Progestene First Experience Report


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I am at the end of my first Progestene bottle, i took 4-5 times 8 drops equals around 35-40 mg of progesterone. I was hoping so much that it will help alliviate my postmenopausal hot flashes and night sweats i am suffering for ten years now. I had hyterectomy and ovaries removed 2 years ago @58. I am fit otherwise, normal weight, trying to eat the peat diet, eating the shredded carrots almost every day, going for brisk walks 10 km 3 times / week. I also drink salted oj before bed and keeping at my bedside during the night hoping that it would help with my night sweats. I feel like that since taking Progestene my night sweats are even more intense. Any advice, please?
Have you found a solution?


Jan 29, 2021
Have you found a solution?
My hot flashes and night sweats decreased by around 60 % even though it is very hot here most days the temperature is over 30 celsius. I do not take the Progestene any more, i have used Progest-e also but not any more. Unfortunately it is too expensive because on top of the price i also have to pay quite high delivery charge and import duty. Currently i am taking micronized progesterone capsules 300 mg at around 19:00 pm every evening and it is very affordable. I read in one of Dr Peat's book about it, he mentioned that taking oral 300 mg of micronized progesterone helps with hot flashes. I don't know if this is what helped me with my VM symptoms but it has definitely beneficial for my insomnia. I emailed Dr Peat if it is ok to take, he agreed to it and said to keep a few days break every month because our liver gets rid all of it if there is a constant supply. I also eat vanilla puding before bed, Dr Otker no cook puding, just mix it with milk. The uncooked corn starch helps in my night time hypoglicemia. I use to wake up first around 00:30 am and several times onwards with adrealine surges and hot flashes but not anymore. My first waking is around 4:30am i drink OJ and fall back to sleep. I eat fairly Peat friendly but not too strict, a huge bowl of fruit with my breakfast -scramled eggs and toast, coffee, OJ- and also with my dinner. My fruits are currently watermelon, yellow melon and orange mix. I take 300-400 mg pregnenolone once weekly, vitamine A, E, eggshell calcium powder, and finely grined red grape seed in yogurt. It is suppose to help the vascular health and it is aromatese inhibitor. My local pharmacy compounds vaginal supository for me for dryness which consists of 1000 mg vit. E, 20000 mg vit. A per capsule in cocoa butter. Dr. Peat talked about it in one of his youtube interview. I also use the estriol vaginal cream occasionaly, i know it is not what this forum supports but i find it beneficial. I had a total hysterectomy with both ovaries removed 3 and a half years ago at 58 way long after my natural menopause which was @51. It felt like i was suffering with a second menopause with hot flashes, night sweats and more joint pain. It seems that i am on the right track in reducing the vasomotor symptoms but the moderate pain in my fingers, toes and knees are still an issue. Hopefully when i will reintroduce the gelatinous meats in to my diet it might help. I do not like to eat them in the summer. I am normal weight, have managed to loose the 7 pounds extra piled up on me following my surgery. When it is not too hot like to go speed walking and cycle ryde. Normaly we go to Austria twice per year, late spring and early autum for cycle ride with my husband. We love it there the beautiful cycle routes are just fantastic and the weather is not uncomfotrable for us. Wow, i did not want to write so much but i hope that being a bit detailed might help other women in similar condition, after all this forum is about exchanging experiences.Forgive me if i made mistakes but english is not my native language.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Thank you for the interesting reply. I was unaware of micronized progesterone.

You've made very good progress - what a huge difference in your sleep!

I am planning on trying pregnenolone again.

I hope you get your walks and cycle rides this year.

All your comments are useful and encouraging.

Thank you again.
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