Shedding from covid injected to non-injected thread per request



Dec 11, 2020
Email exchange between myself and Dr. Peter McCullough in October 2021. Since then, more information has come to light such as the permanent incorporation of mrna into dna and subsequent opinions that this could go way beyond just 4 weeks post injection.

My email to Dr, McCullough:

Hi Dr. McCullough. I am moving to Florida next week and associating with another attorney there, also barred in NY. WE are immersed in efforts- these last few weeks with DOE employees and healthcare workers in NY- atrocious. How are you ? Will still be circling back with you on some cases, the latest is for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also wanted to ask your input re this:

My family lives in Atlanta, GA through which I will be driving and have not seen them in 4 -5 years - depending upon the person. The plan is to stop and visit for a few hours with them outdoors on a covered patio. They are all indoctrinated and my parents and perhaps sister in law have just received booster shots October 4. My plan would put me there on October 15- about 11 days after they received the boosters. Information I have gotten advised that the first two weeks post -shot is the most dangerous to others due to the shedding. I wanted to ask your input on this, even though we will be outside on a patio and I will maintain distance and will not hug or kiss or touch any of them, if you think this is risky notwithstanding- to be around them for a few hours under those circumstances? In light of the work i am doing and the move I am making, I especially do not want to take an unnecessary risk right as I begin anew. I would rather wait and visit when more time has passed for them post- shots if it is safer for me. I also have experienced effects from whatever is shedding. After switching to an unvaccinated chiropractor at the end of August and staying away from injected people as much as possible, I had my first normal cycle this last month in 5 months-- i had been bleeding every two weeks and experiencing severe disruption for the 5 previous months- i know why. Grateful for your input on this - thank you!!!

Dr. McCullough's response:


No close contact, kissing, or sexual contact with a vaxxed person for 4 weeks after the shot. Other that that should be OK.

thanks Dr,. McCullough. Wow - my poor niece and nephew who are steeped in this with their parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles etc. They are constantly being kissed and hugged and touched by 20 different injected adults. Is the 4-week concept from a study? I also know we discussed the possibility that the issue is permanent or has that not been shown to be unlikely?
Dr. M;


2 weeks of circulating Spike after first shot and we infer more in secretions after second shot. See attached.



  • Ogata Spike Circulates for Long time after Injection IDSA Sep 2021.pdf
    780.7 KB · Views: 35

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Do you know anything about this case? I haven't heard any updates on it since this was published

Here is an example. I am currently investigating a group of 4 girls in a military academy that have been on strict lockdown since January 2020. They are only allowed to socialize in their tiny cohort and live in a 4-bed dormitory. None of the girls had COVID-19 in the past nor have tested positive for antibodies. One of the girls opted to get the Pfizer mRNA vaccine due to pressure from her parents. Within 45 minutes of receiving the injection, she returned to the dorm feeling unwell, and had to lay down. Within 24 hours, 2 of her roommates spiked fevers. One of them had additional respiratory symptoms consisting of shortness of breath and dry cough, and the other, headaches and extremity pain. These symptoms persisted for 5-6 days. On day 7 one of the non-vaccinated girls presented with a full-blown shingles outbreak, and the other with chest pains and acute leg pain, warranting a visit to the emergency department. She was later diagnosed with pericarditis and a blood clot in her leg.


Jan 25, 2014

No close contact, kissing, or sexual contact with a vaxxed person for 4 weeks after the shot. Other that that should be OK.

thanks Dr,. McCullough. Wow - my poor niece and nephew who are steeped in this with their parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles etc. They are constantly being kissed and hugged and touched by 20 different injected adults. Is the 4-week concept from a study? I also know we discussed the possibility that the issue is permanent or has that not been shown to be unlikely?
Dr. M;


2 weeks of circulating Spike after first shot and we infer more in secretions after second shot. See attached.

If you read the attached study, I think you would come to the conclusion that the alleged "Spike Protein" is no threat to anyone who hasn't taken the shot (via shedding), and probably isn't even a threat to those that have taken the shot (which does not rule out other mechanisms of damage).

This is a small study of healthcare workers, with only 13 participants. Of note, 2 never had ANY detectable level of this alleged "Spike Protein." The 11 that did only showed detectable levels for two weeks after the first shot. They were measured after the second shot, and I think only one had any detectable levels. So, McCullough is wrong to infer more after the second shot, because it wasn't shown.

Since they were healthcare workers, it's quite possible something else in the environment they worked in stimulated these levels of "Spike Protein."

So really, it can't even definitatively show that the shots cause anyone to make this "Spike Protein," even though that is the claim of how they are supposed to work.

However, if you go to the graph, it shows that the maximum amount of detectable S1 is about 70 picograms per milliliter of plasma. Since a picogram is one trillionth of a gram, that would be 0.00000000007 grams, or 0.00000007 milligrams of S1, or Spike Protein. If we multiply this number by 5000 (the number of milliliters of blood in the body), we get a grand total of 0.00035 milligrams of S1 or Spike Protein total in the entire body of someone who is vaxxed. Is 0.00035 milligrams really enough to affect anything?

Now, as for shedding, it would be an order of magnitude lower than this, unless that person dumps all 5 liters of their blood on you at once (which is an unlikely occurance). It would probably be in the thousands or more, but let's just use and order of magnitude of 10. Do you really think that 0.000035 milligrams of this so called "Spike Protein" is enough to cause any noticeable symptoms in someone who hasn't taken the vax?

I think McCullogh's recommendations are overly cautious (which itself is wise). I think there might be other reasons to avoid intimate contact for a couple weeks or so with anyone who has taken the demonvax, but I just don't see how 0.00035 milligrams of "Spike Protein" is going to be a threat to anyone.

As a comparison, Fentanyl has the potential to be lethal in minute quantities. But even then the risk is usually around 700-1000 micrograms, or 0.7 to 1 milligrams. 25 micrograms (or 0.025 milligrams) is what they use to knock people out for surgery. We are talking doses of "Spike Protein," which even at potential peak production in the vaxxed, are still an order of magnitude 1000 times smaller (.00035 milligrams is 0.035 micrograms).
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Dec 11, 2020


Dec 11, 2020
Transferring from another thread:

That's absolutely fine Ms Advocate and I'm not calling your credentials in to question. Indeed I wondered if you might have been able to cross examine some corporate law dogma I extracted from some flat cap wearing old boys partnered at a rather prestigious London firm.

However, thus far in the other thread there's no evidence for contention you've asserted and stood firm in here.

See you there :D
Last thing here- you not only suggested that death due to shedding was implausible but, at least per my interpretation, that shedding itself was not plausible based upon your own experiences? if i am wrong correct me. Thus, establishing that there is indeed shedding (which is what i am doing) is relevant. even without post mortem studies, if using deductive reasoning (which many juries do), one could infer that it is possible that someone could die from shedding effects based upon what we know the spike protein and other components can do to people. if non-injected people are receiving these components though shedding, then they would be subjected to all of the effects that have already been established in the injected.


Dec 11, 2020
If you read the attached study, I think you would come to the conclusion that the alleged "Spike Protein" is no threat to anyone who hasn't taken the shot (via shedding), and probably isn't even a threat to those that have taken the shot (which does not rule out other mechanisms of damage).

This is a small study of healthcare workers, with only 13 participants. Of note, 2 never had ANY detectable level of this alleged "Spike Protein." The 11 that did only showed detectable levels for two weeks after the first shot. They were measured after the second shot, and I think only one had any detectable levels. So, McCullough is wrong to infer more after the second shot, because it wasn't shown.

Since they were healthcare workers, it's quite possible something else in the environment they worked in stimulated these levels of "Spike Protein."

So really, it can't even definitatively show that the shots cause anyone to make this "Spike Protein," even though that is the claim of how they are supposed to work.

However, if you go to the graph, it shows that the maximum amount of detectable S1 is about 70 picograms per milliliter of plasma. Since a picogram is one trillionth of a gram, that would be 0.00000000007 grams, or 0.00000007 milligrams of S1, or Spike Protein. If we multiply this number by 5000 (the number of milliliters of blood in the body), we get a grand total of 0.00035 milligrams of S1 or Spike Protein total in the entire body of someone who is vaxxed. Is 0.00035 milligrams really enough to affect anything?

Now, as for shedding, it would be an order of magnitude lower than this, unless that person dumps all 5 liters of their blood on you at once (which is an unlikely occurance). It would probably be in the thousands or more, but let's just use and order of magnitude of 10. Do you really think that 0.000035 milligrams of this so called "Spike Protein" is enough to cause any noticeable symptoms in someone who hasn't taken the vax?

I think McCullogh's recommendations are overly cautious (which itself is wise). I think there might be other reasons to avoid intimate contact for a couple weeks or so with anyone who has taken the demonvax, but I just don't see how 0.00035 milligrams of "Spike Protein" is going to be a threat to anyone.

As a comparison, Fentanyl has the potential to be lethal in minute quantities. But even then the risk is usually around 700-1000 micrograms, or 0.7 to 1 milligrams. 25 micrograms (or 0.025 milligrams) is what they use to knock people out for surgery. We are talking doses of "Spike Protein," which even at potential peak production in the vaxxed, are still an order of magnitude 1000 times smaller (.00035 milligrams is 0.035 micrograms).
if you arent a lawyer, you would make a good one- great analytical skills.

I am adding more and more to this thread and already did a Dr. M update post dating this correspondence in 10/21 upon which you comment. it established some basics of the concep;t but much more has evolved in the last year plus and i am still adding here. i will be adding more recent and extreme things shortly. But I started with basics demonstrating that shedding is a real concept. This is how we do it with juries, incrementally so as to ease them into it; otherwise they get completely overwhelmed and this can work against the premise we want them to conclude.


Jan 25, 2014
Transferring from another thread:

Last thing here- you not only suggested that death due to shedding was implausible but, at least per my interpretation, that shedding itself was not plausible based upon your own experiences? if i am wrong correct me. Thus, establishing that there is indeed shedding (which is what i am doing) is relevant. even without post mortem studies, if using deductive reasoning (which many juries do), one could infer that it is possible that someone could die from shedding effects based upon what we know the spike protein and other components can do to people. if non-injected people are receiving these components though shedding, then they would be subjected to all of the effects that have already been established in the injected.
Based on the numbers I quoted out of the study posted earlier in this thread, I think the idea that the idea that shedding of the "Spike Protein" in amounts to cause any sort of symptom (including a minor one, like a cough) is implausible. Let alone be potentially lethal.

Add to that anything that is claimed about the "Spike Protein" is either from a recombinant (aka synthetic) version created in a lab, or done via computer model. All the ones using the synthetic version are in vitro studies, so even if it is an actual representation of some natural protein, the in vitro effects wouldn't necessarily have any sort of in vivo effects in a living organism.


Dec 11, 2020
Based on the numbers I quoted out of the study posted earlier in this thread, I think the idea that the idea that shedding of the "Spike Protein" in amounts to cause any sort of symptom (including a minor one, like a cough) is implausible. Let alone be potentially lethal.

Add to that anything that is claimed about the "Spike Protein" is either from a recombinant (aka synthetic) version created in a lab, or done via computer model. All the ones using the synthetic version are in vitro studies, so even if it is an actual representation of some natural protein, the in vitro effects wouldn't necessarily have any sort of in vivo effects in a living organism.
Furthermore, you are hyper focused on a single study without putting it in context. I have included many other items here thus far and will be including many more. one study in isolation is not a basis for an entire case. the study establishes the concept - it was just one grain of salt and your analysis, although intelligent, is not dispositive on the entire premise. more to come, look at all the evidence jury member.


Dec 11, 2020
The information and science is constantly evolving. Recent update by Dr. McCullough:

@tankasnowgod, this latest explanation by Dr. McCullough over a year later from the email and attached study i disclosed, with referenced studies, i would be very interested in you looking at and i believe counter your conclusions based upon the single older study. I am including the history to provide all data but the more recent items are now more salient as more time and knowledge has been garnered. you cannot draw conclusions from a single study conducted over a year ago; many more are emerging and this latest december interview and referenced studies in the interview are where we are at this week, We have evolved.


Jan 25, 2014
Furthermore, you are hyper focused on a single study without putting it in context. I have included many other items here thus far and will be including many more. one study in isolation is not a basis for an entire case. the study establishes the concept - it was just one grain of salt and your analysis, although intelligent, is not dispositive on the entire premise. more to come, look at all the evidence jury member.
It's literally the only thing that attempts to measure this alleged "Spike Protein." Therefore, it's really the only one worth looking at, in regards to worries about shedding the "Spike Protein."

All three links in the OP reference a single study, and that study measured antibodies, not spike protein. So, that study (presented multiple times) is irrelevant.


Jan 25, 2014
@tankasnowgod, this latest explanation by Dr. McCullough over a year later from the email and attached study i disclosed, with referenced studies, i would be very interested in you looking at and i believe counter your conclusions based upon the single older study. I am including the history to provide all data but the more recent items are now more salient as more time and knowledge has been garnered. you cannot draw conclusions from a single study conducted over a year ago; many more are emerging and this latest december interview and referenced studies in the interview are where we are at this week, We have evolved.
Again, these two papers (one isn't a study) do nothing to prove shedding of "Spike Protein."

This paper, which McCullogh references, isn't a study. A cursory look will confirm that-

It provides zero evidence, and does nothing to prove shedding one way or another. It's pure speculation.

The following study does nothing to prove "shedding," either.

It's measuring mRNA in those that have been vaccinated, and using the unvaccinated as controls. Completely irrelevant to the idea of proving shedding.


Dec 11, 2020
Again, these two papers (one isn't a study) do nothing to prove shedding of "Spike Protein."

This paper, which McCullogh references, isn't a study. A cursory look will confirm that-

It provides zero evidence, and does nothing to prove shedding one way or another. It's pure speculation.

The following study does nothing to prove "shedding," either.

It's measuring mRNA in those that have been vaccinated, and using the unvaccinated as controls. Completely irrelevant to the idea of proving shedding.
Ill have to analyze more specifically when more at leisure but I very much trust and respect both Dr. Peat who has discussed shedding continuously and Dr. McCullough who has a 300 page resume ( i have it) and over 1000 peer reviewed publication. They both disagree with your contention that there is no established shedding and that it could not cause adverse events for non injected people. i myself shared my own experience - bleeding every two weeks for 5 months with periods so painful a few times i could not walk. this is no joke. And, per my email to Dr. Mccullough this coincided exactly with exposure to freshly injected people touching me and breathing on me. My body and innate knowing are my best evidence and i know shedding is real no matter what studies you critique. but please keep it up tankasnowgod- you are helping prepare me for my legal battles!


Jun 18, 2016
My husband got Moderna and my leg/feet went numb after intimacy.
Something was transferred thorough fluid, but I view it as a venomous bite.
If you ever have been bitten by a snake, poisonous spider, or wasp type of feeling.
It is not the same as having the shots.

Ivm. and lots of other things listed previously really help.

Why do I think this, 1) it went away and 2) I know over 40 people who have died since being vaccinated (mostly over 65 through church) and I know no one unvaccinated who has died and 3) they would not keep pushing the shots if they vaccinated everyone through transmission.

Any "expert" in the public eye (including those on the unvaccinated side) did not get put there randomly. Bobby Kennedy, Mike Adams, Peter McC., etc.

Ray Peat would never be on Fox news or Breitbart, etc. because he was not part of their club.

My opinion is they are starting with this theme, so people are not as upset when their family and friends die.
They are selling they would have killed you, so it is best that they are gone (this is not how I feel, just how I think they are going to spin the narrative)
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Oct 23, 2018
Again, these two papers (one isn't a study) do nothing to prove shedding of "Spike Protein."

This paper, which McCullogh references, isn't a study. A cursory look will confirm that-

It provides zero evidence, and does nothing to prove shedding one way or another. It's pure speculation.

The following study does nothing to prove "shedding," either.

It's measuring mRNA in those that have been vaccinated, and using the unvaccinated as controls. Completely irrelevant to the idea of proving shedding.
What are your thoughts regarding unvaccinated women who have had abnormal menstrual cycles and other complications since the shots were rolled out?

Every unvaccinated woman at my Gf's work, who were willing to talk about it, all claimed to be experiencing abnormal cycles and other issues since the introduction of these shots. 30-40% of the workforce there is vaccinated.

My unvaccinated gf is still dealing with these issues unfortunately. And she is definitely not alone.

What do you think is causing this? Women worldwide have had these issues since the shots began to be administered.
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Jul 17, 2021
Email exchange between myself and Dr. Peter McCullough in October 2021. Since then, more information has come to light such as the permanent incorporation of mrna into dna and subsequent opinions that this could go way beyond just 4 weeks post injection.

My email to Dr, McCullough:

Hi Dr. McCullough. I am moving to Florida next week and associating with another attorney there, also barred in NY. WE are immersed in efforts- these last few weeks with DOE employees and healthcare workers in NY- atrocious. How are you ? Will still be circling back with you on some cases, the latest is for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also wanted to ask your input re this:

My family lives in Atlanta, GA through which I will be driving and have not seen them in 4 -5 years - depending upon the person. The plan is to stop and visit for a few hours with them outdoors on a covered patio. They are all indoctrinated and my parents and perhaps sister in law have just received booster shots October 4. My plan would put me there on October 15- about 11 days after they received the boosters. Information I have gotten advised that the first two weeks post -shot is the most dangerous to others due to the shedding. I wanted to ask your input on this, even though we will be outside on a patio and I will maintain distance and will not hug or kiss or touch any of them, if you think this is risky notwithstanding- to be around them for a few hours under those circumstances? In light of the work i am doing and the move I am making, I especially do not want to take an unnecessary risk right as I begin anew. I would rather wait and visit when more time has passed for them post- shots if it is safer for me. I also have experienced effects from whatever is shedding. After switching to an unvaccinated chiropractor at the end of August and staying away from injected people as much as possible, I had my first normal cycle this last month in 5 months-- i had been bleeding every two weeks and experiencing severe disruption for the 5 previous months- i know why. Grateful for your input on this - thank you!!!

Dr. McCullough's response:


No close contact, kissing, or sexual contact with a vaxxed person for 4 weeks after the shot. Other that that should be OK.

thanks Dr,. McCullough. Wow - my poor niece and nephew who are steeped in this with their parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles etc. They are constantly being kissed and hugged and touched by 20 different injected adults. Is the 4-week concept from a study? I also know we discussed the possibility that the issue is permanent or has that not been shown to be unlikely?
Dr. M;


2 weeks of circulating Spike after first shot and we infer more in secretions after second shot. See attached.


As Dr. McCullough said, it’s that two weeks timeframe where they appear to be shedding their spikes, or whatever toxins they are shedding. I‘ve said it before on the forum, but I feel strongly that I must have been exposed to someone this past summer, who was either newly vaccinated or freshly boosted, whilst standing in a line. My immunity, for 2.5 years was great. Fortunately, my effects only lasted only a few weeks, but they were not normal effects. There was no “social distancing” at that particular place.

I also believe they are shedding in that timeframe, every time they get boosted or flu vaccinated. I STILL social distance because you never know who has been vaccinated, boosted of flu jabbed. Or Paxlovid-ed.

If you take ANY government sanction “solution” injected into your body, you are going to shed those said toxins.


Dec 11, 2020
What are your thoughts regarding unvaccinated women who have had abnormal menstrual cycles and other complications since the shots were rolled out?

Every unvaccinated woman at my Gf's work, who were willing to talk about it, all claimed to be experiencing abnormal cycles and other issues since the introduction of these shots. 30-40% of the workforce there is vaccinated.

My unvaccinated gf is still dealing with these issues unfortunately. And she is definitely not alone.

What do you think is causing this? Women worldwide have had these issues since the shots began to be administered.
Thank you so much for sharing and I too, per my sharing on this thread, experienced profound effects to my menstrual cycles as also articulated by many thousands, may be hundreds of thousands of women, across the world. My Cycle Story: A Research Study


Dec 11, 2020
As Dr. McCullough said, it’s that two weeks timeframe where they appear to be shedding their spikes, or whatever toxins they are shedding. I‘ve said it before on the forum, but I feel strongly that I must have been exposed to someone this past summer, who was either newly vaccinated or freshly boosted, whilst standing in a line. My immunity, for 2.5 years was great. Fortunately, my effects only lasted only a few weeks, but they were not normal effects. There was no “social distancing” at that particular place.

I also believe they are shedding in that timeframe, every time they get boosted or flu vaccinated. I STILL social distance because you never know who has been vaccinated, boosted of flu jabbed. Or Paxlovid-ed.

If you take ANY government sanction “solution” injected into your body, you are going to shed those said toxins.
Thank you and per the December 1 article and interview with Dr. McCullough posted above, he has expanded his views, opined the possibility that the shedding could be permanent and revised his recommendation to avoidance for 90 days minimum. in light of the possibility of permanence, he said may go beyond that.
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