Ray's perspective on the pandemic



No worries, I'll probably keep posting in other topics I'll just learn to pick my battles better I guess.

@TheBeard you're quoting my first post and I'll admit when it was based on the misunderstanding that Peat was denying the existence of the virus. Since then I've learned that opinions here range from thinking that the virus exists and causes symptoms, but if it wasn't being mistreated it wouldn't cause so many deaths which is pretty reasonable, to outright denying that the virus exists or has anything to do with the symptoms it's being claimed to have. If you think that the nurse wives of some coworkers, and doctors who have been sent to the ER are all lying about the state of hospitals for some big conspiracy, and that a common cold can make you lose your smell for months without any congestion (you never lose your smell in a cold, you nose is just blocked) and needed rehab to regain it, or that somehow the people who are telling me that this happened to them are lying for no reason then yeah I really don't want to waste my energy arguing any further.

People belong to a few different categories when it comes to Covid:

A. "Covid?! What's that? Let me milk my cows alone, I got work to do"

B. Covid doesn't exist and this whole situation is a planned economic and civilizational crash.

C. Covid exists and it's used for a complete economic and civilizational crash

D. Covid exists, it's begnin, but we need to take it seriously to flatten the curve and go back to normal

E. Covid exists, it's a serious disease, it's irresponsible to continue living as usual with such a deadly pandemic

F. "Covid is the worst pandemic since The Black Plague!! Wear a mask you grandma killer, pray Fauci every night, I'm saving the world by watching netflix and ordering delivery, my life sucked before that pandemic so I want everyone else's life to suck with mine from now on!!"

I would bet most people on RPF range from B to D.
Most people on Reddit range from D to F.

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
There are about half a dozen people on this forum who are resolutely B or C, and they've blared their trumpets loud and long.


Aug 17, 2016
There are about half a dozen people on this forum who are resolutely B or C, and they've blared their trumpets loud and long.
It includes Ray Peat. Why are you on a Ray Peat Forum? Are you just a heckler?

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
It includes Ray Peat. Why are you on a Ray Peat Forum? Are you just a heckler?
I’m here to discuss and learn about a broad range of topics, not continually indulge the same half dozen peoples repressed early childhood experiences of paranoia and doom.


Dec 9, 2015
Just wanted to say I value your contributions and hope you don't get too disenchanted from engaging again. There is value in exploring all viewpoints and avoiding getting stuck in filter bubbles.
Believe it or not, there are some here on the forum who recognize our own biases and are rigorous with ourselves when noticing feelings of certainty (not a good thing when one has little real expertise or first-hand experience). We probably don't post much because of that.


Jan 25, 2014
There are about half a dozen people on this forum who are resolutely B or C, and they've blared their trumpets loud and long.

Yeah, well, when the 14+ month propaganda campaign that blares F from the Mass Satanic Media 24/7 stops, and the government stops trying to implement medical tyranny, maybe we will quiet down. Just go to any TV, Radio station, newspaper, or Social Media site for a hefty dose of F. They have blared their trumpets much louder and much longer.


Aug 17, 2016
I’m here to discuss and learn about a broad range of topics, not continually indulge the same half dozen peoples repressed early childhood experiences of paranoia and doom.
Does Ray have repressed early childhood experiences of paranoia and doom?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I’m here to discuss and learn about a broad range of topics, not continually indulge the same half dozen peoples repressed early childhood experiences of paranoia and doom.

Would that be the doomers who fetishize the virus and it's rituals?

Old Irenaeus

Dec 24, 2020
People belong to a few different categories when it comes to Covid:

A. "Covid?! What's that? Let me milk my cows alone, I got work to do"

B. Covid doesn't exist and this whole situation is a planned economic and civilizational crash.

C. Covid exists and it's used for a complete economic and civilizational crash

D. Covid exists, it's begnin, but we need to take it seriously to flatten the curve and go back to normal

E. Covid exists, it's a serious disease, it's irresponsible to continue living as usual with such a deadly pandemic

F. "Covid is the worst pandemic since The Black Plague!! Wear a mask you grandma killer, pray Fauci every night, I'm saving the world by watching netflix and ordering delivery, my life sucked before that pandemic so I want everyone else's life to suck with mine from now on!!"

I would bet most people on RPF range from B to D.
Most people on Reddit range from D to F.
This is a solid taxonomy of the positions.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
A nice presentation that puts the "pandemic" in Germany (and everywhere else for that matter) into perspective.



Nov 22, 2017
I think the focus should be on preventing serious cases and there's enough evidence that with safe preventative measures like vitamin D and aspirin among other things you could bring down mortality enough to make lockdowns unnecessary. A lot of people stand to profit from vaccines so that's probably why there's no incentive to investigate that

This is the most sensible position anyone could have. I'm really dumbfounded as to why vitamin D supplementation is not a major policy goal. There have been countless articles published on vitamin D and covid-19 since March 2020 and the link is clear. Optimal vitamin D levels prevent the vast majority of mortality.

Financial interests associated with vaccines, along with other even more nefarious interests in population control, are driving this fake pandemic. And there is a lot of money behind it, influencing media and policy makers.


Nov 6, 2015
Yeah that's how it works, there's a delay between infection and symptoms. Once you get symptoms it can take weeks to deteriorate and eventually die. If you're implying that lockdowns caused mass suicides or deaths by another means within weeks of their implementation you should find some sources to support because it sounds impossible. The lockdowns happened when there were only a few thousands of cases in Spain, but right after Champions League football games with Italian teams and demonstrations all over the country for women's day which the government encouraged to show their feminism. They actually downplayed the virus with the purpose of having the feminist demonstrations and then claimed to get new information hours after they happened and announced the coming lockdowns the day after. It makes complete sense that this would cause a large amount of cases to brew during lockdown and have deaths peak weeks after, then decline once the effects of lockdown take place.

It was also in their best interest to count as little deaths as possible to hide their disastrous management of the pandemic, shielded by the lack of tests and the WHO's claim that you shouldn't test dead people so you'll have more tests for alive ones they kept the cases as low as possible. They even went as far as removing 2000 deaths from the total in a single day because they decided on a new way to count less deaths and applied the counting method retroactively (you can check the stats and see that one day there's -2000 deaths or something like that) which is absurd.

Note that deaths always lag a few weeks behind so the metric for lockdowns was the number of infections, and having Italy as an example of how the deaths rise sharply when you leave infections unchecked then it's clear that the lockdowns were not arbitrary, but actually overdue even. The graph you are providing makes perfect sense and proves my points unless you misread it intentionally.

And this is coming from someone who thiks it would have been much better to close international travel and public events for a few weeks to get the cases down to zero and then allow life as normal without any lockdowns. Lockdowns suck for everyone involved, but to deny their effectiveness is silly and deluded in my opinion.
Sorry but it's beyond naive to think that lockdowns can't cause excess deaths. Have you not seen what a chaos they suddenly caused everywhere? The nursing homes were especially hard hit with workers leaving due to "infection" or fear, the residents were suddenly left alone to cope, many suffocated to death or deteriorated due to extreme loneliness, many were treated with toxic drugs equal to euthanasia. I'm not from Spain but saw on our national TV a report about the extreme horror that was happening in Spanish nursing homes during the "first wave", because they are badly functioning even in normal times. It's nothing but putting head in the sand to not see the extreme stress and horror that the lockdowns caused, and if you think that extreme stress and horror don't cause disease and death, then you still have much to learn.

Also, how do your theories explain this?

The virus was lurking and hiding, of course, until it started killing at exactly the start of the lockdowns. Because we all know that our politicians are incredibly smart and competent and have everything under control always, right? How can so many people believe in these absurd (and dangerous) fairytales?


Jan 18, 2020
This is from Ray's latest interview with Patrick Timpone.

PT: So, can it be argued then that this whole corona thing, 18 months ago, was no more than just a normal, everyday, life when people get colds and they detox -- or whatever you want to call it, exosomes, viruses, call it what you want -- and if they had just left it alone, we wouldn't have any of this -- masking, all this stuff?

RP: Yeah, the excess deaths analysed -- the data right from the CDC was analysed by Genevieve Briand and she showed that their own data doesn't show any excess deaths. It was just a standard flu and cold season.

PT: And that was it?

RP: Yeah, you can't come to any conclusion except that there are political agendas creating fear to sell something they're holding in the background.

PT: So, it's almost like, Dr. Peat, it would have to have been a really well planned out, coordinated effort, between all these people -- WHO, CDC, UN, the media, the AMA, the whole -- it has to be the whole thing was well planned out...

RP: Right. The Rockerfeller Foundation laid out the agenda about ten years ago. And then just months before the pandemic appeared, the WEF and Johns Hopkins University had a practice run* to get all the government people ready and coordinated with the policy. So the record is there showing it has been planned, and nothing real happened, but they were pre-informed how they should act, and the policies that they should put in place, not for the public health, but for the interests of these powerful organisations.

PT: And what are your opinions on what some of the motives are -- your own intuition, deep down, what do you think?

RP: Oh, exactly what the founder and chairman of the WEF has written: that it's to destroy the existing -- they call it the "legacy economy" -- to destroy the normal existing economies of the world, and replace them with artificial intelligence: owned by the monopolies, rented out to the public, but absolutely under the centralised ownership of the digital technology world.

PT: This whole Great Reset thing, what's gonna be involved with a lot of different ideas pushed forward...

RP: Yeah, digitising everything, eventually having artificial intelligence running school and university courses as well as legal procedures. New York was the first government to acknowledge that they were going to start putting into place the programme of the WEF to replace normal education with online education, normal medicine with digital, online medicine, replace local economy with online shopping, so that the monopolies like Amazon will increase their wealth fabulously.

*I think he's talking about Event 201
can we somehow stop them? collectively? also, can they fail? or surely they will succed?
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