My brother got schizophrenia.Need some help.


Jun 25, 2017
Sarcosine. Vitamin B3 + C (Abram Hotter). See the forums.


Test to see if he is allergic to raw egg yolks or whites. If not. 4+ dozen/day (truly pastured organic, preferably corn- and soy-free) is one possible option.

AOR Ortho-Core.

Something may be attacking NMDA receptors. Usually downstream of it being too high. Low NMDA leads to synaptic pruning. In case of schizo, excess. Which is bad. Maybe the megadose vitamin D3 protocol will aid with any autoimmune attack. Then sarcosine (N-methylglycine) is one thing that aids in NMDA receptor activation.

CRON-o-meter to ensure nutrient sufficiency.

Iodine protocol.


May 4, 2021
Thank you all for helping me out.

We measured Zinc and Copper over a year ago and Zinc was low but copper too. So I don´t think that excess copper is a problem here. But we will implement more read meat for Zinc.
Today he had a bowl of Rice, 1 Mango and some collagen for breakfast. Without coffee he seems fealing even more depressed an inactive. After a coffee with milk and sugar he is at least able to read. After this breakfast he got hungry again after three hours.
Before he got sick he was able to be without food for 5 hours without any problems...
Maybe he has to eat bigger meals. We will try it out.

I will increase the Vitamin B1. Maybe it´s going to help with his muscel pain


Feb 7, 2017
This is more of a general idea, but a big breakfast like steak and eggs might be suitable. People I've known of that had certain "conditions" similar often didn't have a "dense" enough breakfast. It can be pretty grounding as well. Dr. Jordan Peterson, who I"m not advocating on the diet side here, has mentioned many of his patients having success doing a similar thing.

Might even be worth trying for a week straight to see what kind of changes, if they do, happen. Also, coffee might be more effective after such a meal in the morning.
Apr 24, 2017
Breakfast: whole eggs with salt and butter, Glass of milk with honey, fruit on the side. You can add oysters ot other seafood if available.
Snack - coffee with eggshell powder and gelatine.
Lunch: steak and rice or potatoes, glass of OJ. You can also rotate between pork and beef.
Snack - coffee with milk and honey.
Dinner: cheese (hard variety is preferable) with fruit and honey.
Before bed. - glass of oj with magnesium and creatine monohydrate.
If he finds it hard to get enough calories add coconut oil to the coffee. He’s a big guy and needs calories - getting enough is crucial.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Hofmann95, check out this old thread- I think you might like it!
Apr 24, 2017
@Blossom thank you. This looks very interesting.

@Sulcuscentralis thank. We are trying this out. His blood sugar issues are really a problem...

@youngsinatra I looked at older blood count an copper and ceruloplasmine were always low but Zinc too.Injad
I had problems with that. Getting plenty of protein from whole animal foods and basing the meals aorund that was helpful in going stable without food for longer. Also getting plenty of fat (maybe 30% of calories) helped also.


Nov 20, 2019
Broda Barnes mentioned in his Hypothyroidism book he had patients who would hear voices when they went off thyroid and then would be fine when they went back on it. It was something like that but a very mental thing you wouldn't think thyroid could fix


Jan 25, 2014

my brother got schizophrenia. I need some advice regarding his diet and supplements.

He is 30 years old, 190cm and his weight is 102kg,

He has to eat every 1-2 hours because without constant eating his negative symptoms get worse. Do you have any Tipps to stabilize his blood sugar?

Current diet:

breakfast: 1 glass of OJ, 1 coffee with milk and 1 tbs of sugar and 30g of protein powder with skimmed milk

Till lunch he drinks maybe 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar.

lunch: some meat and fruit and a glass of OJ or Coca Cola

till dinner 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar. Dinner 30g protein powder, 3 oranges. And constant snacking till he goes to sleep, because his bloodsugar feels so unstable.

He has very low energy but tries to go outside and walks maybe 8000 steps in total. Other symptoms are muscle pain, constant hunger, poor concentration, cognitive decline.


200mg Vit B1
500mg niacinamide 3xweek (helps him with mood)
Magnesium 400-600mg

Thank you for reading
First thing, give up interest in weird/mysterious ideas. So called spiritual things..


May 13, 2015
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May 13, 2015
Today he had a bowl of Rice, 1 Mango and some collagen for breakfast.
White rice? That would make a thiamine deficiency/functional blockage much worse.
Before he got sick he was able to be without food for 5 hours without any problems
If a person has a thiamine deficiency/functional blockage, they cannot metabolize glucose and and they cannot metabolize fats. The liver has to have thiamine to function. If there's a thiamine deficiency, the liver cannot store sugar for future use. He probably would do better on 5-7 meals a day. At least for a while.
I will increase the Vitamin B1. Maybe it´s going to help with his muscel pain
Try giving him about 250-300mg of thiamine hcl and note any changes in the following hour. Ray Peat has said that improvement in mood can happen within minutes. Here are some Ray Peat quotes about thiamine: Ray Peat On Vitamin B1 - Thiamine

also this video:


Please note that although Haidut likes to recommend methylene blue, I don't think that it is a good idea if you have a thiamine deficiency because thiamine deficiency would make you high in serotonin and methylene blue is an MAO inhibitor which means it would exacerbate the serotonin problem.
"Methylene blue due to its monoamine oxidase(MAO) inhibiting property may precipitate potentially fatal serotonin toxicity at doses >5mg/kg42 and rarely can cause severe anaphylactic shock.43"
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Apr 24, 2019
anti-parasitic medications markably reduce schizophrenic symptoms for many people. the presence of parasites explains much of the behaviour of schizophrenia like thoughts beyond control, modulation of fear responses - disrupted norepinephrine signalling, as well as the fatigue and fluctuating energy levels. oregano oil has quite strong viricidal properties. i read recently much of the usefulness of anti-psychotics is that they are capable of anti-toxoplasma activity.

i don't think caffeine is good to consume if someone is having issue with regulating their energy throughout the day so i would say cut that from his diet. stews, soups, eggs, rice, grilled meats, fish and seafood, fruits. easily digestible foods like jelly or junket or custard. herbal teas after meals like echinacea and lemon i find very useful for calmness.

sometimes it's a good idea to practice the logic of subtracting excessive treatments instead of adding on more regarding vitamins and minerals. best wishes to you and your brother and he is lucky to have a sibling like you that cares about his wellbeing. <3


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you all for helping me out.

We measured Zinc and Copper over a year ago and Zinc was low but copper too. So I don´t think that excess copper is a problem here. But we will implement more read meat for Zinc.
Today he had a bowl of Rice, 1 Mango and some collagen for breakfast. Without coffee he seems fealing even more depressed an inactive. After a coffee with milk and sugar he is at least able to read. After this breakfast he got hungry again after three hours.
Before he got sick he was able to be without food for 5 hours without any problems...
Maybe he has to eat bigger meals. We will try it out.

I will increase the Vitamin B1. Maybe it´s going to help with his muscel pain
Caffeine from coffee basically substitutes his low protein diet, low mineral diet which is what is mainly responsible for his low energy, constant hunger, and mental decline. Low in meat and therefore a diet low in choline (which is important for cognition and controlling some types of schizo like symptoms), and trace minerals iron, zinc, copper, selenium.

He absolutely does need more zinc and could need copper as well but it seems as whole he probably needs more of all the trace minerals. This would include iron and selenium which meat is the best source of. His diet should have some sort of whole food protein every meal and plenty of it. Red meats like beef and wild game, chicken drumsticks/thighs/breast, pork is good sometimes. He needs to get starch in the diet as well to get more carbs alongside the meat.

Clearly B-vitamins and specifically B3 is not his problem because you have been supplementing it for awhile now. If you continue to supplement large doses of B3 it will undermethylate him which will cause new problems. It goes back to this low animal protein and low mineral but specifically low trace minerals intake (iron, copper, zinc, selenium) because his diet is so low in meat and protein powders and milk are low in these important trace minerals. He is taking way too many B-vitamins and really should be taking none at all as this is worsening his low energy and blood sugar problem as vitamins eat up glucose too quickly and increase hunger. He already eats bad and Bs stress the body even more.

He needs good quality animal protein in the form of unprocessed meat and eggs. This will give his brain the natural stimulation it needs to work correctly. Protein powder is terrible and is not a substitute. His diet mostly seems to be not really food and he is relying on the effects of caffeine which boost glutamate, dopamine, norepinephrine neurotransmission and block serotonin to get by because his brain is starved of nutrition.

Too much magnesium supplementation blocks NMDA function. This worsens many issues related to cognitive function and energy. Especially because of his mental issues he should stop taking magnesium. There was in individual here who suffered with constant hypersomnia and fatigue who took magnesium for years.

I told him to stop several times and eventually he listened. He improved in days and was much better than before. Magnesium is not harmless and should not be taken by anyone with mental slowness, cognitive issues and really bad fatigue. It is like alcohol because it is a downer to the nervous system overall and your brother's nervous system is clearly very understimulated as is. Mg is making him worse.

Once he gets more minerals and animal protein in the diet and stops taking the things that are making him worse, he should improve rapidly. He can eventually wean off caffeine to much lower doses so his receptors in his brain can readjust and he will have more function with less caffeine.
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Nov 16, 2021
Alberta Canada

my brother got schizophrenia. I need some advice regarding his diet and supplements.

He is 30 years old, 190cm and his weight is 102kg,

He has to eat every 1-2 hours because without constant eating his negative symptoms get worse. Do you have any Tipps to stabilize his blood sugar?

Current diet:

breakfast: 1 glass of OJ, 1 coffee with milk and 1 tbs of sugar and 30g of protein powder with skimmed milk

Till lunch he drinks maybe 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar.

lunch: some meat and fruit and a glass of OJ or Coca Cola

till dinner 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar. Dinner 30g protein powder, 3 oranges. And constant snacking till he goes to sleep, because his bloodsugar feels so unstable.

He has very low energy but tries to go outside and walks maybe 8000 steps in total. Other symptoms are muscle pain, constant hunger, poor concentration, cognitive decline.


200mg Vit B1
500mg niacinamide 3xweek (helps him with mood)
Magnesium 400-600mg

Thank you for reading
Parasites. Kill parasites.
Dry fasting, clo2, garlic, ginger, kutki, salt flushes.
In the old days they use do just lock people in a room without food until they got better. Because it starves the parasites.
MCT oil is a good gateway to fasting. Can enhance metabolic adaptivity to ween off the insulin roller coaster.


Feb 3, 2020
Caffeine from coffee basically substitutes his low protein diet, low mineral diet which is what is mainly responsible for his low energy, constant hunger, and mental decline. Low in meat and therefore a diet low in choline (which is important for cognition and controlling some types of schizo like symptoms), and trace minerals iron, zinc, copper, selenium.

He absolutely does need more zinc and could need copper as well but it seems as whole he probably needs more of all the trace minerals. This would include iron and selenium which meat is the best source of. His diet should have some sort of whole food protein every meal and plenty of it. Red meats like beef and wild game, chicken drumsticks/thighs/breast, pork is good sometimes. He needs to get starch in the diet as well to get more carbs alongside the meat.

Clearly B-vitamins and specifically B3 is not his problem because you have been supplementing it for awhile now. If you continue to supplement large doses of B3 it will undermethylate him which will cause new problems. It goes back to this low animal protein and low mineral but specifically low trace minerals intake (iron, copper, zinc, selenium) because his diet is so low in meat and protein powders and milk are low in these important trace minerals. He is taking way too many B-vitamins and really should be taking none at all as this is worsening his low energy and blood sugar problem as vitamins eat up glucose too quickly and increase hunger. He already eats bad and Bs stress the body even more.

He needs good quality animal protein in the form of unprocessed meat and eggs. This will give his brain the natural stimulation it needs to work correctly. Protein powder is terrible and is not a substitute. His diet mostly seems to be not really food and he is relying on the effects of caffeine which boost glutamate, dopamine, norepinephrine neurotransmission and block serotonin to get by because his brain is starved of nutrition.

Too much magnesium supplementation blocks NMDA function. This worsens many issues related to cognitive function and energy. Especially because of his mental issues he should stop taking magnesium. There was in individual here who suffered with constant hypersomnia and fatigue who took magnesium for years.

I told him to stop several times and eventually he listened. He improved in days and was much better than before. Magnesium is not harmless and should not be taken by anyone with mental slowness, cognitive issues and really bad fatigue. It is like alcohol because it is a downer to the nervous system overall and your brother's nervous system is clearly very understimulated as is. Mg is making him worse.

Once he gets more minerals and animal protein in the diet and stops taking the things that are making him worse, he should improve rapidly. He can eventually wean off caffeine to much lower doses so his receptors in his brain can readjust and he will have more function with less caffeine.
Good advice!


May 4, 2021
Thank you all for your answers and great advice.

He took the B-complex and Vitamin B1 for ca.4 months, so I think there should not be a deficiency in B-Vitamins.
I did not know that magnesium could be so harmful. So we are going to stop taking it.
I said to my brother to reduce his coffe consumption and he is willing to do so. And maybe he is going to stop drinking coffee at all

Today he was able to be without food for 4h after breakfast but than got really shayke and had some milk with honey.
Breakfast: 2eggs, 1 ripe Mango, milk with honey and a glass of juice

For lunch he had some chicken and potatoes. He had to snack 1h after lunch and drank two coffee with milk and sugar. So he was able to practice piano for ca. 30 min

I will definetly increase his meat consumption and bought allready some beef for tomorrow.

I don´t know if he has parastites. We tested and the test was negative. Ferritin was around 50-60. And all (trace) minerals were very low.

How much read meat and how many eggs would be enough. 200-300g beef and 4eggs for example? What do you think about stopping milk as one member suggested.

Do you have any tipps for his gut problems? He suffers from constipation.
Nov 21, 2015
I've found that raising CO2 with bag breathing and baking soda help symptoms tremendously.

thiamine and niacinamide in large amounts seem to be very helpful. Pregnenolone 100mg - 300mg per day and a little DHEA have also helped people a great deal.


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you all for your answers and great advice.

He took the B-complex and Vitamin B1 for ca.4 months, so I think there should not be a deficiency in B-Vitamins.
I did not know that magnesium could be so harmful. So we are going to stop taking it.
I said to my brother to reduce his coffe consumption and he is willing to do so. And maybe he is going to stop drinking coffee at all

Today he was able to be without food for 4h after breakfast but than got really shayke and had some milk with honey.
Breakfast: 2eggs, 1 ripe Mango, milk with honey and a glass of juice

For lunch he had some chicken and potatoes. He had to snack 1h after lunch and drank two coffee with milk and sugar. So he was able to practice piano for ca. 30 min

I will definetly increase his meat consumption and bought allready some beef for tomorrow.

I don´t know if he has parastites. We tested and the test was negative. Ferritin was around 50-60. And all (trace) minerals were very low.

How much read meat and how many eggs would be enough. 200-300g beef and 4eggs for example? What do you think about stopping milk as one member suggested.

Do you have any tipps for his gut problems? He suffers from constipation.

Just keep in mind if he does stop caffeine cold turkey, it takes 7-9 days for his receptors to readjust in his brain. So he will worsen until he readjusts. Its safe of course but I am just letting you know so you aren't caught off guard with stronger behavioral changes. He doesnt have to stop caffeine at this moment he can do it later when his diet is healthier and his body recovers more but that's up to him of course.

He can stop milk for now and should replace the protein he is getting from it with other proteins.

That does seem like a decent amount of beef and eggs, but if he does keep getting hungry, more should be available. However as I said when he stops the Bs the hunger should reduce once the excess B-vitamins are excreted from his system. It is important that he gets plenty of carbs from things like rice and potatoes with his proteins. Fruits are fine but he absolutely needs starch as well.

Constipation is most likely due to low cholinergic activity in the gut because he eats very little animal protein which are the best sources of choline. Low zinc intake also reduces the sensitivity of cholinergic receptors, so they will be less active, increasing constipation. Once he gets more choline and zinc in the diet his gut motility should improve.


Nov 16, 2021
Alberta Canada
If you do a blood panel that shows 'any' eosinophils that indicates parasites.
Doctors are taught by the Rockefeller establishment, which funded, and has made private, the largest research pool on parasites, so they will avoid diagnosis of parasites as their hidden trade secret.
They will probably say that the eosinophil count has to be at a certain number. Not so, if eosinophils are measurable at all that means there are parasites. 95% of the population has rope worm according to a Russian researcher. And that's just one species of parasite.
Humans are probably the most parasite ridden species on the planet by intentional design.
Parasites have been found in vaccines for decades.
Doctors are trained to think that only third world humans get viruses, Meanwhile they are injecting parasites into their patients and getting paid a 'lot' for it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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