Orange Juice + Baking Soda


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Jib said:
Birdie said:
We've been using the baking soda in our oj too. For about a year and a half now. My husband uses quite a lot but I like just a pinch. I didn't drink oj prior to reading Peat, so have no experience with plain oj's triggering reflux.

I also do the bag breathing for CO2, especially on breaks during my exercise/yoga. CO2 is a part of my regimen (with protein and progesterone) for curing anemia a la Peat. :!:

Another CO2 enhancer has been learning to breathe through my nose, and from the belly. I tape my mouth at night to encourage nose breathing. A side benefit is that my chapped lips have improved hugely!! :)

I've been taping my mouth at night too. Love it. I stick the tape to my pants a couple times to take a bit of the tackiness off. I use Nexcare durable cloth tape (durapore surgical tape). I was using Transpore tape but it was leaving my lips pretty sticky in the morning and that was kind of annoying!

Anyway, have you heard of John Mew and orthotropics? Or George Caitlin? I first heard of Buteyko and practiced reduced breathing for a while, and learned to breathe exclusively through my nose --

-- but eventually I found out about John Mew and George Caitlin too. Mew's thing is orthotropics -- the concept of 'natural orthodontics,' i.e. influencing proper facial development and jaw structure via proper oral posture. "The tongue is the best orthodontic device in the world" (not sure if he said that, but I've seen that while reading about orthotropics).

If you look up pictures online it's absolutely amazing how well it's worked. Night and day difference, and these were kids with serious problems (severe overbites/underbites, lots of crowding, etc.). It's amazing how much more attractive their faces became too.

George Caitlin was around in the 1800's. He observed Native American tribes and noticed how the mothers would close their baby's mouths while they slept, if they happened to open. He believed that this practice encouraged proper facial development (he more hinted at it or implied it, as far as I remember), although his primary focus was nasal breathing. The book he wrote was called "Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life."

-- and he was especially concerned with keeping the mouth shut and breathing through the nose at night. He believed that people's health was devastated during the night when they had no conscious control over their breathing and their mouths would open and let cold, unfiltered air pass into their lungs, instead of going through the nose.

Tape wasn't even invented yet at the time he wrote that. If it was I'm sure he would've been on that bandwagon. He saw how the Native Americans slept on their backs, wrapping their robes around themselves, and propping their heads up on a small pillow or anything that could serve as a pillow. This encouraged them to keep their mouths closed the whole night through.

Anyway, all of that's very fascinating stuff. I think the CO2 thing is absolutely important, and nasal breathing alone will help with that (although I'm also a fan of diaphragmatic breathing and I think that's very important too)...

...but proper rest oral posture (tip of the tongue just behind the front teeth, lips comfortably closed, teeth lightly touching or slightly apart, tongue against the roof of the mouth) not only creates the habit of nasal breathing, but also the encouragement of proper facial development.

Orthotropics is primarily aimed at younger kids that have a chance to change their facial structure before it becomes more permanent. But I've been using proper oral posture for probably close to a year now and while the difference is subtle, it's definitely there. I think that's pretty cool. The proper swallowing thing too (how swallowing is anterior, and the tongue should not thrust forward -- there should be very little if any visible movement of the face during proper swallowing) has helped me a lot.
Tip of the tongue behind the front's in parentheses above. Thanks for asking this tomsonbottom! I've been reading about buteyko lately and this is all seems related.


I suggest not trying baking soda with lemon. Although lemon is an acid, when it is processed it has a very strong alkalizing effect on the body. Baking soda is also alkalizing, and the combination of these two alkalizing substances might be too strong.


Jan 2, 2015
I have been mixing my orange juice with 1/2 to 3/4 a cup of magnesium bicarbonate initially to just be getting more magnesium through out the day. But I noticed it seems to be a milder version of adding baking soda to orange juice a little fizz and a little sweeter. Considering mag Bicarb is base I think maybe it is having a similar action but to a lesser degree. The possibility that it is transforming the magnesium to another form is possible but that is over my head. Just thought I would throw it out as a option for people. who want to neutralize orange juice a little.
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