
Nov 27, 2018
Essentially every expectant mother in developed countries undergoes these procedures without thinking anything of it. Just the name ultrasound makes one think of whales singing in the pristine sea. Turns out it's a form of non-ionizing radiation at a specific frequency the wave pressures of which, if sound, would exceed our pain threshold many a thousand-fold. They've been shown to cause such incredible damage that it's hard to justify either their non-medical or even medical use. And the heritable DNA damage they cause have now potentially been used for up to four consecutive generations in some cases.

I, like many others, had no idea of the damage ultrasound causes and didn't even realise opting out is a thing to consider. Below are a few articles with huge amount of information that I tried to somehow summarize. A single child that has to bear this burden before even stepping into this world is a tragedy. By spreading the word I hope a few can be spared.

Prenatal Ultrasound—Not So Sound After All

"...Despite the absence of demonstrated benefits, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” (p. 47), including Doppler fetal heart rate monitoring that magnifies the unborn baby’s exposure manyfold.

"...two recent books make the opposite case. One author—backed up by over 1500 scientific citations—argues that prenatal ultrasound is so harmful to children that it “should be banned from obstetrics immediately.” The other contends that the “subtle and not-so-subtle” biological effects of ultrasound “have set the human species on a tragic path” from which it may take generations to recover.

"Few prospective parents realize that ultrasound technology is not just sound waves but is based on non-ionizing radiation."

"...In the mid-1980s, a best-selling doctor/author likened ultrasound to other “unproven” technologies “being sold to the public as being ‘perfectly safe’” and scolded the medical profession for failing to take the “necessary steps to protect people against a malignant technology.” Around the same time, the World Health Organization declared (in vain) that concerns about ultrasound’s clinical efficacy and safety “do not allow a recommendation for routine screening.”

"According to the author of one of the recent ultrasound critiques, the technology causes far-reaching damage. Describing a series of studies published in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the author notes that “a single exposure to ultrasound produced cellular and DNA damage similar to 250 chest x rays”—and “[d]amage was permanent and heritable for ten generations and beyond.” Forms of damage included “DNA shearing, single and double strand breaks, chromosome rearrangements and DNA uncoiling, deformities and mutations in offspring, as well as the complete deactivation of genetic material within sonicated cells.”

The second recent book summarizes 50 studies of prenatal ultrasound in China, describing “alteration and injuries in the organs, tissues [and] cellular ultrastructures” and “damage to the cytokine signaling in molecules, red blood cells, neurons and mitochondria.” The author notes that the physics of ultrasound are “dramatic”; for example, industry uses ultrasound “to disintegrate and blend materials, and to weld steel.” Airing the concept of “toxic synergy,” the book also suggests that “ultrasound is an effective synergist…theoretically capable of initiating fetal vulnerabilities to subsequent toxic exposure”; thus, “the risk of subsequent exposure to vaccines, birth drugs, antibiotics and other environmental stressors would be raised by prenatal ultrasound, not in addition, but as a multiplier

"...This FDA action ensured that babies born after 1991 would be exposed to even more radiation as compared to those born in the 1970s and 80s, hence these children have a greater risk of radiation-induced genetic and/or brain damage that can lead to autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

"Researchers have pointed out that the autism epidemic took off at around the same time that ultrasound use and intensity increased. To explain this association, they note the presence of central nervous system alterations in animals exposed to ultrasound in utero. For example, a study in mice found that fetal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound altered “typical social behaviors…that may be relevant for autism.”

"...Casanova frankly states that ltrasounds are being done without regards to the safety of the patients.” He points out that a third of all ultrasound practitioners fail to adhere to safety regulations and notes that at least 40% of ultrasound equipment is defective. In addition, he observes that many practitioners “don’t see anything wrong” with using ultrasound during the first trimester, even though safety regulations discourage first-trimester use in uneventful pregnancies. "

Ultrasound Pregnancy Risks

"...Children, and especially developing babies in the womb, are at great risk from exposure to non-ionizing technologies since children's brains and bodies absorb more radiation, and the bone marrow in their head absorbs up to 10x as much radiation as does that of adults.

"In truth, all living things are in danger from exposure to non-ionizing technologies and this includes radiation from cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, wifi devices, and 5G technology which is being introduced. Because these devices are now ubiquitous in our society—and because children are now being exposed 24/7 (even while in the womb)—it is important for parents to understand the facts about non-ionizing technologies so that they can protect themselves and their children from harm.

"...In both human and animal studies, ultrasound exposure in utero has been repeatedly shown to cause intrauterine growth restriction and low birth weight. Medical researchers at the FDA have known about this for decades, with an FDA spokesperson acknowledging in the early 1990s that:

We’ve been looking at a population of children – about 2,000 children – about half of whom have been irradiated [with ultrasound] in the Denver, Colorado area. And the indication there is that these children who have been irradiated have a reduced birth weight.”

"Despite this knowledge, in 1991, the FDA decided to increase the maximum allowable output levels for obstetrical ultrasound machines at least eightfold, with some sources saying that output levels increased 10 to-15-fold over the next few years.

"...Significantly, both fetal heart monitoring and ultrasound scans have been repeatedly shown to have no benefit in terms of neonatal outcome.

"...Both ultrasound scans and Doppler fetal heart monitors have been repeatedly documented to cause extreme localized temperatures, that can lead to neurological defects, spina bifida, deformations in the head and brain, microcephaly, heart irregularities and defects, and other serious harm.

"Ultrasonically-induced fetal growth retardation (documented in literally dozens of studies as mentioned above) may be due, in part, to restrictions in bone growth caused by bones absorbing excess radiation heat.

Bone is extremely sensitive to ultrasound heating: the skull of a third-trimester fetus heats up 50 times more quickly than brain tissue when exposed to ultrasound. This means that brain structures lying close to the skull, such as the pituitary and the hypothalamus, are especially at risk of secondary heating.”

"...ultrasound-induced reproductive damage is extremely well-documented, and the medical establishment has known, since at least 1955, that ultrasound can have deleterious effects on the menstrual cycle, decrease ovulation rates, cause problems with embryo implantation, and trigger structural alterations in ovarian and testicular tissue.

",,,The medical establishment is well aware that ultrasound stops sperm production. This is why doctors are currently using it as a form of male contraception.

"Two 15 minute blasts to the adult male scrotum ensures a minimum of six months infertility, and infertility can be permanent.

Russian Study Confirms Disastrous Genetic Damage from Prenatal Ultrasound

",,,Before using an ultrasound generator, DNA molecules produce sounds over a wide range, from several to hundreds of hertz-Hz. And after using ultrasound, molecules sounded with special emphasis on the same frequency of 10 Hz. This frequency remained the same for several weeks after the experiment and its amplitude was not reduced at all. Figuratively speaking, the diversity of frequencies has been lost in the symphony of life, and one penetrating frequency – tone has prevailed.

"...the most striking was the following result – when they prepared a new DNA preparation and placed it in an old ultrasound-stricken place. Suddenly the specimen began to show all signs as if he had been hit by ultrasound.

"After a series of tests, scientists came to a surprising conclusion. Ultrasound hurt DNA molecules and they remembered it. DNA molecules have experienced a strong shock, after which they have long recovered and eventually created a wave phantom of pain and fear that remained in place for their terrible experiment. Under the influence of this phantom, even the second, new DNA molecule, they experienced a similar shock that left them with the same consequences!

"Further studies have shown that during ultrasound irradiation, double DNA spirals unravel and even tear, as is the case with strong heating of these molecules. At the moment of these mechanical damages, electromagnetic waves are formed that form the phantom. It is able to destroy DNA as well as heat and ultrasound.

"...Using ultrasound can have disastrous consequences for future generations. It is not excluded that ultrasound techniques can be carried out in a targeted manner to damage the genetic potential of humans. "

Germany Bans Prenatal Ultrasound for Non-Medical Use

“The high levels of ultrasound required for imaging are associated with a potential risk to the unborn baby, especially as significantly more sonic energy is absorbed into the bone at the onset of bone formation. In addition, reliable studies on the consequences of this application are lacking […]. Therefore, ultrasound applications are used for a non-medical purpose, e.g.for pure imaging of the fetus (“baby cinema”), without a medical indication was made prohibited […]. “

Ultrasound Risks

"...DUS [diagnostic ultrasound] is not natural sound. It is usually at a frequency of 3 to 9 megahertz with harmonics and random sonic effects. Its fundamental frequencies are higher than the EMF carrier frequencies for the AM radio band. Human hearing range is only 20 to 20,000 hertz. DUS wave pressures can be thousands times that of the hearing pain threshold.

"The physics are dramatic. "
Environmental Health Criteria 22: Ultrasound," published in 1982 by The World Health Organization (WHO), states that ultrasound cavitation can create powerful shockwaves far above the speed of sound. It can create cavitational bubble collapse temperatures of thousands of degrees.

"...DUS is widely declared to be "harmless," despite mothers describing on internet forums, such as The Thinking Moms' Revolution, fetal trauma, maternal pain, and events preceding ultrasound-associated damage to their child. Other forums describe vaginal bleeding following DUS.

"...…more than 35 published animal studies suggest that in utero ultrasound exposure can affect prenatal growth… A number of biological effects have been observed following ultrasound exposure in various experimental systems. These include reduction in immune response, change in sister chromatid exchange frequencies, cell death, change in cell membrane functions, degradation of macromolecules, free radical formation, and reduced cell reproductive potential… The data on clinical efficacy and safety do not allow a recommendation for routine screening….

"...Our findings suggested that [five or more ultrasound sessions] increase the proportion of growth-restricted fetuses by about one third. …it would seem prudent to limit ultrasound examinations of the fetus...

"...Stalberg nevertheless finds some increased risk for boys (not girls) in the following categories: schizophrenia, lower intellectual ability, lower performance in school, lower performance in physical education, and a tendency towards left-handedness.

"Stalberg concludes that the increased risks did not reach statistical significance, though with important exceptions.

"Boys exposed to ultrasound at any time during gestation had lower mean grades in physical education and a tendency towards lower school grades in general.

…these studies assessed ultrasound exposure in the 1970 and 1980s, with average intensity output levels for ultrasound machines of around 20 mW/cm2. This is very low compared to the maximum limit of 720 mW/cm2 set by the U.S. FDA… outputs are probably ten times higher today.... Further, the intensities for ultrasound machines are based on the manufacturer's data and high discrepancies have been found....

"...Siegel (1979) observed increased cell detachment at low exposure. This relates to problematic embryo implantation and fetal growth restriction. The study was discussed in the WHO Criteria 22 as a reason to deny routine DUS.

"Cachon (1981) observed damage to cell microtubules with only 10 seconds exposure at low intensity of 8mW/cm2. The study was discussed in the WHO Criteria 22 as a reason to deny routine.

"Ellisman (1987) observed myelination disruption at the extremely low intensity of 0.135mW/cm2. This is a rat pup study emulating the human fetal scenario. No serious discussion followed this essential, devastating study of DUS. Though initially given a high quality rating by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it was later denied funding for continuation.

"Beverley Beech, of AIMSUK, characterizes the importance of animal studies:

"Over the years there have been numerous studies on rats, mice and monkeys which have found reduced fetal weight in babies... in the monkey studies, the ultrasound babies sat or lay around the bottom of the cage, whereas the little control monkeys were climbing up the bars and were up to the usual monkey tricks... What happens when the monkeys grow up?... as Jean Robinson has pointed out, monkeys do not learn to read, write, multiply, sing opera, or play the violin.

"...During 1991, FDA negotiations among "interested parties" resulted in an 8x15x increase in allowable DUS machine intensities with safety responsibility entirely on the operator.

"...As intensities and disease increased, did the NIH step up, appropriately fund studies? No. The opposite. Only a few studies were conducted after 1991. Most of these studies found ultrasound hazardous but were denied funding for continuance, and/or, their observations were ignored.

"...Worse than inappropriate science is no science. Abramowicz (2013) says:

"…for fetal imaging, the ISPTA was allowed to increase by a factor of almost 16 from 1976 and almost 8 from 1986 to 1992, yet… all epidemiological information available regarding fetal effects predates 1992.

"...The book was published under the title, 50 Human Studies Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography.

"...Unknown to Western scientists and the public, the hazards of ultrasound to the human fetus have been confirmed in China since the late 1980s. This involved approximately 50 human studies, over 100 scientists, and 2,700 pregnant women (maternal-fetal pairs). These women were volunteering for abortion. Before abortion, they were exposed to carefully controlled DUS exposure levels, relevant to the clinical scenario. The studies were conducted over a period of 23 years, with the last, found so far, published in year 2011. These studies analyze abortive matter via electron-microscopy and biochemical assays.

"...The CHS are simple. Pregnant women, volunteering for abortion, were carefully selected and then exposed to controlled ultrasound sessions, using standard clinical devices at various intensity settings and exposure durations. Abortive matter was examined via state-of-the-art technology, e.g., electron microscopy, flow cytometry, and various biochemical analyses (immuno- and histo-). The results were compared against the results of sham-exposed pregnant women (maternal-fetal pairs exposed at zero intensity).

"Chinese scientists measured damage to the fetal brain, kidney, cornea, chorionic villi, and immune system. They determined that low exposure is able to damage the human fetus, ovum, and embryo.

"...J. Zhang (2002) is the amazing electrophoresis study, a human in utero exposure study. The study is unknown and never discussed, like nearly all of the CHS, despite being published in pristine English and in modern scientific format. The study finds DNA fragmentation in the chorionic villi caused by low intensity DUS at only 10 minutes exposure.

"The study's results are so strong that we could assume possible damage at less than 10 minutes. Given that clinical sessions are conducted at much higher intensities, a simple extrapolation to the clinical scenario could indicate damage within seconds, not minutes. The chorionic villi comprise the essential nutrient-waste exchange apparatus between mother and fetus.

" J. Zhang (2002) has huge implications for many childhood diseases, for example, the present-day emergence of childhood cancers and leukemia. DNA fragmentation happens to be the foremost theory for cancer causation. The epidemic of neonatal jaundice should be considered because the CHS confirm the older Euro-American studies that found dysfunction of immune systems caused by DUS. Those studies were discussed in the WHO Criteria. "

50 Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography
EHC 22 on Ultrasound - 1982
Diagnostic ultrasound: effects on the DNA and growth patterns of animal cells
Morphological changes in the surface characteristics of cultured cells after exposure to diagnostic ultrasound
Ultrasound and autism: association, link, or coincidence?
Mice exposed to diagnostic ultrasound in utero are less social and more active in social situations relative to controls
Potential teratogenic effects of ultrasound on corticogenesis: implications for autism
Severity of ASD symptoms and their correlation with the presence of copy number variations and exposure to first trimester ultrasound
Benefits and risks of ultrasound in pregnancy
Prenatal ultrasound and childhood autism: long-term follow-up after a randomized controlled trial of first- vs second-trimester ultrasound


Nov 16, 2020
Essentially every expectant mother in developed countries undergoes these procedures without thinking anything of it. Just the name ultrasound makes one think of whales singing in the pristine sea. Turns out it's a form of non-ionizing radiation at a specific frequency the wave pressures of which, if sound, would exceed our pain threshold many a thousand-fold. They've been shown to cause such incredible damage that it's hard to justify either their non-medical or even medical use. And the heritable DNA damage they cause have now potentially been used for up to four consecutive generations in some cases.

I, like many others, had no idea of the damage ultrasound causes and didn't even realise opting out is a thing to consider. Below are a few articles with huge amount of information that I tried to somehow summarize. A single child that has to bear this burden before even stepping into this world is a tragedy. By spreading the word I hope a few can be spared.

Prenatal Ultrasound—Not So Sound After All

"...Despite the absence of demonstrated benefits, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” (p. 47), including Doppler fetal heart rate monitoring that magnifies the unborn baby’s exposure manyfold.

"...two recent books make the opposite case. One author—backed up by over 1500 scientific citations—argues that prenatal ultrasound is so harmful to children that it “should be banned from obstetrics immediately.” The other contends that the “subtle and not-so-subtle” biological effects of ultrasound “have set the human species on a tragic path” from which it may take generations to recover.

"Few prospective parents realize that ultrasound technology is not just sound waves but is based on non-ionizing radiation."

"...In the mid-1980s, a best-selling doctor/author likened ultrasound to other “unproven” technologies “being sold to the public as being ‘perfectly safe’” and scolded the medical profession for failing to take the “necessary steps to protect people against a malignant technology.” Around the same time, the World Health Organization declared (in vain) that concerns about ultrasound’s clinical efficacy and safety “do not allow a recommendation for routine screening.”

"According to the author of one of the recent ultrasound critiques, the technology causes far-reaching damage. Describing a series of studies published in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the author notes that “a single exposure to ultrasound produced cellular and DNA damage similar to 250 chest x rays”—and “[d]amage was permanent and heritable for ten generations and beyond.” Forms of damage included “DNA shearing, single and double strand breaks, chromosome rearrangements and DNA uncoiling, deformities and mutations in offspring, as well as the complete deactivation of genetic material within sonicated cells.”

The second recent book summarizes 50 studies of prenatal ultrasound in China, describing “alteration and injuries in the organs, tissues [and] cellular ultrastructures” and “damage to the cytokine signaling in molecules, red blood cells, neurons and mitochondria.” The author notes that the physics of ultrasound are “dramatic”; for example, industry uses ultrasound “to disintegrate and blend materials, and to weld steel.” Airing the concept of “toxic synergy,” the book also suggests that “ultrasound is an effective synergist…theoretically capable of initiating fetal vulnerabilities to subsequent toxic exposure”; thus, “the risk of subsequent exposure to vaccines, birth drugs, antibiotics and other environmental stressors would be raised by prenatal ultrasound, not in addition, but as a multiplier

"...This FDA action ensured that babies born after 1991 would be exposed to even more radiation as compared to those born in the 1970s and 80s, hence these children have a greater risk of radiation-induced genetic and/or brain damage that can lead to autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

"Researchers have pointed out that the autism epidemic took off at around the same time that ultrasound use and intensity increased. To explain this association, they note the presence of central nervous system alterations in animals exposed to ultrasound in utero. For example, a study in mice found that fetal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound altered “typical social behaviors…that may be relevant for autism.”

"...Casanova frankly states that ltrasounds are being done without regards to the safety of the patients.” He points out that a third of all ultrasound practitioners fail to adhere to safety regulations and notes that at least 40% of ultrasound equipment is defective. In addition, he observes that many practitioners “don’t see anything wrong” with using ultrasound during the first trimester, even though safety regulations discourage first-trimester use in uneventful pregnancies. "

Ultrasound Pregnancy Risks

"...Children, and especially developing babies in the womb, are at great risk from exposure to non-ionizing technologies since children's brains and bodies absorb more radiation, and the bone marrow in their head absorbs up to 10x as much radiation as does that of adults.

"In truth, all living things are in danger from exposure to non-ionizing technologies and this includes radiation from cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, wifi devices, and 5G technology which is being introduced. Because these devices are now ubiquitous in our society—and because children are now being exposed 24/7 (even while in the womb)—it is important for parents to understand the facts about non-ionizing technologies so that they can protect themselves and their children from harm.

"...In both human and animal studies, ultrasound exposure in utero has been repeatedly shown to cause intrauterine growth restriction and low birth weight. Medical researchers at the FDA have known about this for decades, with an FDA spokesperson acknowledging in the early 1990s that:

We’ve been looking at a population of children – about 2,000 children – about half of whom have been irradiated [with ultrasound] in the Denver, Colorado area. And the indication there is that these children who have been irradiated have a reduced birth weight.”

"Despite this knowledge, in 1991, the FDA decided to increase the maximum allowable output levels for obstetrical ultrasound machines at least eightfold, with some sources saying that output levels increased 10 to-15-fold over the next few years.

"...Significantly, both fetal heart monitoring and ultrasound scans have been repeatedly shown to have no benefit in terms of neonatal outcome.

"...Both ultrasound scans and Doppler fetal heart monitors have been repeatedly documented to cause extreme localized temperatures, that can lead to neurological defects, spina bifida, deformations in the head and brain, microcephaly, heart irregularities and defects, and other serious harm.

"Ultrasonically-induced fetal growth retardation (documented in literally dozens of studies as mentioned above) may be due, in part, to restrictions in bone growth caused by bones absorbing excess radiation heat.

Bone is extremely sensitive to ultrasound heating: the skull of a third-trimester fetus heats up 50 times more quickly than brain tissue when exposed to ultrasound. This means that brain structures lying close to the skull, such as the pituitary and the hypothalamus, are especially at risk of secondary heating.”

"...ultrasound-induced reproductive damage is extremely well-documented, and the medical establishment has known, since at least 1955, that ultrasound can have deleterious effects on the menstrual cycle, decrease ovulation rates, cause problems with embryo implantation, and trigger structural alterations in ovarian and testicular tissue.

",,,The medical establishment is well aware that ultrasound stops sperm production. This is why doctors are currently using it as a form of male contraception.

"Two 15 minute blasts to the adult male scrotum ensures a minimum of six months infertility, and infertility can be permanent.

Russian Study Confirms Disastrous Genetic Damage from Prenatal Ultrasound

",,,Before using an ultrasound generator, DNA molecules produce sounds over a wide range, from several to hundreds of hertz-Hz. And after using ultrasound, molecules sounded with special emphasis on the same frequency of 10 Hz. This frequency remained the same for several weeks after the experiment and its amplitude was not reduced at all. Figuratively speaking, the diversity of frequencies has been lost in the symphony of life, and one penetrating frequency – tone has prevailed.

"...the most striking was the following result – when they prepared a new DNA preparation and placed it in an old ultrasound-stricken place. Suddenly the specimen began to show all signs as if he had been hit by ultrasound.

"After a series of tests, scientists came to a surprising conclusion. Ultrasound hurt DNA molecules and they remembered it. DNA molecules have experienced a strong shock, after which they have long recovered and eventually created a wave phantom of pain and fear that remained in place for their terrible experiment. Under the influence of this phantom, even the second, new DNA molecule, they experienced a similar shock that left them with the same consequences!

"Further studies have shown that during ultrasound irradiation, double DNA spirals unravel and even tear, as is the case with strong heating of these molecules. At the moment of these mechanical damages, electromagnetic waves are formed that form the phantom. It is able to destroy DNA as well as heat and ultrasound.

"...Using ultrasound can have disastrous consequences for future generations. It is not excluded that ultrasound techniques can be carried out in a targeted manner to damage the genetic potential of humans. "

Germany Bans Prenatal Ultrasound for Non-Medical Use

“The high levels of ultrasound required for imaging are associated with a potential risk to the unborn baby, especially as significantly more sonic energy is absorbed into the bone at the onset of bone formation. In addition, reliable studies on the consequences of this application are lacking […]. Therefore, ultrasound applications are used for a non-medical purpose, e.g.for pure imaging of the fetus (“baby cinema”), without a medical indication was made prohibited […]. “

Ultrasound Risks

"...DUS [diagnostic ultrasound] is not natural sound. It is usually at a frequency of 3 to 9 megahertz with harmonics and random sonic effects. Its fundamental frequencies are higher than the EMF carrier frequencies for the AM radio band. Human hearing range is only 20 to 20,000 hertz. DUS wave pressures can be thousands times that of the hearing pain threshold.

"The physics are dramatic. "
Environmental Health Criteria 22: Ultrasound," published in 1982 by The World Health Organization (WHO), states that ultrasound cavitation can create powerful shockwaves far above the speed of sound. It can create cavitational bubble collapse temperatures of thousands of degrees.

"...DUS is widely declared to be "harmless," despite mothers describing on internet forums, such as The Thinking Moms' Revolution, fetal trauma, maternal pain, and events preceding ultrasound-associated damage to their child. Other forums describe vaginal bleeding following DUS.

"...…more than 35 published animal studies suggest that in utero ultrasound exposure can affect prenatal growth… A number of biological effects have been observed following ultrasound exposure in various experimental systems. These include reduction in immune response, change in sister chromatid exchange frequencies, cell death, change in cell membrane functions, degradation of macromolecules, free radical formation, and reduced cell reproductive potential… The data on clinical efficacy and safety do not allow a recommendation for routine screening….

"...Our findings suggested that [five or more ultrasound sessions] increase the proportion of growth-restricted fetuses by about one third. …it would seem prudent to limit ultrasound examinations of the fetus...

"...Stalberg nevertheless finds some increased risk for boys (not girls) in the following categories: schizophrenia, lower intellectual ability, lower performance in school, lower performance in physical education, and a tendency towards left-handedness.

"Stalberg concludes that the increased risks did not reach statistical significance, though with important exceptions.

"Boys exposed to ultrasound at any time during gestation had lower mean grades in physical education and a tendency towards lower school grades in general.

…these studies assessed ultrasound exposure in the 1970 and 1980s, with average intensity output levels for ultrasound machines of around 20 mW/cm2. This is very low compared to the maximum limit of 720 mW/cm2 set by the U.S. FDA… outputs are probably ten times higher today.... Further, the intensities for ultrasound machines are based on the manufacturer's data and high discrepancies have been found....

"...Siegel (1979) observed increased cell detachment at low exposure. This relates to problematic embryo implantation and fetal growth restriction. The study was discussed in the WHO Criteria 22 as a reason to deny routine DUS.

"Cachon (1981) observed damage to cell microtubules with only 10 seconds exposure at low intensity of 8mW/cm2. The study was discussed in the WHO Criteria 22 as a reason to deny routine.

"Ellisman (1987) observed myelination disruption at the extremely low intensity of 0.135mW/cm2. This is a rat pup study emulating the human fetal scenario. No serious discussion followed this essential, devastating study of DUS. Though initially given a high quality rating by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it was later denied funding for continuation.

"Beverley Beech, of AIMSUK, characterizes the importance of animal studies:

"Over the years there have been numerous studies on rats, mice and monkeys which have found reduced fetal weight in babies... in the monkey studies, the ultrasound babies sat or lay around the bottom of the cage, whereas the little control monkeys were climbing up the bars and were up to the usual monkey tricks... What happens when the monkeys grow up?... as Jean Robinson has pointed out, monkeys do not learn to read, write, multiply, sing opera, or play the violin.

"...During 1991, FDA negotiations among "interested parties" resulted in an 8x15x increase in allowable DUS machine intensities with safety responsibility entirely on the operator.

"...As intensities and disease increased, did the NIH step up, appropriately fund studies? No. The opposite. Only a few studies were conducted after 1991. Most of these studies found ultrasound hazardous but were denied funding for continuance, and/or, their observations were ignored.

"...Worse than inappropriate science is no science. Abramowicz (2013) says:

"…for fetal imaging, the ISPTA was allowed to increase by a factor of almost 16 from 1976 and almost 8 from 1986 to 1992, yet… all epidemiological information available regarding fetal effects predates 1992.

"...The book was published under the title, 50 Human Studies Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography.

"...Unknown to Western scientists and the public, the hazards of ultrasound to the human fetus have been confirmed in China since the late 1980s. This involved approximately 50 human studies, over 100 scientists, and 2,700 pregnant women (maternal-fetal pairs). These women were volunteering for abortion. Before abortion, they were exposed to carefully controlled DUS exposure levels, relevant to the clinical scenario. The studies were conducted over a period of 23 years, with the last, found so far, published in year 2011. These studies analyze abortive matter via electron-microscopy and biochemical assays.

"...The CHS are simple. Pregnant women, volunteering for abortion, were carefully selected and then exposed to controlled ultrasound sessions, using standard clinical devices at various intensity settings and exposure durations. Abortive matter was examined via state-of-the-art technology, e.g., electron microscopy, flow cytometry, and various biochemical analyses (immuno- and histo-). The results were compared against the results of sham-exposed pregnant women (maternal-fetal pairs exposed at zero intensity).

"Chinese scientists measured damage to the fetal brain, kidney, cornea, chorionic villi, and immune system. They determined that low exposure is able to damage the human fetus, ovum, and embryo.

"...J. Zhang (2002) is the amazing electrophoresis study, a human in utero exposure study. The study is unknown and never discussed, like nearly all of the CHS, despite being published in pristine English and in modern scientific format. The study finds DNA fragmentation in the chorionic villi caused by low intensity DUS at only 10 minutes exposure.

"The study's results are so strong that we could assume possible damage at less than 10 minutes. Given that clinical sessions are conducted at much higher intensities, a simple extrapolation to the clinical scenario could indicate damage within seconds, not minutes. The chorionic villi comprise the essential nutrient-waste exchange apparatus between mother and fetus.

" J. Zhang (2002) has huge implications for many childhood diseases, for example, the present-day emergence of childhood cancers and leukemia. DNA fragmentation happens to be the foremost theory for cancer causation. The epidemic of neonatal jaundice should be considered because the CHS confirm the older Euro-American studies that found dysfunction of immune systems caused by DUS. Those studies were discussed in the WHO Criteria. "

50 Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography
EHC 22 on Ultrasound - 1982
Diagnostic ultrasound: effects on the DNA and growth patterns of animal cells
Morphological changes in the surface characteristics of cultured cells after exposure to diagnostic ultrasound
Ultrasound and autism: association, link, or coincidence?
Mice exposed to diagnostic ultrasound in utero are less social and more active in social situations relative to controls
Potential teratogenic effects of ultrasound on corticogenesis: implications for autism
Severity of ASD symptoms and their correlation with the presence of copy number variations and exposure to first trimester ultrasound
Benefits and risks of ultrasound in pregnancy
Prenatal ultrasound and childhood autism: long-term follow-up after a randomized controlled trial of first- vs second-trimester ultrasound
Thank you for doing all of this work. Important to be aware. So sad that this diagnostic is yet another in a long line-up that is not what we were led to believe.
Mar 10, 2021
I heard this when I was pregnant with my sons, and opted out on the second one to find out the sex of my babies. I just had to wait until they were born to find out if the room should have been pink or blue.


Feb 14, 2022
I never thought about this - checked pubmed and it's full of publications about DNA damage caused by ultrasound...


Nov 16, 2020
I heard this when I was pregnant with my sons, and opted out on the second one to find out the sex of my babies. I just had to wait until they were born to find out if the room should have been pink or blue.
We didn't want to know the sex of our kids ahead of time, either. Sadly, because one of my pregnancies had challenges, it required extra ultrasounds as it progressed to rule out otherwise serious complications for me and the baby. Thankfully my children are all grown and relatively healthy but it makes me sad and mad to think that they were subjected to any unnecessary exposure (much like "vaccines" - even if they've collectively had far fewer than what is now imposed on kids). We didn't have the internet back in the day so there wasn't any way to research like we can now.

I also wonder about ultrasounds for diagnostic testing such as thyroid, kidney stones, bladder stuff, etc. I always thought they were far safer than the CT scans they throw around like candy as an answer to everything. Maybe it's the lesser of evils.

Gosh, it breaks my heart how nothing seems safe and how much we are compromised (and compromise our children/grandchildren) just for trying to do the right thing w/r/t health. :confused:


Sep 27, 2015
After looking into the dangers of ultrasound and MRI it leaves me wondering if a simple x-ray (but not the high-power CT scan) is actually often the safest medical imaging technology, other than maybe thermography. In the past I have opted for an ultrasound over x-ray but I'm no longer sure if that is the best choice.


Oct 22, 2019
Another reason I opted out of studying to become a sonographer (not that I needed this additional reason to avoid a medical profession, but it definitely weighed the scale against). One specialty is just irradiating babies all day.


Jun 13, 2019
complete pseudoscience and fearmongering. to say its worse than x rays is absurd. ionizing radiation is far, far more harmful. and the only non ionizing radiation is coming from device and not the waves, which is miniscule. ray even said ultrasounds can promote healing of tissues


Jul 4, 2023
Ultrasound can be used to break up kidney stones. It wouldn't surprise me if it broke something else as well.


Nov 16, 2020
complete pseudoscience and fearmongering. to say its worse than x rays is absurd. ionizing radiation is far, far more harmful. and the only non ionizing radiation is coming from device and not the waves, which is miniscule. ray even said ultrasounds can promote healing of tissues
Great point - I did hear something about that so I just looked on Bioenergetic Search and typed in ultrasound. Worth listening to the various clips. It's reassuring.

One thing I've been wondering since seeing the original post is, if ultrasound was SO bad, with its use so common especially in pregnancy, I'd have to think more babies and people would have a lot more significant and obvious consequences. So, while it isn't a perfect technology, I don't think it's nearly as bad as anything that uses an x-ray. In fact, in one of the clips, RP says MRIs and ultrasounds are less harmful than gamma radiation.

So, is there an ideal diagnostic? Not that I know of, however, if it's warranted, I won't stress about an MRI or an ultrasound - especially when up against an x-ray or CT scan.


Apr 3, 2013
Peat said in an email to me that ultrasounds are completely safe and that they can help to promote cellular healing after say ct scans or other damaging procedures.


Nov 16, 2020
Peat said in an email to me that ultrasounds are completely safe and that they can help to promote cellular healing after say ct scans or other damaging procedures.
Awesome. There are a bunch of videos on YT explaining how ultrasound is therapeutic and healing which emphasizes Peat's remarks to you.


Oct 22, 2019
Ok… just because ultrasound waves MAY be healing on certain tissues in certain scenarios does not mean that they cannot be harmful to a growing fetus, which is FAR more sensitive and not in need of cellular healing. See: all of the links OP provided.

Most people, especially on this forum, are also very aware that overall human health has been degraded in subtle and not so subtle ways over the past several decades. I do not understand how anyone can say something like, “well, everyone gets them, and so if they really were so harmful, wouldn’t we be seeing negative effects??” Yea. We are seeing negative trends in human health. To what can we ascribe them? Is so complex and difficult to find causality. But if there is a medical intervention that is carried out on the whole population, as fetuses, and there is literature to suggest that fetal brains and other tissue are extremely sensitive and can be altered or harmed by ultrasound radiation, and this is all happening at the same time that autism, autoimmune illness, mood disorders, mental health and cognition decline in general, etc etc is all going on …. Perhaps it means it is NOT fear mongering to advise against prenatal ultrasound. Perhaps it means that being able to point to some authority that claims ultrasound radiation promotes cellular healing in certain scenarios is not quite sufficient reason to dismiss fetal ultrasounds as potentially harmful in small but significant and difficult to immediately determine ways.

:M :B.

Feb 17, 2022
Ok… just because ultrasound waves MAY be healing on certain tissues in certain scenarios does not mean that they cannot be harmful to a growing fetus, which is FAR more sensitive and not in need of cellular healing. See: all of the links OP provided.
Pretty sure I heard ray say what you said. In some interview.


Oct 15, 2018
Even if non-harming on an adult, it remains plausible the effect on a baby whose cells still have to multiply and divide has more consequences.


Sep 10, 2020
Even if non-harming on an adult, it remains plausible the effect on a baby whose cells still have to multiply and divide has more consequences.

Yeah, one example of this from an article I read about the ban of 3D ultrasound in Germany...

"At the stage of bone formation, the bone absorbs a large [amount of] sound energy, which may carry with it effects on its health in the future"

I ca t speak intelligently on this but I imagine this is the case for lots of different things during development. Did Ray ever speak more specifically on ultrasound on babies? I suspect his answer would of been different.

:M :B.

Feb 17, 2022
Many of the answers are found right here if you do this search:
Screen Shot 2023-08-15 at 12.32.40 AM.png
Screen Shot 2023-08-15 at 12.33.55 AM.png


Nov 27, 2018
I don't disagree with Dr Peat at all. And I agree that ionizing radiation is worse than non-ionizing radiation because the harm caused by non-ionizing radiation is dose-dependent. I did think the title of this thread through. Unless there is actual DNA or some other physical damage, I don't think microwaves and ultrasound cause harm. It's important to note that the difference in this instance is the delicateness of unborn babies and the dose of the radiation. Even if ionizing radiation is harmful at any dose, you can live a long life having been exposed to small doses of it, yet can be killed by a sufficiently high dose of non-ionizing radiation.

I realise my first post was perhaps too long for everyone to go through all the specifics, so I'd like to quote a few places relevant to the points raised:

"...Children, and especially developing babies in the womb, are at great risk from exposure to non-ionizing technologies since children's brains and bodies absorb more radiation, and the bone marrow in their head absorbs up to 10x as much radiation as does that of adults.
“The high levels of ultrasound required for imaging are associated with a potential risk to the unborn baby, especially as significantly more sonic energy is absorbed into the bone at the onset of bone formation. In addition, reliable studies on the consequences of this application are lacking […]. Therefore, ultrasound applications are used for a non-medical purpose, e.g.for pure imaging of the fetus (“baby cinema”), without a medical indication was made prohibited […]. “
"...DUS [diagnostic ultrasound] is not natural sound. It is usually at a frequency of 3 to 9 megahertz with harmonics and random sonic effects. Its fundamental frequencies are higher than the EMF carrier frequencies for the AM radio band. Human hearing range is only 20 to 20,000 hertz. DUS wave pressures can be thousands times that of the hearing pain threshold.

I believe one of the things that made Dr Peat so amazing was his capability of looking at empirical evidence and instead of resisting what didn't seem to fit what he knew, he could find a way to combine that new knowledge with what he already knew and create an even more coherent picture without contradicting himself. And although I can't speak for him, I don't think he would disagree with the evidence I've presented here.

From 11:17 at: Ionizing Radiation In Context 2, Politics And Science, 2009
Ray Peat: Now 60 years later some of the best researchers show that radiation causes the formation of amyloid, the type of substance that is incriminated in Alzheimer's disease and degenerative lung disease and kidney disease and pancreatic disease and so on.

John Barkhausen: Amyloid is a plaque?

RP: It's a type of a protein that forms plaques. But it's, when a protein normally, the very common structure of a protein is that there are helix structures, a spiral piece of a chain of protein. And with a certain disturbance those spirals can break down and roll over against themselves and make a sheet arrangement called the pleated sheet. And those sheets then can stick to a similar sheet structure in a another protein and this array of pleated sheets in different protein molecules, sticking together forms a long fibril. And then those fibrils are what actually forms the plaque. So first you form the degraded protein and then proteins form fibres and the fibres condense into the visible plaques that they call amyloid.

JB: And that's a common symptom in all Alzheimer's patients?

RP: Yeah... And it's turning up in practically all aged tissues but it's accelerated by radiation and toxins and the estrogen and even microwaves and other types of disturbing energy. Ultrasound even can, in vitro, you could produce amyloid fibrils with energy as low as ultrasound or microwaves.

I thought ultrasound is actually protective of tissue. But I guess it does have some drawbacks then.

RP: Yeah. Everything that puts energy in the cells and tissues in un-biological ways can cause some disruption.

I can see how that would be. We were talking to professor Gilbert Ling a few weeks ago. And he was basically talking about the electrical nature of living tissue, how everything is basically in an electrical relationship, all the proteins and the water within a cell.

RP: Yeah, the electrical interactions between proteins and water, that's exactly where the problem is with all kinds of radiation and even toxins. The romantic classical physics people who wanted to think mathematically about radiation and assure people that there was a threshold below which radiation wasn't at all harmful. This kind of thinking wanted to say that a unit of radio energy had to be sufficient to break a chain of DNA before anything happened biologically. And that takes a direct hit as a certain high energy. So that's where the idea of the danger of ionizing radiation came from. But before the ionizing radiation actually has a direct hit and breaks the DNA chain, it's doing many much more subtle things causing fluctuations in the electronic system of proteins and causing subtle changes in the way water relates to those proteins. So if the medical world and physics had been paying closer attention to Gilbert Ling's work 50 years ago, most of these questions would have been settled in a very different way with much more concern for protection than for promotion of industry.
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