Questions about breathing


Oct 12, 2019
Hi all!

Iv'e been bussy past years recovering from post persistent post-concussive symptoms. After hitting my head 3 a go iv'e had symptoms that relate to a burnout, which mainly manifest in over exhasution and sensitivity from and to stressors. Im doing really good lately and im hoping to recover fully soon. Though peating helped me somewhat along the way, the main thing that keeps me calm and warm is proper breathing. Since I started breathing properly recovery became possible.
I know some people on here do breathwork themself and I hope to find some information about breathing. The thing I dont quite understand is breathing to allied activity, or metabolic stress. This is what buteyko breathing is about (I dont practise buteyko but I know some people here do and/or even theach @ecstatichamster). This is why I beleave this forum might be the right place to ask.
I recently discovered that ive been overdoing the relaxed breathing, to a point where I was doing deep calm (almost medetation or sleep) breathing during the day and wondering why I was being overstressed so easily. It took me quite a while to trust in higher frequenty breathing for in these breathing states one is less sensitive. I beleaved that I would actually be stressed out and not feel my stressors when I would enter a higher breathing frequenty, untill I realized that I might be under stimulating, or over relaxing my nervous system by constant deep relaxation breathing. It makes sens that we would be less prone to stress in deep meditative breathing than we would be in normal breathing (a soccer player cant keep up in mesitation). Anyway, since I started using deep medidative breathing more as a cooldown, and allowing higher frequenty breathing (4-4) to flow, ive become more resistant to stress and been able to pick up more daily activity's. My question is then:

What breathing should be apllied to what activity?
I'd say that the breathing should in a normal person addabt on its own, and for me, when this happens im fine, but I tend to get lost in my thoughts reguarly, which stops breathing, and forces me to pick it up mannualy.
My second question is why do we so breathing exsersices for limited amount of sets? And not keep up the breathing all day (I suspect because of the abovr mentioned reasons )

Anyway, would you please share experience on this topic, about breathing through the day and the reccomended breathing modes according to metabolic needs?

Ps: I tried tagging @ecstatichamster . I'm not sure if hes still on this forum but I beleave he was a buteyko teacher.


My breathing and peating stopped my hairloss and I hope I can post something about this is the future after in healed and if the hair would fully regrow or not.
Nov 21, 2015
it's best to breathe
1. only through the nose
2. so you build and maintain a slight amount of air hunger

When you have high CO2 levels, you will breathe so that when you exhale you often pause a bit before you inhale

It is likely that you are taking shallow breaths. You may be breathing faster, but very shallow, so that when you are aware of your breathing you realize you are hardly breathing at all.


Have you seen this thread?

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Oct 12, 2019
it's best to breathe
1. only through the nose
2. so you build and maintain a slight amount of air hunger

When you have high CO2 levels, you will breathe so that when you exhale you often pause a bit before you inhale

It is likely that you are taking shallow breaths. You may be breathing faster, but very shallow, so that when you are aware of your breathing you realize you are hardly breathing at all.
Ive noticed that when there is a pause for the next breath, im much calmer and relaxed, and also able to breath with ease. Normally I only experience this before bed and upon waking up. After becomming aware if this ive been trying to maintain this state during the day, trying to breath slow and softly as if im gently flowing the air over any restistance in the body. I have seen most resulsts from this in comparrison to just breathing deep or at a certen tempo. For the first time in years im able to stay calm and active during the whole day.
Ive read james nestors "breath". He writes about the Buteyko method, which is simular to this slow breathing, is it? Im thinking about taking a course in this hoping it can normalize this soft breathing.
It is true that sometimes indide i am hardly breathing at all. Youre right about the shallow breaths.


Oct 12, 2019
The shallow breathing is always with internel pressure or tension that tends to build up during the day. Long exhales helps, also I use the letting go method from David hawkins (see letting go) which helps most for me.
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