No changes 3 years Peating

Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
I did a raw food/fruitarian diet for years and eating just fruits (a raw carrot, honey do help too) for a month will crush excess fat like nothing else.
It worked consistently with everybody, loosing over a pound per day was normal.

If you have cravings after a week you can eat a little bit of low fat protein like fish, seafood or egg yolks. Better avoid milk. After you hit you target weight you can reintroduce other foods.

Progesterone might be helpful.
Thanks, I have not tried pure fruit but when I eat certain fruits alone like apples I get the highs and lows so iwould eat with protein to stabilize my bs.


Feb 28, 2021
Eggs and fruit for breakfast, tuna fish with avocado mayo, meat or cottage cheese and Carrot for lunch. For dinner usually beef or fish with broth (for gelatin) cooked veggies and or fruit. I can’t drink coffee anymore because I won’t sleep.
Can you really call it "Peating" without milk and OJ?

I think I had a bad reaction to taking lugols (severe panic attacks for 2 weeks after) skin avoid all iodine supplements.
Yeah that's common. I still can't even handle the RDA. Lookup iodine detox and see this thread/my post about it here
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Can you really call it "Peating" without milk and OJ?

Yeah that's common. I still can't even handle the RDA. Lookup iodine detox and see this thread/my post about it here
I drank skim milk and juice my first year but stopped due to the sudden weight gain.
Jun 16, 2022
Open to suggestions here. I was plant based many years, then keto then carnivore. It fixed my ulcerative colitis but after a year I started to have sleeping problems and anxiety. I also may have entered perimenopause at that time so it’s hard to parse out what is what.

Since changing to pro metabolic I’ve gained 10-12lbs and it’s has stuck for almost 3 years now despite working out the same (daily). I’ve tried cutting calories, cutting carbs again, cutting all but meat and fruit, etc but the weight is not budging. I’m not obese but have lost the leanness I had for years. I’m 48, 5”4 and about 128-130lbs.

I have also tried adding thyroid but it gives me panic attacks and anxiety/insomnia. My thyroid is on the low end of normal range and TSH around .8

I feel uncomfortable in my body and I do have all the hypo thyroid symptoms such as dry skin, thinning hair etc but pulse and temp are ok. I also take progest E.

Any suggestions?
Without knowing much about your diet minus the food choices. Something that has helped me out because I’ve had the same issue. Felt much better overall but got too “fluffy” lol. So basically the volume/total energy of food has to be cut down sometimes. I found basic salads of iceberg lettuce, sometimes carrot added, with just vinegar, salt and fruit and/or honey has been a game changer. I use it as a stand alone meal sometimes and as an addition to meals. I do this 1-3 times a day and it fills you up like crazy and also allows a slower release of sugar which keeps my energy stable without spilling over into fat storage.

I know vegetables are often poo pooed here but iceberg lettuce is very benign and a good food to add volume without calories.
Jul 27, 2014
I have seen several practitioners and done every lab. Not sure where else to look.
It is difficult to figure out what it is causing problems for you without knowing what exactly you did with those practitioners. I went through similar problems and fixed them. The solution came from an unexpected source. I don't want to throw ideas out there and make you chase problems that may not be your case. You can feel free DM me if you don't want to publicly share your story in detail. I hope you find a solution very soon.
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
It is difficult to figure out what it is causing problems for you without knowing what exactly you did with those practitioners. I went through similar problems and fixed them. The solution came from an unexpected source. I don't want to throw ideas out there and make you chase problems that may not be your case. You can feel free DM me if you don't want to publicly share your story in detail. I hope you find a solution very soon.
I’m an open book in case others can learn from it. In the last 3 years with various ND, RD, MD’s I’ve done stool test, saliva, urine, checked my blood for full thyroid, vitamin D, cortisol, estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. I’ve done 3 parasite cleanses as well. The last thing I did was a homeopathic treatment(very expensive) for 4 months for EBV because I had very high antibodies. Alas, no changes. Still feel low thyroid symptoms and insomnia periodically. I have good energy but lowish libido.

My Testisterone was low and cortisol high but improved adding fruit after carnivore. My adrenals are good based on a saliva test that only showed a small cortisol spike around 10pm. My progesterone was a bit low and estrogen a tiny bit high so I’m now back on progesterone (progesterone E) half of the month.


Dec 8, 2016
Open to suggestions here. I was plant based many years, then keto then carnivore. It fixed my ulcerative colitis but after a year I started to have sleeping problems and anxiety. I also may have entered perimenopause at that time so it’s hard to parse out what is what.

Since changing to pro metabolic I’ve gained 10-12lbs and it’s has stuck for almost 3 years now despite working out the same (daily). I’ve tried cutting calories, cutting carbs again, cutting all but meat and fruit, etc but the weight is not budging. I’m not obese but have lost the leanness I had for years. I’m 48, 5”4 and about 128-130lbs.

I have also tried adding thyroid but it gives me panic attacks and anxiety/insomnia. My thyroid is on the low end of normal range and TSH around .8

I feel uncomfortable in my body and I do have all the hypo thyroid symptoms such as dry skin, thinning hair etc but pulse and temp are ok. I also take progest E.

Any suggestions?

I call what you are experiencing- pseudo recovery.
Jul 27, 2014
I’m an open book in case others can learn from it. In the last 3 years with various ND, RD, MD’s I’ve done stool test, saliva, urine, checked my blood for full thyroid, vitamin D, cortisol, estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. I’ve done 3 parasite cleanses as well. The last thing I did was a homeopathic treatment(very expensive) for 4 months for EBV because I had very high antibodies. Alas, no changes. Still feel low thyroid symptoms and insomnia periodically. I have good energy but lowish libido.

My Testisterone was low and cortisol high but improved adding fruit after carnivore. My adrenals are good based on a saliva test that only showed a small cortisol spike around 10pm. My progesterone was a bit low and estrogen a tiny bit high so I’m now back on progesterone (progesterone E) half of the month.
Your high cortisol indicates you are unable to regulate your blood sugar normally so your cortisol kicks in. Your intolerance of thyroid medication makes me think of low blood sugar as well. How many calories are you consuming every day? What is your carb/protein/fat ratio for each meal?
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Without knowing much about your diet minus the food choices. Something that has helped me out because I’ve had the same issue. Felt much better overall but got too “fluffy” lol. So basically the volume/total energy of food has to be cut down sometimes. I found basic salads of iceberg lettuce, sometimes carrot added, with just vinegar, salt and fruit and/or honey has been a game changer. I use it as a stand alone meal sometimes and as an addition to meals. I do this 1-3 times a day and it fills you up like crazy and also allows a slower release of sugar which keeps my energy stable without spilling over into fat storage.

I know vegetables are often poo pooed here but iceberg lettuce is very benign and a good food to add volume without calories.
Sounds interesting and refreshing! I can give that a try. Did you lose fat doing that?


Jun 10, 2020
Eggs and fruit for breakfast, tuna fish with avocado mayo, meat or cottage cheese and Carrot for lunch. For dinner usually beef or fish with broth (for gelatin) cooked veggies and or fruit. I can’t drink coffee anymore because I won’t sleep.
Have you tried goat milk?

I gained weight on meat+fruit based, plus had high cortisol and adrenaline, with a high heart rate and hot flashes. Switching to mostly goat milk improved my digestion, stopped the stress, and I began losing weight very fast.

I know you mentioned trying skim milk, which I assume was from a cow. I can't do cow's milk, and I think I tolerate whole goat milk better than skim. Raw goat milk is the cream of the crop.
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Have you tried goat milk?

I gained weight on meat+fruit based, plus had high cortisol and adrenaline, with a high heart rate and hot flashes. Switching to mostly goat milk improved my digestion, stopped the stress, and I began losing weight very fast.

I know you mentioned trying skim milk, which I assume was from a cow. I can't do cow's milk, and I think I tolerate whole goat milk better than skim. Raw goat milk is the cream of the crop.
I have not tried that but I love goat cheese. Is that in place of meat?
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Your high cortisol indicates you are unable to regulate your blood sugar normally so your cortisol kicks in. Your intolerance of thyroid medication makes me think of low blood sugar as well. How many calories are you consuming every day? What is your carb/protein/fat ratio for each meal?
I haven’t counted but each meal is an animal protein and small amount of fruit like 1 banana, an orange or 1/2 cup of berries. I think I’m around 1500 calories.


Apr 19, 2021
Have you tried goat milk?

I gained weight on meat+fruit based, plus had high cortisol and adrenaline, with a high heart rate and hot flashes. Switching to mostly goat milk improved my digestion, stopped the stress, and I began losing weight very fast.

I know you mentioned trying skim milk, which I assume was from a cow. I can't do cow's milk, and I think I tolerate whole goat milk better than skim. Raw goat milk is the cream of the crop.
Do you only tolerate raw goat's milk or is commercial/store bought fine as well?


Jun 10, 2020
@Nicole Carter yes, I replaced nearly all meat (and a lot of the fruit, since it was unripe) with goat milk and white sugar. I've since dropped the white sugar for digestive reasons, but using lots of white sugar did not inhibit my weight loss.

@Vanset Raw is optimal I think if it tastes good, but I have consumed only store-bought goat milk for the past year and still do well with it. I tried a few different farms' raw goat milk, and only one tasted good. From a store, Summerhill brand tastes delicious and digests great. In the US, it's sold in trader joe's, Sprout's and many Whole Foods, but Trader Joe's has the cheapest price.


Mar 28, 2019
I haven’t counted but each meal is an animal protein and small amount of fruit like 1 banana, an orange or 1/2 cup of berries. I think I’m around 1500 calories.
Low calories + working out daily will be the main issue especially with hair loss. 130lb is still fairly petite and 1500cal is way too low to be using thyroid which would explain the insomnia and anxiety. I gained around 14lb when I started Peating and lost it as soon as I stopped, I think it was the high dairy and excess white sugar and I was also Vitamin A toxic from eating liver weekly for 4years. Your diet sounds fine, i'd just start upping the calories based on appetite while making sure you're getting a solid 100g of protein daily and ignore all weird supplement suggestions. Adding Oats for example with lots of milk would prob add a solid 300cal.
Oct 13, 2022
I have also tried adding thyroid but it gives me panic attacks and anxiety/insomnia. My thyroid is on the low end of normal range and TSH around .8
To be clear a TSH of 0.8 is actually ideal and leans toward the hyperthyroid side, and should mean your thyroid is working well. A high TSH say, over 2 (very subjective though), would mean your body is struggling to meet its demand for thyroid hormone and would be considered more hypothyroid. TSH is the hormone that stimulates the thyroid to make more hormone, and if it is low, that means it isn't needing more hormone at the time. A low TSH, say less than 0.4 maybe, means that your thyroid is probably pumping out too much thyroid hormone and so your body isn't trying to stimulate your thyroid further.

I was about 0.8-1.0 TSH when I felt healthy. It started to go as high as 1.5 when I was my sickest and had the most hypothyroid symptoms. Still at that level, all doctors would say I was perfectly fine. You can be very sick with a good TSH cause thyroids can leak out more thyroid hormone some days and not enough on others, depending on your problem. That can make it LOOK balanced when it is absolutely not.

Looking back, I wish my doc would have checked my FREE T4 and FREE T3, they were probably low so I would check that. The only lab that made sense for my symptoms of hypothyroid was my Total t4, which was low, but my doc just shrugged his shoulders and said that my labs make no sense. It's quite odd how they refuse to test the Free T3 and Free T4, my doc told me the insurance companies wouldn't let him unless one of my other labs read a certain way.

I took Lugols years ago too and got insomnia and probably did nothing good for my thyroid. Some people can't handle it, I certainly couldn't. I even couldn't take vitamins with Iodine eventually.

You want Free T3 and Free T4 to be in the top quarter of the range.

So the big problem with taking thyroid hormone when you have been low is that your high cortisol and adrenaline DO NOT GO AWAY THE DAY you start taking thyroid hormone. This was a huge obstacle for me, I thought I was hyperthyroid (I was emotionally volatile, sometimes I was really high energy, but mostly tired) but in reality was hypothyroid with stress hormones galore. You see, when you are in that stress hormone hypothyroid state, it takes time to lower once you get on supplemental thyroid. The cortisol and adrenaline will have a great effect on you with the addition of thyroid all works stronger and you feel the stress hormones more intensely, because now your body has the means to work well. You have to take it LOW and SLOW as you up your dose and your body will slowly stop freaking out.


Oct 13, 2022
I was tracking it consistently for weeks at one point. It was 97.5 or so waking up, 98.3 mid day. Warmed up with various thyroid supplements but they all made me feel crazy. I used to take Natrathroid years ago before it was discontinued. I was in my best health at that time but these new versions don’t work for me. Based on labs and temps, I may not need it anyway.

Similar happened when I used too much thyroid and/or without food.

Someone’s opinion:
I have had good steady results in the past with 12.5mcg T3 every three hours, any more and I get feelings of increased adrenaline.

Some people, including Peat, have experience heart beat symptoms, eg skips and flutters, on T3 only supplementation. Peat added T4 back in to avoid this for himself.

T3 has a short half-life of a few hours and a healthy body produces 3-4mcg/hr. Taking more than 1-2mcg at a time may be unphysiologic [every hour]. Some people say it works fine for them to take more, but you are asking about risks.

What I did is, got a milligram scale and used a small amount of thyroid, with food, multiple times a day; did that for two weeks and would adjust after that. It was probably around 6mg T3 with 18mg T4 (x3) daily. I would grind/pound the parts of Cynoplus and Cynomel pills (6mg T3, 18mg T4). Then I would lick my finger and get some thyroid powder on my finder, lick it off and ingest it, multiple times a day, with food. Still bad reactions? Decrease dosage.

I think that most lab work interpretations and doctors make big mistakes, too many times.

Also, from the recent similar thread:
A book you might consider checking out is Hypothyroidism: an Unsusupected Illness by Broda Barnes. It is really an indispensable tool if you are trying to get to the bottom of health issues to be sure it's not your thyroid. Often times it is and there is a culture of fear around supplementing thyroid (including on this forum) that causes people to neglect helping their thyroid with a supplement when they are in a desperate spot and diet alone is not enough to do the job. I recommend adding that book to whatever else you're reading. And if you do try thyroid again, consider looking into other brands, Novotiral or Cynoplus (along with Cynomel) are fairly reliable.

I would not recommend desiccated thyroid, desiccated thyroid extracts seem to vary wildly in potency. I had no luck with Natural Desiccated Thyroid extracts myself, although some do. Doctors are usually unhelpful if it is your thyroid. My experience was they go exclusively off blood tests, ignore your symptoms or discount them, some of them even have the gall to tell you "it's all in your head" when you're feeling bad. So I spent about 10 years like you, in my late teens / early twenties, wondering what was wrong and having all kinds of issues, and having to figure everything out myself. Like you, I also tried dozens of supplements. The only supplement that has been a game-changer for me has been thyroid. I also take vitamin D but that is more nominally useful. Thyroid has made the difference for me between chronic insomnia and having no trouble sleeping through the night without earplugs (normally I would wake up from any little noise in my apartment).
Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Low calories + working out daily will be the main issue especially with hair loss. 130lb is still fairly petite and 1500cal is way too low to be using thyroid which would explain the insomnia and anxiety. I gained around 14lb when I started Peating and lost it as soon as I stopped, I think it was the high dairy and excess white sugar and I was also Vitamin A toxic from eating liver weekly for 4years. Your diet sounds fine, i'd just start upping the calories based on appetite while making sure you're getting a solid 100g of protein daily and ignore all weird supplement suggestions. Adding Oats for example with lots of milk would prob add a solid 300cal.
@Nicole Carter yes, I replaced nearly all meat (and a lot of the fruit, since it was unripe) with goat milk and white sugar. I've since dropped the white sugar for digestive reasons, but using lots of white sugar did not inhibit my weight loss.

@Vanset Raw is optimal I think if it tastes good, but I have consumed only store-bought goat milk for the past year and still do well with it. I tried a few different farms' raw goat milk, and only one tasted good. From a store, Summerhill brand tastes delicious and digests great. In the US, it's sold in trader joe's, Sprout's and many Whole Foods, but Trader Joe's has the cheapest price.
What else do you eat with goats milk?
Jul 27, 2014
I haven’t counted but each meal is an animal protein and small amount of fruit like 1 banana, an orange or 1/2 cup of berries. I think I’m around 1500 calories.
If you never measure, you will never know for sure what is going on. That's a common mistake. Eyeballing meals is not a good idea. It requires more than small amounts of fruit to get 50-60 grams of carbs. If you consume 25-30 grams of protein in each meal, 60 grams of carbs would be the minimum amount of carbs to balance your protein intake. Depending on your thyroid dose, you may need to increase your carbs even more. Based on your story, you are not eating enough carbs to metabolically support yourself. If you can't stabilize your temperature and pulse readings with these changes, there are some other things to consider. I am surprised that your health practitioners didn't warn you about these things. I would definitely ask for a refund.
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