not responding to thyroid


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Most fruits are about 50/50% fructose/glucose(like cane sugar). Pure fructose is a modern novelty, it doesn't exist in nature. When you eat fructose with it's accompanying glucose(like in fruit or white sugar) it is all absorbed in the small intestine, pure fructose will only be partially absorbed so some makes it to the large intestine(which is what happen3ed to you)


Nov 26, 2012
cliff said:
Most fruits are about 50/50% fructose/glucose(like cane sugar). Pure fructose is a modern novelty, it doesn't exist in nature. When you eat fructose with it's accompanying glucose(like in fruit or white sugar) it is all absorbed in the small intestine, pure fructose will only be partially absorbed so some makes it to the large intestine(which is what happen3ed to you)

Thanks for the info,Cliff. :D
So if I understand correctly polysacharrides, polyphenolics and acids are the main culprits, not fructose?
I will try again some tropical fruits like lychees, sapotes or pawpaws very carefully next time. I will definitly give fruits a second chance but only when the temperature here will go up.
Before my crohn's, the only moment in day where I could eat fruits was at the end of the day and only one sort of fruit at a time.


Nov 1, 2012
Merci beaucoup, Wilfrid.

Cliff, this young man used to surf like you (except Fl waves :). I hope he will be open to trying something different. I gave him Ray Peat's website and this one but the info can be overwhelming, especially if not feeling well. I used Roddy's site in the beginning. Maybe that might help.


Nov 3, 2012
San Antonio, Texas USA - for now
Wilfrid said:
Hi Rachel,

I get the kelp/selenium tip from Ray.
When I emailed him regarding the dosage of cynoplus he said to start slowly ( 1/8th of tablet twice or three times a day with meals) and to be sure to get adequate amount of supplemental iodine and as long as the added kelp do not exceed 150mcg per day he told me that it would be ok. Regarding the selenium , at least that what he said to me, it would be wise to use seafood instead of potentialy allergenic supplement but I replied that I can't eat seafood and try to reduce my meat consumption so he said that the use of 200mcg of selenium through the day would be fine.
I know that we can read everywhere now what Peat's recommendation are. But, still, the context are everything....At the beginning of my correspondance with him I asked him about fruits and crohn's disease ( I have this disease) and he told me that fruits contains sugar that could worsen bowel inflammation and that the only exception is well filtered orange juice which should be use sparingly and only if bowel tolerance is ok.
I pretty sure that you can't find any information like this one on the net from Ray's mouth....
I said to Jyb the exact same thing that ray told me and hoped that could work because sometimes when you get informations from Ray, he gives excellent advice but usually a little more different according to people's need or situation.
Hi, Wilfrid!
Yes, context plays a huge role and advice should naturally vary from person to person.
It seems to me that he makes a pretty strong statement in the interview with Mary Shomon about kelp/iodine that he would apply to most people.
Dr. Ray Peat: 30 years ago, it was found that people in the US were getting about ten times more iodine than they needed... Kelp and other sources of excess iodine can suppress the thyroid, so they definitely shouldn't be used to treat hypothyroidism


Nov 9, 2012
Adding pregnelonone to my diet, but no iodine/selenium supplements suggestions on this thread (but instead upping my consumption of shell fish), I got a radical increase in temperature in a matter of days. It has been stable at almost healthy temperatures for several days now, I'll have to see if it remains and if it is the result of healthy metabolism not stress.

I am surprised that despite this quick temperature fix, my lethargy is still there. My body seems to be healing over the months of Peating (healing skin, high libido even when tired, more relaxed), but several times a days I still feel that urge to sleep. I think one difference is that with the pregnelonone, I feel so resilient and relaxed that I am occasionally able to nap, whereas before I would feel "too tired to even fall asleep". Because I am now more relaxed and not fueled by stress for productivity (which I suspect had been the case all my life), my productivity decreases a bit because I am not "forced" anymore.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
jyb, that is great! Please keep us posted.


Aug 6, 2015
jyb said:
post 7900 I'm updating my status in case anyone has ideas or suggestions.

I'm 26 with a long history of low energy / lethargy / insomnia (I was probably hypo since my teens). High TSH (3-6), which remained high on several months of strict Peat diet (but I did feel slightly better - libido, muscles and don't feel as cold).

More than a month of thyroid supplement (currently 1 cynomel 25mg T3 + 1 dessicated Thiroyd) and did 1 blood test: TSH dropped to 0.01. I have Free T4 in the "normal" range, and Free T3 a bit over the range.

Despite lowered TSH, my temp is still less than 97F afternoon and my lethargy hasn't changed and I don't feel anything when I take the thyroid (only the first time or so did I feel something). Doses of aspirin (up to 2g - always with K2 of course) might help a bit, not sure, but even then I don't reach 98.6F.

I almost never reach 98.6F, no matter how much sugar/protein/aspirin/thyroid/coconut oil etc etc I take. It's possible that I increased my thyroid too quick (I've used more than 2 pills sometimes to see if it made a difference).

I haven't experimented with pregnelonone yet. I'm currently reading this thread ... f=11&t=905, I have nothing to lose experimenting.
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Mar 27, 2021
I’ve been trialing cynoplus and I can take a whole tablet at once, which is obviously not recommended, but see 0 changes with how I feel. Something is blocking the thyroid (liver?).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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