Need help- DHT source


Jan 24, 2021
My husband's health has been deteriorating. To make a long story short, he was treated for testicular cancer almost five years ago. I have seen a decline in his libido, energy and motivation for a time since then. This last year being the worse- I thought for sure he'd be eligible for HRT but he still has one teste and they seem reluctant.

To my horror, the last three months he's been displaying symptoms of Parkinson's disease! He is 49. At first I thought we had more weird long-covid stuff going on- we both lost our sense of smell but then he developed a tremor, started sleep talking, having constant memory issues, severe fatigue and falling asleep in the daytime, lack of motivation and then last week had problems with coordination and he fell backwards a couple of times and could not get out of the tub when I ran him a bath. It could be some kind of clots in his brain, but either way I know this man needs some hormonal support.

Today we went in- I told the Dr I think he needs to be on hormonal replacement and she dismissed that these symptoms would have anything to do with it! (Sudden decline in testosterone may cause Parkinson's disease symptoms in men) She is going to schedule an MRI.

If you have used DHT can you please DM me and point me in the right direction to getting him some. I've read some things in the forum but it's from a least 6 months ago...

As side-note, I have started him on a protocol with things I do have (hormone precursors, tongkat ali (as an AI?), red light therapy, high dose B1, all B vitamins, nattokinase incase it is weird covid clots) and I have purchased l-dopa to try....I can post my notes if anyone finds it helpful. Any additional advice is very welcome. Generally, he seems very high in cortisol (has been losing weight but it seems like mostly muscle, and he's still very large in the midsection- no fat hump on the upper back). Apathetic. High HR, normal BP, normal temps. I'm going to try to look at his blood work soon (hopefully today)

Thank you!


Jan 24, 2021
So I have some leads but I'm pretty confused. I'm really not sure what would be suitable as androgen replacement (how much, how often, etc. etc.) I'm trying to do some research on the mesorx site.

Requested the lab info, probably will take a bit. Nothing's easy :/


May 8, 2022
Can you describe what treatments he received for testicular cancer were any of them androgen deprivation therapy/androgen blockers?

If I were to develop Parkinson’s like symptoms, in addition to androgen replacement, I would also consider high dose vitamin B1 (will likely have to be injectable/IV though many here will disagree and you can certainly do a lot with oral B1) and I would consider amantadine.


Jan 24, 2021
Can you describe what treatments he received for testicular cancer were any of them androgen deprivation therapy/androgen blockers?

If I were to develop Parkinson’s like symptoms, in addition to androgen replacement, I would also consider high dose vitamin B1 (will likely have to be injectable/IV though many here will disagree and you can certainly do a lot with oral B1) and I would consider amantadine.
First the cancerous testicle was removed.

Found out the cancer was in lymph nodes and in his lungs. I can't remember the order but he had four rounds of chemo and the surgical removal of his lymph glands in his abdomen. I think the surgery was last....

The cancer in his lungs shrunk. He got regular check ups, CT scans, tumor markers and was cancer free. They only do tumor markers now, and he's still in the clear (apparently).

I remember he had some steroids during the chemo period. He only took them a very short while. Like a week max. Im not sure what they were but they made him miserable and b*chy. Would not be suprised if they were estrogenic. I think it was to help him eat/ keep energy up. No androgen blockers as far as I know.

He was okay afterwards. Not like he used to be, but he still had a bit of a libido, energy and motivation. It has definately declined, and dramatically last year.

We are doing high dose oral thiamine hcl, but just bought some ttfd to try.


Jun 8, 2021
My husband's health has been deteriorating. To make a long story short, he was treated for testicular cancer almost five years ago. I have seen a decline in his libido, energy and motivation for a time since then. This last year being the worse- I thought for sure he'd be eligible for HRT but he still has one teste and they seem reluctant.

To my horror, the last three months he's been displaying symptoms of Parkinson's disease! He is 49. At first I thought we had more weird long-covid stuff going on- we both lost our sense of smell but then he developed a tremor, started sleep talking, having constant memory issues, severe fatigue and falling asleep in the daytime, lack of motivation and then last week had problems with coordination and he fell backwards a couple of times and could not get out of the tub when I ran him a bath. It could be some kind of clots in his brain, but either way I know this man needs some hormonal support.

Today we went in- I told the Dr I think he needs to be on hormonal replacement and she dismissed that these symptoms would have anything to do with it! (Sudden decline in testosterone may cause Parkinson's disease symptoms in men) She is going to schedule an MRI.

If you have used DHT can you please DM me and point me in the right direction to getting him some. I've read some things in the forum but it's from a least 6 months ago...

As side-note, I have started him on a protocol with things I do have (hormone precursors, tongkat ali (as an AI?), red light therapy, high dose B1, all B vitamins, nattokinase incase it is weird covid clots) and I have purchased l-dopa to try....I can post my notes if anyone finds it helpful. Any additional advice is very welcome. Generally, he seems very high in cortisol (has been losing weight but it seems like mostly muscle, and he's still very large in the midsection- no fat hump on the upper back). Apathetic. High HR, normal BP, normal temps. I'm going to try to look at his blood work soon (hopefully today)

Thank you!
Wishing your husband a speedy recovery

You might find this post from @Hans quite useful

If you decide to buy DHT, Purple Panda is a source other people have mentioned on this forum (Purple Panda Labs)

All the best!


May 10, 2016
DHT is a very powerful substance. Thread lightly and don't give him more than 1-2 mgs a day starting off. You can get keto dht from idealabs


Jul 9, 2020
So, I think most places sell it in it's raw powder form. There was an old andro-gel that use to contain DHT called Andractim, but that's been shut down now. There may be other pre-formulated products out there, but I'm not aware of them. Finding someone knowledgeable in the steroid world would help.

Of course there's nothing really intimidating about making your own solutions. The raw powder dissolves nicely in DMSO. Then you can dilute it with about 20-30% tocopherol to blunt the negative effects of DMSO (skin irritation and such). You'll need a milligram scale though.

Keeping with the bioenergectic view of steroids, it would be wise to take (small) amounts of DHT with some of the upstream pro-hormones like pregnenolone and DHEA. Not only will it potentiate the effects of the DHT but it will make sure your steroid pool doesn't become imbalanced elsewhere.

Has your husband had any thyroid tests done? What about his temps, heart rate, and respiration? Addressing thyroid issues will lessen the need for HRT, and in some people, maybe render it useless entirely.

EDIT: disregard the last part. I see where you said his temps are normal. His heart rate is high though. What about his reparation? Heart rate could be elevated do to the catecholamines. Breathing should be easy, deep, and relaxed.


May 4, 2019
@skuabird There's a vendor called alphagels that sells a compounded 10% DHT gel dissolved in DMSO/essential oils. It seems legit based on reviews from users both on here and Reddit. I have ordered and will let you know when I receive the package and whether it "works or not", i.e if it's the real deal. I can send you their email if you want!


Jul 9, 2020
@skuabird There's a vendor called alphagels that sells a compounded 10% DHT gel dissolved in DMSO/essential oils. It seems legit based on reviews from users both on here and Reddit. I have ordered and will let you know when I receive the package and whether it "works or not", i.e if it's the real deal. I can send you their email if you want!
I saw that person's twitter page. Whoever they are they're definitely applying a Peat perspective to anabolic metabolism. Even talking about serotonin in one of their posts. Whenever I see someone talking critically about serotonin, I can't help but assume they know Ray Peat, lol. I would be interested in knowing if their product is legit too. Please give us updates!


Jan 24, 2021
DHT is a very powerful substance. Thread lightly and don't give him more than 1-2 mgs a day starting off. You can get keto dht from idealabs
I'm going to try idealabs. I'm hoping just to try a small amount to see if and how much it helps...

Long-term I think I'd just do small doses to mimic natural T as much as possible. I'm thinking topical. Unless we can get help from a men's clinic or something.

EDIT: disregard the last part. I see where you said his temps are normal. His heart rate is high though. What about his reparation? Heart rate could be elevated do to the catecholamines. Breathing should be easy, deep, and relaxed.
I gave him some thyroid and I believe this is what elevated his HR, I'm not messing with that anymore, especially seeing how his temps are normal. I probably should try to consistently take his temp in the mornings but with everything else it is getting incredibly overwhelming.

His breathing seems fine unless he has to walk up a hill or something. He has a shuffling-walk and is fearful of going down hill as he has a tendency to fall backwards. He's not exerting himself at all (nor do I want him to for now).

Even though there's clearly a metabolic dysfunction I don't think thyroid helped.

There's a vendor called alphagels that sells a compounded 10% DHT gel dissolved in DMSO/essential oils. It seems legit based on reviews from users both on here and Reddit. I have ordered and will let you know when I receive the package and whether it "works or not", i.e if it's the real deal. I can send you their email if you want!
I've seen people post about this on here. Please let me know how your order goes! Thanks :)


May 10, 2016
I'm going to try idealabs. I'm hoping just to try a small amount to see if and how much it helps...

Long-term I think I'd just do small doses to mimic natural T as much as possible. I'm thinking topical. Unless we can get help from a men's clinic or something.

I gave him some thyroid and I believe this is what elevated his HR, I'm not messing with that anymore, especially seeing how his temps are normal. I probably should try to consistently take his temp in the mornings but with everything else it is getting incredibly overwhelming.

His breathing seems fine unless he has to walk up a hill or something. He has a shuffling-walk and is fearful of going down hill as he has a tendency to fall backwards. He's not exerting himself at all (nor do I want him to for now).

Even though there's clearly a metabolic dysfunction I don't think thyroid helped.

I've seen people post about this on here. Please let me know how your order goes! Thanks :)
It's possible you get one from an anti-aging clinic. Topical is pretty good. Look into topical dhea as well.


Jul 9, 2020
I gave him some thyroid and I believe this is what elevated his HR, I'm not messing with that anymore, especially seeing how his temps are normal. I probably should try to consistently take his temp in the mornings but with everything else it is getting incredibly overwhelming.
Fair enough. It's possible your husband may have primary hypogonadism and nothing else will ameliorate the issue except replacement therapy. Probably not all that surprising considering you say he was treated for testicular cancer. Your doctor may be incompetent. Getting a second opinion about HRT may be useful before you decide to embark on this journey alone.

One more word about thyroid though. The how, when, and what type of product is administered really makes a difference in these cases. When started at 1/2 grain daily, and increased over a matter of 3-4 weeks in 1/2 increments it's unlikely thyroid will cause any undesirable symptoms. Most problems associated with over-stimulation come from going too high too quickly. That's the how.

The when is usually with fruit juice, coke, or something with simple sugars in it. I take mine with grape juice in the morning, about 30 minutes before breakfast. It's important to avoid low-carb diets when using it. And if liver health is not optimal when you start thyroid therapy, then you may should just keep some juice or coke around you at all times, sipping on it throughout the day.

The type of product is important too. Some people simply don't respond to NDT. And in some cases makes their symptoms worse. Sometimes a synthetic T4/T3 mix is a better choice. In fact, my opinion is it wouldn't be unwise for everyone to start with synthetic, then once they have their symptoms under control, experimenting with NDT could be explored. NDT has way too much T4 in it for me.

"One mistake which has been made in the past has been to start thyroid therapy with excessive amounts. Another has been to give up too soon...And still a thrid has been to stop thyroid therapy because the patient has become nervous and the nervousness has been thought to be the result of too much thyroid...If the basal temperature is low or within the normal range, it is a clear indication that the nervousness and other symptoms are not coming from too much thyroid and thyroid therapy should continue while an effort is made to overcome or adjust to what is really the disturbing factor." — Broda Barnes


Jan 24, 2021
Fair enough. It's possible your husband may have primary hypogonadism and nothing else will ameliorate the issue except replacement therapy. Probably not all that surprising considering you say he was treated for testicular cancer. Your doctor may be incompetent. Getting a second opinion about HRT may be useful before you decide to embark on this journey alone.

One more word about thyroid though. The how, when, and what type of product is administered really makes a difference in these cases. When started at 1/2 grain daily, and increased over a matter of 3-4 weeks in 1/2 increments it's unlikely thyroid will cause any undesirable symptoms. Most problems associated with over-stimulation come from going too high too quickly. That's the how.

The when is usually with fruit juice, coke, or something with simple sugars in it. I take mine with grape juice in the morning, about 30 minutes before breakfast. It's important to avoid low-carb diets when using it. And if liver health is not optimal when you start thyroid therapy, then you may should just keep some juice or coke around you at all times, sipping on it throughout the day.

The type of product is important too. Some people simply don't respond to NDT. And in some cases makes their symptoms worse. Sometimes a synthetic T4/T3 mix is a better choice. In fact, my opinion is it wouldn't be unwise for everyone to start with synthetic, then once they have their symptoms under control, experimenting with NDT could be explored. NDT has way too much T4 in it for me.

"One mistake which has been made in the past has been to start thyroid therapy with excessive amounts. Another has been to give up too soon...And still a thrid has been to stop thyroid therapy because the patient has become nervous and the nervousness has been thought to be the result of too much thyroid...If the basal temperature is low or within the normal range, it is a clear indication that the nervousness and other symptoms are not coming from too much thyroid and thyroid therapy should continue while an effort is made to overcome or adjust to what is really the disturbing factor." — Broda Barnes
This is really interesting. I think I knew this before but forgot (I havent used thyroid myself since I first got into Peat's ideas). He's a bit sugar-shy but I keep fruit around now. Perhaps that was the issue (we still have pretty carnivore meals, im not sure if we had juice with the thyroid but I doubt it).

Jessie, do you know if a sore foot may be a sign of too much thyroid? And/or not enough sugar with thyroid?


Jul 9, 2020
Jessie, do you know if a sore foot may be a sign of too much thyroid? And/or not enough sugar with thyroid?
Unlikely. I've never heard that symptom before. Most common symptoms are elevated heart rate, hyperthermia, and insomnia.

Hyperthyroidism brought on by too much supplemental thyroid can be corrected pretty easily. Just eat extra protein with your next meal and you'll use more of it processing and breaking down the protein.

This was something Branes noticed when experimenting on himself, he could take upwards of four grains a day on a high protein diet and not experience hyper symptoms. When he discontinued the high protein diet hyper symptoms began to set in and he had to recalibrate his dosage.

There's other funky ways to bring it down too. Ray suggested drinking cabbage juice. Worth a try, but I would never do it. I'd rather eat a plate of bacon, lol.


May 23, 2017
@skuabird There's a vendor called alphagels that sells a compounded 10% DHT gel dissolved in DMSO/essential oils. It seems legit based on reviews from users both on here and Reddit. I have ordered and will let you know when I receive the package and whether it "works or not", i.e if it's the real deal. I can send you their email if you want!
I’ve been using the alphagels 10% DHT gel for the past few months, certainly seems to be the real deal. Had some great results in shrinking my gyno and with PE.

Recently added in their 15% T gel too for my bulk and have noticed increased muscle size, strength and a very potent libido increase.


May 4, 2019
I’ve been using the alphagels 10% DHT gel for the past few months, certainly seems to be the real deal. Had some great results in shrinking my gyno and with PE.

Recently added in their 15% T gel too for my bulk and have noticed increased muscle size, strength and a very potent libido increase.

Thanks for sharing, very useful information ! If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for your package to arrive? You can answer in PM if you want as well.


Aug 12, 2020
@skuabird There's a vendor called alphagels that sells a compounded 10% DHT gel dissolved in DMSO/essential oils. It seems legit based on reviews from users both on here and Reddit. I have ordered and will let you know when I receive the package and whether it "works or not", i.e if it's the real deal. I can send you their email if you want!
Interesting, keep us updated!
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