Ray Peat On Donald Trump

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Ray Peat: I think much of the outrage concerning Trump’s election is driven by his clear opposition to war with Russia, and his protectionist opposition to “globalization.” Those issues are essential for the ruling class, so everything will be done to interfere with any attempt Trump makes to change the empire’s course.
I dont see any evidence that Trump is anything but a Globablist masquerading as a populist. He gives us the illusion of electoral diversity. So far all he has done is made a lot of speeches and promises and has failed to carry out any of them.
- We still have Obamacare even though the Republicans control both houses
- We still have open borders and catch and release. no wall. conceded on DACA and got nothing in return
- Border agents are still running inland immigration checks far from the border that are worthless as opposed to actually trying to stop aliens crossing at the border
- We still have Common Core
- We are still in NAFTA and every other trade deal trump complained about, and recently Trump said he may rejoin TPP
- We are still very much involved in the Middle East and arming the Jihadis while trying to destabilize more regime
-signed a record breaking budget that is loaded with more Government spending

Trump is just a temporary distraction from years of Obama and Bush moving us towards more socialism. I think he is purposely acting the fool and an object of derision so that the next couple of elections will sweep in a more openly Socialist/Globalist movement.

Its all a show.
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Feb 4, 2015
I found the above quote from him pretty genius- not surprised.

I found it to be the typical soft bigotry of low expectations. He says nothing of fatherless kids. It's quite racist of him to view black people as hopeless unintelligent victims. But this is why Candace Owens is a rising star. Peat needs to read Thomas Sowell, who is black.

"No US president has ever opposed capital punishment or nuclear weapons"

Maybe him being almost 82 years old is why he might not care if a crazy person in Iran or NK gets and uses nukes but I do care.

I wonder what Peat thinks about the extremely high homicide rate in Mexico, a country he loves and frequents..

Tijuana: 549 Homicides in Three Months

DT won't be around forever and at some point there will be another election. When that time comes, if the democratic platform is white privilege, male bashing, intersectionality and antifa then they will lose again. How they don't see this shows how dumb they are. If they want a chance of winning they have to go to more of a "Reagan democrat" type of view. I hope the democrats run Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. It would be hilarious.


Mar 7, 2017
For anyone interested in how corrupt our congress is in the US, just check out one of today's panels with Pro-Trump Diamond and Silk:

The Rep. is attempting to word the question in a confusing way to get D&S to lie under oath, even though she has the correct facts in front of her.

However, it should also be noted that D&S are speaking to them because a private company wanted to censor its own content.:eek:
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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
This is as big a bunch of gobbledy-gook from *anyone* as I've read in a long time. Really disappointing from someone as discerning as Peat can be.

There was NO ELECTORAL SHOCK. Almost 100% of Hilary's "popular vote" came from the huge population centers on the coast, that are geographically in the huge minority. Trump won something like over 2000 counties nationwide...Hilary won like 481. Is that a "minority" of the country? I think not.

The electoral college was designed to prevent large population centers that are geographically compact from tyrannizing and forcing their views on the rest of the country. Large population centers being particularly tone deaf when it comes to the needs and concerns of those who actually produce the things that are parasitized by the city dwellers. Also, large population centers are particularly vulnerable to the machinations of demogogues. Take a look at the history of ancient Rome for examples.

Bottom line: electoral college worked *perfectly*. It's a check and a balance against tyranny.

And just cuz you don't like the outcome this time, be very, very wary of changing it. It may work in your favor some day. Electoral college as a construct is an objective balance, not a tool for any given ideology.

Someone as ostensibly smart as Peat should know that.

But I guess that's his Marxist leanings showing. I mostly overlook them because of his other valuable contributions, but dumb remarks and thinking like this should not be given a pass without commenting on them.

Ray Peat has a much better handle on reality than some....hardly gobbled y-gook. Some do not like confront the unknown, it is much easier to deny reality than defend it or admit it in my view of human nature.


Jan 14, 2020
The liar in chief is the highest hypocrite with all his spouting about a GOD...the evangelicals love him.


Jun 22, 2021
Trump is NWO



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Mar 28, 2019
He is NOT the anti-christ. He could be a type, but he is definitely not the anti-christ. The anti-christ will be very easy to spot.

Lol that "Donnie Darkened" acc is such a psyop, he will delete his acc inside 2years when all of this unfolds. I feel bad for people who fall for it.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Can we focus on the future?? If the Dems (Marxists) are not stopped the govt will own everything u have. Fight back.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Lol that "Donnie Darkened" acc is such a psyop, he will delete his acc inside 2years when all of this unfolds. I feel bad for people who fall for it.
Yea now the biblical persuasion? Very poetic but has little to do with the political takeover being attempted by current illegitimates by the likes of the Dems. Trump will be the toad to the holy grail to use their comparison. This people of this country will defeat George Soros and his mafia gang. Real sorry George.


Aug 10, 2012
A morning comment on the Treehouse today:

November 11, 2022 6:43 am

Ten thousand foot view:
For me, the beginning of the re-assertion of our Americanism was the 2010 (Tea Party) mid-term thumping. We had our Hitler (Barry-O) cheated in in 2008. 2010 scared the swamp ooze out of these creeps. At this point, even though they always cheated in the elections on the margins. Now they had to cheat holistically, up and down the ballot, using their ally, their enemy MSM for cover 24/7.

These swamp criminals had to make certain that We The People! …aka the pesky voter had no say in their globalist plans (Agenda21/30) this designed for our ultimate demise.

There is much, much more to be done.

I believe we are farther along than say Churchill was at Dunkirk with the 2016 election of President Trump. He essentially got the American people off the beaches of Dunkirk, Hillary (Hitlery) was to be our end.

To extend the WWII metaphor, perhaps we are at Operation Barbarossa when Hitler invaded Russia. It looked bleak for Russia and the world. Hitler seemed unstoppable at this point.

But God had a say and like Napoleon the Russian winter helped destroy the Third Reich.

To reaffirm, anyone getting your news from the enemy MSM is like combat Marines in the Pacific getting their news from Tokyo Rose. TURN IT OFF! THEY ARE YOUR/OUR ENEMY! Sorry about yelling but hopefully we can permeate even the thickest skull. Their lingo things like, Red, Blue, Waves, Polls, Bombshell, Free & Fair, Honest Broker, et al…hooey.

All things considered we had a good day on 11/8/22. President Trump and the MAGA army are still standing and fighting and I still believe “the best is yet to come.” This will be a long journey.



Nov 28, 2016
People need to understand the current battle is really a world war against a satanic cabal which includes a military operation to counteract what happened to President Kennedy in 1962. My 2 cents.

This explains the big picture folks...this guy is the 💣.


Derek Johnson: President Trump Laid down Code Language. Will the Democrats and the globalists cheat again in the midterms?

Derek Johnson once again shows his passion in this video as he tells everyone how disgusted he is that people don't know about the constitution, American History and how our United States military works.


Aug 10, 2012


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I watched the whole interview. I don't think I've ever watched such a long one. It was stunning. Inspiring. @Blossom I think you would like it. I'm so surprised at what has happened to Milo. I think, but am not sure, that he has been quiet for 6 years...
Thanks for tagging me! I’ll definitely watch it.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I watched the whole interview. I don't think I've ever watched such a long one. It was stunning. Inspiring. @Blossom I think you would like it. I'm so surprised at what has happened to Milo. I think, but am not sure, that he has been quiet for 6 years...
I got 1/2 way through on my break at work. This is soooo good. I hope he’s okay though because he seems like a great guy.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
GM: The US has just elected Donald Trump as president. During his campaign, Mr. Trump openly supported authoritarian sentiments like capital punishment, ethnocentricity, military action, and even nuclear weapons — many of the same things you were concerned by in the ’50s. Do you think we are seeing a resurgence in authoritarianism in the West, or is there another aspect to the overall picture?

Ray Peat: I think much of the outrage concerning Trump’s election is driven by his clear opposition to war with Russia, and his protectionist opposition to “globalization.” Those issues are essential for the ruling class, so everything will be done to interfere with any attempt Trump makes to change the empire’s course.

No US president has ever opposed capital punishment or nuclear weapons, and any verbal opposition to militarism has been hypocritical. Eisenhower’s belated 1961 warning about the military-industrial complex followed 8 years of trying to make “preventive” nuclear destruction of the Soviet Union possible, and the destruction of democratic or independent governments in Iran, Guatemala, Thailand, Laos, the Congo, Turkey, and the preparation of an invasion of Cuba; Kennedy’s campaign called for a more aggressive militarism. I think any resurgence of authoritarianism in the US could be dated from the 1944 Democratic Party convention, that imposed Harry Truman as vice president. There was a slight respite under Carter, during which, with Brzezinski’s guidance, the US created the mujahideen (precursor to Al-Qaeda) to depose Afghanistan’s secular government, and its policy of equal rights for women.

Presidents, including Clinton and Obama, have been saying that the US is a post-racist society, and that no remedial federal activity is needed. Now the Democrats have the partisan stimulus to start advocating concrete measures to improve the situation for blacks and other minorities, things that they opposed when they had opportunities.

The huge amount of money the CIA had from the Marshall Plan allowed them, starting around 1950, to shape the culture and political movements in the US, providing carrots to complement the FBI’s sticks. Their biggest achievement has probably been to obliterate coherent thinking about the meaning of “left” and “right” in politics. People with policies very much like Mussolini’s call themselves liberals, and promote war. The culture has been shaped to exclude the idea of class from political thinking. Several years ago, when John Edwards’ spoke of social class issues during his campaign for the presidency, the media immediately stopped treating him as a viable candidate. Trump’s focus on class issues helped to enfuriate his opposition, but didn’t stop people from voting. If class becomes a continuing part of political discussion, it might lead toward a restoration of democracy.

“Identity politics” has been a powerful way to distract people from their economic interests. As soon as M.L. King made the issue class, rather than race, he was killed. Many prominent “leftists” have been agents of the FBI or CIA, in the promotion of that cultural confusion.

The advertising industry powerfully shapes the culture, and this effect would be weakened without the broadcast monopolies. Assigning some broadcast channels for political campaigns would greatly reduce the cost of political campaigns, and the associated influence of money on policy.

GM: Are there any other remarks you’d like to make in closing?

Ray Peat: I’m hoping that the recent electoral shock will stimulate some new kinds of critical philosophical thinking. Understanding the culture as a control system, programmed to maintain the class system, is a first step toward discovering what we, as organisms in a half-destroyed ecosystem, really need, and what we can want and intend.


The website in the original post has changed, but the Ray Peat interview was migrated over to the new site.

New site: View: https://medium.com/reformermag/on-culture-government-and-social-class-306dfe8af599

Here's an archive of the original: On culture, government, and social class

That interview is 6 years old now but still relevant, they don't want anyone that's influential to discuss "class".
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