Pansterone , Androsterone , Progesterone Beginner


Oct 29, 2022
South Africa
Hello Everyone,

I'm excited to share that I've just received my first order of Pansterone, Androsterone, and Progesterone.

As a 23-year-old male, my primary goal is to increase my androgen levels. I've been facing challenges with sleep, weight gain, and maintaining consistent energy levels. Thankfully, adopting a strict Peat diet has significantly improved my well-being. Now, I'm eager to take my health to the next level with these supplements.

I would be grateful for any advice or insights related to my current stack. Here's what I'm considering for my regimen:

  • Androsterone: 2 drops on the navel
  • Pansterone: 2 drops on the navel, 2 drops on the scrotum
  • Progesterone: 2 drops on the navel
Does this sound appropriate?

To ensure accuracy, I've recently completed blood tests to establish my pre-supplementation levels. Before beginning this regimen, I'll await feedback from the forum to confirm that these dosages are suitable. Once I start supplementing, I plan to undergo blood tests again in four weeks and share my progress with everyone here.

Thank you in advance
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Hello JCub369.

Your initial stack doesn’t seem bad but neither does it seem optimal.
If possible you should get your hands on some Kuinone because it’s great at boosting androgens with very little risk.

I would be weary of the progesterone because for some men it seems to have anti-androgenic effects; it has anti gonadotropin activity at high dosages but 2 drops seems nothing to be concerned about and probably an amount that Peat would recommend.

If you can I’d switch this out (or add on top like I do) for some 6-ketoprogesterone as it has no risk of lowering androgens and in my case has actually helped to increase them because of its incredible anti-cortisol action.

I’ve had mixed results with androsterone but I only tried it when I was quite hypothyroid so I’ll leave it to someone else to share their experience with that.

Finally I personally like to just apply everything scrotally because the scrotum is great for absorbing things into the bloodstream transdermally and I notice more of the desired effect when I do this.


It will be very interesting to see your blood results before and after. Good luck.


Oct 29, 2022
South Africa
Hello JCub369.

Your initial stack doesn’t seem bad but neither does it seem optimal.
If possible you should get your hands on some Kuinone because it’s great at boosting androgens with very little risk.

I would be weary of the progesterone because for some men it seems to have anti-androgenic effects; it has anti gonadotropin activity at high dosages but 2 drops seems nothing to be concerned about and probably an amount that Peat would recommend.

If you can I’d switch this out (or add on top like I do) for some 6-ketoprogesterone as it has no risk of lowering androgens and in my case has actually helped to increase them because of its incredible anti-cortisol action.

I’ve had mixed results with androsterone but I only tried it when I was quite hypothyroid so I’ll leave it to someone else to share their experience with that.

Finally I personally like to just apply everything scrotally because the scrotum is great for absorbing things into the bloodstream transdermally and I notice more of the desired effect when I do this.

View attachment 49481

It will be very interesting to see your blood results before and after. Good luck.
Hi There!

Thank you for the reply.

I was under the impression that Androsterone applied to the scrotum can have negative effects ( numbing , lower libido ), that's the only reason why I am considering the naval.

As for the progesterone, It seems, when mixed with DHEA to be Testosterone promoting. ( DHEA + Progesterone == Pro-anabolic, Testosterone-promoting? )

Thank you for suggesting Kuinone. I will order some and when it arrives will add to the current stack and report back.

Do you have any suggestions on the ratios I am using?

I look forward to sharing my experience with you.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I was under the impression that Androsterone applied to the scrotum can have negative effects ( numbing , lower libido ), that's the only reason why I am considering the naval.
Sounds like a good idea. You could try applying it to your wrists too. This product probably has the most unpredictable effects on me and I don’t understand it well enough to advise.
As for the progesterone, It seems, when mixed with DHEA to be Testosterone promoting. ( DHEA + Progesterone == Pro-anabolic, Testosterone-promoting? )
Yes. I think the ideal ratio is 2:1 Progesterone to DHEA. Personally I prefer 6-ketop4 as I have sometimes experienced emasculating effects from progesterone even when combined with DHEA. (It put me in a very good mood though)

You could probably increase the pansterone to 4 drops if you’re not very hypothyroid.
Again dosing androsterone is very mysterious, some people have no problem with it and some people cannot tolerate more than just a few drops a week otherwise they get weird symptoms.

Haidut recommended scrotal tyronene to user @MOUNTAINBEAR and it worked well for him. Haidut also stresses that thyroid in itself strongly increases steroidogenesis.

Also sugar metabolism is key to high androgens which is probably why methylene blue (oxidal) gave me a surge in androgens that has persisted. You should keep up your peaty diet and maybe get idealabs supplements that repair the electron transport chain. (Kuinone does this).
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2022
South Africa
Sounds like a good idea. You could try applying it to your wrists too. This product probably has the most unpredictable effects on me and I don’t understand it well enough to advise.

Yes. I think the ideal ratio is 2:1 Progesterone to DHEA. Personally I prefer 6-ketop4 as I have sometimes experienced emasculating effects from progesterone even when combined with DHEA. (It made put me in a very good mood though)

You could probably increase the pansterone to 4 drops if you’re not very hypothyroid.
Again dosing androsterone is very mysterious, some people have no problem with it and some people cannot tolerate more than just a few drops a week otherwise they get weird symptoms.

Haidut recommended scrotal tyronene to user @MOUNTAINBEAR and it worked well for him. Haidut also stresses that thyroid in itself strongly increases steroidogenesis.

Also sugar metabolism is key to high androgens which is probably why methylene blue (oxidal) gave me a surge in androgens that has persisted. You should keep up your peaty diet and maybe get idealabs supplements that repair the electron transport chain. (Kuinone does this).

I never thought methylene blue would have a major effect in androgens. I will definitely try some too.
Are there any brands you recommend?

Do you have any information on how Kuinone repairs the electron transport chain? I would love to look more into this.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Methylene blue’s androgenic action isn’t surprising given that it’s a prolactin and estrogen antagonist, among other things.
I just used idealabs’ methylene blue product Oxidal but you can definitely find it somewhere else for much cheaper. (Just make sure it’s USP and doesn’t have junk added to it).

By the way I was wrong about the ideal ratio of prog to DHEA. 3:1 seems to be the minimum and apparently some people use upwards of 11:1 😳.

You can find a lot of information about vitamin K’s mechanism of action on this forum. Here’s a short clip of Ray explaining it:



Oct 29, 2022
South Africa
Methylene blue’s androgenic action isn’t surprising given that it’s a prolactin and estrogen antagonist, among other things.
I just used idealabs’ methylene blue product Oxidal but you can definitely find it somewhere else for much cheaper. (Just make sure it’s USP and doesn’t have junk added to it).

By the way I was wrong about the ideal ratio of prog to DHEA. 3:1 seems to be the minimum and apparently some people use upwards of 11:1 😳.

You can find a lot of information about vitamin K’s mechanism of action on this forum. Here’s a short clip of Ray explaining it:


Thanks for all your help!
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I have posted my bloods. SHBG is quite high. Do you think the Pansterone and Androsterone will help lower it. Thinking of maybe ordering some proviron.
Yes I think especially the androsterone will help. Because of your original post I decided to try it again (3-4 drops inner elbow) and have been getting very good results.

However my main concern is your TSH which is alarmingly high. You should probably get your hands on a pure T3 supplement or a mixed T4/T3 supplement with a ratio of 2:1.

If I were you I would focus my efforts on fixing thyroid first before touching DHEA or other upstream hormones — lest your body shunts them off down estrogenic and corticosteroid pathways.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Just because a TSH of 3.50 is in the official “““healthy””” range doesn’t actually mean you can forget about it.

Remember that part of Peating is struggling against arrogant/brainwashed doctors and taking matters into your own hands.


Oct 29, 2022
South Africa
Yes I think especially the androsterone will help. Because of your original post I decided to try it again (3-4 drops inner elbow) and have been getting very good results.

However my main concern is your TSH which is alarmingly high. You should probably get your hands on a pure T3 supplement or a mixed T4/T3 supplement with a ratio of 2:1.

If I were you I would focus my efforts on fixing thyroid first before touching DHEA or other upstream hormones — lest your body shunts them off down estrogenic and corticosteroid pathways.
As far as lowering my TSH, would you recommend the idealabs Tyromix. Is there anyway to lower my TSH without the use of exogenous hormones?

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