Permission to Terminate the Unvaccinated


Aug 24, 2019
My country's government has, in a manner of speaking, granted employers permission to terminate unvaccinated individuals, from next year onwards. It has ruled that from next year onwards, unvaccinated individuals will not be allowed to return to their places of work without a negative test result for COVID-19, which will only be valid for 24 hours and that the cost of the test is to be borne by the individuals. In other words, it has made it such that those like me, who are unvaccinated, will only be able to return to their places of work next year, if they paid to be tested on a daily basis and I should add that the tests cost anywhere from 50 to 150 dollars each. My country's government has also stated explicitly that should an employer decide to terminate an employee because of the employee's inability to be present at their place of work, it would not be considered an instance of wrongful dismissal. I have been adamant about not becoming vaccinated this entire time but having learned of this development, I am having second thoughts. The only way to be exempt from this ruling is to show evidence of one's being medically ineligible for vaccination and I am not certain how to go about this. As a last resort, I was considering the only non-mrna vaccine recognised in my country, at present, Sinovac-CoronaVac. I would really appreciate some advice as to what to do next. Thank you.


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Nov 8, 2018
My country's government has, in a manner of speaking, granted employers permission to terminate unvaccinated individuals, from next year onwards. It has ruled that from next year onwards, unvaccinated individuals will not be allowed to return to their places of work without a negative test result for COVID-19, which will only be valid for 24 hours and that the cost of the test is to be borne by the individuals. In other words, it has made it such that those like me, who are unvaccinated, will only be able to return to their places of work next year, if they paid to be tested on a daily basis and I should add that the tests cost anywhere from 50 to 150 dollars each. My country's government has also stated explicitly that should an employer decide to terminate an employee because of the employee's inability to be present at their place of work, it would not be considered an instance of wrongful dismissal. I have been adamant about not becoming vaccinated this entire time but having learned of this development, I am having second thoughts. The only way to be exempt from this ruling is to show evidence of one's being medically ineligible for vaccination and I am not certain how to go about this. As a last resort, I was considering the only non-mrna vaccine recognised in my country, at present, Sinovac-CoronaVac. I would really appreciate some advice as to what to do next. Thank you.
There are no safe vaccines available, they are all experimental and not approved so they cannot be legally mandated. What will you do if you will get crippled by these free vaccines, will you be still looking for a job?


Feb 3, 2020
You can become an official „test authority“ really easily with an online-course. My near relatives did it and now can give out official test certificates.

They did buy some bulk tests and can use them for testing others. It‘s 1-2€ instead of 10-15€ now.


Aug 24, 2019
You can become an official „test authority“ really easily with an online-course. My near relatives did it and now can give out official test certificates.

They did buy some bulk tests and can use them for testing others. It‘s 1-2€ instead of 10-15€

You can become an official „test authority“ really easily with an online-course. My near relatives did it and now can give out official test certificates.

They did buy some bulk tests and can use them for testing others. It‘s 1-2€ instead of 10-15€ now.
In Singapore, there is an official list of establishments which are authorised to carry out the test and you have to go through one of them. I find it to be absurd that the government won't allow or recognise results from tests that have been administered by individuals themselves. It is so ridiculously obvious that the government is pushing some kind of agenda and the more insistent they become the more reluctant I am.


Jun 23, 2017
My country's government has, in a manner of speaking, granted employers permission to terminate unvaccinated individuals, from next year onwards. It has ruled that from next year onwards, unvaccinated individuals will not be allowed to return to their places of work without a negative test result for COVID-19, which will only be valid for 24 hours and that the cost of the test is to be borne by the individuals. In other words, it has made it such that those like me, who are unvaccinated, will only be able to return to their places of work next year, if they paid to be tested on a daily basis and I should add that the tests cost anywhere from 50 to 150 dollars each. My country's government has also stated explicitly that should an employer decide to terminate an employee because of the employee's inability to be present at their place of work, it would not be considered an instance of wrongful dismissal. I have been adamant about not becoming vaccinated this entire time but having learned of this development, I am having second thoughts. The only way to be exempt from this ruling is to show evidence of one's being medically ineligible for vaccination and I am not certain how to go about this. As a last resort, I was considering the only non-mrna vaccine recognised in my country, at present, Sinovac-CoronaVac. I would really appreciate some advice as to what to do next. Thank you.
What about religious exemption?
Nov 21, 2015
it boils down to civil disobedience. I know it's tough. This is like the Nazi period in the 1930s. The only thing to do is disobey and take the consequences. If you can't maybe you can get vacccinated and have them inject the air. Or you can become self employed and allow your former employer to become your client.
Mar 10, 2021
it boils down to civil disobedience. I know it's tough. This is like the Nazi period in the 1930s. The only thing to do is disobey and take the consequences. If you can't maybe you can get vacccinated and have them inject the air. Or you can become self employed and allow your former employer to become your client.
Oh that's a good one, bribe the injector ?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
It sounds like it is still voluntary on the part of the employer - so stop working for psychopaths.
At some point the vaccines may make so many people sick that the unvaccinated will need to work all the jobs.


Aug 24, 2019


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Apr 22, 2019
We could also be content with the food and raiment that God promises to provide us:

1 Timothy 6:7-11
[7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
[8] And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
[9] But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
[10] For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
[11] But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.


Aug 24, 2019
We could also be content with the food and raiment that God promises to provide us:

1 Timothy 6:7-11
[7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
[8] And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
[9] But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
[10] For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
[11] But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
What nonsense! Not wanting to be umemployed is not the same thing as having a 'love of money'. You need a flow of income in order to eat. Please do your bible thumping elsewhere.
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