My experience with Peating.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I figured it was time to start a log and record my experience.

What's your age? I am 23 and male.

How did you find the forum? I found this forum when I discovered gelatin and Ray Peats articles on it about a year ago.

How long have you been Peating? I have been Peating 100% since Jan 1 20014.

What is your favorite part about Peating?
My favorite part is that I never get cravings anymore. Every other diet I was on I had to use all my willpower to stay strict and not cheat. Ray Peat diet is very easy to stick to :)

What is the worst part? The worst part is the milk. I keep going back and forth on being able to digest it. Some times I can only drink milk, sometimes I can only eat cheese. Sometimes they both mess up my digestion and I feel stressed out again.

What are your health issues?
My health issues before Peating were severe fatigue. I felt like I was moving in slow motion.
I had a sinus infection for a whole year that got worse every day until starting Peat.
I was very underweight. 6 feet tall and 140 pounds.
I was very stressed out and emotional prior to Peating.
I had moderate acne.
Dry skin.
Low temps and pulse. Basal temps were 95-ish and BPM was 50. Cold extremities.
Anxiety, fear, and insecurity.
Puffy eyes.
Bulging veins.
Inability to focus and ADHD symptoms.
Intolerance to almost all foods.
IBS symptoms and alternation from Diarrhea and Constipation.

What does your diet consist of?
It has changed a lot since the earlier days of Peating.
This past week has been pretty much the same every day and feeling good.

Breakfast- 4 ounces raw heart, and or raw liver, and or raw muscle meat.
I take calcium glucarate with this meal and always drink a coffee, sugar, butter, gelatin, salt drink.
I also take a gram of pure aspiring powder with this meal.

1-2 hours later cafe con leche.

Lunch- Same as breakfast including aspirin.

1-2 hours later cafe con leche.

For the evening I drink sodas, sugar cane juice, grape jello, papayas, water melon, cherimoyas, and coconut oil. I try to consume protein for earlier in the day. I also might take a alka-seltzer or two in the evening.

I was drinking a quart of Orange Juice every day and I just discovered I don't tolerate it right now.
I drink lots of sugar cane juice. a quart or two every day and I believe this supplies me with enough potassium.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I am on almost on my 5th week of taking thyroid and here is where I am now.

1/2 a cynoplus upon rising and right before sleeping.
I consume about a 3/4 of T3 cytomel three times throughout the day.
I take Vitamin B1 twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
I rub Progest-E on my gums, ankles, and in my sinus during the evening.
I take 100-200 miligrams of Pregnenelone every couples days.
Caclium glucarate or sometimes carbonate twice per day with a red meat meal.
Vitamin E Swanson Gamma Tocopherols once a day.


Mar 21, 2014
Wow, you're eating your meat and organs raw? que fuerte.

I see you are also going all out on the supplements. Cytomel, Cynoplus etc...I really need to educate myself on these. I just ordered some bovine thyroid extract. What's the difference?

You also take some Preg and Progest-E. I was considering the same thing. But to be honest. I reluctant to taking some of things because it seems to me that if the thyroid is functioning well at a base level, the levels of these substances look after themselves.

But I guess the main question is how are you feeling?

You updated the 5th week with your protocol but haven't mentioned how you feel.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I got into eating raw meat and organs when I followed the Aajonus Vonderplanitz Diet.
It was lots of raw milk, raw honey, raw eggs, and raw meat.
This diet is actually pretty similar to Ray Peat in that it was a high carb diet withs lots of milk.
I was healthy eating that way although I f****ed it all up trying to go low carb and dairy free.

It took me along time to decide to supplement with thyroid especially synthetic.
I had been studying how to use it for almost all of 2013 until I felt ready enough to experiment.

If was at optimal health I might not be taking so much supplements. 
I have been sick for a long time, pretty much my whole life.
I feel like I finally found something truly healing.
I feel myself getting healthier and healthier every day.

Here is the following symptoms that have improved:
I have energy all day and my moods are much more stable.
Ive gained 15 healthy pounds.
My skin is thick and glowing and clear.
I have no acne on my face now.
I have much less anxiety overall.
My eyes are wider.
My veins have improved 20% id say so this still needs work.
My sinus infection has improved 50% and I believe I can cure it ones and for all!!
I can focus on school work easier and am more efficient.
Ankles and knees don’t pop anymore.
Much more confidence in public settings now which is a first :)

Symptoms that have stayed the same:
Red dots, they look like red freckles, that came up during my low carb days have stayed the same. I was really hoping they would go away but they seem to be staying. I just hope I don't get any more.

Symptoms that have gotten worse.
I got much more acne when I started this diet although it has been getting better and better each week. I started getting acne on my arms on this diet and that is still happening for some reason. My face acne is non existent and occasionally wake up with white heads that usually just flake off.

Well some of the differences would be that Cynoplus and Cytomel do not have T1, T2, and calcitonin.
Taking actual Thyroid Gland, IMO, is preferable and my next step after I finish my experiment with Synthetic. I am hopefully going to start learning how to cook a Thyroid Gland into bone broths or learn how much is good to eat of it raw.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Woke up with a 97.1 basal temp today. Highest temp so far!!

Yesterday I started buteyko method of breathing.
I did it dozens of times throughout the day and this morning.
I feel much better and I am digesting milk better.
I would never have thought that the breathing method could effect my digestion.
So far I think that the Buteyko Method has been the most beneficial on my digestion and milk tolerance.
Its kind of funny how it took me so long to implement it. Very happy I did though.


Mar 21, 2014
Good stuff paper. I am also looking into bettering my breathing. From what I understand, we've gotta practice hold breaths for longer at a complete exhale right?


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Yes that pretty much sums it up. I also practice breathing less in general.
Small amounts in and out.
If I put my finger under my nose then I try to breathe so I can barely feel the breath on it.
Here is a video of a 4 minute Buteyko exercise I started with. Its super easy.
You can skip to 1:20 and that is where she starts the lesson.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I woke up with a basal temp 97.2 today. Thats another record breaker.
After breakfast(meat meal with coffee,aspirin, and supps ) my temp was 97.5 for the next 2 hours.
After coffee milk and sugar it was 97.8 until I had my carrot salad at 2pm.
Its almost 6pm and been snacking on cheese and coke and its 98.0.
Not as good as yesterday although I like that it is steady and seems to be in a good pattern.
I had a racing pulse for the first time since taking cynomel/cynoplus. It was 105 and it felt pretty good actually. I just did Buteyko breathing method to calm it down a little. I am going to lower the dose tomorrow.

I also ate less calories today and I think that has an influence on my temps.
Yesterday I ate a lot and had good temps all day.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
My experience so far with Cyproheptadine is good.
I have better digestion for a few hours following the dose so I like to take it 3 times per day.
I take about 1 milligram in the morning and 2 milligrams in the after noon and 2 more in the early evening.
I have a little trouble getting out of bed and a slight increase in hunger.
I am taking Cyprolisina which is a sugar syrup mixture with Cyproheptadine and B12 in it.
It kind of reminds me of sipping Codeine cough syrup when I was younger.
I have taken it both on a empty stomach and after meals and either way seems to be fine.
Today is only day2 so more posts to follow as I progress through the bottle.


Jul 22, 2012
paper_clips43 said:
My experience so far with Cyproheptadine is good.
I have better digestion for a few hours following the dose so I like to take it 3 times per day.
I take about 1 milligram in the morning and 2 milligrams in the after noon and 2 more in the early evening.
I have a little trouble getting out of bed and a slight increase in hunger.
I am taking Cyprolisina which is a sugar syrup mixture with Cyproheptadine and B12 in it.
It kind of reminds me of sipping Codeine cough syrup when I was younger.
I have taken it both on a empty stomach and after meals and either way seems to be fine.
Today is only day2 so more posts to follow as I progress through the bottle.

Clips, did you ever figure out how much Cyproheptadine
you get from a certain size dose
of that "Cyprolisina"...?


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Yes. I did a little translation using an online translator.
With 5 milliliters of the liquid you get 2 mg of Cyproheptadine.
So that would be a full scoop with the plastic spoon it comes with.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
narouz said:
Clips, did you ever figure out how much Cyproheptadine
you get from a certain size dose
of that "Cyprolisina"...?
This is new.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Charlie said:
This is new.

I like to think of it as the Mexican form of benedryl.
AFAIK it is only sugar water, vitamin b12, and Cyproheptadine.
I would much rather take the pure form of Cypro although this is the only one available online AFAIK.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Cyproheptadine has been a miracle for me. It gives me the gut of steel.
I can now drink a half gallon of milk with no problem at all.
I started having to get up in the middle of the night to pee which is not normal for me.
I believe I can attribute it to drinking to much liquids not having my rumbly gut tell me when to stop. I paid close attention to my liquid consumption and made sure to keep it normal yesterday and I went through night not having to pee.
Also the morning grogginess is gone and I feel like I have found my perfect dose of Cypro.
2mg in the morning and 2 mg in the after noon.
Like I said in another thread I think Lisuride was making my thyroid gland feel swollen so I stopped taking it for now. I didn't feel any other effect from it so no big deal.
Jan 24, 2014
How long did you take the Lisuride? and how much? Glad you found the Cypro helpful, does it make you sleepy?


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
The first two morning after taking Cypro I slept in and felt a little groggy.
Either I have gained a tolerance for it or I found a better method in using it.
I found that taking it at night was increasing my grogginess. I take in in the morning and I do not notice any sleepiness at all. Not even a little bit. If I had to say how it effects me I would say it gives me a little boost.

I took the Lisuride for 3 days, half a pill every time which is I think .1mg, and noticed the swollen thyroid every day I took it. The symptom only lasted a few minutes though maybe 15 minutes max.

And yes Cypro is amazing it is night and day with and with out it.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I have had a most interesting past 24 hours and I knew I needed to share this.
It all started yesterday when I was chatting with TheBigPeatowski about various Peat stuff.
I started researching sinus infection remedies for the thousandth time since I got it over year ago.
Then I stumbled upon this Yahoo answer that said to stop drinking liquids.
Since a little bit after noon yesterday I have stopped drinking liquids for the most part and my sinus infection is almost entirely GONE!! I also woke up with warmer hands and feet and a basal temp of 97.5 which is my highest temp by far. I feel soo much better then I ever have its amazing :) my skins looks amazing and my veins look 50% better.
Everytime I got thirsty last night I just had a spoonful of coconut oil and some sugar, thanks to TheBigPeatowski, and it made me not thirsty. I just keep a big 10 pound bag of sugar next to me and eat spoonfuls of it with my bamboo spoon. Yummy :)

I realize I can’t just not drink liquids, especially if I need the minerals in the OJ, although I think I just have to increase my protein intake right now and try and increase my metabolism so that I can tolerate more liquids. Been eating lots of cheese and sugar. I might try a little bit of milk today although not gunna drink any soda or any other liquid right now. I am super excited :)


Aug 9, 2013
paper_clips43 said:
Since a little bit after noon yesterday I have stopped drinking liquids for the most part and my sinus infection is almost entirely GONE!! I also woke up with warmer hands and feet and a basal temp of 97.5 which is my highest temp by far. I feel soo much better then I ever have its amazing :) my skins looks amazing and my veins look 50% better.


This is where I like Matt Stone's advice on not taking in many fluids, I think that truly hypo people can't recover with more than a litre or so of liquids per day - at least based on what I read and how my own body temps and urination goes when drinking more than about 35 oz per day.

On the milk, try Powdered Skim Organic milk powder, it's super high in protein and sugar (mainly lactose) - sometimes like 35g of protein in 3.5oz of milk powder, and around 50g of lactose carbs. Plus has a large amount of the crucial milk vitamins. Super easy to make into pancakes in the morning - just add 1/6 cup of sugar, to 1 cup milk powder and 1/4-1/3 cup milk, and lightly fry in some coconut oil. Amazing with some butter and maple syrup.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Thanks aquaman! It looks like it is still pretty high in calcium too or at least they claim it is.
This is really going to help me out.
I just ordered a four pack :)

I wasn't able to eat very much protein today, maybe like 30-40 grams, and I don't feel quite right. I was almost borderline depressed feeling when I got home after a few errands and then ate some meat and felt a lot better!
So my lesson today was to make sure I am eating right amount of protein when I am consuming less liquids.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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