Origin Of AIDS



Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yes, I saw that video with Mullis.


Mar 27, 2018

Rebecca Culshaw wrote a book called "Science Sold Out: Does HIV really cause AIDS?" which is a short, but fascinating read from a slightly different perspective - Rebecca is a Mathematical-Biologist.

She doesn't work with cell cultures, she works with "mathematical models" of diseases, cells and epidemics and according to this mathematician - the NUMBERS DON'T ADD UP.

Her career took a hit because her conscience told her to stop working on HIV/AIDS.

I'm actually re-reading this book currently. You can get it for less than $10 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Science-Sold...old+out+rebecca+culshaw&qid=1586871066&sr=8-1


Mar 27, 2018

I read a few pages of that and I'm pretty confident it's nonsense.

Occam's Razor, first and foremost - why chalk up CFS to a mysterious retrovirus when the cause is most likely metabolic?

Recently, one of us (JAM) identified DNA from a human gamma retrovirus (XMRV) in 67% of CFS subjects. Evidence also suggested that approximately 50% of the CFS infected subjects mounted a specific antibody response against XMRV (Science 326, 585-589 (2009)). The objective of this study was to compare demographic parameters, health/performance status and response of XMRV/pMRV antibody positive vs. negative CFS subjects enrolled in a Phase III clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of a toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) agonist

-So only 2/3rds of CFS sufferes have this retrovirus, sure it's more than 51% but it's still not that high.
-RP states the retroviruses appear after the stress damages the organism - i.e. a "scab" that occurs after the initial injury, but like a scab it is not the cause of the injury, just a remnant.

Not really sure why they decided to focus on TLR3, and I'm really confused why they chose a TLR3 agonist.
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Mar 15, 2014
You are trying to justify some strange irrational ancient religious thing. There are cultures much older and they teach to eat lots of blood. China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar all of them have blood cakes.

Asians didn't rely on dairy. Dairy is high calcium. Calcium impedes iron absorption.

NW Europeans have higher iron levels. NW Euros also have high rates of lactose digestion (high ancestral dairy diet). High ancestral calcium drove up biological iron levels to compensate.

Higher ancestral dairy consumption = lower tolerance for iron. Even when it comes to red meat, most of the meat consumption (which was already scarcer) would probably have been veal (lower iron). No point in sacrificing a valuable milk cow.


Probably already posted by someone else

What the billion-dollar drug companies, the federal government and the State of Arkansas don't want you to see ... Because people are still dying.

A shocking expose of a prison blood donor program during the Clinton governorship in Arkansas. Infected prisoners slipped through the cracks and tainted blood made it into pharmaceuticals sold to patients in Canada, Europe and Asia, infecting them with the deadly diseases hepatitis C and AIDS.

For more than two decades, the Arkansas prison system sold blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS. Thousands of unwitting victims who transfused a product called Factor 8 made from this blood died as a result. Follow along as filmmaker Kelly Duda uncovers a tragedy many consider a crime. This documentary follows the story of how tainted blood was sold to patients in Canada and other parts of the world while Bill Clinton was governor. It offers an unsettling look at the complex issues surrounding prison corruption, blood safety and government oversight. Factor 8 also raises tough questions about public accountability. Did leaders knowingly sell a dangerous product for profit? Criminal investigations and class-action suits in Canada, Europe and Japan over tainted blood infections underscore the global significance of this issue. Families are still grieving. Victims are still dying. Yet while the rest of the world looks to America for answers, the story remains largely untold.

View: https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Factor-8--The-Arkansas-Prison-Blood-Scandal-(2005)


Jul 13, 2014
It is actually much worse that what the video describes. The polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40 and even though the Wikipedia page says the contamination in the US stopped in 1963, in fact it probably continued in the US up until 2000s, and is still ongoing today in some countries. In addition, Soviet Union was supplied with contaminated vaccines used up until the 1980s and the Soviets distributed contaminated versions to more than a 100 other countries. It makes me sick just reading this...

Vaccine scandal revives cancer fear
SV40 - Wikipedia
"...SV40 is an abbreviation for simian vacuolating virus 40 or simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. It was named for the effect it produced on infected green monkey cells, which developed an unusual number of vacuoles. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has the potential to cause tumors in animals, but most often persists as a latent infection. The discovery of SV40 revealed that between 1955 and 1963 around 90% of children and 60% of adults in the U.S.were inoculated with SV40-contaminated polio vaccines.[1]

"... Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the oral form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961 by American Home Products (dba Lederle). This is believed to be due to two sources: 1) SV40 contamination of the original seed strain (coded SOM); 2) contamination of the substrate—primary kidney cells from infected monkeys used to grow the vaccine virus during production. Both the Sabin vaccine (oral, live virus) and the Salk vaccine (injectable, killed virus) were affected; the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the Salk vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40. The contaminated vaccine continued to be distributed to the public through 1963."
"... An analysis presented at the Vaccine Cell Substrate Conference in 2004[30][medical citation needed] suggested that vaccines used in the former Soviet bloc countries, China, Japan, and Africa, could have been contaminated up to 1980, meaning that hundreds of millions more could have been exposed to the virus unknowingly."

Vaccine scandal revives cancer fear
"...The contamination of the Soviet vaccine highlights the need for safer methods of growing viruses for vaccines, Koprowski says, something he is trying to tackle by using plant cells. The US stopped using fresh monkey kidneys for polio vaccine in 2000. But the vaccine is still made in this way in several other countries."

"...Chumakov, whose father was director of the Soviet Institute of Poliomyelitis Research during the time of the contamination, says he was told that at one point the Soviet Union was supplying more than 100 countries with its vaccine."

View: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1680701828357320711?t=q5l5jTr5TxxqHtcca1R3MQ&s=19


Apr 16, 2017
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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