Ray Peat On Psychedelics

Nov 26, 2017
The idea that you can go beyond the mind is an illusion, you are your mind. Tripping on drugs can potentiate this illusion. If you want that "peaceful knowing high" you need to realize you are your mind and body. You can never seperate from it, because you are your mind like you are your body.

[Citation needed]


Dec 17, 2018
[Citation needed]

The brain is connected to the body through the nervous system. Your brain is where consciousness and the "mind" originates from and it is connected to the rest of the body though the brain itself is also considered part of the body anyway. I need a citation for basic human anatomy? LOL, Stop embarrassing yourself.

Oh, and @redsun , quit harshing other people's mellow

There is nothing admirable or wise about rejecting your own senses and as a result rejecting reality as a whole. Some people just need to snap out of it, and snapping out of all this supernatural/metaphysical nonsense is near impossible for many because admitting that you have been deluding yourself crashes your own false reality which few can handle. This is why religious people who have been religious for the entire life cannot so easily reject their religion because it would crush them. Their entire world would cave in on itself and turn to dust if they did.

I think this pretty neatly sums up the essence of healthy spiritual practice.

It's not about "breaking free of the mind", or seeking some otherworldly truth, mentally masturbating, or trying to get rid of bad low vibrations and replacing them with "high vibration frequencies". Of course if this is what you want to do go ahead and do so, but this will prevent you from actually being present and enjoying the here and now (which is all that life consists off).

Just by using your common sense, listening, looking and feeling, you can start realising how fulfilling the present moment is and delve ever deeper into it. Such as when you see something very beautiful or look into someone's eyes.

Nothing beats the here and now, I totally agree. It was actually listening to eckhart tolle years ago that steered me away from spiritual garbage and helped me become present. I don't like the way the guy is, he is like a vegetable but the power of now is no joke, nothing beats reality which is only present in the now that we experience through our human senses. That's what life is about.
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Dec 3, 2016
There is nothing admirable or wise about rejecting your own senses and as a result rejecting reality as a whole. Some people just need to snap out of it, and snapping out of all this supernatural/metaphysical nonsense is near impossible for many because admitting that you have been deluding yourself crashes your own false reality which few can handle. This is why religious people who have been religious for the entire life cannot so easily reject their religion because it would crush them. Their entire world would cave in on itself and turn to dust if they did.
I agree. The problem is this, your mind forgets that reality is reality; but what you arguing with is not me. I agree with 1/2 of what you say. I haven’t bought the new age bull s hit as well. You must have a lot of anger towards [not me]. And a lot of people realize that there is beauty for the “taking”.

I told you nature doesn’t wait for me to witness it. Because it is in its full glory, and nature doesn’t give a s hit about me. As it should be. There is order. And I know what a metaphor is. I’m trying to stay away from drama and emotions, because those are constructs.

You seem to be very negative person, and I’m the punching bag? That is not the proper way to have a society. Look at yourself and I’ll look at myself. Sweep your own side and stay off of mine.
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Jun 19, 2014
There is nothing admirable or wise about rejecting your own senses and as a result rejecting reality as a whole. Some people just need to snap out of it, and snapping out of all this supernatural/metaphysical nonsense is near impossible for many because admitting that you have been deluding yourself crashes your own false reality which few can handle. This is why religious people who have been religious for the entire life cannot so easily reject their religion because it would crush them. Their entire world would cave in on itself and turn to dust if they did.

I think perhaps you think you know things about others, from the scant evidence of a few scratchings in the cyberverse, that empowers you to pontificate your superiority and condescend to them. But its not an altogether useless example following a discussion of ego . . .

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
The brain is connected to the body through the nervous system. Your brain is where consciousness and the "mind" originates from and it is connected to the rest of the body though the brain itself is also considered part of the body anyway. I need a citation for basic human anatomy? LOL, Stop embarrassing yourself.

There is nothing admirable or wise about rejecting your own senses and as a result rejecting reality as a whole. Some people just need to snap out of it, and snapping out of all this supernatural/metaphysical nonsense is near impossible for many because admitting that you have been deluding yourself crashes your own false reality which few can handle. This is why religious people who have been religious for the entire life cannot so easily reject their religion because it would crush them. Their entire world would cave in on itself and turn to dust if they did.

Nothing beats the here and now, I totally agree. It was actually listening to eckhart tolle years ago that steered me away from spiritual garbage and helped me become present. I don't like the way the guy is, he is like a vegetable but the power of now is no joke, nothing beats reality which is only present in the now that we experience through our human senses. That's what life is about.

You dont experience reality through senses... you experience the rendered version of ,,reality" not reality ... so your mind/brain proceses lets take light, than it process it into a program that your brain can read, and you only experience that program/your flawed and limited perception... you never experienced anything outside of your rendered version of something that is assumed to be outside of your self... when you touch a table, you dont touch a table, youre just in your mind aware of the procesed signal and seanse of the touch, and then you interprate it, and then you trully and blindly belive that you touched somethig, while even on atomic level the atoms never touched, they just came close, and in the end we dont ever found the matter from atoms, only smaller and smaller particles and in the end nothing at all, you never experienced anything else than brain signals,-- you only experienced your self--... its possible to have first person experience of pure being, not this talk, true experience... brain, body, yea, its there but you dont know what it is, you have beliefs, theory, logic and limits...
Eckart tolles NOW is just hust first book, he goes deeper and then he talks not at all like you :)
You took eckarts theory, the first base, not his experience... if you would have it with meditation or dmt or shrooms than you could talk with authority, ;)


Dec 17, 2018
I think perhaps you think you know things about others, from the scant evidence of a few scratchings in the cyberverse, that empowers you to pontificate your superiority and condescend to them. But its not an altogether useless example following a discussion of ego . . .

I don't need an autobiography to gauge someone's affinity for the unreal and unproven.

I agree. The problem is this, your mind forgets that reality is reality; but what you arguing with is not me. I agree with 1/2 of what you say. I haven’t bought the new age bull s hit as well. You must have a lot of anger towards [not me]. And a lot of people realize that there is beauty for the taking.

I told you nature doesn’t wait for me to witness it. Because it is in its full glory, and nature doesn’t give a s hit about me. As it should be. There is order. And I know what a metaphor is. I’m trying to stay away from drama and emotions, because those are constructs.

You seem to be very negative person, and I’m the punching bag? That is not the proper way to have a society. Look at yourself and I’ll look at myself. Sweep your own side and stay off of mine.

Emotions are not a construct though. They are part of human nature. But there's literally no point at this stage going back and forth on this.

You dont experience reality through senses... you experience the rendered version of ,,reality" not reality ... so your mind/brain proceses lets take light, than it process it into a program that your brain can read, and you only experience that program/your flawed and limited perception... you never experienced anything outside of your rendered version of something that is assumed to be outside of your self... when you touch a table, you dont touch a table, youre just in your mind aware of the procesed signal and seanse of the touch, and then you interprate it, and then you trully and blindly belive that you touched somethig, while even on atomic level the atoms never touched, they just came close, and in the end we dont ever found the matter from atoms, only smaller and smaller particles and in the end nothing at all, you never experienced anything else than brain signals,-- you only experienced your self--... its possible to have first person experience of pure being, not this talk, true experience... brain, body, yea, its there but you dont know what it is, you have beliefs, theory, logic and limits...
Eckart tolles NOW is just hust first book, he goes deeper and then he talks not at all like you :)
You took eckarts theory, the first base, not his experience... if you would have it with meditation or dmt or shrooms than you could talk with authority, ;)

What happens at the atomic level doesn't not disprove the human senses. The human eyes see differently then eyes of deer, and the eyes of the deer do not see what the fly see. All senses from all animals are just as real as the purpose of senses is to help an organism survive its environment. Whether you actually touch atoms is relevant how?

Beliefs, theories, logic, and limits... The first three are human ideas, but some limits are very real. You can't fly as a human. You can't breath underwater. Why do natural limits mean anything in experiencing reality? You can't experience anything beyond your senses and your brain's capacity to process stimulus. Humans have been able to live long, happy lives year after year for who's how long despite natural limits and only lately are we in the modern world not satisfied.
Nov 26, 2017
The brain is connected to the body through the nervous system. Your brain is where consciousness and the "mind" originates from and it is connected to the rest of the body though the brain itself is also considered part of the body anyway. I need a citation for basic human anatomy? LOL, Stop embarrassing yourself.

Again, this hasn't been proved.


Dec 3, 2016
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Nov 26, 2017
That's why humans can survive and still be conscious after getting a bullet in the brain. Wait...

Wow, you just solved the hard problem of consciousness. I'm in awe.


Dec 17, 2018
Wow, you just solved the hard problem of consciousness. I'm in awe.

And you post just to post and attempt to look clever. At least try a little harder then one sentence retorts otherwise you just appear to be barely literate which is incredibly amusing.
Nov 26, 2017
And you post just to post and attempt to look clever. At least try a little harder then one sentence retorts otherwise you just appear to be barely literate which is incredibly amusing.

I'm just telling you opinions aren't facts. Maybe what I hold to be plausible will be disproved in the future, but at least I accept it as a possibility.


Feb 7, 2017
I can't imagine someone new to Peat's work coming on here and being encouraged to look deeper in it after some of these dialogues on here.

Has anyone here asked Ray about the topic of psychedelics and wish to share the email chat with everyone?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Summing up: Consciousness at Large filtered down to usable survival bits by the brain vs. the brain produces consciousness. That dialogue has been going on since Bergson vs the "logical positivists" and before. Neither theory can be proven or disproven using the brain because any "evidence" is outside/beyond the brain's observational capacity. However, one can certainly have an opinion as to which theory seems more plausible given one's experiences in life, psychedelic drugs included. Looks like Ray and a number of people here, including myself, side with the former, while others believe the latter. Maybe the question should be: Why do I feel the need to invest so much energy trying to convince others that my side is truth?
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Jun 19, 2014
Summing up: Consciousness at Large filtered down to usable survival bits by the brain vs. the brain produces consciousness. That dialogue has been going on since Bergson vs the "logical positivists" and before. Neither theory can be proven or disproven using the brain because any "evidence" is outside/beyond the brain's observational capacity. However, one can certainly have an opinion as to which theory seems more plausible given one's experiences in life, psychedelic drugs included. Looks like Ray and a number of people here, including myself, side with the former, while others believe the latter. Maybe the question should be: Why do I feel the need to invest so much energy trying to convince others that my side is truth?
I don't see how either "side" could be "true" without the other. Surely there is something outside of my skin that I am interacting with and surely my mind makes my own unique version of it (continuously).

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I don't see how either "side" could be "true" without the other. Surely there is something outside of my skin that I am interacting with and surely my mind makes my own unique version of it (continuously).

The ongoing debate has been, I think, more a general question of the nature of mind itself. Does matter produce it (as an epiphenomenon of the material brain) or is it something that exists either independent of matter or that is pre-existent thereto? The latter view would suggest the perceived world including the brain and body are solely a creation of mind, a rather scary solipsistic view if mind is taken to be synonymous with the ego instead of as the universal ground of all things. Then again the mind might exist independently of but in duality with the material world, as perhaps a sort of elan vital.


Jun 19, 2014
The ongoing debate has been, I think, more a general question of the nature of mind itself. Does matter produce it (as an epiphenomenon of the material brain) or is it something that exists either independent of matter or that is pre-existent thereto? The latter view would suggest the perceived world including the brain and body are solely a creation of mind, a rather scary solipsistic view if mind is taken to be synonymous with the ego instead of as the universal ground of all things. Then again the mind might exist independently of but in duality with the material world, as perhaps a sort of elan vital.
Sounds like a secular attempt at a concept of soul?
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