Puninic acid/CLA , pomegranate seed extract?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
on wikipedia:
Punicic acid (also called trichosanic acid) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, 18:3 cis-9, trans-11, cis-13. It is named for the pomegranate, (Punica granatum), and is obtained from pomegranate seed oil. It has also been found in the seed oils of snake gourd.[1]

Punicic acid is a conjugated linolenic acid or CLnA; i.e. it has three conjugated double bonds. It is chemically similar to the conjugated linoleic acids, or CLA, which have two. It has also been classified as an "n-5" or "omega-5" polyunsaturated fatty acid. In lab rats, punicic acid was converted to the CLA rumenic acid (9Z11E-CLA).[2] In vitro, it shows anti-invasive activity against prostate cancer cells.[3] OLETF rats—a strain which becomes obese—remained relatively lean when punicic acid was added to their feed

would it be worth getting some pomegranate seed oil? I think it was mentioned on here that CLA's are helpful? there is also pomegranate seed extract capsules available online.

"Rumenic acid, also known as bovinic acid, is a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found in the fat of ruminants and in dairy products. It is an omega-7 trans fat. Its lipid shorthand name is cis-9, trans-11 18:2 acid. The name was proposed by Kramer et al. in 1998.[1] It is formed along with vaccenic acid by biohydrogenation of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids in the rumen.[2] It can be considered as the principal dietary form, accounting for as much as 85-90% of the total CLA content in dairy products"

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
on wikipedia:
Punicic acid (also called trichosanic acid) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, 18:3 cis-9, trans-11, cis-13. It is named for the pomegranate, (Punica granatum), and is obtained from pomegranate seed oil. It has also been found in the seed oils of snake gourd.[1]

Punicic acid is a conjugated linolenic acid or CLnA; i.e. it has three conjugated double bonds. It is chemically similar to the conjugated linoleic acids, or CLA, which have two. It has also been classified as an "n-5" or "omega-5" polyunsaturated fatty acid. In lab rats, punicic acid was converted to the CLA rumenic acid (9Z11E-CLA).[2] In vitro, it shows anti-invasive activity against prostate cancer cells.[3] OLETF rats—a strain which becomes obese—remained relatively lean when punicic acid was added to their feed

would it be worth getting some pomegranate seed oil? I think it was mentioned on here that CLA's are helpful? there is also pomegranate seed extract capsules available online.

"Rumenic acid, also known as bovinic acid, is a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found in the fat of ruminants and in dairy products. It is an omega-7 trans fat. Its lipid shorthand name is cis-9, trans-11 18:2 acid. The name was proposed by Kramer et al. in 1998.[1] It is formed along with vaccenic acid by biohydrogenation of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids in the rumen.[2] It can be considered as the principal dietary form, accounting for as much as 85-90% of the total CLA content in dairy products"

Ray said CLA is "useful if you're loaded with PUFA" but has bad effects of its own and the amount in butter is safe.
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