of medicine have often linked hot water to better health, so perhaps it's time to make the switch.

Great comment


Dec 17, 2020
In order to minimize the skewing influence the upper jaw has on the rest of the spine, try to keep your tongue and jaw as relaxed as possible, with your teeth apart and the tip of your tongue resting in the chin cavity below the lower front teeth (slightly shifted to the side that opposes the side towards which your septum is deviating). This oral configuration will provide you with a maximally neutral foundation for fixing your spinal alignment, lest you end up merely enforcing the existing asymmetric patterns.

Oh woah. This was really helpful for me. Thank you. Can't wait to keep trying this out because it's a lot more intuitive than mewing (or my lacking of understanding of mewing) or portruding my lower jaw forward to what should be its natural position.


Jun 11, 2018
Going to be an interesting experiment ?.

You're partially right. Your deviated septum is likely to reflect the overall imbalance of your jaws (as the nasal cartilage sits on top of the upper jaw) and possible the whole cranium too. The rest of the spine then takes postural cues from the jaw. It's necessarily this way because the jaw surrounds the airways and maintaining the integrity of your windpipe is of utmost importance to the body.

In order to minimize the skewing influence the upper jaw has on the rest of the spine, try to keep your tongue and jaw as relaxed as possible, with your teeth apart and the tip of your tongue resting in the chin cavity below the lower front teeth (slightly shifted to the side that opposes the side towards which your septum is deviating). This oral configuration will provide you with a maximally neutral foundation for fixing your spinal alignment, lest you end up merely enforcing the existing asymmetric patterns.
Thanks! That is very important information I really haven´t heard before. I really haven´t heard anyone saying a deviated septum can cause a lot of health problems. The closest being Neal Hallinan who offers a mechanism how these spinal asymmetries work, but doesn´t say a deviated septum can be a root cause.

Due to this problem my lower jaw is oriented to the left, while left side of the neck and the right SCM are tight, while deep breathing is also problematic. I read from Google and an orthodontist told me you are supposed to keep your tongue at the top of the mouth behind upper front teeth, I have been doing so for years. I know that the teeth are supposed to not touch as Neal Hallinan said. Been trying to achieve that, used a boxing mouthguard and ordered some dental splints. Moving the jaw forward really helps me to breathe and I can activate my muscles, the core and upper spine better.

Been holding my tongue behind lower teeth for half a day, it really wants to go up, but keeping it low makes breathing much easier. It is easy to keep teeth apart that way and the masseters are relaxed. The posture might also be much better since the lower abdominals are activated due to deeper breathing.

That is some great information, read your post dozens of times. Thanks again for that. Really wondering how you know this. And also you said I am partially right. I´m also wondering about the part I am not right?


Jan 6, 2019
Glad to hear that you found it as helpful as I did. I "wasted" five years mewing with the orthotropic tongue posture, in the sense that all that time it was preventing me from achieving body-wide functional symmetry. The tongue is the final step in a muscle chain that begins all the way down from your feet. So if the cranial base/palate is uneven, then the positioning of the tongue will be uneven, and this will throw the whole aforementioned chain off. The diaphragm is part of this chain too, which is why you found the positioning of your tongue to affect your breathing so much:

And also you said I am partially right. I´m also wondering about the part I am not right?
You are right about the breadth of the consequences. Body asymmetries and imbalances really causes many problems, even dysfunctioning of organs and glands. You were merely mistaken about the root cause, deviated septum in itself has more cosmetic than functional implications. The important part about the deviated septum is that it points towards the existence of the underlying jaw/cranial imbalance, which is the actual root of your problems (well, technically posture and structure feedback each other, so determining the root cause can be kind of a chicken-egg situation).


Dec 17, 2020
Glad to hear that you found it as helpful as I did. I "wasted" five years mewing with the orthotropic tongue posture, in the sense that all that time it was preventing me from achieving body-wide functional symmetry. The tongue is the final step in a muscle chain that begins all the way down from your feet. So if the cranial base/palate is uneven, then the positioning of the tongue will be uneven, and this will throw the whole aforementioned chain off. The diaphragm is part of this chain too, which is why you found the positioning of your tongue to affect your breathing so much:

View attachment 34780

You are right about the breadth of the consequences. Body asymmetries and imbalances really causes many problems, even dysfunctioning of organs and glands. You were merely mistaken about the root cause, deviated septum in itself has more cosmetic than functional implications. The important part about the deviated septum is that it points towards the existence of the underlying jaw/cranial imbalance, which is the actual root of your problems (well, technically posture and structure feedback each other, so determining the root cause can be kind of a chicken-egg situation).

Is there anywhere I can learn more about this? Or some other additional practical things to do to improve this?


May 4, 2019
@TheSir so maybe that's why mewing feels so stupid and uncomfortable for me? I can never get it to feel "right", my masseter and neck muscles feel tense when I try forcing the mewing position.

Like why would the natural position of the tongue be against the roof of the mouth, you are fighting gravity all the time.

Now I have literally no idea where to position my tongue in my mouth.... that's a strange sentence.


Jan 6, 2019
Is there anywhere I can learn more about this? Or some other additional practical things to do to improve this?
Not sure. I've been self-studying posture for the past five years and collecting nuggets of information from here and there, trying to piece together the big picture. Buteyko, craniosacral therapy, tensegrity and Orthotropics are some related subjects off the top of my head..

Similar to mewing, I wasted many years trying to force my posture into the correct form. A turning point was when it dawned on me that any and all postural imbalances are states of tension, and that simply learning to relax everything, letting go of even the subtlest form of tension across the body, would allow the body to "fall in" into a straight posture due to the natural tensegrity dynamics of the anatomy. In support of the aim to relax, I'm basically visualizing that there is a downward pull that enters my body from above, flowing downwards, exiting through the feet. This has postural, physiological and psychological benefits alike and it is used as a grounding exercise by Taoists among others.

I'm also part of a small discord community focusing on these things, send me a PM if you'd like to be invited.

@TheSir so maybe that's why mewing feels so stupid and uncomfortable for me? I can never get it to feel "right", my masseter and neck muscles feel tense when I try forcing the mewing position.

Like why would the natural position of the tongue be against the roof of the mouth, you are fighting gravity all the time.

Now I have literally no idea where to position my tongue in my mouth.... that's a strange sentence.
It sounds possible that you have a tongue tie, which refers to an overly tight sub-lingual frenulum. Try opening your jaws as wide as you comfortably can and then touching the bump behind your upper front teeth with the tip of your tongue without moving your jaw. If you can't do this, look into adult tongue tie release. It has the potential to solve some long term postural issues you may have been having.


Jun 11, 2018
Definitely IN on this thread.

I truly believe that that book written by Elma Stuart, and regular partaking of hot water, brought me back to life again. It is the simplest and most elegant solution to ALL - okay I'm kidding but at least many - health problems. Hot water is the carrot salad on steroids, it's the best gut cleaning agent there is.... it even tastes good after you get used to drinking just plain water!

I've been on the hot water train now for... 8 months I think? Been drinking it religiously every single day. I was extremely sick and frail and unwell and now am feeling just fine, can go for walks, can study etc. I am really grateful.

I think it's awesome that you made this thread so others can find this valuable information. And if I may be so bold as to give you some advice, I would make sure that you heat up the water so it's pretty hot. I am not sure if room temperature water has the same positive effect, but I wouldn't want to risk messing with the Salisbury protocol!

Cheers brother!
I don´t remember where I got this idea to try this water method out, I am guessing it was from your posts. So thanks for that. For some time I tried doing it four times a day, but I got a facial flush that got stronger and stronger. Since that I have been drinking half a litre of warm water two times a day and this maybe estrogenic problem doesn´t occur. Hoping a low vitamin A diet or the minced meat diet might help with that and I can do it four times a day. Even doing it twice a day has done more for my stool that any of the supplements that I have ever tried. Haven´t seen pale or white since implementation. It is always brown, bulky and sinks. This method also improves appetite, sleep and may cause a relaxed feeling. And the food tastes much better.

I had a septoplasty in August, but still am struggling with hot food and drinks, I measure their temperature sometimes still. I can´t go much over 40 degrees of Celsius and I heat water usually to 37 degrees. Otherwise the nose, jaw and neck get painful or tight. But even that temperature makes the stomach to make a sound like bile was coming out or bowels moving and I also get burps and gas, which formerly were kind of missing.

And thanks for these kind words, they are very encouraging:
I think it's awesome that you made this thread so others can find this valuable information.


Jun 11, 2018
@aliml Thank you! Very interesting articles. Didn´t know hot water drinking was important in Chinese and Indian medicine.
Sep 28, 2020
Looking forward to the results of the experiment

Are you planning to eat only minced beef with hot water?
What about fruits?


Feb 12, 2020
Minced meat only diet: ground meat is really high histamine, especially if beef since they hang the meat for a week, the high surface area of ground meat maximises exposure to air and bacteria so more endotoxin. zinc:copper ratio of meat is too high and the riboflavin degrades easily from sunlight so the riboflavin content of fresh slaughtered raw meat is much lower than aged, ground meat that's been sitting under supermarket lamps, meat is also high is sulfur which additionally antagonises copper. While low in riboflavin, the rest of the Bs will be relatively intact, causing further depletion of this one vitamin. I can see a mince meat diet inducing histamine intolerance via copper and riboflavin depletion pretty quickly
Last edited:


Apr 17, 2020
Minced meat only diet: ground meat is really high histamine, especially if beef since they hang the meat for a week, the high surface area of ground meat maximises exposure to air and bacteria so more endotoxin. zinc:copper ratio of meat is too high and the riboflavin degrades easily from sunlight so the riboflavin content of fresh slaughtered raw meat is much lower than aged, ground meat that's been sitting under supermarket lamps, meat is also high is sulfur which additionally antagonises copper. While low in riboflavin, the rest of the Bs will be relatively intact, causing further depletion of this one vitamin. I can see a mince meat diet inducing histamine intolerance via copper and riboflavin depletion pretty quickly
What if you buy the meat in small bulk pieces and grind it at home just before eating? Would those problems still be present?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Max23, best wishes on your experiment. I read the book in 2019. Here’s a beef tea recipe from another book I have if you ever feel like making it. Of course drink it warm. DCA8A022-8B7F-41CA-8C05-7B90A86E725A.jpeg


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I just finished my after dinner pint of hot water. :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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