Prolactin - Maybe More Attention Needs To Be Given To It

Nov 21, 2015
There are a lot of things that can increase prolactin. I have been drinking 2 liters of milk a day for a year and I think that has increased my prolactin.

Is it the milk? I don’t think so. I think it’s the volume of liquids. I always warm up my milk but even so, I think it lowers thyroid function a little to drink a lot of liquid.

I heard Dr. Peat in a recent interview who said if your prolactin is high, increasing thyroid so you are mildly hyperthyroid for a few weeks brings down prolactin. I’m raising my T3 intake a bit and finding that between that and maybe 100mcg of lisuride a day, my prolactin is falling.

How do I know? I don’t. I just experience easier urination, better erections, and the feeling of less bloat.


Sep 6, 2018
I know a several persons with actual Hyperprolactinemia. Strangely enough all of them are health orientated for a long time but they just found out they have this issue.
One of the persons even has excellent thyroid even if prolactin is ultra massive another one says has very bad thyroid results, yet this person is not fat at all and not restricting calories. They are not drinking milk.
All these thru actual bloodwork various times.
So those examples are very interesting to take into account.

If I take Taurine I feel scrotum and penile shrinkage and zero libido, this could also raise Prolatin. Anyway never felt anything good from Taurine related to libido or erection.


Feb 13, 2016
I think the shower water, especially if you live in California or in any major city, powerfully increases prolactin because of accumulating birth control residue. I can't think of any way around this though...maybe if there were some soap that didn't require water...?

I think milk is strongly dopaminergic if you have enough CO2. It is intracellular calcium overload that increases prolactin but if you are digesting the milk well with good CO2 levels taking the calcium out of the cell and putting it into the bones where it belongs then prolactin will actually go down.


Nov 29, 2017
I like milk but had to stop due to acne which I’d correlate with higher prolactin. Since greatly reducing milk to about 1-2 cups a day, acne has significantly reduced.... I don’t seem to have an issue with cheese so I can’t blame it on dairy, maybe excessive fluid consumption as you postulate @ecstatichamster .

I’d like to be able to drink copious amounts of milk because it checks off a lot of nutritional boxes but will need to tinker as I go. Bloating has also vanished since cutting back on milk


Sep 6, 2018
I think the shower water, especially if you live in California or in any major city, powerfully increases prolactin because of accumulating birth control residue. I can't think of any way around this though...maybe if there were some soap that didn't require water...?

Do you think chlorine could have an effect?
It is interesting that at some point it was posted how kids that went to public pools have their testoterone levels halved after bathing there. This tis does not explain why some do not seem to be affected by chlorinated water.


Feb 13, 2016
Do you think chlorine could have an effect?
It is interesting that at some point it was posted how kids that went to public pools have their testoterone levels halved after bathing there. This tis does not explain why some do not seem to be affected by chlorinated water.

I've never read much about chlorine but if you're hypothyroid you absorb things from the environment much more easily so that could explain why some people were so strongly affected by the toxic water but others were not

But with shower water as opposed to pool water even with good thyroid you might slowly accumulate the toxins over time because of repeated daily exposure, causing a stealthy rise of prolactin in the long-run.
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Sep 29, 2017

Thyroid seems to be the best way to bring down prolactin quickly.
Dec 18, 2018
There are a lot of things that can increase prolactin. I have been drinking 2 liters of milk a day for a year and I think that has increased my prolactin.

Is it the milk? I don’t think so. I think it’s the volume of liquids. I always warm up my milk but even so, I think it lowers thyroid function a little to drink a lot of liquid.

I heard Dr. Peat in a recent interview who said if your prolactin is high, increasing thyroid so you are mildly hyperthyroid for a few weeks brings down prolactin. I’m raising my T3 intake a bit and finding that between that and maybe 100mcg of lisuride a day, my prolactin is falling.

How do I know? I don’t. I just experience easier urination, better erections, and the feeling of less bloat.

"It seems, for adults of all species, the PRL in consumed milk is more likely hydrolysed to its constituent amino acids before absorption (6). Thus, it is thought at least for adults, existing of high or low levels of PRL in consumed milk do not have biological impact. However, other studies demonstrated that milk PRL is absorbed and exert biologically effects including differentiation and maturation of neonatal neuroendocrine, regulation of the reproductive and immune systems in the neonates (20).



Sep 24, 2016
I can’t square Pears endorsement of milk with the hints, data and evidence that Milk is pro-estrogen, , pro-prolactin, pro-insulinergic via IGFs and GGs and opiodic.

Sometimes I wonder if Peat was at some point paid by the dairy industry.

In any case, I feel worse after consuming processed liquid milk and ceased it therefore, joghurts and cheese are ok though.

If people high in prolactin would ask me I would recommend against drinking milk, especially by the litres a day.


Sep 6, 2018
But with shower water as opposed to pool water even with good thyroid you might slowly accumulate the toxins over time because of repeated daily exposure, causing a stealthy rise of prolactin in the long-run.

The seems to be something that happens to me with the showers I get penile insensitivity and impossibility of erection after showers. Extremely weird is that 4 years ago I was mainly semi erect while showering and had increased libido after showers. It is a big discrepancy between these two reactions.
Dec 18, 2018
I can’t square Pears endorsement of milk with the hints, data and evidence that Milk is pro-estrogen, , pro-prolactin, pro-insulinergic via IGFs and GGs and opiodic.

Sometimes I wonder if Peat was at some point paid by the dairy industry.

In any case, I feel worse after consuming processed liquid milk and ceased it therefore, joghurts and cheese are ok though.

If people high in prolactin would ask me I would recommend against drinking milk, especially by the litres a day.

Yes,and holy ***t at that.
Milk is the most suspicious Foodstuff in regards to health,totally iffy with organismic contamination issues,
hormone issues(hormone-profile of a cow,not even meat-eater-lineage),possibly too high Calcium or wrong forms,

Parkinsons Disease has a dose response relationship with milkprotein dairy going on,higher urinary Calcium output
which is a characteristic trait of Hi-dietary Ca intake,homogenization and altered lipid-quality,Xenoestrogen contamination
via storage plastics,its a long list.

He addresses some of the issues,but doesnt have arguments or evidence with enough Power to win such discussion.
Also,another staple,the commercial OJ,contaminated with Orange-Peel derived Brain-active Carbamates.Its awful,and plain junk-food imho.


Feb 13, 2016
The seems to be something that happens to me with the showers I get penile insensitivity and impossibility of erection after showers. Extremely weird is that 4 years ago I was mainly semi erect while showering and had increased libido after showers. It is a big discrepancy between these two reactions.

I think because the BC accumulates over time. I think it began to have a noticeable impact only starting from the late 2015/early 2016 time frame and that too only in major cities and in big states like California, but now it has accumulated to the point that even small suburbs are starting to feel it. I think activated carbon can remove it.


Jul 8, 2019
I can’t square Pears endorsement of milk with the hints, data and evidence that Milk is pro-estrogen, , pro-prolactin, pro-insulinergic via IGFs and GGs and opiodic.

Even Masterjohn recommends a quart a milk a day to people over 60, just to meet your minimum calcium requirements.

Adults under 60 need 1 cup less.

Lower fat milk is great for meeting Peat's high protein recommendation plus basic calcium requirements without consuming huge quantities of fiber or fat.

It's dealing with the poisoning of our food supply that's the challenge.
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