New York Times On PCR Test Accuracy


Oct 1, 2019
Yeah I saw this today. I was very confused reading it, because I've been telling my friends and family that the single biggest hole in the official narrative is how unreliable the PCR test is. When you pair it with a policy where we count any (false) positive person dying for any reason as a covid death, we end up at our current completely inaccurate death counts.

Why are they publishing this? I know they're corrupt, but they're absolutely correct in this article. It blows not just a hole in the argument, it blows THE hole in the argument. Your theory makes sense about a new test coming down the pipeline that's somehow even worse. Or a few people at the Times grew a conscience. Both are in play. It definitely has to weaken people's trust in the numbers either way, which is a good thing and a possible miscalculation on their end, depending on motives. It's really weird, but I'll take anything I can get at this point that weakens the official narrative. You'd have to be seriously delusional to believe the official narrative at this point if you did any independent reading at all.

This article is a small admission while simultaneously strengthening the lie. The problem of viral load and sensitivity they are adressing is a secondary problem.

First and foremost the test is not specific to “Sars-Cov-2” which is the biggest problem. This is very simply proven by one of the facts which Dr. Wodarg is adressing since the beginning, it detects coronaviruses in cats. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
If it detects other coronaviruses (or new zoonotic transfers/mutations) it is per definition non-specific. So you can’t use it to find the supposed special “Sars-Cov-2” from Wuhan with it.
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Nov 9, 2017
Yeah I agree its all a big lie. I think now with the DOJ investigating the nursing home deaths in NJ, NY, PA, and other states people are trying to cover their butts. A lie for all kinds of things at this point. It makes me reflect over the past half a year. I just wanted to put down some things that stuck out to me.
1. Remember Brexit happened Jan. 31, 2020 at 6 PM. The european globalist elite could not have liked that.
2. Italy declares state of emergency on Jan. 31, 2020. Coincidence?
3. President Trump visits India Feb. 24 and 25th. I'm pretty sure the ones invested in China did not like this. And I think it may have been a statement to China and others that India can make our stuff too. And look in the news of what is happening now on the border between China and India. Retaliation?
4. March 11, 2020. Trump bans travel to Europe. Was this a message to the elite in Europe?
Also I think he may have embedded a message to Europe elitism and other countries when he said in the speech: "No nation is more prepared, more resilient than the US."
5. March 12, 2020. Fed announces bold new initiative to pump 1.5 trillion into economy. Hmmmmm?
On the Monday of this week March 9, 2020 many who I work with were getting concerned that the plague was coming and that school and business would be shut down. I told them if from all of the pressure of the different medias that if it happens on Friday the 13th to remember that date because it may be a message from the powers that may be.
6. Friday March 13th, 2020. Trump declares a national emergency.
7. And I did not even mention all of the so called foundations that were planning something like this to happen for years out in the open.

That following Tuesday, March 17th, I was on a video call with the NHPCO (National Hospice and Pallative Care Organization), the CDC, and Vice President Pence and his group overseeing the pandemic. (I am a hospice chaplain and medical social worker so I see death a lot and this whole thing had red flags all over it.) Anyway, the interesting thing that the CDC said on the call was that they did not care about cases. They only cared about hospitalizations. Well what do you see the media is focused on?
Cases! Blah! It just all gels together and there is no way it is a coincidence.

And for the PCR test, I have written a post on here about the bogus invalidity of the test. But I guess a lot of people have made money on the test and it has made a lot around the world conform to learned helplessness. Yeesh! And now the world fights over wearing masks! What a crock!

Definitely so much money, power, control, and politics involved.
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Feb 18, 2016
I'm slowly warming up to the 5G theory.

The tests are giving false negatives for people who clearly have the disease. And false positives for people with no symptoms.
The TV ads have just started advertising 5G in the last few months.

It mysteriously mutated, for no reason at all, to a 10x deadlier form in Europe.

It actually is possible to produce a virus-like particle intracellularly by exposure to certain types of radiation.
So COV2 could be a radiation-induced exosome. If that is the case, I would still think the exosome could be contagious.[/QUOTE

Modifying an organism as delicate as a virus in a coherent manner with radio waves would be extremely difficult, my guess is it would be like smashing it with a hammer, light waves would be more plausible if you were looking for a coherent intentional modification, I don’t think we have anything like that developed yet.

Modifying an organism as delicate as a virus in a coherent manner with radio waves would be extremely difficult, my guess is it would be like smashing it with a hammer, light waves would be more plausible if you were looking for a coherent intentional modification, I don’t think we have anything like that developed yet.


Feb 18, 2016
Just linking this as a reminder, from Forbes 10 years ago, I guess their funding model has changed since then hence their covid hysterics and unquestionable trusting in the WHO in 2020.
As Peat mentioned in his recent Roddy interview, these idiots have left past behaviors documented for us all to see hence his call for a return to critical thinking in his recent newsletter, I mean how can anyone square their current trust in the WHO with the below saga in mind.

Why The WHO faked a pandemic.
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic

"The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying "The sky is falling!" like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria. "The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible," the agency claims on its Web site. A WHO spokesman declined to specify who or what gave this "description," but the primary accuser is hard to ignore.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."


Mar 15, 2014
light waves would be more plausible if you were looking for a coherent intentional modification
Oh I'm not saying it's intentional. I'm saying that the latest 5G tech produces such exosomes as a side effect. Different 5G tech in China/Europe produced the different "virus strains".

At least, that's a possibility I'm toying with.
Nov 21, 2015
Modifying an organism as delicate as a virus in a coherent manner with radio waves would be extremely difficult, my guess is it would be like smashing it with a hammer, light waves would be more plausible if you were looking for a coherent intentional modification, I don’t think we have anything like that developed yet.

Well Luc Montagnier has shown that radio waves are emitted from organisms, that can create DNA at a distance.

[PDF] Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves | Semantic Scholar

The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. [...] That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides.


Jun 20, 2015
A German lawyer who is licensed both in Germany and in the US said that they are planning to file a class action against the PCR test.


Feb 18, 2016
Well Luc Montagnier has shown that radio waves are emitted from organisms, that can create DNA at a distance.

[PDF] Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves | Semantic Scholar

The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. [...] That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides.

I’m sure there is influence but it’s not that accurate, the elites would like us to believe they have this capacity, it’s like James Bond and Jason Bourne, we are led to believe intelligence organizations are made up of folks with special abilities in the field, the reality is it’s mainly propaganda and blackmail that the intelligence organizations are doing.


Feb 18, 2016
A German lawyer who is licensed both in Germany and in the US said that they are planning to file a class action against the PCR test.

This should be good, the test clearly needs to be put to the test, the case will probably be delayed until next year is my guess, it gives time for generating hysteria with the same tests this coming flu season.


Feb 18, 2016
Oh I'm not saying it's intentional. I'm saying that the latest 5G tech produces such exosomes as a side effect. Different 5G tech in China/Europe produced the different "virus strains".

At least, that's a possibility I'm toying with.

I agree it probably does, to think people believe this is conspiracy highlights how stupidly trusting of authority people have become, 6G is also coming online soon.


Feb 18, 2016
The BBC 6 months later are covering the issue around PCR tests, they are probably concerned with loosing funding, the public have had it, tax payer money for financial elites personal PR, Bill Epstein gates is also giving the bbc money.

Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus'

Covid tests 'could be picking up dead virus'


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Even NYT can't afford to publish only lies and propaganda all the time. It doesn't work that way. The best is to give the public some true in a long row of pervertism, so that one wouldn't lose attention and be kept on the hook for as long as it's necessary.
This article will hardly change anything in the whole picture. It is not meant to - that's my guess.

I think it is also a bit of an insurance policy / hedging on their end. By publishing some articles that appear more aligned with the truth, if things really blow up and there is some kind of mass waking and then lawsuits about all the deaths and destruction AS WELL as against media for fearmongering, NYT can say "Look, the truth is hard to discover and everybody makes mistakes. We did get some of it right."


Aug 17, 2016
I think it is also a bit of an insurance policy / hedging on their end. By publishing some articles that appear more aligned with the truth, if things really blow up and there is some kind of mass waking and then lawsuits about all the deaths and destruction AS WELL as against media for fearmongering, NYT can say "Look, the truth is hard to discover and everybody makes mistakes. We did get some of it right."
Problem is a mass waking (that they were ALL in this together to get the control grid, wealth transfer, medical tyranny) will be squelched by an even bigger attack.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Problem is a mass waking (that they were ALL in this together to get the control grid, wealth transfer, medical tyranny) will be squelched by an even bigger attack.
Very possible. I would presume that those who run the show are well prepared for whatever scenario.


Aug 17, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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