new and hello


Dec 1, 2013
well, perhaps not that new as Ive been lurking in the shaddows for some weeks. I came by this site after doing a search for estrogen + weight gain as I am pretty sure that estrogen dominance is my problem.
I'm about 1 1/2 stone over weight despite being low carb for a couple of years.I just never lost weight on it and until I started taking salt in the form of bouillon I felt like c**p and couldnt undestand why.
Ive a history of uterine fibroids and am definitely not challenged in the chest department .
As I'm sure others have too i read these articles from Peat with semething akin to horror and disbelief but at the back of my mind was the thought that low carb hadnt worked for me although I am sure I had some significant health imptovements from removing grains from my diet. My mind became sharper again , my eyesight improved and my teeth stopped being sensitive to hot and cold things. My allergic asthma is much better.
I generally dont have health issues although my blood pressure is very low often in the region of 98 /58 . I dont have cold feet or hands and I have a very thick head of hair .I am 61 today ... so maybe I could have expected it to begin to go grey or go thin but neither has happned yet.
I really want to shed this 1/1/2 stones and nothing I have done so far has shifted it.
I do eat a lot of fat but have cut back recentl y I dont use oils but use butter, goose fat etc for cooking ,I have my own hens and I eat quite a lot of lamb and beef, liver weekly although Ive not yet developed a taste for beef liver.Ive changed from full fat jersey milk to semi skimmed. :( ..I really like high fat and am reluctant to reduce too far because of the belief that my brain needs it !
Ive started low doses of aspirin, I take three t gelatin morning and night and Lrge carrot salad daily (this has done wonders for the constipation .I supplement D3 , K2 , Mag.
I hope this wasnt too long for meet and greet ,if so, apologies.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Hi souflee, welcome to the forum and the non-lurking crowd :)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
souflee said:
well, perhaps not that new as Ive been lurking in the shaddows for some weeks.

souflee, welcome to the forum. :welcome

You are definitely on the right track.

Have you tried the refined coconut oil? I like that best for cooking.

Ray Peat said to go lower fat if you are trying to lose weight. I am enjoying the 1%. I seem to be doing pretty good with 50% carb, 25% protein and 25% fat.

See you around. :hattip


Dec 1, 2013
thanks Dan and Charlie for your welcome.
I havnt tried the refined coconut oil .In the Uk CO tends to be quite an expensive item.I pay £6.00 for a 360gm jar of organic cold pressed. I use it in my morning coffee only.
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