Painful Joints / Body


Mar 8, 2015
Not sure if this should go in this section, but didn't know where else to put it.

I am really experiencing painful arms every day now. It is there in the back ground all the time.

I know i am getting older, but this seems too severe for my age of 46.

I take T4 for my thyroid and use progesterone. So this is probably related to my hypothyroidism, but i can't seem to make it better with more thyroid meds or some T3.

My arms hurt around the elbow joint and to a lesser extent around the knees. When i play football i am really stiff and old for 2 days afterwards.

So i am thinking about some remedies to try and wanted to know what people thought.

There is glucosamine which is supposed to be good for joints. Anyone know why this is helpful ?

Then i thought about a small aspirin dose.

Any help appreciated.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Anything about muscles or joints and I think alkali minerals. Especially magnesium, which can be tricky to get replete in. Do you track those?


Oct 14, 2016
Not sure if this should go in this section, but didn't know where else to put it.

I am really experiencing painful arms every day now. It is there in the back ground all the time.

I know i am getting older, but this seems too severe for my age of 46.

I take T4 for my thyroid and use progesterone. So this is probably related to my hypothyroidism, but i can't seem to make it better with more thyroid meds or some T3.

My arms hurt around the elbow joint and to a lesser extent around the knees. When i play football i am really stiff and old for 2 days afterwards.

So i am thinking about some remedies to try and wanted to know what people thought.

There is glucosamine which is supposed to be good for joints. Anyone know why this is helpful ?

Then i thought about a small aspirin dose.

Any help appreciated.
Which brand of progesterone do you use, and at what dosage?


Mar 8, 2015
ProgestE and 2 drops so 6mg a day. Would this be causing these issues do you think?


Oct 14, 2016
ProgestE and 2 drops so 6mg a day. Would this be causing these issues do you think?
What effects did you notice when you first started using it? And have you tried DHEA along with it?


Mar 8, 2015
I do use a magnesium oil at least once per week. I don't track my minerals though, so don't know my levels. I find the oil very good for the muscles.

I have the pansterone liquid, but i can't say it does much for me. It actually makes me not so good hence i don't really use it. If i have used it i can only tolerate 1 drop. Maybe i could try it in the daytime as i use it at bedtime usually. I do use Andro most nights at 2 drops. This seems to have given me some benefits, but hard to quantify.

The progesterone makes my life much more bearable. I feel more relaxed taking it and my body works a lot better. I have been on it for 2 1/2 yrs.

However i have noticed these pains in my forearms / elbows now for over a year. My overall body does ache quite a bit (e.g. getting out of bed to pee). I am very fit and healthy to look at and not over weight and play sport at a good standard still, BUT my body feels so old. It really is a pain in the back side and i don't think this is natural aging. I think this is related to my thyroid / adrenal status.

I really hope the progesterone is not the issue with these aching joints. I need to do some research to see if this could be the cause.


Aug 22, 2017
I do use a magnesium oil at least once per week. I don't track my minerals though, so don't know my levels. I find the oil very good for the muscles.

I have the pansterone liquid, but i can't say it does much for me. It actually makes me not so good hence i don't really use it. If i have used it i can only tolerate 1 drop. Maybe i could try it in the daytime as i use it at bedtime usually. I do use Andro most nights at 2 drops. This seems to have given me some benefits, but hard to quantify.

The progesterone makes my life much more bearable. I feel more relaxed taking it and my body works a lot better. I have been on it for 2 1/2 yrs.

However i have noticed these pains in my forearms / elbows now for over a year. My overall body does ache quite a bit (e.g. getting out of bed to pee). I am very fit and healthy to look at and not over weight and play sport at a good standard still, BUT my body feels so old. It really is a pain in the back side and i don't think this is natural aging. I think this is related to my thyroid / adrenal status.

I really hope the progesterone is not the issue with these aching joints. I need to do some research to see if this could be the cause.
Have you tested Estrogen? I'm fairly certain progesterone opposed estrogen and too low levels can cause joint pain.


Aug 11, 2017
Are you drinking coffee? Do you get heartburn? I find coffee has made my tendons extremely tight and painful, especially at the elbow (top side). Feels like tendonitis, but am sure its from drinking coffee. I'm also starting to get joint pain in my middle finger on my right hand (middle knuckle).


Mar 8, 2015
I haven't tested any hormones for a while but i need to. I have read about the progesterone opposing the oestrogen, so this may be the issue. It is a worry.

I do drink coffee, about 2 cups a day. I don't get heartburn.


Mar 8, 2015
Someone has mentioned by message that his tendon issues were probably caused by the supplements from ideal labs containing DMSO.

This could possibly be the culprit, or a factor and i am due to get another bottle of Andro soon so i will order without DMSO.

So it seems there are two factors which need to be investigated. My use of Progesterone at 6mg per day and Androsterone with DMSO.

Good feedback from the board and i am very grateful for any input as it helps guide me much more than just doing it on my own.


Mar 8, 2015
I missed out the progesterone this morning and i was very tired at lunch time so i have taken one drop again at 12pm. This afternoon i have been so very tired and the body has been very stiff. I have taken my usual 2nd drop progesterone at 4pm. I am starting to feel a bit better early evening. Still generally tired though.

I didn't take any androsterone last night and will miss it out from now on.

I am thinking this issue of joint pain is associated with the steroid hormones. I am a little worried progesterone on its own is not doing what it has been doing for 2 years now.

I am seeing the doc in two weeks time and will see what he says. I wonder if low dose prednisolone could be more useful for me. Say a dose of 1-2mg per day.

Anyone used prednisolone before or on a regular basis.


Mar 8, 2015
I feel a little better after stopping the androsterone. Still using 2 drops progesterone per day.

My body still has the aches, but feeling ok. Will see how things develop.


Apr 13, 2016
Androsterone and progesterone both inhibit aromatase, and anything that does that will have a chance of causing joint pains in some people. Any AI will have that as a possible side effect. Ray has said that he doubts the "low estrogen" theory of joint pains, but that is a physiological question, whereas we know empirically that anti-estrogen supplements cause joint pain.

Aspirin will help but has side effects as you know.

I have dealt with my joint pain using liver, gelatin, and vitamin D. Liver I take 4 capsules of dessicated liver a day. Gelatin about 2 tablespoons cooked collagen Hydrolyzed. Vit. D I take 25,000 Iu but that is an experimental dose for hair regrowth and the tolerable upper limit is 10,000 Iu.

Sunlight, gelatinous cuts of meat, and regular liver intake should definitely help with this issue. Those would be my safe recommendations to start out with.

Someone mentioned DMSO, but DMSO is an anti-inflammatory. Many of the people trashing DMSO have never tried USP DMSO solo in other words there is no control on their experimentation. I have used large amounts of DMSO, and it does not cause joint pains, whereas all androgens do. It is possible that you are allergic to it, but your skin would break out in an itchy, red rash if this were true. Still, I doubt that this is causing your problems, given your steroid intake.


May 6, 2015
After reading DMSO: Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton Walker, a book about Stanley Jacob's co-discovery of the therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects of DMSO, I purchased Jacob Lab DMSO in a 50% solution. I used it topically a few times per week on various joints. Initial application seemed to result in mild short term improvement.

Over a longer time frame, it seemed to prime all joints for easy injury. In other words, it took very little strain to produce an injury in my elbow and shoulder joints. Normally these mild injuries would subside and disappear within 5-10 days. Believing the DMSO to be specifically anti-inflammatory to joints, I then applied it directly to the injured joints. Instead of getting better, the joint pain got worse, producing a progressive weakening of the joint.

Not getting any benefit from the DMSO, I discontinued it. The pain and weakness, however, continued. This period lasted for about 6-9 months with no improvement.

Around this time I introduced IL steroid supplements in DMSO ( Pansterone, 11-Keto, Androsterone) . I applied these topically as well, on a varying but conservative dosage schedule. I began to notice that the DMSO androgen supplements when taken 1 drop after a 1 week washout could reliably result in increases in pain and weakness in the sore joints within an hour or two.

Three or four months ago I shelved the DMSO supplements and replaced them with the oil based versions. Joint weakness stopped within a month, and pain has been reduced to maybe 10% within 2 months.

My take away from this:

DMSO weakens joints, setting them up for crippling long term mechanical injuries.

Androgens and/or Estrogens play a role, perhaps by the DMSO letting the steroids gain entry into what should be a protected cellular space.

Or perhaps the DMSO allows bacteria or fungi to gain entry into the protected cellular space.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Androsterone and progesterone both inhibit aromatase, and anything that does that will have a chance of causing joint pains in some people. Any AI will have that as a possible side effect. Ray has said that he doubts the "low estrogen" theory of joint pains, but that is a physiological question, whereas we know empirically that anti-estrogen supplements cause joint pain.

Aspirin will help but has side effects as you know.

I have dealt with my joint pain using liver, gelatin, and vitamin D. Liver I take 4 capsules of dessicated liver a day. Gelatin about 2 tablespoons cooked collagen Hydrolyzed. Vit. D I take 25,000 Iu but that is an experimental dose for hair regrowth and the tolerable upper limit is 10,000 Iu.

Sunlight, gelatinous cuts of meat, and regular liver intake should definitely help with this issue. Those would be my safe recommendations to start out with.

Someone mentioned DMSO, but DMSO is an anti-inflammatory. Many of the people trashing DMSO have never tried USP DMSO solo in other words there is no control on their experimentation. I have used large amounts of DMSO, and it does not cause joint pains, whereas all androgens do. It is possible that you are allergic to it, but your skin would break out in an itchy, red rash if this were true. Still, I doubt that this is causing your problems, given your steroid intake.

Vitamin D certainly causes bone and joint pain in many, how much ?
Aug 21, 2013
Endotoxin seems to give me achy joints and muscles. It's always accompanied with constipation, bloating, foul gas, tinnitus, and a reoccurring tooth infection. I've felt like an old man for literally weeks at time until I get it under control.
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Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
After becoming a salt maniac about 2 weeks ago, my pain is down a lot. Sometimes gone completely. Sometimes i even forget to take aspirin. Totally unexpected result along with effortless weight loss.

Don't increase fluid intake and salt your food like a fool.

Body tightens up and everything working better including libido.

According to the book I read on the history of Salt, women used to rub salt all over their man to ensure performance.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Body tightens up and everything working better including libido.

According to the book I read on the history of Salt, women used to rub salt all over their man to ensure performance.

That's pretty salty ;):playful::smuggrin:
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