Nasal Polyps And Allergies

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
But if you have a fungus in your sinus growing and living you have to do something.

Scroll down to see endoscopic photo of fungus in sinus.... Dr Dennis is an ENT and is having great luck with clearing weird maladies, simply and inexpensively
.Sinus Defense - Sinusitis Wellness
I know I agree but it seems like the consensus is raising metabolism vs fighting invaders and Ray always sides with increasing metabolism at least whenever I email him about personal problems


Feb 29, 2016
The Mayo Clinic, in 1999, demonstrated that 96% of 210 chronic sinusitis patients had the presence of fungi in their sinus mucosa. There were 44 different types of fungi found and, in a subset of 101 patients, the presence of eosinophils (a type of white blood cell activated by the body's immune system) were found in the nasal tissue and mucus of 96% of the patients as well. This was a breakthrough discovery as prior to that, fungus was believed to be the cause of less than 10% of cases. Currently, most physicians including ENTs, still treat most chronic sinusitis infections as if they are bacterial in the absence of obvious visual fungal evidence. Thus, even though the proven scientific evidence and recognition of mold as the main cause of sinusitis now exists, patients are STILL suffering and being treated with drugs that do not address fungus at all, but rather bacteria and infection. When this occurs, an endless cycle of sickness perpetuates and lives


Jan 9, 2019
Pau D Arco is a very effective anti fungal. I would try the aged bark extract with honey. It does thin blood so be aware of that.


Aug 22, 2019
Hello guys,

I am writing to you through this portal to solve the mysterious symptoms my wife had since she was 28 (she is now 37):
- nasal polyps (one operation done in 2013 ; cleared for 3months before coming back)
- treatment included: nasal sprays (doing nothing as they don t seem to get up there), steroids like prednisolone (working short term very effectively! but symptoms back as soon as she stops them after 2 weeks time)
- suffering from numerous allergies (dust mites, all pollen, dust) ; we have to buy anti allergens for bed covers etc but it does n t seem to work that well as a filter.
- We did test for parasites and gastrointestinal abnormalities but found nothing except slightly high lvl of H.Pylori that was removed with garlic extract and mastic gum. We also found slightly elevated Enterococcus vs. lowish Lactobacillus but nothing was done about that (except probiotics for a few weeks but that didnt change a thing allergy wise). Also to mention : low lvls of Geotricum spp. (type of yeast). Other types of yeast (incl. candida albicans) were all negative.
- No IBS or gastrointestinal abnormalities.
- Additional test included low SIgA of 256 (vs lab 510-2040) and high anti-giladin SIgA of 9,4 (vs lab 0 - 6,4) suspecting low immunity.
- We did test for DOA histamine intolerance; DOA was 23,6 suggesting histamine intolerance was improbable (lab considers > 10 to be a good result suggesting no or low histamine intolerance)
- PMS symptoms getting worse before periods ; she is now pregnant and symptoms are peaking awfully (congestion, nose streaming, cough, skin irritation, asthma attacks, shortness of breath)
- Osteopenia was diagnosed 2years ago.
- many blood tests done >> biochemistry, blood and liver were normal but we noticed the following : 1. tendency to be slightly aenemic (low range but normal RBC) but was corrected with diet. However, Iron was rather on the low end 8.7 (lab range 6,6 - 26) and iron saturation was low at 15% (lab range 20-55%) 2. slightly high cholesterol (both HDL and LDL but low triglycerides) suggesting she has trouble to convert it to hormones 3. TSH 1.02 (< 2.00) which was surprisingly not too bad ; FT4 was 13,3 (lab 9 - 22 pmol/L) and FT3 was 3,82 (lab 2,63-5,70 pmol/L) with no abnormal anti thyroglobulin or peroxidase present.
- Otherwise, body temp seems to be normal but pulse is weak at rest (c.60s)
- Diet wise she eats Perfect Health Diet from Jaminet with sometimes starch from gluten based grains (not very often). She avoids dairy though try to eat cheese sometimes. Does not do coffee or milk as it doesn t do well mucous wise. Avoids PUFA oils most of the time as well legumes.
- Doctors think she might have samter triad with aspirin allergy (but not tested through medics which seem a bit weird as they suggested that issue...). So she might react to fruit juices for ex such as OJ.

We have seen numerous doctors, which was useless as they told us nothing could be done except operations when the situation turns out to be unsustainable physically polyp wise. Functional practitioners were more helpful but couldn t guess the issue. One suggested she could have been exposed to mold/mycotoxin or yeast at one point in time and that gave her the symptoms for the last 10 years.

I dont want to analyse anything but my guess would be that she has for some reason oestrogen dominance and serotonin/histamine peaking from inflamation, causing all the physical distress including asthma (lack of CO2, high NOX) and osteopenia. However, its a pain correcting it as she doesnt do dairy and cannot take aspirin or other thyroid suroggates as she doesn t seem to react well to those. Carrot salad isn't helping for now.

As she is now pregnant, we are a bit worried that it might impact the fetus development or that symptoms will be hard to manage for her as the fetus pumps up more glucose to get proper respiration for survival.

Supplement wise she is not taking anything expect topical vitamin A/D/K once a week (4000iu vit d, 5000iu vit a, 1mg K4). I wanted to try Tyromax or other NDT but i m not sure it is safe during pregnancy especially products containing DMSO. Also though about progest E but i dont know how can it be used during pregnancy and for how long,

Would you reply to this msg, your insight would be much appreciated.

Try dripping kimchi juice down your nasal passages. (No, I'm not kidding)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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