Prostatitis - Prescribed antibiotics but unsure whether to take them?


Apr 15, 2015
I think antibiotics can help only in some degree, more so if it is a chronic form
On the other hand prostatic enlargement depends on DHT... so if antibiotics won't work you can look at the problem from the other angle.


Apr 3, 2019
I think i'm going to have to stop taking these antibiotics. I feel utterly dreadful. Feel sick and have a horrible dark like depression and anxiety that has come over me. Struggling to sleep. At this point it feels as though they are doing more harm than good.

If for example this is bacterial Prostatitis, is it going to cause me any problems if I just let it run it's course without antibiotics in the hopes it will clear up naturally? As in, I know I'll have some prostate symptoms, but outside of that is there any problem with me just leaving this condition be for now?


Apr 3, 2019
The only other antibiotics they are really offering at the moment are the fluoroquinolones and quinolones which most people I've spoken to here and elsewhere advise against taking.


Mar 29, 2016
You seem to rely on your doctor and Google too much. That leads you to a very narrow list of options. It's as if your choices are antibiotics or die.

List down the typical bacteria involved in prostatitis. For example, escherichia coli.

Google or Yandex "escherichia coli catalase-positive" to see if it's catalase-positive. Do the same for the other typical bacteria.

If all are catalase-positive, then you can try methylene blue for it.

You can also do photodynamic therapy (red light therapy) with it and potassium iodide, to make it more effective.

What do you have to lose? Is methylene blue as dangerous as fluoroquinolones?

No one here has experience using mb for prostatis. You're the first. Be the guinea pig if you feel after weighing the pros and cons that it's worth a shot. But from the looks of it, you have entirely dismissed it.

You just like it easy, like that a pill and let it take care of you. And you like the assurance from a doctor or an expert here in this forum, who will tell you "trust me, I know."


Apr 3, 2019
You seem to rely on your doctor and Google too much. That leads you to a very narrow list of options. It's as if your choices are antibiotics or die.

List down the typical bacteria involved in prostatitis. For example, escherichia coli.

Google or Yandex "escherichia coli catalase-positive" to see if it's catalase-positive. Do the same for the other typical bacteria.

If all are catalase-positive, then you can try methylene blue for it.

You can also do photodynamic therapy (red light therapy) with it and potassium iodide, to make it more effective.

What do you have to lose? Is methylene blue as dangerous as fluoroquinolones?

No one here has experience using mb for prostatis. You're the first. Be the guinea pig if you feel after weighing the pros and cons that it's worth a shot. But from the looks of it, you have entirely dismissed it.

You just like it easy, like that a pill and let it take care of you. And you like the assurance from a doctor or an expert here in this forum, who will tell you "trust me, I know."

In a sense some of what you say is right, I would like to take a pill to make everything right. But that's only due to having pretty much given up on any alternative type therapies after trying many for years to improve my health. I was absolutely the last person to rely on a doctor's opinion or simply take a pill they'd advised me to take thinking it would solve my problems.

I've come to a point now where I don't have the energy to keep trying alternative methods, nor spend weeks researching.

Do I believe potasium Iodide and red light therapy would do anything to help, no absolutely I don't. Red light therapy did nothing back make me ill when using it. I think half of what is spouted here is pure placebo.

I've not taken antibiotics in i don't know how many years. At least 15, it could be 20. I'm in my early I've only ever taken them as a child when I had no choice. I've never resorted to taking them in adulthood so I'm certainly not one to take them without thinking based on a doctor's advice. But at the same it seems the most logical option currently to improve my symptoms. That as well as the gut bacterial overgrowth which you can see in my other thread about dehydration; an antibiotic seems the most reasonable solution.

I did look into Methylene blue, albeit breifly and it didn't appear comprehensive enough for me to go to the hassle of trying it ahead of antibiotics

You come to a point where you are so fed up of all of these alternative ideas doing nothing to help that you just think I'll try something that 90% of the population do on doctors advice and just take antibiotics.


Jul 23, 2018
Colloidal silver and mms (chlorine dioxide) are two options to consider. I dont tolerate many ABX, and even tho both make me feel bad, its far less that most “pharma” antibiotic classes except doxy


Mar 29, 2016
You're right in questioning your doctor's trigger happy proclivity to prescribing fluoroquinolones. At the very least, you're able to keep yourself from inflicting more harm on yourself as you try to fix or heal yourself. You have been either willing to spend a lot on tests or have the benefit of being in a good health insurance plan. What you haven't been able to get is a doctor who is skilled enough to find the root cause of your problem. Either you find another one, or failing that, you have to be your own doctor.

I can't vouch for methylene blue for you. You say you've considered it, and by that you meant you gave it a good look see, and I can't question how well you looked into it. I'm just acting as an unpaid coach, and wonder why MB has been used in the past before antibiotics were discovered, for UTI, which basically involves bacteria that are similar, if not exactly the same, as that of prostatitis, and was successful in the treatment of it, and wonder what part of your research says it's not a viable solution for your situation. Is it because you aren't able to find literature in your research on it?

Or is it because I failed to provide references to convince you it is a viable solution? I could do that, but I'm hoping I've given you a lead, and you can figure out for yourself if what I suggest is a viable solution or not. Yet you haven't given any inkling why you decided methylene blue isn't viable. Since this is your sickness, you have the prerogative to decide and do whatever you want. And deciding to go for antibiotics first is your call. So far, the first one you try hasn't worked. Maybe you can go back to considering MB later on.

I don't know what exactly it is you've tried in the past for your issues that makes you now want to change course in your approach, but if you're going to do that, at least find a doctor who can do it right for you.

Your frustration in failing to get fixed is understandable. I get frustrated. I give it a rest. I take a break from time to time. And I get closer to fixing my issues, and in the process I understand my body more, and I get to put my 2 cents on the issues people face, since we share the same human biology. It's never easy to fix these things. We never really planned on becoming our own doctor. I had to spend a lot of time to read up. I follow the forum for really nice articles shared. Over the 5 years in the forum, I've gained a decent amount of knowledge. I've tried many things, and I've failed many times in the process, and I've discarded one possibility after another. One thing I am most proud of is I stuck to my guns to the point of being called hard-headed. I've been told to just take the high bp drug by members that are very knowledgeable. Nothing against them as they all meant well. But now it's coming out that my approach is paying off, because I can see how taking the pharma way is just going to cause my organs to degenerate much more faster.

So, what I'm saying is take notes and decide your course of action. If you fail, walk back what you did, and revisit your assumptions and your decisions. People who fail to do that end up taking antibiotics after antibiotics, and end up none the better. They likely may experience other issues, for which another prescription drug is the answer. Once into that rabbit hole, people easily become dependent on drug cocktails. I don't think that is the direction you want to be headed. Of course, many people simply believe they are just the victims of poor genetics, and doctors aren't just glorified technicians not any better than lousy mechanics with some lousy certification.


Artemisinin solved all my prostate issues and quickly...research it.


Mar 29, 2016
Artemisinin solved all my prostate issues and quickly...research it.
I had always thought of it as being anti-parasitic, be it virus, or protozia, or helminth. Does it also have anti-bacterial use as well?

I had tried it before for my systemic bacterial issues, but didn't see an improvement.

I just made a new bath of artemisia gin extract, but wasn't intending on using it on myself.


Apr 3, 2019
So I've been on Tetracycline antibiotic for 7 days now and it's safe to say there's been no improvement in prostate symptoms.

I went for a short hike yesterday, that's about as much as I can do with my current health and energy levels, but this seems to have triggered the prostate to swell. I noticed the same a few weeks ago when I had a slightly more active day walking/running around, my prostate got worse, swelling so it little feels as though there's something full / poking in my anus constantly. It radiates to the lower back also. Again I don't really have any chance in urination from it though.

What do you guys think, does this sound as though it's not a bacterial problem? If it gets worse every time I do any form of exercise what exactly can I do?

I play to try some stretching to create some space in the area. Lossen up the pelvis / groin just in case it's a muscular issue. Other than that it looks like another thing to add on the already dire health situation.


Apr 7, 2021
So I've been on Tetracycline antibiotic for 7 days now and it's safe to say there's been no improvement in prostate symptoms.

I went for a short hike yesterday, that's about as much as I can do with my current health and energy levels, but this seems to have triggered the prostate to swell. I noticed the same a few weeks ago when I had a slightly more active day walking/running around, my prostate got worse, swelling so it little feels as though there's something full / poking in my anus constantly. It radiates to the lower back also. Again I don't really have any chance in urination from it though.

What do you guys think, does this sound as though it's not a bacterial problem? If it gets worse every time I do any form of exercise what exactly can I do?

I play to try some stretching to create some space in the area. Lossen up the pelvis / groin just in case it's a muscular issue. Other than that it looks like another thing to add on the already dire health situation.
Apart from pain or that sensation , do you have semen leakage or another type of any strange symptoms?

You can also test by gentle touch, to see if you have inflammation in the epididymis area.

Inflammation of the epididymis is often closely correlated with bacterial and fungal diseases of the prostate.

If it is fungal prostatitis, then antibiotics will not help much, instead they can worsen your situation!


Apr 3, 2019
Apart from pain or that sensation , do you have semen leakage or another type of any strange symptoms?

You can also test by gentle touch, to see if you have inflammation in the epididymis area.

Inflammation of the epididymis is often closely correlated with bacterial and fungal diseases of the prostate.

If it is fungal prostatitis, then antibiotics will not help much, instead they can worsen your situation!

No noticeable leaking or other strange symptoms. Maybe a very subtle weakness in the ability to stop urine or contract the pelvic floor muscles. Other than that it's just a fullness feeling in the prostate area and pain when rolling in bed or moving legs while laying.

I don't feel any inflammation in the epididymis area. But now you say there can be fungal disease of the prostate, I tried to mention this as a possibility to my doctor as my girlfriend has an ongoing thrush problem she can't seem to get rid of despite multiple bouts of consistent antifungal medication. He dismissed it being related in any way. Do you think there could be a link and I may have contracted some sort of fungal infection from her? I have no thrush symptoms, only the prostate issue.
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Apr 7, 2021
No noticeable leaking or other strange symptoms. Maybe a very subtle weakness in the ability to stop urine or contract the pelvic floor muscles. Other than that it's just a fullness feeling in the prostate area and pain when rolling in bed or moving legs while laying.

I don't feel any inflammation in the epididymis area. But now you say there can be fungal disease of the prostate, I tried to mention this as a possibility to my doctor as my girlfriend has an ongoing thrush problem she can't seem to get rid of despite multiple bouts of consistent antifungal medication. He dismissed it being related in any way. Do you think there could be a link and I may have contracted some sort of fungal infection from her? I have no thrush symptoms, only the prostate issue.
I was sure, I wanted to ask you if you had contact with anyone before this condition.
I'm in the same position as you, only much worse, I'm telling you this to comfort you, not to complain.

It's been three years since I've been battling this disease and I still haven't figured it out. I can say that I have very bad, bad and less bad moments. I am glad that I stopped fornication because of this disease and sad at the same time because I am starting to want a family, children, you know, ordinary things for normal people. I got checkmate from a woman who had this condition, also could not get rid of it regardless of the methods used by her, these strange and smelly leaks that she had disappeared and reappeared. Unfortunately, I found out only immediately after I got sick, because she used baking soda and other nonsense to hide the thing. She later told me that the disease is called candida she told me, of course, that it was nothing serious, I replied that she had destroyed me for life, of course. The truth is that I destroyed myself by not protecting myself and trusting her. Sometimes you can be more confident about women who practice prostitution than some ladies who seem to be role models in society. Advice for thrill seekers, it's nicer without protection, it's true, but it's nicer to use protection, so you have "something" to use later in life.

What can I tell you, let's hope that there is something different about you, but no matter the situation, don't lose hope my friend, stay strong.Also, that's how I discovered the forum, through the infinity of my google searches.


Apr 3, 2019
I was sure, I wanted to ask you if you had contact with anyone before this condition.
I'm in the same position as you, only much worse, I'm telling you this to comfort you, not to complain.

It's been three years since I've been battling this disease and I still haven't figured it out. I can say that I have very bad, bad and less bad moments. I am glad that I stopped fornication because of this disease and sad at the same time because I am starting to want a family, children, you know, ordinary things for normal people. I got checkmate from a woman who had this condition, also could not get rid of it regardless of the methods used by her, these strange and smelly leaks that she had disappeared and reappeared. Unfortunately, I found out only immediately after I got sick, because she used baking soda and other nonsense to hide the thing. She later told me that the disease is called candida she told me, of course, that it was nothing serious, I replied that she had destroyed me for life, of course. The truth is that I destroyed myself by not protecting myself and trusting her. Sometimes you can be more confident about women who practice prostitution than some ladies who seem to be role models in society. Advice for thrill seekers, it's nicer without protection, it's true, but it's nicer to use protection, so you have "something" to use later in life.

What can I tell you, let's hope that there is something different about you, but no matter the situation, don't lose hope my friend, stay strong.Also, that's how I discovered the forum, through the infinity of my google searches.

Thanks for the advice and I am sorry to hear you have been stuck with this condition. So you are assuming yours is fungal related and I suppose anti-fungal medications have not helped you at all?

For now, this condition for me, pales into insignificance in comparison to the other health issue I have of dehydration but this is another thing on top that adds to my frustration.


Apr 7, 2021
Thanks for the advice and I am sorry to hear you have been stuck with this condition. So you are assuming yours is fungal related and I suppose anti-fungal medications have not helped you at all?

For now, this condition for me, pales into insignificance in comparison to the other health issue I have of dehydration but this is another thing on top that adds to my frustration.
I haven't tried antifungal drugs yet, I know anyway that the prostate is very difficult for drugs to penetrate. I also noticed that there is a correlation between the stomach and this prostate condition, there are also many things that I do not understand yet.


Apr 3, 2019
I haven't tried antifungal drugs yet, I know anyway that the prostate is very difficult for drugs to penetrate. I also noticed that there is a correlation between the stomach and this prostate condition, there are also many things that I do not understand yet.

You've had it for 3 years and suspect it might be fungal related but haven't tried antifungal medication? Has to be worth a try!


Apr 7, 2021
You've had it for 3 years and suspect it might be fungal related but haven't tried antifungal medication? Has to be worth a try!
I do not suspect, I am over 80 percent sure that there is something fungal in the middle. The urethral secretion test was only tested for bacteria, unfortunately, when those exams were made.

After I get sick I did check-ups, the prostate was inflamed, I was diagnosed with streptococcal infection and ecoli on other medical examinations, the doctor recommended Levofloxacin 500 for a period of 7 days, I followed his recommendations and no change, then he -prescribed doxycycline and gentamicin injection, I followed this treatment, and nothing semnificative, I felt an improvement just for 3 days and my problem started to get worse after that treatment . After that I didn't make other examinations. I started to have rashes, eczema, altered diarrhea and constipation and in the final only constipation, immediately after the treatment.My hair was starting to fall out, my extremities were very cold, I started to urinate more and more often also 2 or 3 times on night. The ejaculation was very painful, accompanied by stinging and not only, the semen had in its consistency pieces of semen clots, they looked like pieces of jelly, moreover, it had a yellow color, abnormal for me, sometimes it was like water but also with that "pieces of jelly", but when I was healthy, it always had a white color with slight tinge to gray, liquid and abundant. Another problems: ED, numb penis, unable to maintain or start an erection. This was not a problem for me before, the problem was that I didn't know how to hide it everywhere when it starded, when I was healthy, before that incident. I have tried many natural treatments, the most effective so far being iodine, but it is still not enough. I hope to make time for a thorough check. Unfortunately time does not allow me right now. I also gave up masturbating, even though it wasn't something I did often. For health reasons but also for other reasons. All I can say precisely based on my findings is that the prostate is an extremely delicate organ or gland.


Mar 29, 2016
@mariantos hope your problem is not as bad as you think it is, that your suspicion of candida is only coincidental, but has become your focus. I used to be focused on something and lost sight of other possible causes. Could it be possible that this is the case:

Uric acid crystals.

This is one reason. Uric acid crystals precipitate in acidic conditions, especially when uric acid is high. Oxalate crystals, on the other hands, form when the body is alkaline, when oxalates are high.

@Callmestar Crystals that form can induce nephritis, and that may be why your kidneys have an issue, and may also be related to prostatis.

This is a sample search I did using the MetaGer search engine, which I find more helpful than Google's search engine:

Since it is just one of many possibilities, it may not be the answer but at least you can eliminate it and look for more answers.


Apr 3, 2019
@mariantos hope your problem is not as bad as you think it is, that your suspicion of candida is only coincidental, but has become your focus. I used to be focused on something and lost sight of other possible causes. Could it be possible that this is the case:

Uric acid crystals.

This is one reason. Uric acid crystals precipitate in acidic conditions, especially when uric acid is high. Oxalate crystals, on the other hands, form when the body is alkaline, when oxalates are high.

@Callmestar Crystals that form can induce nephritis, and that may be why your kidneys have an issue, and may also be related to prostatis.

This is a sample search I did using the MetaGer search engine, which I find more helpful than Google's search engine:

Since it is just one of many possibilities, it may not be the answer but at least you can eliminate it and look for more answers.

Very interesting. I will investigate further. I've also asked my Doctor to test my uric acid again and refer me to a nephrologist (Not relying on doctors but they have the tests). We'll see if that happens.

Since being on these antibiotics, in the past couple of days I've developed what seems like constant acid reflex and the back of my tongue is looking white/yollowish?
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Apr 7, 2021
@mariantos hope your problem is not as bad as you think it is, that your suspicion of candida is only coincidental, but has become your focus. I used to be focused on something and lost sight of other possible causes. Could it be possible that this is the case:

Uric acid crystals.

This is one reason. Uric acid crystals precipitate in acidic conditions, especially when uric acid is high. Oxalate crystals, on the other hands, form when the body is alkaline, when oxalates are high.

@Callmestar Crystals that form can induce nephritis, and that may be why your kidneys have an issue, and may also be related to prostatis.

This is a sample search I did using the MetaGer search engine, which I find more helpful than Google's search engine:

Since it is just one of many possibilities, it may not be the answer but at least you can eliminate it and look for more answers.

It could be,unfortunately, until I make the necessary checks I will not be able to know for sure. When I am healed, I will open a topic with the recipe for success. This way other suffering brothers will benefit. If I don't have an open topic, it means I've never healed.
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