My Mum & Ulcerative Colitis - Joint Pain


Aug 7, 2015
Hey all,

My Mum is 49 and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when she was around 24. She has had multiple surgical procedures, the last one being around 10 years ago. She has had part of her colon removed as part of surgery.

In her case, she's been a house wife since her issues began, and has been a great mother to me and my brother. She has never been well enough to work, though her flare ups have become a lot less freqeunt the past few years.

Her main issues now are low immunity, fatigue, weakness and most recently arthritic-like joint pain.

She has taken a wide range of medications for all her health complications.

Now I'm an adult (24) and better able to help her, I want to engage with the problem and be of some assitance to my Mum. The concern right now is the joint pain she's suffering from, she's been so bad at times she couldn't walk up the stairs. Her Dr. just prescribed her some painkilers, including the opiate Tramadol which raised my concern a bit. However, I feel as if medication in the case of her joint pain is perhaps not the best source of managing the issue. Is there anything I could suggest to her from a nutrition or lifestyle perspective to help?

Any information or resources would be very much appreciated.

Thank you guys as always for being a great support.



Mar 29, 2014
Glad your Mum's got a son who cares about her. :)

I would share your concerns about tramadol. Be nice to find something effective with less risk.

I'm not expert on either ulcerative colitis of arthritis. But some possible ideas specifically for arthritis;
-Topical progesterone, eg progest-e with olive oil to aid absorption, both as possible pain relief and as metabolic support?
-Topical aspirin for pain relief and metabolic support if oral aspirin is too hard on digestive system?
-Gelatin/collagen hydrolysate/glycine? Eg fruit juice jellies, gelatinous broths? If they don't bother her stomach, they may help repair it.
-I think sunlight on as much skin as possible may be helpful, or red light (eg strong incandescent) esp around affected joints if sun is absent?
Others may have more precise ideas.

General tiredness and low immunity sound like low metabolism symptoms.
And I guess see which of the general diet ideas seem acceptable to her: low PUFA, a little coconut oil, adequate sugar/carbs, protein, minerals, vitamins. If her diet is reasonably nutritious, consider trying small amounts of other supportive supplements. Eg. 50-100mg niacinamide with meals.

Ray Peat said:
Experiments have shown that progesterone relieves anxiety, improves memory, protects brain cells, and even prevents epileptic seizures. It promotes respiration, and has been used to correct emphysema. In the circulatory system, it prevents bulging veins by increasing the tone of blood vessels, and improves the efficiency of the heart. It reverses many of the signs of aging in the skin, and promotes healthy bone growth. It can relieve many types of arthritis, and helps a variety of immunological problems. ... ones.shtml


Oct 5, 2014
Well the doctors may have damaged her digestive tract, and she probably is eating food that she isn't adequately digesting. So I would try to change her diet to be more simple and use supplements like aspirin instead of opiates.


May 3, 2015
@Integral, the original colitis may be due to antinutrients in grain, beans, seeds, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers.

Andrew Perlot had to restrict his diet majorly to overcome colitis. Even after years of being symptom free, if he adds back one of these tricky foods the old symptoms start to return.

He is currently experimenting with traditional food preparation techniques to see if he can reintroduce some tricky foods. Check his youtube channel around Dec 2016 onwards.

These foods may cause any number of other problems in people. Eg arthritis & autism.
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