Scalp Inflammation, Scarring Forms of Hair Loss.... What is the Bioenergetic View on This?


Jun 6, 2023
United States
So I have seb derm... Most of my mild hair loss is because of this. I don't have really any hairline recession, nor am I diffuse thinning... I just have a couple spots on my scalp which are super inflamed and it sort of thins out in like circular patches because of it. Checked under a USB microscope and I still have hair trying to grow but my scalp looks super red and inflamed under the microscope. The spots where I itch the most have little tiny hairs trying to grow, and the areas that don't don't look like that, it's sort of a diffuse inflammation but I know this for sure.... inflamed spots on my scalp= hair loss, noninflamed spots on my scalp= no hair loss.

I am very neurotic, I always imagine the worst. I have this "irrational" fear of having scarring hair loss. Yet I don't think it is irrational considering my health and my circumstances. I have this fear my seb derm will eventually become scarring hair loss. I find I scratch my head vigoursly at night sometimes which causes my scalp to bleed etc... which is already probably causing hair loss. I've been able to manage it with a seb derm protocol of MCT oil and other oils+a antifungal every so often and it has kept a good amount of the inflammation at bay.... However the inflammation is still present... I'd say I improved my seb derm by about 70% and there is still 30% left in terms of inflammation.

The scarring forms of hair loss I refer to are lichen planopilaris, folliculitis decalvans, frontal fibrosing alopecia, central centrigugal cicatricial alopecia...etc.
These actually are kind of common, which is the concerning part. It COULD happen to me, and considering I already have scalp inflammation... hypothyroidism (which increases the chances of having these conditions) and other autoimmune issues, I don't like my chances.
I can't find a lot of information about these conditions. I think Ray only every spoke about it a couple times and it was revolving around estrogen... but very brief explanation... very little to go on.

Danny Roddy made a video about fibrosis, which I think is one of the main causes of scarring alopecia--> Danny Roddy- Reversing Fibrosis in Male Pattern Baldness
It revolves around aspirin, thyroid, progesterone, gelatin....
I went on some forums like "scarring alopecia" on reddit and there have been many people claiming diet changes drastically reduced the inflammation... I don't think there is a "cure" as in I don't think there will be some silver bullet solution as Danny says as it is so complex and needs to approached from all angles to try to "cure" it.

I just wanted to start a thread on it because there doesn't seem to be any on this forum. Does anyone have knowledge on these types of conditions and how one would go about solving it?
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Oct 22, 2019
Just spitballing: maybe try a colloidal silver spray on your scalp? Or a zinc spray/serum? Lactic acid? Glycolic acid? Many scalp “clarifying” serums have these acids - breaks up, dissolves damaged, loose skin.


May 10, 2018
What are people’s thoughts on these, they all seem to have quite favourable reports with regards to scalp health/lowering inflammation:
- Piroctone olamine
- Selenium sulphide
- Zinc Pyrithione


Aug 17, 2018
Personally, I think scalp issues are related to digestive issues? Do you drink milk? Have you tested your pth? Do you have oily scalp?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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