Sexual Liberation The Downfall Of A Society


Jun 19, 2014
Lot more I should say to you in response, but in short I'm super grateful to have learned your story and even partially understood your journey. I'm still figuring a lot of stuff out, often as I'm writing a post or a response on here. Also, I like you: I like your energy, I like your philosophy, and I wish you the best on this ride.

I wish I had been more present during my promiscuous days (college mostly) but I was drinking to numb myself so I would be more of a hard body for sex. Still, I got what I wanted. It's money in the bank. Can't go back now. That's why I wanted to share, I'm coming from a place where I don't necessarily want what I have. I'm trying to figure out where to go taking inventory of where I've been and boy, there are NO lights in the inventory room. The heart, the actual physical heart and the surrounding tissue, is the key to navigating in the dark (speaking of chakras) @Peater

One thing to add because it hasn't been mentioned yet, tagging @Ableton in case you're still here: my girlfriend chose me. She wanted me, had to have me, and got me. I don't chase her much because of how much she pursues me, still to this day after 2+ years in the relationship. Do you how insecure this makes me sometimes? My girlfriend's an objectively good person in the right environment but she tortures me over my gaze. Any little looks or suspicions get a snarky little joke, or worse. I reap the rewards of being someone she's chosen, but I didn't really choose her. I choose her over all other options waking up every day but it's not the same as it were a willful, aggressive (more like assertive but with more gusto) choice to make her mine. I want to raise a healthy, resilient kid one day and I think we could make it work if we *both* get back to a better place, I haven't forgotten about the other purpose of men and women getting together besides companionship and pleasure.

Gonna check this out. Thanks for the reco.
Your description of your girlfriend "choosing" you struck a cord with me. I felt that way somewhat 20 years ago. As I got to know here, I realized that she was an amazing person. And one of the most beautiful I'd ever dated as a bonus. I went through many stages (pre-Peat) of not feeling worthy of her, resenting myself for not wanting her more, focusing on her faults, and acting out. Not coincidentally, as my energy improved I began to realize that she had stuck by my side reliably through it all and never wavered. Which means I must be worth it (or she is crazy, which she is not). And I am. And I look back and couldn't be happier with the path I chose. I might wish I had gotten here faster, but I am a stubborn SOB. YMMV.

The second thing is, how do you react when she sees you checking somebody out? Defensively? That unintentionally tells her that you doubt your motives too. React nonchalantly (if you don't). You are going to react. How you react matters. Knowing your boundaries matters. If you can communicate that to her, she shouldn't feel threatened. If she still does, its her and not you. This is how you know. YMMV.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Your description of your girlfriend "choosing" you struck a cord with me. I felt that way somewhat 20 years ago. As I got to know here, I realized that she was an amazing person. And one of the most beautiful I'd ever dated as a bonus. I went through many stages (pre-Peat) of not feeling worthy of her, resenting myself for not wanting her more, focusing on her faults, and acting out. Not coincidentally, as my energy improved I began to realize that she had stuck by my side reliably through it all and never wavered. Which means I must be worth it (or she is crazy, which she is not). And I am. And I look back and couldn't be happier with the path I chose. I might wish I had gotten here faster, but I am a stubborn SOB. YMMV.

The second thing is, how do you react when she sees you checking somebody out? Defensively? That unintentionally tells her that you doubt your motives too. React nonchalantly (if you don't). You are going to react. How you react matters. Knowing your boundaries matters. If you can communicate that to her, she shouldn't feel threatened. If she still does, its her and not you. This is how you know. YMMV.

I am rightfully accused of being stubborn as hell (by her) but I'm certain that's part of my appeal. Kind of a dolt sometimes but ultimately marching to the beat of my own drummer. I get distracted by the other drummers, and take riffs off them, but I'm writing my own song and I think she intuitively grasps that. It's frustrating for her because I'm constantly not living up to my potential. Things have changed recently, energy's up, we're being more candid about relationship issues, which takes its toll on her because she's essentially ready to go, or *was* ready to go but I've been dragging my feet, probably intentionally, trying to catch up with her.

I react poorly a lot of the time when she accuses me of looking at other women, giving fuel to that fire. Because I know I'm not being consistent and wish she'd give me the benefit of the doubt. She does by sticking by my side through what must be emotional hell. Also, I'm an absolute baby sometimes in arguments.

I'm a terrible communicator in real-time and it hurts us. Lot of tension and/or deadness in my throat. My body feels like a hundred separate parts, not working harmoniously, and it stifles expressiveness. When I say the right thing, though, it's a blissful tune, and sometimes I'll see her relax in front of me as I'm delivering the revelation. It's a tough dynamic, boom and bust, but I feel I must persist. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She's guilty of reacting poorly but it's often after an issue goes unnoticed or unremedied (by me) and the emotional content of said issue lingers.

To top it all off, my frustration is compounded by the fact that I see myself failing as it happens. I like that I want to be able to explain things to myself after I do them but it's exhausting. Despite that, I believe regeneration and newness is possible, even in the face of decay.

Thanks for sharing, man.


Jun 19, 2014
Through which means, and in what manner, does white supremacism manifest itself around you in your daily life, if I may ask? By white supremacism, are you referring purely to the belief of whites being superior to other races, or the concrete effects of whites outperforming other races within the American society? Is there a difference between white supremacy and white exceptionalism?
Sure, there is a difference between supremacy and exceptionalism. The former is more physically dangerous and the latter more existentially dangerous.

I encounter white supremacism (and exceptionalism) by being white mainly. I grew up in a lower middle class middle American setting. It was literally all around me as a child and wide open. All white school in the suburbs. One black kid showed up in middle school. Lasted for a few days, transferred out. Two Koreans (siblings). Both exceedingly good looking, athletic, and smart. They were liked and popular to a degree. But they couldn't get a date either of them. That was it for POC. One openly gay kid whose life was a living nightmare (actually he denied it, but it was undeniable and he came out later).

But let's fast forward 30 years. Living on the left coast in more "progressive times". Its gone, right? Not so much. What has really happened is it has (until recent years) gone silent. But I don't look the part of "a liberal". No manbun, earrings, BLM t-shirts, etc. I've never been much of a joiner or cared much for affectations and jewelry.

So people still assume they can "talk/act freely" around me sometimes. Business associates. Acquaintances. A few words here and there. Eyerolls. Suggestions. They think I am one of them. A member of the club. I am not. "That guy [on the phone] must be a darkie. Talks like he has a mouthful of ***t and is dumb as rocks." Things like that. I am not talking about subtle or ambiguous stuff.

Its all around on the internet too. You don't have to be a white guy to find it. Like here. Suggesting that "whites outperform other races". You might now mount a defense about how this is true. Claim there is science behind it. I'll be sitting here shaking my head. Because if you met me in public, you would think I would agree with you.


Mar 20, 2013
I am not psychologist. And, although I've dealt with my own demons, they aren't the same as yours. But I will say a few things that strike me.

First off, this level of self-awareness and honesty--particularly with yourself--is invaluable to you.

Second, it seems to me that where you are right now is that you have swung from one extreme to the other. From fornicating like a rabbit to nobody is getting any from me. And that is cool. I am not trying to problematize where you are right now and I don't doubt that it feels a lot safer and dignified than before. I say it only for--to the extent it may help--to bring your attention to it. If you aspire to "a happy medium" in the future, it will take consciousness to get there.

This story your telling, this life you are living, few things I've read here fit the Ray Peat mantra (Think. Perceive. Act.) better. You are shedding the demons of authorities and moving toward a more chosen path. Walk on.

Thanks so much. I really appreciate this.

If I could have 100% control over my ejaculation, I would love to have sex again. After that medication, the past several times attempting sex (about a year ago now? something like that), ejaculating before I even was all the way inside -- that was awful. Dare I say traumatizing after the 4th or 5th time it happened. It's the same thing as severe ED, just the opposite side of the coin: can't even penetrate without ejaculation. In either case, sex is impossible. It was awful to experience. Since the last time, I have not tried again. Hoping that the problem has gone away but in many ways, I'm too scared to try to find out. Currently do not have any real opportunities to do so in any case, but it's always in the back of my mind.

So for an entire year I've been living with this fear that I might never be able to have sex again, that this drug permanently screwed up something in my brain/nervous system. It was pretty devastating though as time goes on with retention, it isn't bothering me as much even if that is the case.

That, and just being tormented by loneliness and sexual frustration. I just got so tired of it. Somehow this has massively eased up since I quit porn and ejaculation. I will still masturbate occasionally, while staying pretty far away from orgasm, as someone here recommended, who has been practicing retention for a long time, and has a partner that he frequently has non-orgasmic sex with. I think he said he will ejaculate once in a while and is not militant about it, but in general keeps it to a minimum. His energy is always very balanced and positive and I get a good feeling from this guy. That tells me a lot.

I'm not afraid of being sexually aroused and I've been rarely masturbating for short periods of time, just to stimulate myself and also hopefully rewire my brain to enjoy mild sexual stimulation without ejaculation. No porn, just feeling the sensations. In a sense I'm also thinking of it like a long-term premature ejaculation rehab/detox. With the goal of hopefully regaining control over my ejaculation reflex.

I would like non-orgasmic sex to be possible for me. A lot of guys on this will still have sex, the girl will orgasm, but they'll retain. I currently can't even envision myself having that level of control. So it's also a journey of self-mastery. I would ideally like ejaculation to be a choice. After this medication messed with me I no longer felt I had a choice. The distress and depression for me came from feeling helpless, with no control over my own body at all.

In the "lower realm" this would just mean being bad at sex, and not having the ego gratification of being able to satisfy a woman, and feeling inferior. In the "higher realm" this means not being able to experience intimacy on a more spiritual level, if you can't even do anything at all without ejaculating. Hugely distressful. I think part of the reason I'm feeling so good on this retention journey is I needed a serious break from how demoralizing that issue was. Just thinking about it would leave me so depressed and lonely and exhausted and down on myself.

So I'm probably coming from a very, very different place from many other guys on this journey. For a lot of guys it's a psychological shift; for me, my physical ability to experience sexual gratification was taken away from me, and so far it's been a long process of learning how to deal with and accept that if, in the worst case scenario, it ends up being a lifelong issue. I can proudly say that even if that is the case, I will be OK. Very big difference from my younger years when I, for example, would make casual suicide attempts mixing large amounts of alcohol and benzos and sleeping pills, black out for an entire day at a time, etc., because I was so lonely and sexually isolated and thought I'd never make it out, and would be trapped in that hell forever, and my entire life revolved around addictions to escape those feelings.

The positive shift in my attitude alone is worth it. I've gone an entire year without sex and affection and now a month and a half without ejaculating or looking at porn, and I feel better than ever. It feels amazing to be this balanced for the first time in my life, with my previous obsessions with sex and performance slowly losing their grip over my mind and my emotions.

Not saying the medication messing me up was a blessing in disguise. But maybe it was. Only time will tell. My empathy has gone up a lot and I am seeing more of the 'bigger picture' now, and it's actually a relief to realize hey. I'm not the center of the universe. There are so many other people in the world suffering through so much. If I overcome these issues and make it out to the other side then I can prove to thousands of other people that they can do it too.

The gears are turning. Slowly. For now I'm content to be a hermit and a "nobody" with forums like these being about the extent of my interaction with the outside world. Simple and peaceful times that I'm grateful to live in right now.

And thanks again for this reply. I really appreciate it!

Lot more I should say to you in response, but in short I'm super grateful to have learned your story and even partially understood your journey. I'm still figuring a lot of stuff out, often as I'm writing a post or a response on here. Also, I like you: I like your energy, I like your philosophy, and I wish you the best on this ride.

Thanks so much. And same to you.

I'm in the same boat. I'm a student. Learning every day. It is funny how just by posting here, for example, I've learned a lot. Sometimes I don't really know what I'm thinking about something until I actually write it out and/or discuss it with other people.

It's good to have the experiences under your belt. The past promiscuity may work in your favor because now you have that experience, and know what you're missing out on, so to speak. You don't have to wonder what it would be like or could be like, because you've been there, done that. I feel like that after experiencing so much with my ex girlfriend. I had all the love and all the sex and all the everything any man could've ever wanted.

"Been there, done that." It helps a lot to take temptation away. And when you do make a decision, to really give you clarity of mind and make sure you're choosing it from a higher state of mind and awareness.

The way I see it, I wouldn't be the man I am today without my past. No matter how embarrassing. One reason I'm not judgmental of people is I've been the worst of the worst in so many ways. Just deplorable, immature behavior, lying, deceiving, outbursts, no control over my emotions, crying, rage, yelling, fighting, all this stuff. But having been there keeps me on point today. I want to be done with all that BS. I want to be a better person than I was yesterday. And I still make mistakes all the time and act in ways that are contrary to my ideal version of myself.

Keep it up dude. You'll find your way. Just like I know I will. It's an ongoing process. For now my main focus is just eating and sleeping better and more regularly, working out, and scrounging up what little business I can, and building up what skills I can. Honestly, flossing and brushing my teeth daily, and washing my bed sheets once a week, has been a huge improvement from where I was just two months ago. The direction we're moving in is what's important even if you're only two steps down the road.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Keep it up dude. You'll find your way. Just like I know I will. It's an ongoing process. For now my main focus is just eating and sleeping better and more regularly, working out, and scrounging up what little business I can, and building up what skills I can. Honestly, flossing and brushing my teeth daily, and washing my bed sheets once a week, has been a huge improvement from where I was just two months ago. The direction we're moving in is what's important even if you're only two steps down the road.

Appreciate you, brother. Your voice is strong, I resonate with it.

My own daily "zen" practice has been washing dishes, loading and unloading the washer, taking out the compost, tending to a batch of milk kefir (that is singlehandedly moving me in a better direction than anything else), and taking a special interest in my girlfriend's male cat who is tortured by her young female cat, giving good pets and trying to sort out some weird balance/gait issues he has, partially due to the young female attacking him constantly (playfully, of course, but wow what a personality clash.) I see the cats as a convenient microcosm of me and her.


Mar 20, 2013
Appreciate you, brother. Your voice is strong, I resonate with it.

My own daily "zen" practice has been washing dishes, loading and unloading the washer, taking out the compost, tending to a batch of milk kefir (that is singlehandedly moving me in a better direction than anything else), and taking a special interest in my girlfriend's male cat who is tortured by her young female cat, giving good pets and trying to sort out some weird balance/gait issues he has, partially due to the young female attacking him constantly (playfully, of course, but wow what a personality clash.) I see the cats as a convenient microcosm of me and her.

Maybe we resonate because I'm on kefir too! I'm having a protein shake right now actually, quart of homemade kefir with some bananas, collagen, and a bunch of other stuff. Has made an absolutely huge difference for me over the past months since I started doing it again (used to make kefir many years ago but stopped).

I use a fat separator. Grains stay on top of the strainer, pour out the kefir into the jar. Simple. Half gallon glass jar so I can vary the amount of kefir I make daily as needed. I do "secondary fermentation" in the fridge. So every day I'll pour out strained kefir that's been fermenting overnight, and then refill the jar with fresh kefir, rinse and repeat. In general I find the secondary fermented kefir a little more palatable. I haven't seen any studies on it yet but I'm pretty sure kefir should be loaded with vitamin K2 and some B vitamins.

Was also considering a strainer for making cheese with it. "Kleynhuis" makes a "greek yogurt strainer set" for 40 dollars on Amazon that looks very good. I simply drink kefir and make smoothies with it so I don't have any real need for such a thing but that could be interesting. I have a friend who uses that and says the greek style yogurt he makes with kefir comes out very good.


Trying to keep it on topic. But had to go on that kefir rant. It's a strange thing to be passionate about. But that modern science can't replicate these things is pretty crazy. Like did they come from space goats or something. Like what is going on with these things. It's crazy.

As far as the downfall of society goes, I'd be curious about people's views here on evo-psych. The "Red Pill" is huge on this, something I was into for years. And books like "Sex At Dawn" or whatever the name was, where they make arguments like, human gonad size is so large compared to other animals, implying men are meant to fertilize many women. That we're designed to be promiscuous, whether we like it or not, on a biological level. To mate and have kids and then raise them to a certain age and then mate with someone else. Diversify our genes, guarantee robustness and survival of the species, etc.

Then you have books like "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow" that attempt to compensate for this alleged biological imperative by encouraging non-orgasmic intimacy to promote pair bonding and stave off the urge for promiscuity from the alleged Coolidge Effect (boredom after repeated sex with the same partner, and renewed interest and dopamine when having sex with a new partner).

That would be an especially interesting topic on this forum. Peat is pretty opposed to Darwinian evolution as far as I understand his views. I never even heard of Lamarck before reading Peat. So you have one camp that is 100% gung-ho about 'evo-psych' and then another camp that says evo-psych is BS. As with most things I wonder if the truth lies somewhere in-between.

It's a lot to consider. A real lot. I'll say this: aside from "sexual liberation," we are absolutely in a time where more people are talking about sex more than ever before, that I'm aware of. It's everywhere. And I don't think that's a bad thing. Maybe collectively we're going through some changes. Sex as a topic of discussion is more abundant than any other time in history that I'm aware of.

And similar to politics, people seem to be heavily polarized now as far as sex goes as well. Something is going on collectively, on some level.


Nov 21, 2019
just found something that is quite fitting for my situation:

I don't think Joe did a good job at explaining post nut syndrome to the ladies. He didn't fully explain the lengths it goes through.

You could be having a pleasant conversation with a lady about her xata, and actually be interested in the conversation because your penis is egging you on. You could be ignoring a laugh that she has that drives you crazy, but it doesn't at this moment.

The minute you nut you realize that what was a pleasurable time just hanging out was all just a mirrage. Things that seemed great about her are no longer there. Having a conversation is no longer natural feeling, and doesn't flow anymore. You start noticing and nit picking little things you just didn't see before.

That's post nut syndrome."

this is exactly where my first comment in this thread is coming from. basically all the magic comes from men wanting to ****. it's the driver behind action, doesn't mean men are thinking about sex all the time. the minute you release this happens, if other circumstances are met, such as being blackpilled, overly observative, very rational, having high standards etc. and probably biological paramaters like prolactin and dopamine levels and what not.

this of course does not mean it applies to all men but I find all this mystifying talk about semen retention a bit cringe when it comes down to very basic biological urges.

"The great Schopenhauer himself described this moment with fittingly with "after orgasm you can hear the devil laugh". It's mostly interpreted as sexual desire driving you to make bad decisions and regretting them afterwards. My personal take on the quote goes even further, given that Schopenhauer was concerned with the problem of free will. It is in this moment that you realize that what you thought was free will and your own desires are nothing else than chemical drives."

"I think at a basal level it comes down to the fact that on some level, men achieve (culture) to get sex/create offspring" to get back to the topic if the thread

Just yesterday I watched a cringe mini youtube series by the german government about nursing professions to make them more attractive to young people. you can already guess the central theme: an unattractive dude gets with an attractive female because of how well he does, how empathetic he is etc.
This theme, an average joe getting with an attractive woman through taking action , is so central in movies and books, it's not even funny anymore. So much for culture overriding basic biological urges for better dna.

There are media scholars who think that the centrality and success of themes like these in popular media are indicative of our evolutionary psychology. applied to this theme: a not so genetically gifted male naturally knows about his place in society and the primary drive behind his action to become a caregiver is vagina. it's not his rationale, but his drive. he succeeds and you have just advertised the nursing professions to all the beta males watching this the best way you could.
the more nicely you will formulate this, and the more focused on the male, not the female, the more people will agree with it, even in academia. just don't use the word "betabuxx" please, because incels are always wrong, because they are always hateful against women, and cringe of course.

men are slave to *****, non-chad men only get ***** through civilization or rape and are therefore the driver of civilization. chads still drive civilization because of social pressure for them to get a job etc. Same with women, who also need civilization for security. It's really not that difficult. And if you don't excessively fap, you will not even mind coming to the same conclusion, because your urge for sex will greatly outweigh your rational conclusion.

Access to sex + drive to get sex = driver of civilization
No access to sex (sexual liberation) + no drive to get sex (masturbation to porn etc) = downfall of civilization

blackpill + porn = incel mindset (rational, unempathetic, asymetrical to civilization in other words)
bluepill + porn or +no porn = betabuxx mindset (irrational, empathetic, symetrical to civilization)
blackpill + no porn = rational, empathetic, symetrical to civilization

(porn/no porn used synonymously to having or not having drive to get sex)

declining health probably amplifies the anti dopaminic/anti civilitory state that follows fapping, evident by the fact that wanking of 4 times a day hardly stops a teenager from continuing his life normally

blackpill = post nut reality, void of the "magic" (chemical processes in your brain that make you want to ****)

you are welcome to replace the cringe incel vocabulary with a better one

Personal anecdote: The chads I know do on average far worse career and academia-wise than the non chads, despite having lookism advantage. Same in your experience?
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Jan 6, 2019
there is a difference between supremacy and exceptionalism. The former is more physically dangerous and the latter more existentially dangerous.
Like here. Suggesting that "whites outperform other races". You might now mount a defense about how this is true.
Your position is impossible to reconcile:

A) white exceptionalism is an existential threat
B) whites don't outperform other races

You have to pick one. You can't simultaneously argue that white exceptionalism is an existential treat and deny that whites outperform other reaces. Riddle me this: how could white exceptionialism be an existential threat if whites performed poorly? How could white supremacism be a threat if whites were not superior to begin with?

Black supremacism, asian supremacism and latino supremacism aren't deemed as severe threats as white supremacy.


Surely there has to be a reason.

I can't come up with any other explanation than that deep down everyone knows whites to be the most capable race. Is there any other logical explanation?

Would it be reasonable to expect people to have sympathy for the superiority of a superior race? Jews have been vastly successful everywhere they have gone, and this has only resulted in fear and hatred from others. Why would white exceptionalism cause a different reaction?

I encounter white supremacism (and exceptionalism) by being white mainly. I grew up in a lower middle class middle American setting. It was literally all around me as a child and wide open. All white school in the suburbs. One black kid showed up in middle school. Lasted for a few days, transferred out. Two Koreans (siblings). Both exceedingly good looking, athletic, and smart. They were liked and popular to a degree. But they couldn't get a date either of them. That was it for POC. One openly gay kid whose life was a living nightmare (actually he denied it, but it was undeniable and he came out later).
Is demographic homogenity racial supremacism? Is having an ingroup preference for dating racial supremacism? Not at all. All of this has little to do with supremacism of any kind. This is mere innocent biologically driven racialism: blacks like to mingle with other blacks, whites with other whites, latinos with latinos, and so on. I doubt you'd be calling black schools in Detroit examples of black supremacism.

Because if you met me in public, you would think I would agree with you.
I don't want you to agree with me, I can talk to people who agree with me anytime I desire. Finding people who are willing to explain why they disagree with me is a rarity. That is what I'd like you to do.
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Jun 19, 2014
Your position is impossible to reconcile:

A) white exceptionalism is an existential threat
B) whites don't outperform other races

You have to pick one. You can't simultaneously argue that white exceptionalism is an existential treat and deny that whites outperform other reaces. Riddle me this: how could white exceptionialism be an existential threat if whites performed poorly? How could white supremacism be a threat if whites were not superior to begin with?

Black supremacism, asian supremacism and latino supremacism aren't deemed as severe threats as white supremacy.


Surely there has to be a reason.

I can't come up with any other explanation than that deep down everyone knows whites to be the most capable race. Is there any other logical explanation?

Would it be reasonable to expect people to have sympathy for the superiority of a superior race? Jews have been vastly successful everywhere they have gone, and this has only resulted in fear and hatred from others. Why would white exceptionalism cause a different reaction?

Is demographic homogenity racial supremacism? Is having an ingroup preference for dating racial supremacism? Not at all. All of this has little to do with supremacism of any kind. This is mere innocent biologically driven racialism: blacks like to mingle with other blacks, whites with other whites, latinos with latinos, and so on. I doubt you'd be calling black schools in Detroit examples of black supremacism.

I don't want you to agree with me, I can talk to people who agree with me anytime I desire. Finding people who are willing to explain why they disagree with me is a rarity. That is what I'd like you to do.
You misunderstood: the silly fantasy of white exceptionalism is an existential threat. To its believers as well as its objects.

Your lack of self-awareness is itself a manifestation of privilege.


Jan 6, 2019
You misunderstood: the silly fantasy of white exceptionalism is an existential threat. To its believers as well as its objects.
No it is exactly what I am asking: why is the notion of white exceptionalism an existential threat, whereas exceptionalist and supremacistic sentiments from other races are not?
Your lack of self-awareness is itself a manifestation of privilege.
This doesn't really mean anything.

One of the sweetest ironies in the realm of modern politics is that white supremacists are less white than anti-racists and anti-fascists. Whereas /pol/ meetups are surprisingly diverse (, are Antifa mugshots mostly white (

To be so empathetic as to unconditionally march in behalf of the wellbeing of other races -- that is privilege. That is exceptionalism. Privilege and exceptionalism are just different names for the same phenomenon. Only one is branded as a negative trait, whereas the other a positive. Such is the power of language.


Jun 19, 2014
No it is exactly what I am asking: why is the notion of white exceptionalism an existential threat, whereas exceptionalist and supremacistic sentiments from other races are not?

This doesn't really mean anything.

One of the sweetest ironies in the realm of modern politics is that white supremacists are less white than anti-racists and anti-fascists. Whereas /pol/ meetups are surprisingly diverse (, are Antifa mugshots mostly white (

To be so empathetic as to unconditionally march in behalf of the wellbeing of other races -- that is privilege. That is exceptionalism. Privilege and exceptionalism are just different names for the same phenomenon. Only one is branded as a negative trait, whereas the other a positive. Such is the power of language.
I don't know of another "race" that claims exceptionalism.


Jan 6, 2019
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Jun 19, 2014
What a disappointing cop-out, just to avoid facing your own dissonance. Hint: every race thinks they are special.
No. Races don't "think". People do. And no people have advanced the argument of any other race being superior so far as I know. Nor any country. "American exceptionalism" is also an anomaly.


Jun 19, 2014
Semantics, the next strategy in line to help you avoid having to face your own dissonance.

If you're not willing to take this conversation seriously, just say so.
If you don't care to give a tangible example supporting your point, you are clearly looking for a way out.


Jan 6, 2019
If you don't care to give a tangible example supporting your point, you are clearly looking for a way out.
I already gave you several two posts ago.



Jan 6, 2019
Yeah, except we were talking about exceptionalism. Not centrism or supremacy. And you yourself are the one that introduced the notion that those are different from exceptionalism.
Perhaps the nuances of the word may be lost on me? To me the word implies qualities that make the subject special, unlike others, in a positive sense. Thus quite interchangeable with superiority and centrism. Am I mistaken?



Oct 2, 2018
I don't know of another "race" that claims exceptionalism.

I call BS.

You have become poisoned by political correctness and the current liberal narratives running around. You need to really clear out your brain of all this BS and see reality for how it is.


Jun 19, 2014
I call BS.

You have become poisoned by political correctness and the current liberal narratives running around. You need to really clear out your brain of all this BS and see reality for how it is.
Really? And how is that?
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