PUFA Depletion Can (probably) Be Accomplished In 30 Days!


Jan 6, 2015
haidut said:
Fat-free diets are unrealistic and maybe even unhealthy for many people.
Can you please share your thoughts on why its unhealthy?

I'm actually agree with that but I'm curious about your reason.

I believe at the end some cells in body prefer to burn fats so we need to make that from carbs or those cells starve!

So why not include them in diet.lipogenesis may have metabolic cost for body?!!?

However im Not sure how correct is my logic!
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Can you please share your thoughts on why its unhealthy?

I'm actually agree with that but I'm curious about your reason.

I believe at the end some cells in body prefer to burn fats so we need to make that from carbs or those cells starve!

So why not include them in diet.lipogenesis may have metabolic cost for body?!!?

However im Not sure how correct is my logic!

The optimal macronutrient ratio is not currently known, but it is likely not 0% fat. Such diets have been tried in rodents and it was found that while it raised their metabolism several-fold when fed over their entire lifespan it had some demyelinating effects in their CNS. This could have been due to nutrient depletion as a result of high metabolism but it could also be a function of the fat-free diet. Peat said that the optimal macronutrient ratio is "probably about equal" as percentage of calories, so this means 33/33/33. The fat free diet is probably a great tool for reversing disease but once the person is healthy again they should probably consume some fat IF they make sure it is saturated of course. For an old person trying to maximize longevity, a fat-free diet may be necessary given the lifelong assault they may have endure from PUFA and other toxins.


Jan 6, 2015
Peat said that the optimal macronutrient ratio is "probably about equal" as percentage of calories, so this means 33/33/33.
In a 3,000 cal a day diet , 33% means 250g protein,if I calculated correct.

That seems too much,not?

Where have he mentioned this ratio,anyone?
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In a 3,000 cal a day diet , 33% means 250g protein,if I calculated correct.

That seems too much,not?

Where have he mentioned this ratio,anyone?

Yeah, I thought it could be too much especially given that it would in a 1:1 ratio with carbs and proper protein utilization needs at least 2:1 carb-protein ratio. It was in one of the radio interviews, but I don't remember the exact episode. Somebody asked him about ideal macronutrient ratio and his response was something like "the optimal ratio of macronutrients isn't really known, but it is probably equal percentage of each type".


Just thought I would add some important information, since the main goal of most is to deplete PUFA and very importantly, to keep it from accumulating with age. If a person has the self control, according to Ray the only way to keep PUFA from accumulating with age is with a LOW TOTAL intake of fat as well as keeping PUFA .5 grams per day or less. Thats the extremes one would need to go to in order to keep PUFA from accumulating with age.


May 31, 2013
@tca300 Challenge accepted :)

Doesnt also calorie and bodyfat % play a role? i mean if you have higher bodyfat esp from a normal life style you will have accumulated much more PUFA then a lean one. So low fat and low PUFA with reducing calories to drop fat i guess will be the fastest way to deplete PUFA?
Or does Ray say something about if you overeat on sugar which will make the safest saturated fat (omega 9 fat) that this will also replace the PUFA or "take over" the PUFAs place and push PUFA out?


@superhuman Yes low total fat, low PUFA and lower calories, will allow for the PUFA stored to be burned up as fuel, as well as the tiny bit consumed. Then after your depleted, keeping Total fat low, PUFA .5 or less without substantial weight gain from sugar ( weight maintenance ) would keep you depleted. But ya the sugar would only be turned into safe fats.


May 31, 2013
@tca300 i dont think RP will love that comment from Ray :) seems like to many people love to indulge in butter,cream,full fat milk, egg yolks and just in general tons of fatty foods. The main reason its so hard is ofc the food contains so much more PUFA then before because of the way they feed the animals.

Did you ask Ray anything in terms of time it takes to deplete PUFA if you did a calorie deficit with "no" fat, "no" pufa diet? i know he mentions 4 years earlier but that was not as specific as this.


Jul 8, 2016
If a person has the self control, according to Ray the only way to keep PUFA from accumulating with age is with a LOW TOTAL intake of fat as well as keeping PUFA .5 grams per day or less. Thats the extremes one would need to go to in order to keep PUFA from accumulating with age.

Where does he say this, and do you have a number for "low total intake of fat" He talks about eating coconut oil a lot, as well as cheese. I don't believe he is eating "low fat"


Me - You have repeatedly mentioned PUFA accumulates with aging. My question is, if someone in their 20's started eating a diet with less than 2 grams of PUFA per day, and maintained that low PUFA intake permanently into old age, would PUFA still accumulate with age? Thank you!

Ray's Answer - I think some would still accumulate in the fat tissues, unless total fat intake was low, and PUFA intake was half a gram or less.

Me - If a person limited dietary fat to the trace amounts in skim milk, sugary fruits, and then used Hydrogenated coconut oil as the fat source in the diet, would that keep PUFA from accumulating with age as well as deplete what is currently in fat stores?

Ray's Answer - Yes. With more knowledge about the composition of fruits, those might be able to provide all essential nutrients, but at present other foods (such as mushrooms, liver, shell fish) are needed to assure adequate trace minerals."
@superhuman @raypeatclips


May 31, 2013
Me - You have repeatedly mentioned PUFA accumulates with aging. My question is, if someone in their 20's started eating a diet with less than 2 grams of PUFA per day, and maintained that low PUFA intake permanently into old age, would PUFA still accumulate with age? Thank you!

Ray's Answer - I think some would still accumulate in the fat tissues, unless total fat intake was low, and PUFA intake was half a gram or less.

Me - If a person limited dietary fat to the trace amounts in skim milk, sugary fruits, and then used Hydrogenated coconut oil as the fat source in the diet, would that keep PUFA from accumulating with age as well as deplete what is currently in fat stores?

Ray's Answer - Yes. With more knowledge about the composition of fruits, those might be able to provide all essential nutrients, but at present other foods (such as mushrooms, liver, shell fish) are needed to assure adequate trace minerals."
@superhuman @raypeatclips

Thats gold


Nov 9, 2016
From Haidut:
3) Perhaps the most important, and depressing finding - even a single high PUFA meal replenished PUFA content in serum, cholesterol and tissues almost up to the levels seen before starting fat-free diets. So, after depleting PUFA make sure to avoid even a single "binge event" of restaurant food unless you are loaded up on vitamin E.

I'm confused. :confused:
1. So if you eat low PUFA for 4 years which is how long it takes for your fatty tissue to reflect the dietary changes, and then you go out the next day & eat a high PUFA meal, your fatty tissues immediately return to the PUFA content they had 4 years ago? 4 long years of a disciplined diet, & it's all ruined by 1 meal? If that's the case, then what's the point? Almost everyone is going to eat a bad meal once in a while.

2. Ray says PUFA accumulates with age, and unless you eat an extremely strict diet, there's really no way to prevent it. So again, what's the point of eating low PUFA then?


Oct 23, 2015
From Haidut:
3) Perhaps the most important, and depressing finding - even a single high PUFA meal replenished PUFA content in serum, cholesterol and tissues almost up to the levels seen before starting fat-free diets. So, after depleting PUFA make sure to avoid even a single "binge event" of restaurant food unless you are loaded up on vitamin E.

I'm confused. :confused:
1. So if you eat low PUFA for 4 years which is how long it takes for your fatty tissue to reflect the dietary changes, and then you go out the next day & eat a high PUFA meal, your fatty tissues immediately return to the PUFA content they had 4 years ago? 4 long years of a disciplined diet, & it's all ruined by 1 meal? If that's the case, then what's the point? Almost everyone is going to eat a bad meal once in a while.

2. Ray says PUFA accumulates with age, and unless you eat an extremely strict diet, there's really no way to prevent it. So again, what's the point of eating low PUFA then?

Depleting PUFA from your brain, lungs, marrow, liver, mitochondrion, etc will not return you to the PUFA stores you had previous, it will be reflected in your blood FFA's for a short time. With PUFA depletion your liver and body will be able to burn or excrete the PUFA meal you consume a lot more easily, supplementing vitamin E will help.


Nov 9, 2016
Depleting PUFA from your brain, lungs, marrow, liver, mitochondrion, etc will not return you to the PUFA stores you had previous, it will be reflected in your blood FFA's for a short time. With PUFA depletion your liver and body will be able to burn or excrete the PUFA meal you consume a lot more easily, supplementing vitamin E will help.
I still don't get it.

Haidut stated, " even a single high PUFA meal replenished PUFA content in serum, cholesterol and tissues almost up to the levels seen before starting fat-free diets. So, after depleting PUFA make sure to avoid even a single "binge event".

So if I spend 10 years eating low fat & low PUFA, and then one day I decide to have some Fried Chicken & French Frys, according to Haidut the PUFA content of my tissues returns to what it was 10 years ago prior to eating low-fat & low-PUFA. So one meal ruins 10 years of a strict diet.
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