Nothing in life comes free


Mar 26, 2014
Would have been trailing or leading edge, they were the only two options i could find at the time, both seem to work pretty similar in operation with chopping waveforms so just went with the cheapest of the 2. Ill check out resistive dimmers, thanks
It's a really old, low-tech way of doing it so eBay etc might be worth a look. It's a little inefficient but for one lamp in one room it's fine.
Mar 24, 2018
Ok, I seem to have understood that the only way to "escape" from all this is to move to a desert island with no electronic equipment. But integrative/pharmacologically is there anything that can help neutralize these things in our bodies? is it a legend about iodine and radiation?


Mar 26, 2014
Ok, I seem to have understood that the only way to "escape" from all this is to move to a desert island with no electronic equipment. But integrative/pharmacologically is there anything that can help neutralize these things in our bodies? is it a legend about iodine and radiation?
We're bombarded with high energy particles from space for every second of our lives, and it has been this way forever.

I think we have some resilience to it. Obviously EMF at certain wavelengths and amplitudes is dangerous. So is over-dosing on water.


Sep 27, 2015
All it takes is ONE electric car to park within a 50-100 foot radius of my house and my metabolism is shot, nothing can save at me except for exiting the house/area
With Teslas, do you think part of this could be the automotive radar? I have had an experience with a Tesla driving behind me for a long distance creating some weird symptoms including head pressure and time dilation and I wonder if it was from the radar emissions.


Mar 18, 2021
With Teslas, do you think part of this could be the automotive radar? I have had an experience with a Tesla driving behind me for a long distance creating some weird symptoms including head pressure and time dilation and I wonder if it was from the radar emissions.
Those symptoms are likely caused by the static magnetic field of the Tesla and the movement of your body in that field (when the battery is in use the field is strongest). I've done some experiments with static MF and it felt exactly as you described. There are also studies on the effects of static MF from electric vehicles and they were shown to cause profound EEG alterations. The Tesla might have some shielding system for its passengers only.


Sep 27, 2015
Those symptoms are likely caused by the static magnetic field of the Tesla and the movement of your body in that field (when the battery is in use the field is strongest). I've done some experiments with static MF and it felt exactly as you described. There are also studies on the effects of static MF from electric vehicles and they were shown to cause profound EEG alterations. The Tesla might have some shielding system for its passengers only.
That would make sense. The car was behind me for minutes and then passed in the left lane but I felt no effect until right after it eventually passed me, which I assumed at the time was just a delayed effect.

Apparently Teslas (maybe not all) are the only electric car designed to shield the passengers from the magnetic fields. However I don't think it shields people around the car and they emit all sorts of RF signals in the cabin as well as radar sensors around the car. I would guess the manufacturer thought the magnetic field was too much of a lawsuit risk in the long run since theirs would be one of the strongest, but since every new car emits lots of RF they figured that is legally speaking completely safe for them.

Edit: I was looking a bit for the studies you mentioned and wasn't quickly coming across them, if you're able to find them again without too much trouble I would be really interested to see them.
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Mar 18, 2021
What about faraday fabric to block these dirty electric fields? Is this any useful?
With a hat made of this fabric you will notice a difference, but they only help partially and it's not worth the trouble. It will give you a false sense of security because it just deflects the field lines to other pathways and for a faraday cage to work it needs to be enclosed at all sides which is impractical for your body. You can do this test with a radio or with your phone, if you place it in a wire mesh enclosure or wrap it in wire mesh, you will still get a signal unless all openings are closed completely. Field lines will find their way in.
Things like curtains made of such fabric can be useful but they are most efficient in blocking the external high frequencies like 4G or WiFi, which are less dangerous than for example holding a smartphone emitting these frequencies itself. For the lower intermediate frequencies (dirty electricity) steel wire mesh is more efficient.
So, if you want to get the little practical benefit of these fabrics, you first have to drastically reduce your interactions with electronics, otherwise you're just lying to yourself and wasting your time. In addition, every electromagnetic field has a scalar component, a field of elementary particles that cannot be shielded by any material and every living organisms responds to this field. That's the main reason you shouldn't put too much faith into shielding and reducing the exposure is the best option.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I tried a beanie hat with emf shielding fabric once, done nothing to stop my phone ringing when wrapped up inside, maybe the phones antenna was too close to the fabric and using the mesh fabric as a booster 🤷‍♂️ or just made poorly either way i just tossed it. Still trying to get the wife on board miquelangeles with cutting power at night, shes a hard sell but not surprising after her seeing all the crazy diets and supplements ive done over the years 😆 but did switch off the electricity before we left the house yesterday for a few hours to let her judge if she felt any difference on returning....her response was that it felt like no one had lived here for a while the house was "still" and it was. Recommend this experiment for anyone unwilling to go without electricity at nights or whatever, your out the house anyway so no missing anything, i even left the circuit for the fridge on as wasnt sure how long we would be out but still a huge noticable feel to the place.
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Mar 18, 2021
I tried a beanie hat with emf shielding fabric once, done nothing to stop my phone ringing when wrapped up inside, maybe the phones antenna was too close to the fabric and using the mesh fabric as a booster 🤷‍♂️ or just made poorly either way i just tossed it. Still trying to get the wife on board miquelangeles with cutting power at night, shes a hard sell but not surprising after her seeing all the crazy diets and supplements ive done over the years 😆 but did switch off the electricity before we left the house yesterday for a few hours to let her judge if she felt any difference on returning....her response was that it felt like no one had lived here for a while the house was "still" and it was. Recommend this experiment for anyone unwilling to go without electricity at nights or whatever, your out the house anyway so no missing anything, i even left the circuit for the fridge on as wasnt sure how long we would be out but still a huge noticable feel to the place.
For most people it would seem ridiculous that the place would feel different after being left unattended without electricity, but this effect is real as well, with established mechanisms of action. It goes slightly off topic though, and I think it's best to first experience sleeping in a non electrified place before trying the experiment you mentioned which seems to defy logic at first sight.


Oct 20, 2021
Wired is definitely better unless you're using very long or high bandwidth cables. Basically anything high-end, high-performance will emit more EMF, especially if the manufacturer doesn't give you full control over their devices' wireless protocols or clock speeds. But you can use energy/battery saving modes on them and it'll lower their EMF emission to tolerable levels in my experience.
You will ultimately have to settle for wired, low-end, inefficient hardware if you want to use smartphones, PCs, game consoles and the internet without damaging your health. Another problem is the lack of sunlight, quality indoor lighting and general poor health. The body gets more sensitive/excitable to all types of electromagnetic radiation in low light conditions especially if the skin has adapted, is pale and has lots of pufas stored. If you have a good tan, thick hydrated skin and are barefoot most of the time, these things won't affect you as much. Also, metals potentiate EMFs and organic matter like wood or plastic absorb and weaken it, so watching what type of furniture you have around your place can also make a difference. Some clothing also seems to be protective n


Oct 5, 2014
What about faraday fabric to block these dirty electric fields? Is this any useful?
What is faraday fabric? If you mean constructing a faraday cage with fabric made of a mesh, it should work.

If you mean using some fabric just in some pieces of cloth or similar... don't even think about it. It will make it worse.


Mar 15, 2014
Anyone can look at videos of people from the 90's or 2000's and see how much happier/low-stress everyone was, issues like hair loss also was never as common
Electrification hasn't changed since then. The change is 4G/5G radiation and plastic pollution (possibly birth control as well)

People here will blindly believe a study published by a random student in Bangalore
I'd sooner believe a study from Bangalore than from the US lol


Jan 6, 2019
What about the EMF pollution created by other humans? Our fields extend at least several feet beyond our bodies. I never feel as good when I'm around other people as when there is no one near me. I only feel alive alone. Being around the emotions and thoughts of others creates chaos within my body. I can't be the only one.


Mar 18, 2021
What about the EMF pollution created by other humans? Our fields extend at least several feet beyond our bodies. I never feel as good when I'm around other people as when there is no one near me. I only feel alive alone. Being around the emotions and thoughts of others creates chaos within my body. I can't be the only one.
Very real and lots of modern research on this, but it is not of electromagnetic nature, it is scalar fields and all biological beings readily respond to it in various ways depending on their polarization. However there can be electromagnetic manifestations secondary to this as any two or more scalar fields give rise to an electromagnetic field but it's not the main player in the phenomenon you mentioned. Electromagnetism is just one manifestation of this universal force.
Every living being or person (and also objects) have their own scalar field. Human fields are very diverse in frequencies, that's why psychics perceive the human aura in color and intensity. These fields remain in every place you go, any object you touch, any chair you sit on and can exist on their own as standing waves, Russian researchers call them "phantoms" and they can be reliably detected with devices. They maintain their spatial structure until other fields will break them. Also strong magnetic fields, intense sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, frankincense fumes etc are able to break them. Similarly, qigong healers can charge any objects (even non conductors like paper, wood etc) with this energy and the objects can be used by patients.


Jan 6, 2019
These fields remain in every place you go, any object you touch, any chair you sit on and can exist on their own as standing waves, Russian researchers call them "phantoms" and they can be reliably detected with devices
What kind of devices? Makes sense why in many cultures buying used clothes and furniture is approached with caution.

Will these standing waves exist independently of you, or will you somehow remain linked to everything you touch, until the object is cleansed?

Where can I learn more about everything you wrote?


Feb 4, 2021
What is faraday fabric? If you mean constructing a faraday cage with fabric made of a mesh, it should work.

If you mean using some fabric just in some pieces of cloth or similar... don't even think about it. It will make it worse.
Like this

Also I've read about your experience with aluminium foil, thought maybe special emf blocking fabric could be any better


Feb 4, 2021
What is worse in your opinion: dirty electricity irradiated from wiring or rf/emf from smartphone, pc, screens? Getting rid of my smartphone and pc is only thing I can do now unfortunately :(


Mar 18, 2021
What is worse in your opinion: dirty electricity irradiated from wiring or rf/emf from smartphone, pc, screens? Getting rid of my smartphone and pc is only thing I can do now unfortunately :(

It's hard to say because it depends on the situation. But if you stop using and touching/carrying your smartphone on your body, as well as limit computer (screen time) it will make the biggest difference. Also, all screens emit a lot of "dirty electricity" EMF even if they are battery powered.

The electromagnetic spectrum is continuous and infinite (from 0 Hz to infinite frequency).
It is divided in 6 different sections depending on frequency/energy (gamma rays, X-rays, UV, visible light, infrared, and radio waves) - they are all on the same spectrum but these are all just naming conventions and it confuses a lot of people.

For example radio waves are defined from 3 Hz to 3 Thz. So technically the 50 Hz EMF radiated by household wiring is also radiofrequency. Dirty electricity is also radio frequency. And so are the Schumann frequencies. And GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth etc which are all naming conventions - they all refer to a particular band of radio frequency, which means a range or a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, and these may be allocated differently depending on country. For example GSM-900 uplink (emitted by mobile device) is between 880 to 915 MHz and downlink (emitted by base station) is 925 to 960 MHz. etc

So they are all names for different bands on the same EM spectrum. And different frequencies will have different effects on biological systems. The point is to avoid all man-made EMF as much as feasibly possible. They are also referred to as non-native EMF, frequencies that have never existed on this planet before. All life has evolved under the influence of the Earth's relatively homogenous magnetic field, the Schumann resonances and the occasional solar flares causing geomagnetic storms.

In real life you will never be exposed to just 1 frequency or 1 frequency band because every device emits a wide range of EMFs. For example computer monitors, tablets and smartphone screens emit EMF in the same frequencies also referred to as "dirty electricity". Most people know about monitor refresh rates such as 60Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz, 240Hz. This is the vertical refresh rate that is accompanied by an EMF of corresponding frequency as well as a flicker of the same.
But all displays have a horizontal refresh rate as well which is in the Khz or Mhz range and it is always specified by the manufacturer. This is just one example, because each internal component will emit different frequencies.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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