Need To Eat More But Not Hungry


Jan 12, 2014
im not going to get to into what i am eating, but I know its not enough. i focus on dairy and eggs for protein, and always balance with carbs. but my calories are just not high enough to support metabolism. i don't really get hungry, im usually forcing myself to eat. why would this be? depression?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Cyproheptadine is prescribed to people to help them gain weight. It makes you really hungry in the beginning. I have seen online people who could not eat but then took the cypro and gained weight.


Jul 24, 2013
Short answer: low mood is high on the list of probabilities

Longer answer:
First, are you feeling well, generally? Going through a long list of low metabolism questions (such as a "hypothyroid" checklist), are there numerous difficulties? Is resting pulse and temperature near optimal? Is the general resilience good? The first aim is functioning well. If things are going great other than calorie intake, the situation is a bit different.

Second, does appetite increase a lot when you eat in a group? That may be a clue to mood. An enriched social environment is supportive. If not well connected in a community, see if appetite increases when eating out, in a restaurant or cafeteria setting.

Third, if there are low metabolism symptoms, think what factors might better support metabolism. The brain is sensitive to inconsistent energy delivery, so low mood, less clear thinking, and fatigue are among the earlier signs of being depleted.

Fourth, when metabolism is low, low mood is one possibility. Another is reduced digestion and absorption, which seems be accompanied by low appetite in some. One more possibility is fatigue. It sounds funny that it takes "energy" to improve appetite. It also takes "energy" to sleep. The replenishing phases can be energy intensive.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
lookingforanswers said:
im not going to get to into what i am eating, but I know its not enough. i focus on dairy and eggs for protein, and always balance with carbs. but my calories are just not high enough to support metabolism. i don't really get hungry, im usually forcing myself to eat. why would this be? depression?
My mood is closely related to my gut function and appetite. It's hard to say which comes first but for me it's a viscous cycle. Cyproheptadine broke that cycle for me personally by enabling me to eat enough to heal. I felt less stress because I knew I would be able to handle the food. It's no fun when you have to force feed yourself and just adds to the burden by causing more stress. I know high gut serotonin was involved in my case and this may or may not be the issue for you but as Charlie pointed out cyproheptadine I thought I would share my personal experience. I no longer really believe in magic bullets but cyproheptadine was pretty miraculous for me. I feel all of the dietary and lifestyle changes have had a synergistic effect and I don't think the cyproheptadine with a poor diet would have helped as much as it has in conjunction with numerous supportive measures. It worth learning more about imo if there are any issues with digestion, appetite, mood or allergies.


Jan 12, 2014
Blossom said:
lookingforanswers said:
im not going to get to into what i am eating, but I know its not enough. i focus on dairy and eggs for protein, and always balance with carbs. but my calories are just not high enough to support metabolism. i don't really get hungry, im usually forcing myself to eat. why would this be? depression?
My mood is closely related to my gut function and appetite. It's hard to say which comes first but for me it's a viscous cycle. Cyproheptadine broke that cycle for me personally by enabling me to eat enough to heal. I felt less stress because I knew I would be able to handle the food. It's no fun when you have to force feed yourself and just adds to the burden by causing more stress. I know high gut serotonin was involved in my case and this may or may not be the issue for you but as Charlie pointed out cyproheptadine I thought I would share my personal experience. I no longer really believe in magic bullets but cyproheptadine was pretty miraculous for me. I feel all of the dietary and lifestyle changes have had a synergistic effect and I don't think the cyproheptadine with a poor diet would have helped as much as it has in conjunction with numerous supportive measures. It worth learning more about imo if there are any issues with digestion, appetite, mood or allergies.

wow this is pretty interesting considering i take 4 mg of cyproheptadine daily. (2 mg in the morning and 2 mg in the evening) I am still dealing with this issue and I have been taking it for 4 months minimum. Am I not taking enough? At first I certainly noticed the increase in appetite, but it has worn off.


Jan 3, 2014
"it takes energy " - I agree . Ironically you can even be overweight yet not getting enough nutrition, and not having an interest in or appetite for food. What's been helping me is the carrot salad, coffee has (counter intuitively) helped clear migraines ( I'm starting to see that they are low brain energy signs) and top quality ice cream is a good boost of nutrients and calories when you need it most. If hunger is not cueing you to eat maybe go by the clock and also keep checking for blood sugar symptoms and go by them. Keep going, it'll come.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
lookingforanswers said:
Blossom said:
lookingforanswers said:
im not going to get to into what i am eating, but I know its not enough. i focus on dairy and eggs for protein, and always balance with carbs. but my calories are just not high enough to support metabolism. i don't really get hungry, im usually forcing myself to eat. why would this be? depression?
My mood is closely related to my gut function and appetite. It's hard to say which comes first but for me it's a viscous cycle. Cyproheptadine broke that cycle for me personally by enabling me to eat enough to heal. I felt less stress because I knew I would be able to handle the food. It's no fun when you have to force feed yourself and just adds to the burden by causing more stress. I know high gut serotonin was involved in my case and this may or may not be the issue for you but as Charlie pointed out cyproheptadine I thought I would share my personal experience. I no longer really believe in magic bullets but cyproheptadine was pretty miraculous for me. I feel all of the dietary and lifestyle changes have had a synergistic effect and I don't think the cyproheptadine with a poor diet would have helped as much as it has in conjunction with numerous supportive measures. It worth learning more about imo if there are any issues with digestion, appetite, mood or allergies.

wow this is pretty interesting considering i take 4 mg of cyproheptadine daily. (2 mg in the morning and 2 mg in the evening) I am still dealing with this issue and I have been taking it for 4 months minimum. Am I not taking enough? At first I certainly noticed the increase in appetite, but it has worn off.
At first I took 6-8 mg daily but now I'm down to two. It's probably something you will have to figure out by experimentation since we are not all exactly the same. The carrot salad is also wonderful as mentioned above and important even if the effects seem subtle. For me personally it has been a progressive healing process that requires adjustments that only I can choose for myself but I find that knowing the experiences of others helps out. I still eat sometimes when I would rather not because I don't want to interrupt the healing process that happens when I keep adequate nutrients in my body. That's important to me because I put my body through a famine like state for too long. I'm not sure what the answer is for you and I think only you will be able to find it. I do believe if you give your body what it needs even if you don't feel like it you will be rewarded with better health.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
We ask a question, we find an answer and we are changed. RP That quote from the forum portal means to me that we don't necessarily " get" an answer we "find" an answer as in we get various input that helps us find our own unique solution for our specific context. At least that is how it has worked out for me. Finding an answer is empowering.


Charlie said:
Cyproheptadine is prescribed to people to help them gain weight. It makes you really hungry in the beginning. I have seen online people who could not eat but then took the cypro and gained weight.

Hi. Farmcia Del Nino (now Mexipharma) has something called Ciprolisina which combines Cyproheptadine and Cyanocobalamin. Do you (or anyonelse) know if this would work the same as Cypro by itself. I ask because I can't find the Cypro at any Mexican pharmacy. Thanks for the help.


Aug 9, 2013
I'd say habit is part of it. You have to do it to break the habit, try eating more early morning and high carb-based. Cooked fruits with extra sugar added and some butter means you can pack in 500 calories in about 5 bites :) Reduce the water out of them by cooking.

Cypro also does make you hungrier, I've tried it and got ravenous!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
marikay said:
Charlie said:
Cyproheptadine is prescribed to people to help them gain weight. It makes you really hungry in the beginning. I have seen online people who could not eat but then took the cypro and gained weight.

Hi. Farmcia Del Nino (now Mexipharma) has something called Ciprolisina which combines Cyproheptadine and Cyanocobalamin. Do you (or anyonelse) know if this would work the same as Cypro by itself. I ask because I can't find the Cypro at any Mexican pharmacy. Thanks for the help. should have it. I haven't ordered from them but was searching in case I couldn't get a script. I'm currently out so I may need to do that. Let us know how it goes if you decide to order from them.


Jul 24, 2013
Blossom said:
marikay said:
... Farmcia Del Nino (now Mexipharma) has something called Ciprolisina which combines Cyproheptadine and Cyanocobalamin. Do you (or anyone else) know if this would work the same as Cypro by itself....

Cyanocobalmin is a form of vitamin B12. Since B12 is cheap (some of the trendy methyl B12 forms are pricier), it would be easy to add B12 if it's wanted.

As discussed in different posts on the site, Dr. Peat has emphasized the importance of different B vitamins such as thiamine (B1) and niacinamide (a form of B3) more than B12.


Jul 24, 2013
aguilaroja said:
Cyanocobalmin is a form of vitamin B12. Since B12 is cheap (some of the trendy methyl B12 forms are pricier), it would be easy to add B12 if it's wanted.

Clarification: If costs are similar, it would be "cleaner" to obtain the Cyproheptadine as a separate thing, so you can judge its specific effects and add B12 or not if you wish. If the Cyproheptadine + B12 product were a lot cheaper, I suppose you could make do with the combination.


Jan 22, 2013
mood and environment for me, as well as whether im in the flow of pursuing a goal actively or in a sort of limbo lost soul stage, make a big difference as far as appetite. But really if you aren't hungry it might not be calories youre might either just be a specific nutrient or flavor compound, or in fact just going for a drive or walk or going somewhere where you feel better and can think a bit or at least allow some flow in, can be really beneficial. Appetite is a weird thing...I think we sometimes bond around food when we aren't necessarily hungry for calories, but it isn't an issue with a good metabolism in a socially enriched environment with a good attitude. I don't know if this is the best advice to everyone, but you can use herbal teas, or other ways of consuming them, or even a clear alcohol to help pass time, provide some nutrient and/or calories, without really changing digestion and can help pass time more smoothly with less stress...always a good thing. Ultimately you want to feel empowered and motivated though, actively pursuing something you feel good about. Best hopes

also want to add...interaction with people just by even getting stuff off your mind, putting stuff out there for potential discussion, can be good for feeling not prideful...but good about yourself, and that can help hone the sense of appetite


Jun 7, 2018
Cyproheptadine is prescribed to people to help them gain weight. It makes you really hungry in the beginning. I have seen online people who could not eat but then took the cypro and gained weight.
hi, I am for the moment in Peru where cypro is only available with heavy iron. The closest OTC antihistamine here is doxylamite succinate but I haven't experienced any hunger increasing benefit from it. In other threads when they look for cypro alternatives they do look only for alternatives with either antihistamines or antiserotonins effect, but to avoid its appetite increasing and weight increasing capabilities, and those are what I am looking for :).


Feb 13, 2016
im not going to get to into what i am eating, but I know its not enough. i focus on dairy and eggs for protein, and always balance with carbs. but my calories are just not high enough to support metabolism. i don't really get hungry, im usually forcing myself to eat. why would this be? depression?

I've had this issue for years, and I was finally able to figure it out a few days ago after reading F**k Portion Control (a book by a former member on this site). If your metabolic rate is low, eating too much protein will cause excess tryptophan conversion, and both serotonin and the cortisol induced by serotonin shut off appetite.

The way around it is to either raise your metabolic rate by taking more thyroid to raise your temps or to reduce dairy/egg protein in favor of protein from gelatin which has no tryptophan.
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