Neonatal Hypothyroidism Due To Mothers VEGAN Diet


Feb 18, 2016
I think studies like this reflect the pointless risk taking involved with vegan diets during pregnancy,it's risk taking because simply 1 egg,a small piece of liver,glass of milk could have prevented all of this,so little stress involved with sourcing these foods also,no running around looking for a special seaweed with b12 potentially loaded with radioactive decay,cost effective also compared to whole foods 20 dollar special radioactive seaweed.

We all know how important the womb environment is,just as crucial are the initial feeds outside the womb for development. The mother would have been hypothyroid while the child was developing severely effecting foetus development.

[Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn--case report]. - PubMed - NCBI
"Weight loss and reduction of motor skills resulted in paediatric evaluation of a 10-month-old girl and a 12-month-old boy. Both children suffered form anaemia and delayed development due to vitamin B12 deficiency caused by strict maternal vegan diet during pregnancy and nursing. Therapy with cyanocobalamin was instituted with remission of symptoms. Since infants risk irreversible neurologic damage following severe vitamin B12 deficiency, early diagnosis and treatment are mandatory. Vegan and vegetarian women should take vitamin B12 supplementation during the pregnancy and nursing period".

Another case of deficiency in newborns from a mother following a vegan diet breastfeeding.

[Severe vitamin B12 deficiency in infants breastfed by vegans].
[Severe vitamin B12 deficiency in infants breastfed by vegans]. - PubMed - NCBI
"Weight loss and reduction of motor skills resulted in paediatric evaluation of a 10-month-old girl and a 12-month-old boy. Both children suffered form anaemia and delayed development due to vitamin B12 deficiency caused by strict maternal vegan diet during pregnancy and nursing. Therapy with cyanocobalamin was instituted with remission of symptoms. Since infants risk irreversible neurologic damage following severe vitamin B12 deficiency, early diagnosis and treatment are mandatory. Vegan and vegetarian women should take vitamin B12 supplementation during the pregnancy and nursing period."

[Floppy baby with macrocytic anemia and vegan mother]. - PubMed - NCBI
"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother. The clinical triad of an acquired floppy baby syndrome with megaloblastic anemia and failure to thrive is pathognomic for infantile cobalamin deficiency. Neurological abnormalities are often irreversible and may be associated with delayed myelinization in the MRI. A normal cobalamin level in maternal serum and absence of anemia do not exclude subclinical deficiency. If cobalamin deficiency is suspected, e.g. in pregnant women on vegan diet, urinary methylmalonic acid excretion and plasma homocysteine levels should be determined and cobalamin substitution should be started at an early stage to avoid potentially irreversible damage of the fetus."

Transient neonatal hypothyroidism due to a maternal vegan diet.
Transient neonatal hypothyroidism due to a maternal vegan diet. - PubMed - NCBI

"Iodine is an important constituent of thyroid hormones and deficiency can lead to a range of problems depending on the degree and at what stage of life the deficiency occurs. We report a 10 day-old infant with a goitre, who presented with raised TSH on dried blood spot screening. It was observed that her mother also had a goitre. The mother was a vegan and, on dietary assessment, her iodine intake was extremely low. Both mother and infant had abnormal thyroid function tests. Mother was given Lugol's iodine and her thyroid function tests normalised. Her baby was initially prescribed thyroxine on the basis of the raised screening TSH. This was subsequently withdrawn at the age of 2 weeks, following a normal plasma TSH. Thyroid function tests remained normal and the goitre disappeared by the age of 2 months. Iodine deficiency is uncommon in the Western World. However the incidence may be rising in otherwise iodine replete areas, particularly in those who adhere to restrictive and unusual diets. In the case of pregnant mothers their unborn child's health is in danger. This report demonstrates the need to ascertain maternal diets early in antenatal care, and supplement if necessary to avoid risk to their own health and that of their offspring."


Aug 15, 2015
God I dislike vegans so much man! Pregnant women shouldn't be selfish. They forget that they have another human being inside them.. Feed your fetus, ******* it woman and eat all sugary and milky food along with some liver or egg.. I don't care if you think vegan is healthy or it's morally superior... The fetus certainly doesn't care.. It needs low stress environment and a well-fed mother... Vegan diets might be the worst thing that happened to humanity..


Aug 15, 2015
Let's not throw the baby out with the coconut water. :p
But in all seriousness, it saddens me to see almost all the women and girls at my company eat freaking salad during lunch.. Only salad! No protein no meat no nothing.. Not even OJ... They think they are the healthiest versions of themselves because they are thin and have very low body fat.. I think that's absolute madness.. A healthy woman is a woman with little bit of fat.. Not to mention they cover their messed up skin from their extreme diets with huge amounts of makeup flour!


Feb 18, 2016
God I dislike vegans so much man! Pregnant women shouldn't be selfish. They forget that they have another human being inside them.. Feed your fetus, ******* it woman and eat all sugary and milky food along with some liver or egg.. I don't care if you think vegan is healthy or it's morally superior... The fetus certainly doesn't care.. It needs low stress environment and a well-fed mother... Vegan diets might be the worst thing that happened to humanity..

Your right about the stress factor,it's enough to be carrying another human being without having the stress of costing your vegan diet,the social guilt of breaking the diet also,you could just hide the eggs and dairy under the salad and still posts pics on Facebook and Instagram,no one will know,not everyone can afford this overpriced lifestyle.
Vegans say -Maybe then the pregnant mom should plant her own vegan food using expensive organic soil,she's lazy.......

The real question is was Steve Jobs a vegan before or after his idea for Apple?


Aug 15, 2015
Your right about the stress factor,it's enough to be carrying another human being without having the stress of costing your vegan diet,the social guilt of breaking the diet also,you could just hide the eggs and dairy under the salad and still posts pics on Facebook and Instagram,no one will know,not everyone can afford this overpriced lifestyle.
Vegans say -Maybe then the pregnant mom should plant her own vegan food using expensive organic soil,she's lazy.......

The real question is was Steve Jobs a vegan before or after his idea for Apple?
I think he went vegan when he found out he had cancer? Or maybe his vegan diet caused the cancer or made it worse? But I think he was looking healthy when he started the company, not a thin bald old cranky man we saw in his iPhone presentations... I bet his vegan diet made his a little bit ***hole and rude..

And social media is trash man, everybody is posting stuff there to brag and sound smart.. I have zero social media account except whatsup which I don't consider social media platform, only a free of charge text service.


Feb 18, 2016
I think he went vegan when he found out he had cancer? Or maybe his vegan diet caused the cancer or made it worse? But I think he was looking healthy when he started the company, not a thin bald old cranky man we saw in his iPhone presentations... I bet his vegan diet made his a little bit ***hole and rude..

And social media is trash man, everybody is posting stuff there to brag and sound smart.. I have zero social media account except whatsup which I don't consider social media platform, only a free of charge text service.

He ended up looking like a bald eagle with no wings as he aged.

This video is hilarious and one of the better videos I've seen on you tube in a long time,about the vegan messiah of YouTube.


Aug 15, 2015
He ended up looking like a bald eagle with no wings as he aged.

This video is hilarious and one of the better videos I've seen on you tube in a long time,about the vegan messiah of YouTube.

HAHA what the hell! This guy is a complete psychopath.. I think he's missing out a lot of minerals and vitamins from his extreme diet and his brain is not functioning rationally .. He should get some milk with little taurine or glycine to calm his inner inflamed organs.. I need to watch his videos now lool..

The school girl cracked me up hahah... and I like the video creator's comment about her at the end of the video... "Someone needs to straight up save this girl, I am just throwing this out there" HAHA


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Tell vegans we are also animals, thus they cannot kill us!
I am surrounded by vegans here... most of them are respectful, others are secretely unrespectful, and none is openly violent.

Vegans are bad for animals, my rabbits or hens would not even live if I had not decided to have them! They would not have been born!
So, vegans kill animals before they are born...

But vegans are not all unhealthy at all, strange but true. Some end up at hospital, some have cured some disease and are very convinced, and thrive...
I know also an ex vegan who has become paleo....
We humans are soooo extremists!


Feb 18, 2016

Tell vegans we are also animals, thus they cannot kill us!
I am surrounded by vegans here... most of them are respectful, others are secretely unrespectful, and none is openly violent.

Vegans are bad for animals, my rabbits or hens would not even live if I had not decided to have them! They would not have been born!
So, vegans kill animals before they are born...

But vegans are not all unhealthy at all, strange but true. Some end up at hospital, some have cured some disease and are very convinced, and thrive...
I know also an ex vegan who has become paleo....
We humans are soooo extremists!

Very true but sometimes they have money or live a low stress lifestyle,I've met vegans who don't have money and when they were financially stressed in 2008 they stopped being vegans,I think when you need real energy your body goes back for animal protein sources.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I know some that are not in that case. For example:
a couple over 65, still active physically, I mean gardening, building, making carpentry or stone wall... More than 15 years vegan, some years vegetarians before, born in countryside in the moutain.
One who is 50 and almost raw vegan, except quinoa and some potatoes. I asked him why and for how long, well, almost all his adult life, and he told me that he just noticed cooked food made him tired! And he is not now, active and fit.
Another I see active is raw fruitarian and salads, he says he gets proteins from green leaves. He spends only winter here, for obvious fruit reason, we have oranges, guavas and bananas!
Then I know one who cured himself from hepatic big problems (he was yellow and with lyme disease) and went instincto, now this tall man is healthy and eats what he feels, and says that it is amazing how his nose guides him! I see him here only on hollydays, he lives north.

I would not say impossible what others can do just because I cannot...
It is just amazing me!

BTW, I believe you @Drareg and one point in common among all those I know, they all live outside cities. Like me, total nature here!


May 16, 2017
These vegans must be feeding their dogs and cats some vegan concoction and their pets must be constantly sick.

If they confessesed to their vet what they were feeding their pets, I think the vet could easily accuse them of animal abuse. A vet might be more concerned about prenatal and general nutrition than the average obstetrician.

Perhaps they can't see this as clearly with their own children.
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Feb 4, 2015
Drareg was triggered from what I said here so he posted this.

Again, more non vegan babies die than vegan ones. Means nothing. True vegans are extremely rare. These studies prove nothing and they have nothing to do with maximizing longevity in adults. b12 is not a vegan issue, it's an intrinsic factor issue. What people who identify as "vegan" say or do means nothing to me because I'm not interested in ethics or saving the world or animals, I'm interested in maximizing health and longevity. If my conclusion of that interest happens to include many foods that people who call themselves vegan also consume then good for them, I really don't care. The fact is there is only one diet that has been proven to reverse heart disease clinically. A no oil, low fat, high starch with some fruit and cooked greens vegan diet. I couldn't care less about what crazy people do or say in cringe compilations. That's not clinical nutrition science, those are idiots, libtards and social justice warriors. Vegan bashing is so easy. It's novice. Who cares about nut jobs, I'm interested in nutrition and objective science. The fact is heart disease and cancer are the top killers and that isn't happening because everyone is eating a vegan diet.

Peat thinks it's possible to be a healthy vegan:

Peat's Surprising Response To My Email. A "Ray Peat Vegan" Is Possible
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Oct 11, 2015
That's true westside I think there would be A LOT less chronic disease if more people were vegan... but there's a big difference between avoiding disease and being optimally healthy. I've been vegetarian for a while now, but I think high quality dairy is important for most people ( doesn't necessarily have to be large amounts ).

Going into a tangent now ---

There are a lot of misguided ideas about what people should and shouldn't eat based on evolution, which isn't real. There is only devolution and regression from such. So-called evolutionary advantages are just responses to stress... Saturnian entropy ( stress ) compressed the spinal cord and overcoming entropy straightens it back out again. 9-6-9 So I don't see any diet as supremely optimal because we'll probably all be breatharians in the end. Whatever helps one progress is "optimal."

Evolution also tends to create a false dichotomy between veganism and paleo. On one side you have people who think humans used to live in caves and need to hunt their food, pick nuts/berries, act like stress responses are "masculine", etc ( they use finger paintings in French caves and fraudulent paleontology as evidence, lol ) . On the other side there's vegans who think we enslaved cows/wolves for our own selfish gain and any exchange with them is immoral. Now that is true to a certain extent these days because of how low humanity has fallen, but it's far from the entire picture.

I actually believe ( for more than one reason) that it's natural for female mammals to lactate year round, but the low-frequency environment we are trapped in limits this to physical pregnancy ( and all the related suffering ) as a stress adaptation. Even if one did not need to eat, milk is like a distillation of love frequency and very important for bonding... whether it be with the Earth, your mother, etc.


Aug 15, 2015
Drareg was triggered from what I said here so he posted this.

Again, more non vegan babies die than vegan ones. Means nothing. True vegans are extremely rare. These studies prove nothing and they have nothing to do with maximizing longevity in adults. b12 is not a vegan issue, it's an intrinsic factor issue. What people who identify as "vegan" say or do means nothing to me because I'm not interested in ethics or saving the world or animals, I'm interested in maximizing health and longevity. If my conclusion of that interest happens to include many foods that people who call themselves vegan also consume then good for them, I really don't care. The fact is there is only one diet that has been proven to reverse heart disease clinically. A no oil, low fat, high starch with some fruit and cooked greens vegan diet. I couldn't care less about what crazy people do or say in cringe compilations. That's not clinical nutrition science, those are idiots, libtards and social justice warriors. Vegan bashing is so easy. It's novice. Who cares about nut jobs, I'm interested in nutrition and objective science. The fact is heart disease and cancer are the top killers and that isn't happening because everyone is eating a vegan diet.

Peat thinks it's possible to be a healthy vegan:

Peat's Surprising Response To My Email. A "Ray Peat Vegan" Is Possible
But humans and in general mammals are not meant to be vegan, right? Because sucking milk from mother boobs is the natural thing to do, and milk is certainly not vegan..Not only does milk nourish the babies and make them stronger, but it also brings connection between the mother and the baby to a very higher level.. Maybe this explains why I am willing to die for my mother because I love her so much more than anything in the world as she fed me her milk for two years lool and then continued to give me cow's milk for many many years because she found out I am extremely in love with this white substance..


Mar 10, 2016
But humans and in general mammals are not meant to be vegan, right? Because sucking milk from mother boobs is the natural thing to do, and milk is certainly not vegan..Not only does milk nourish the babies and make them stronger, but it also brings connection between the mother and the baby to a very higher level.. Maybe this explains why I am willing to die for my mother because I love her so much more than anything in the world as she fed me her milk for two years lool and then continued to give me cow's milk for many many years because she found out I am extremely in love with this white substance..

This is ...the most adorable post on the forum. Ending it with 'white substance' was also very classy in a surprising way. no sarcasm.


Mar 15, 2014
Peat > vegetarian > vegan > 99.9% of everything else out there


Jul 8, 2014
But humans and in general mammals are not meant to be vegan, right? Because sucking milk from mother boobs is the natural thing to do, and milk is certainly not vegan..Not only does milk nourish the babies and make them stronger, but it also brings connection between the mother and the baby to a very higher level.. Maybe this explains why I am willing to die for my mother because I love her so much more than anything in the world as she fed me her milk for two years lool and then continued to give me cow's milk for many many years because she found out I am extremely in love with this white substance..
Sure, a mother's breastmilk isn't plant-based but it's "vegan." She gives it to her baby willingly, with her own consent. :)

That's sweet that you love your mother that much, milk_lover. :)


Aug 15, 2015
Sure, a mother's breastmilk isn't plant-based but it's "vegan." She gives it to her baby willingly, with her own consent. :)

That's sweet that you love your mother that much, milk_lover. :)
Thanks :) So if you have a cow in your farm and you treat her very nicely and provide for her food and she willingly gives her baby cow milk until satisfied and she is more than happy and willingly to give some of the milk to you and to your family.. Would that be considered "vegan"?
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