Preventive anti-Covid measures for my mother | Help me convince her to skip the vaxx


Aug 9, 2019
Just had a call with my mother. She is 62 years old. I was surprised to hear she has scheduled a vaccine appointment. She never got the virus so far, she is just scared to not catch an aggressive form. That's why she is willing to take the vaxx.
I told her I don't agree with her decision. She is willing to listen to me, told her I will make a preventive plan / treatment for her.
She has no underlying health issues, except:
1. she has degenerative eye disease, and is partially blind
2. she had surgery for a broken hip 1 year ago.

What is an effective preventive treatment that I could give to her, to make sure she doesn't catch the virus, and if she does, her body will be well equipped to handle it.
I am thinking:

high-dose Vitamin D3

Daily Aspirin (thoughts on the dosage)


K2 (Kuinone)



Just had a call with my mother. She is 62 years old. I was surprised to hear she has scheduled a vaccine appointment. She never got the virus so far, she is just scared to not catch an aggressive form. That's why she is willing to take the vaxx.
I told her I don't agree with her decision. She is willing to listen to me, told her I will make a preventive plan / treatment for her.
She has no underlying health issues, except:
1. she has degenerative eye disease, and is partially blind
2. she had surgery for a broken hip 1 year ago.

What is an effective preventive treatment that I could give to her, to make sure she doesn't catch the virus, and if she does, her body will be well equipped to handle it.
I am thinking:

high-dose Vitamin D3

Daily Aspirin (thoughts on the dosage)


K2 (Kuinone)


Some quotes on corona virus by Dr peat

"I think keeping serum vitamin D around 50 ng/ml, and getting adequate vitamin A, calcium, trace minerals, and other nutrients, avoiding polyunsaturated fats, greatly reduce the risk of viral infections."

Aspirin, fruit, B1, E, a high calcium : phosphate ratio (to quiet the immune system), and vitamin A (needed for tissue protein turnover in the eyes, nose, lungs). Loosely mentioned progesterone as helpful.

The stress of infection lowers T3, and I think small supplements probably help with recovery.

In his newsletter he mention progesterone and Losartan.

See also

Ray Peat's Newsletter - This Novel Flu Season - May 2020 | Ray Peat Forum

On the mRNA RNA vaccines

“The problem is that our bodies can copy foreign RNA and DNA and incorporate the copies into our chromosomes. If they are genes for viral proteins, it’s possible that during a future stress, those foreign genes could be expressed throughout our body, creating overwhelming amounts of those toxic proteins. The copies could be inserted into sperm cells and eggs as well as body cells, forming part of future generations. No sane person would consider doing it, if they understood how our cells respond to alien nucleic acids.” Dr. Ray Peat

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Ivermectin. Show her these videos.

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Jan 25, 2014
Sounds good. I haven't been sick at all in the past year. Over the summer, I switched to a no starch diet, and also started taking cyproheptadine and progesterone. Along with Vitamin D supplementation, This seemed to be a boon health in general. Never even got the hints of a cold.

I stopped cypro in January, as I think it might have been preventing some weight loss. Still didn't get sick, or even the hint of it. I did recently start a more pure serotonin antagonist in metergoline.

I have also used higher dose vitamin C in the past, and that seems to help as well. If I were to take it now, I would oxidize it with MB first.

The cypro/prog/D/No Starch diet combo seems to work wonders in preventing colds and such. If I were to feel a cold coming on in the future, I would likely ramp up cypro quick, and maybe used some of that oxidized C and/or up my dose of D for a few days.

FYI, I still basically do "No Starch," but make a weekly exception for french fries done in tallow or HCO, and I'm looser with it if I'm travelling.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Ivermectin should relieve anyone's fears of getting covid. The I-MASK+ prevention and early treatment protocol possibly will keep her from ever needing ivermectin for serious illness.



Jun 19, 2016
Tried to stop my family from taking vaxx. For months everytime we talked i mentioned not to take it. Didn't listen. 100% will take the second round too... sad sad times


May 4, 2019
Tried to stop my family from taking vaxx. For months everytime we talked i mentioned not to take it. Didn't listen. 100% will take the second round too... sad sad times


I tried to be really tactful and not in their face/pushy when talking about it (cause I absolutely hate when people tell me what to do or not do), explaining why it's probably a really bad idea to get injected with an experimental drug, especially when we see people already dying from heart attacks, blood clots etc and we have literally NO idea what the long term consequences are. Still they went and got the vax, and what's worse is that all my perfectly healthy siblings are getting it too.

This is so depressing I don't know what to do.


Jun 13, 2019
Sounds good. I haven't been sick at all in the past year. Over the summer, I switched to a no starch diet, and also started taking cyproheptadine and progesterone. Along with Vitamin D supplementation, This seemed to be a boon health in general. Never even got the hints of a cold.

I stopped cypro in January, as I think it might have been preventing some weight loss. Still didn't get sick, or even the hint of it. I did recently start a more pure serotonin antagonist in metergoline.

I have also used higher dose vitamin C in the past, and that seems to help as well. If I were to take it now, I would oxidize it with MB first.

The cypro/prog/D/No Starch diet combo seems to work wonders in preventing colds and such. If I were to feel a cold coming on in the future, I would likely ramp up cypro quick, and maybe used some of that oxidized C and/or up my dose of D for a few days.

FYI, I still basically do "No Starch," but make a weekly exception for french fries done in tallow or HCO, and I'm looser with it if I'm travelling.
what do you eat daily? a cronometer on Share Your Cronometer would be cool, that is if you use cronometer. i can never tell if not getting sick is a good or bad thing. sometimes a better immune system makes you sick more because the immune system is actually reacting to stimuli, but also a good immune system prevents sickness. it's a delicate balance


Jan 21, 2021
Ivermectin should relieve anyone's fears of getting covid. The I-MASK+ prevention and early treatment protocol possibly will keep her from ever needing ivermectin for serious illness.

In the email from Peat I mentioned in the inosine thread I also mention he stated that the risks of Ivermectin outweighed the benefits. I had also purchased a lot to have on hand. So no inosine, isoprinosine nor Ivermectin is good for Covid according to Peat.


May 13, 2015
Just had a call with my mother. She is 62 years old. I was surprised to hear she has scheduled a vaccine appointment. She never got the virus so far, she is just scared to not catch an aggressive form. That's why she is willing to take the vaxx.
I told her I don't agree with her decision. She is willing to listen to me, told her I will make a preventive plan / treatment for her.
She has no underlying health issues, except:
1. she has degenerative eye disease, and is partially blind
2. she had surgery for a broken hip 1 year ago.

What is an effective preventive treatment that I could give to her, to make sure she doesn't catch the virus, and if she does, her body will be well equipped to handle it.
I am thinking:

high-dose Vitamin D3

Daily Aspirin (thoughts on the dosage)


K2 (Kuinone)

Here are a couple of very helpful videos to share with loved ones contemplating getting the vaccine:

COVID-19 | Fleming Method scroll down to the 2.5 hour long master class on SARS-CoV-2

and: Expert Cardiologist Warns Covid Vaccines Could Cause Mad Cow Disease a 12 minute interview and short article for people in a hurry. It's a short interview of the same doctor.

Snippet from the article:

"Dr. Richard Fleming, physicist-nuclear cardiologist, issued a dire warning that experimental covid vaccines are not effective, but could cause Mad Cow disease.

“I’m not anti-vax,” Fleming told War Room, Tuesday. “I’m just anti-bad medicine.”

Fleming says the vaccine companies own data, from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, all show their vaccines make zero difference in stopping covid. The Emergency Use Authorziation data “shows there is no difference.”


Jul 29, 2020

I tried to be really tactful and not in their face/pushy when talking about it (cause I absolutely hate when people tell me what to do or not do), explaining why it's probably a really bad idea to get injected with an experimental drug, especially when we see people already dying from heart attacks, blood clots etc and we have literally NO idea what the long term consequences are. Still they went and got the vax, and what's worse is that all my perfectly healthy siblings are getting it too.

This is so depressing I don't know what to do.
You cannae do nothin really. I just do my own thing, I don't raise my voice at others and try to convice them into something else, it is futile.
Now, don't get me wrong - this is far from learned helplessness; quite the contrary. This is pure egotistical behaviour of mine in order to save my sanity. My family is not scared of dying, death, health consequences. They just want everything to be over ASAP.


Jul 8, 2019
Just had a call with my mother. She is 62 years old. I was surprised to hear she has scheduled a vaccine appointment. She never got the virus so far, she is just scared to not catch an aggressive form. That's why she is willing to take the vaxx.
I told her I don't agree with her decision. She is willing to listen to me, told her I will make a preventive plan / treatment for her.
She has no underlying health issues, except:
1. she has degenerative eye disease, and is partially blind
2. she had surgery for a broken hip 1 year ago.

I went through the website of Zev Zelenko, M.D. with my mother and that reassured her (at least for now) that there were other options than the vaccine. She's a hard case because all of my sisters have already gotten the vaccine.

Zelenko has a prophylaxis protocol for low, moderate and high-risk patients on his site. My mother is in the high risk category by Zelenko's definitions so we started her on that protocol:

The protocol is basically what you plan to do plus hydroxychloroquine (or quercetin for low to moderate risk patients or if HCQ is not available).

Last I checked, you can get hydroxychloroquine or the entire Zelenko protocol overnighted to you in 50 states, no Bat Plague test required, from

People have also been able to get a prescription for HCQ from, even in states that were banning it when all that was going on. If you live outside the U.S. and can't get HCQ, quercetin ought to work well.

I also helped my mother through a white paper by America's Frontline Doctors on the risks of the experimental vaccines. It's here: They lean hard on the vaccines being experimental and the bad risk/benefit ratio of every coronavirus vaccine that's ever been developed and tested.

The only way to get to her was to show her doctors consider the vaccines risky and experimental and to show her doctors use these alternatives with their patients. I'm not under any illusions, though. She is fully medicalized and a doctor will get her sooner or later.


Oct 6, 2020
Here are a couple of very helpful videos to share with loved ones contemplating getting the vaccine:

COVID-19 | Fleming Method scroll down to the 2.5 hour long master class on SARS-CoV-2

and: Expert Cardiologist Warns Covid Vaccines Could Cause Mad Cow Disease a 12 minute interview and short article for people in a hurry. It's a short interview of the same doctor.

Snippet from the article:

"Dr. Richard Fleming, physicist-nuclear cardiologist, issued a dire warning that experimental covid vaccines are not effective, but could cause Mad Cow disease.

“I’m not anti-vax,” Fleming told War Room, Tuesday. “I’m just anti-bad medicine.”

Fleming says the vaccine companies own data, from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, all show their vaccines make zero difference in stopping covid. The Emergency Use Authorziation data “shows there is no difference.”

Idk how i could get my people to watch a 2.5 hour long video that is questioning the deeply emotional engraved mainstream. The 12 minute interview probably is to long too.

Unless one has such an elegant and easy to understand explanation that doesn't take more than a minute to pull off i don't see a way to get someone to avoid or atleast be more critical towards the vaccines.

If i were to say "there are some virologists and other experts saying that its dangerous and should not be taken" the response usually is "you just picked the information that fit your antivaxx narrative, why would i believe a few experts saying this if the majority of the experts and the government/society says its safe?"

OP im surprised your mother is willing to listen to you.

My grandma already got her two shots and my parents are about to get it too. There is to much emotions involved. Classic arguments are the vaccines used to "elimate" measles and pox or the "you are a danger to society and are the reason people die".

My mother literally said "I dont care, i am not afraid of covid nor the vaccine, i don't do it for myself but for the others so they are safe".
And my dad told me he takes it if it is required to be able to travel/ go on vaccation.

Daily Aspirin (thoughts on the dosage)

I am not to familiar in regular aspirin usage but from what i've read here isn't Glycine recommended along with the K2-MK4?
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Mar 15, 2018

I tried to be really tactful and not in their face/pushy when talking about it (cause I absolutely hate when people tell me what to do or not do), explaining why it's probably a really bad idea to get injected with an experimental drug, especially when we see people already dying from heart attacks, blood clots etc and we have literally NO idea what the long term consequences are. Still they went and got the vax, and what's worse is that all my perfectly healthy siblings are getting it too.

This is so depressing I don't know what to do.
Is it really family when it's preferable just to be tactful and save face over potential harm towards themselves? Bill's family are shilling vaccines for their own profit.
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Oct 6, 2020
You're just letting them go? To save face and be tactful? Family?

What is he supposed to do? Lock them in their house for 2 years against their will until this ***t is over and he can say "see? i told you so, you dont need it." ?

From what i understood he tried the less "aggressive", less "emotional" approach that to many esoteric/antivaxxers/vegans (just examples) go when trying to convince others of their opinion which most of the time results in the others to go into defense mode not being able to hear/understand one properly.


Jul 8, 2019


May 13, 2015
Idk how i could get my people to watch a 2.5 hour long video. The 12 minute interview probably is to long too.

Unless one has such an elegant and easy to understand explanation that doesn't take more than a minute to pull off i don't see a way to get someone to avoid or atleast be more critical towards the vaccines.

If i were to say "there are some virologists and other experts saying that its dangerous and should not be taken" the response usually is "you just picked the information that fit your antivaxx narrative, why would i believe a few experts saying this if the majority of the experts and the government/society says its safe?"
Well, I thought the idea of contracting Mad Cow disease from the vaccine had some attention getting qualities, especially when it was said by such a qualified scientist/physician. Silly me....

If people are all really that stupid then the herd is going to get severely thinned indeed. I'm beginning to believe that a huge percentage of the population are suffering borderline catatonia, possibly from chemicals put into the drinking water.


May 13, 2015
Great video that could even work with normies. Another favorite part:

The vaccines have “no statistically-significant benefit,” Fleming said, but cause “inflammation and blood clotting, Lewy bodies [associated with dementia], Mad Cow disease, and nothing to benefit.”
I watched the 2.5 hour interview earlier today. It was well worth the time. This guy really knows what he's talking about. Very fact based. He is demanding prosecutions for crimes against humanity.
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